Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 29: Quota

The sea of ​​blood is surging, covering the sky, and the terrible power is surging, surging in all directions.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Zongyuan rushed away, and Hei Yanlin faced the endless bombardment of the blood sea frenzy and had to gather strength to resist.

Before this move, Chen Zong used it to stop and block a strong and powerful person who entered the sacred realm. Although Hei Yanlin's strength is strong and there are many means, he is not a true sacred realm after all. You have to do your best to resist.

However, although the endless power of the Blood Sea is not weak, it is not enough to want to hurt Hei Yanlin.

Chen Zong does not need to be injured, as long as he can stay for a while.

Leaving far away, wiping away the trace of breath, making Hei Yanlin more difficult to chase.

After not being aware of the crisis, Chen Zongfang returned Shengshali to Shura's avatar, and he immediately felt tingling all over his body. It seemed to be tied by countless needles, which was uncomfortable.

Running Taiyuan Mo Yungong relieves this pain and load, gradually relieves, and then disappears.

Consuming a lot of power gradually recovered.

The heaven and earth elements here are more than twice as rich and pure as the Xuanming Realm. With the full operation of Taiyuan Moyun, the recovery speed is faster.

After a period of time, Chen Zong's strength was fully restored, but he also improved a bit, and his strength was faintly improved.

Next, Chen Zong's actions were more cautious, while hunting for monsters and hunting, while avoiding those powerful Tianjiao. Although Chen Zong wanted to fight with them, even if he lost, it was not important, but it was about Xuan Yuan. The holy congregation cannot tolerate, but can only forgive temporarily.

Forbearance accumulates itself, refines itself, and waits for the moment to erupt.

The number of beasts in the ring is constantly increasing, and the points are constantly rising.

The third day!

Fourth day!

Chen Zong has accumulated more than two thousand points.

Of course, if it wasn't for killing the high-level black bear monster and successfully obtaining the beast dan, Chen Zong's current points are just breaking the thousand, breaking the thousand and breaking the two thousand, then there are two concepts.

"More than two thousand points, I don't know if I can be in the top thirty?" Chen Zong secretly said.

Without a clear reference target, Chen Zong cannot be sure, but no matter what, he can only make continuous efforts to obtain as many points as possible from the Beast Dan and complete this state race with higher points. May win one of thirty places.

Fifth day!

Time passed slowly, and there were only three hours left.

"Dead!" Chen Zongyi sword was shot through the air, and a pseudo-high-level monster was beheaded to kill him.

"More than two thousand and four hundred points, time is running out, continue to hunt." Chen Zong's eyes flashed, and said secretly.

However, the number of monsters in this area is actually limited, after all, it was limited by the powerful men in Tianyun Prefecture.

Every time you kill a head, you reduce it by one and you don't increase it.

For the next three hours, Chen Zong did not find a few monsters to kill.

Suddenly, a terrible breath locked Chen Zong away and approached it quickly. The breath was deep and immense and boundless, and he immediately brought indescribable pressure.

"It's strong!" Chen Zong's pupils shrank like a needle. This breath was not weaker than the previous Hei Yanlin, and it seemed to be a little stronger.

"Time is almost over, it is not appropriate to fight." Chen Zong secretly said, turning without hesitation, casting the streamer flying shadow to the extreme, and hurried away.

"Want to escape, obediently keep the ring." A chilling voice burst into the air like a sword, and penetrated into Chen Zong's eardrum. It seemed to penetrate the eardrum and break the sea.

Chen Zong secretly was shocked. This voice contained such a terrible spiritual will shock. Generally, the semi-holy level could not resist at all, and it would be defeated in an instant.

However, in terms of soul, Chen Zong is very powerful, even with the knowledge of the sea and spiritual will, he is directly resistant to the impact of the other party ’s momentum and will, and he is safe and sound, and the speed is not reduced.

The other side was secretly shocked. Who this person was, he could resist the impact of his momentum and will.

However, this person's speed is extremely fast, and he is better than Chen Zong. He is constantly getting closer, and the amazing coercion and persecution comes, which makes Chen Zong feel a little trembling.

I am afraid that only the strength of Shura's avatar can be used to counter it, but it is estimated that it cannot be defeated. Moreover, the borrowing of the power of Shura's avatar will cause a considerable load on himself. The longer the load, the greater the load.

As a last resort, Chen Zong didn't want to borrow.

It's close!

The man continued to persecute, only five kilometers away from Chen Zong.

For ordinary people, five kilometers may be quite far away, but for high-end semi-holy geniuses, five kilometers is nothing at all, and they can fly by in a blink of an eye.

Four kilometers!

Three kilometers!

Two kilometers!

One thousand!

The closer and closer the pressure, the more serious Chen Zong's face was.

"Stop for me!" The low-drink sounded an astonishing chill. Immediately, the palm of his hand was slashed in the sky, and a terrible forest cold knife light broke out of the void, rushing to the extreme. The relentless bombardment of Chen Zong seemed to cut him off.

