Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 30: Last place

Everyone was shocked by the points scored by Yangquan, Hei Yanze, and Ye Xuandao. Immediately, the strongman began to announce the points earned by others, but he only seemed to announce that he had won 30 places in the state competition. Of points.

The fourth, named Yang Feng, is from the same family as Yangquan. The points earned are more than 4,200 points, which is more than 1,000 points less than the three peerless Tianjiao. The gap is obvious.

The fifth point is more than 4,100 points, which is closer to Yangfeng.


the seventh!

The eighth!


The tenth!

Four hundred and one hundred points!

Four thousand dozen points!

More than 3,900 points!

More than 3,800 points!

More than 3,700 points!

The further down, the fewer points, but more than three thousand, it is amazing.

Many people are frustrated because they feel that the quota is hopeless, and some are nervous and are not sure whether they can get the quota.



With fewer and fewer unannounced places, Chen Zong could not help but take a deep breath.

Twenty places.

The number of points for the 20th place person is as high as 3,000.

Among those twenty people, the fierce phoenix king Feng Yanyan and Xuanming's son Xu Mubai were among them. In addition, the first day of Hengjiang House and the first day of Tongshan House were also among them.


Only ten places remain unannounced.

Subconsciously, some arrogant Tianjiao clenched their fists.

Hei Yanlin, who fought once with Chen Zong, was also in those 20 places, and then chased Chen Zongna ’s disciple with a long knife, also named Dragon Cutter.

The twenty-first place.

Zhao Xingkong earned more than 2,900 points.

It can be found that Zhao Xingkong breathed a sigh of relief, and his clenched left hand also spread out.

As the second-day arrogance of Shanliufu, if it is not possible to get a place, it will be a shame.

Immediately, the second day of Hengjiang Prefecture and Tongshan Prefecture won places.

The twenty-fourth place was won by Xuanming Yu on the second day.

After getting the quota, Chen Zong found that Jian Lingxiao's tight eyebrows slightly loosened in an instant.

Quotas are crucial.

If you get a place, it means you can enter the road race. If you can't get a place, it means you don't have a place in the road race.

Daosai is the key stop to participate in the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

Chen Zong found that he couldn't help but feel nervous. It was a matter of great importance.

25th place!

Twenty-sixth place!

Twenty-seventh place!

Obtained by Tianjiao of Shanliufu, Hengjiangfu and Tongshanfu respectively.

The 28th place and the 29th place were obtained by Tianjiao native Tianjiao respectively.

Only the last place left.

Whenever Tianjiao felt that he was expected to get a place, his breathing became quicker.

Chen Zong took a deep subconscious breath and clenched his fists.

Thirtieth place!

Only the last place is left, but I don't know whose points will be announced?

"The thirtieth person ..." announced the strong man aggravated his tone, and then he took a slight pause and glanced away, which made everyone more nervous, feeling that every breath became long, and there was a hint of air Anxious breath.

"Thirtyth place ..." The strong man seemed to feel this too, deliberately teasing and repeating again, making people more nervous.

"Two thousand four hundred and fifty-two points ..." The strongman did not directly announce the name, but announced the points.

Suddenly, each look changed greatly, because the points that he owned did not seem to be 2,452 points.

Chen Zong first stunned, then revealed a touch of joy.

It seems that the points he owns are 2,452 points.

"... Chen Zong."

Two words fell, and a name came to everyone's ears, as if the final word.

The immense joy immediately rushed to Chen Zong's heart, and was excited.

I ... got a place.

Get a place as expected.

"Damn, why ... how could ..." A Tianyun Prefecture's Tianjiao suddenly lost his temper and slashed across the ground fiercely, breaking a long ditch into the ground and venting it.

The points he has are 2,451, almost, but only a little worse.

"Fan Lin." The strong man said another name, which was puzzling.

"You two get the same points." The strongman said.

Chen Zong suddenly felt two sharp eyes burst into the air, Sen Han was like a sword.

That was Fan Lin's gaze.

Fan Lin is dressed in a blue sword, with a blue scale leather sword around his waist. It seems that there is an invisible sword permeating his whole body, and his eyes are sharp and unmatched, which seems to imply a sword edge.

"The thirtieth place will be one of the two of you." The strong man said again: "Who this place belongs to is up to you."

"My name is Fan Lin, and Tianyun teaches core disciples, and places are given to me. When I owe you a favor, I can come to me if I need it later, and I will do my best for you." In order to bring enough pressure to Chen Zong in general, his tone with a bit of chill, more sharp and sharp like a sword, as if the sword came out of a sheath to kill.

There is the sharp edge of the sword, and there is also the general trend of the world.

Sharp words are like the sharpness of a sword, and they express their identity. With the help of Tianyun teaching, they are like the general situation of heaven and earth.