Chen Zong's back was cold, and he felt split.

The figure swings out of the sheath with a sword.

Burst of blood!

A tyrannical sword was killed, and the blood light exploded and exploded, sending out an astonishing power, and blasted at that fierce sword light.

Suddenly, the blood light shook and shattered away, but also blocked that knife light, Chen Zong flew without speed reduction.

Five hundred meters!

The distance is closer.

Knife cut off water!

The blade of light and snow is bright and cold, across the sky, like a stream of light blooming from the sky, like the sun, the endless magic of Vientiane.

The power of this knife is more than twice as strong as the one cut by the vertical palm, which caused Chen Zong's back to be cold and his hair covered with sweat.

Clouds of smoke and rain!

The strongest sword was cast, and the sword light disappeared. It was filled with smoke, like a torrent of rain, and like a cloud of billowing billows.

Barely blocking the knife, Chen Zong felt a terrible shock of force coming. At the same time when blood was surging, Chen Zong also used the knife's terrible power to fly backwards instantly and distance him again.

"Do I have to borrow the power of Shura's avatar again?" Chen Zong flew back, watching his opponent approaching with a knife, and his heart sank slightly.

"Everyone's attention, when the time of the state race is over, immediately go to Yunhuang Dize to calculate the results without delay." A grand and low-pitched voice suddenly sounded, like a thunderous thunder that opened in the heavens and earth. Individual ears.

"It's your luck." The man who chased Chen Zong with a knife suddenly smiled coldly, turned, and flew away toward Yunhuang Daze.

Chen Zong also used his body skills to quickly move out of Yunhuang Daze, and did not know if he could win one of the thirty places with his more than 2,500 points.


It depends on the situation now, maybe, maybe not.

Every passing figure flew quickly, and quickly went out of Yunhuang Daze. Chen Zong met Sima Huanyu again. When Sima Huanyu saw Chen Zong, his face was cold, his eyes shot out to the extreme cold, it seemed that Chen Zong would penetrate through .

Chen Zong just glanced at Sima Huanyu and ignored them. Now, Sima Huanyu is no longer regarded as his opponent.

Although Sima Huanyu's strength is very strong, he could completely suppress himself before that, but after that battle, Chen Zong fought against the stronger ones, his vision was broadened, and his own strength was further enhanced.

Of course, Chen Zong will not despise Sima Huanyu, because the other party is peerless.

Upon arriving at the Yunhuang Daze exit, Chen Zong also encountered Hei Yanlin.

Hei Yanlin's eyes seemed to be burning with a terrible black flame, as if to turn Chen Zong into ashes. The anger and murderousness in it were clearly visible to others.

Being stared at by Hei Yanlin, Chen Zong could not help feeling a little pressure.

"You better hope that you won't pass the state race." Hei Yanlin's voice was extremely cold, containing an astonishing force and threatening Chen Zong directly.

Chen Zong heard the words, but only smiled a little, without fear to face each other.

Pass the state race!

Of course, but there is a half chance, Chen Zong must win for himself, a peerless arrogant, although strong, much stronger than himself now, but not enough to be his own obstacle.

The total number of Tianjiao who entered Yunhuang Daze was 180, but Chen Zong found that there were less than 180, but 162, out of Yunze Daze, in other words, Eighteen have been eliminated before.

Maybe it is in danger of being unable to defeat the enemy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can only use tokens to save their lives and give up.

"Now, take out all the beasts in your ring." A strong man said.

Suddenly, 162 Tianjiao took out the beast dan inside the Na ring and piled it in front of themselves, and at a glance, they could see who would be eliminated because of the wide gap.

In front of some Tianjiao, the Beast Dan is like a small hill, but there are not many beast Dans stacked in front of Some Tianjiao, only a few dozen.

The Tianjiao people who had few beasts had a gloomy look, because they knew very well that they had no chance and had to eliminate them.

And those Tianjiao who have a lot of beasts, some of them are bland and confident, while others show a smile.

As if the quota is coming soon.

Chen Zong took a deep breath, his own animal beast was not small, but not a lot, but there was a high-level first-level monster beast bee worth one thousand points, so it is not good to judge whether he can finally get one of the places .

"Yangquan, 5,520 points."

"Hei Yanze, 5,521 points."

"Ye Xuan said, 5,558 points."

The consciousness of a strong man swept by, and immediately converted the beast of the crowd into points, which was extremely accurate and reported one by one.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the points owned by Yang Quan, Hei Yanze and Ye Yidao.

How many points I have, I know very well. Compared with more than 5,000 points, the gap is too big.

Chen Zong's heart sank slightly.

As for the points that the three have, they are very close. The difference is only one point and two points. For them, there is no such thing as a high or low point, and there is no half relationship between strength and weakness. nt

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