Compared to him, Chen Zong is nothing but a Tianjiao from outside the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

"You also practice swords, the score is high or low." Chen Zong's response was unexpectedly direct, like a scabbard-like scabbard and assassination. There was no devious way.

Why detour?

Facing this situation, Chen Zong cannot go roundabout.

Quotas are bound to win.

If you say that you have insufficient points, you can no longer help but give up. However, you have enough points to get the thirtieth place. However, some people have as many points as they have, which is equivalent to one more contender.

So, then compete, rely on your own patience and means.

Fan Lin's eyes narrowed for a moment, an irritation flashed under his eyes, and he did not give himself face.

"Very well, if you ask for a defeat, I will give you a defeat." Fan Lin smiled coldly, his words became sharper and his eyes sharpened.

In terms of words, Fan Lin did not lose at all. He must prevail and be aggressive, but this persecution has no influence on Chen Zong and does nothing.

Practice the sword, then decide the level under the sword.

The winner wins the place, and the loser is eliminated. It is straightforward and simple, and it is also in line with the practitioner.

The world of cultivators has always been weak and strong.

With the words falling down, Fan Lin took his face cold, his eyes were extremely sharp, and his splendid bursts out like cold electricity, piercing the terrible sky, and then took a step.

His steps were very straightforward, step by step, approaching Zong quickly, and his momentum continued to condense with the steps, becoming more and more sharp and amazing, and seemed to have a horror that was tearing the world.

In the eyes of everyone, Fan Lin seems to have become a sharp sword, a sharp sword that can tear the world.


Chen Zong looked dignified. This step alone brought obvious pressure to Chen Zong and was very strong.

This is a strong opponent.

However, this pressure is not as good as that of Hei Yanlin, but it has already surpassed Sima Huanyu a lot.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's strength and his fight with Sima Huanyu have improved and strengthened even more.

Unseen, Chen Zong's right hand fell on the hilt of Shen Jin's sword, his fingers were fastened, the muscles on his arm suddenly bulged like a large python turned over, and the dragon was out of the abyss, and he suddenly burst into extreme force.

Sword ... sheath!

Suddenly, a heavy golden sword light that was immensely majestic and extremely overbearing shattered a vacuum-like bombardment. Although it was just an ordinary sword, it burst out with a terrifying power that could break the mountains.

Fan Lin's expression grew colder, his eyes seemed to be cold and electric laser blasting into the sky, and his steps were more rapid. In an instant, the footsteps staggered, seeming to bring out a mysterious shadow, and even his body was pulled out of the afterimage. , Instantly avoided Chen Zongyi sword bombardment, almost meandering against the golden sword light.

The sharp sword came out of the sheath, the white sword light of the cloud seemed like the sky flowing clouds, and approached like a cross of the sea.

Chen Zong was horrified, the sword light was as high as the sky, and he had the terrible hegemony of thunder in the clouds, destroying everything through everything.

The arm twitched and the wrist turned, and the extremely heavy gilt Shen Yuejian was as light as a feather. It was an astonishingly large sword, but in the hands of Chen Zong, it was as dexterous as an embroidery needle. Hengjian blocked, two swords collided.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt a continuous soft sword with hard sword strength coming through the sword body continuously, that strength seemed to tear his arm meridian and shatter it.

Fan Lin is also uncomfortable. The strength carried by Chen Zong ’s sword is really overbearing and extremely rude, as if it was unreasonable and too savage. It made Fan Lin's face suddenly change, and he felt that his arm seemed to be damaged. Breaking down like a blast.

One sword collided, evenly matched.

"Yes, it can block me." Three steps back, Fan Lin said at the same time, his body suddenly filled with an increasingly sharp breath, as if there were countless swords bred in the body, instantly radiated, and merged into them. In the sword body, the sword tip was strong.

"Sword in the cloud!" A low drink sounded, and it was light and relaxed like a flowing cloud. It also revealed an indescribable sharpness and sharpness. A sword traced a mysterious track, as if a cloud of billowing billows, and it instantly filled Chen. Zong, within that flowing cloud, a faint looming edge swept away, approaching the moment of Chen Zong, and suddenly burst out, running through the sun and the moon.

Sword of blood!

The blood shook and pierced the sky. It was extremely fast, and he killed without hesitation.

People all retreated around, staring at the fighting Chen Zong and Fan Lin. Some looked lightly and indifferently. Although the strength of approaching Chen Zong and Fan Lin was not weak, it was not enough for them to look at them easily. You can beat.

Three or one move, that's all.

There are also those who can see their eyes twinkling, and they are also close to those who are weaker than Chen Zong and Fan Lin. There are also those who are about the same level as those who are only a few points stronger than them.

In a short span of more than ten minutes, the two have fought thousands of times, making it difficult to distinguish Xuanyuan. nt

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