Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 31: Mingyuan Road

The sky's floating clouds are undulating in all directions, like the tides, the tsunami, the storm, endless and overwhelming.

An indescribable trend followed, and repression came.

"Tianyun ... Refining the Sword!" The sound was magnificent and endless, seeming to sink from the sky as the thunder of heaven and earth began to fall, becoming deeper and milder.

The clouds are vast, the sky is high, and the mountains and rivers are raging and crushing. The sword light seems to split the heavens and the earth and tear through the ages. The sword is shot down in the air, and the mighty momentum is endless and endless.

Chen Zong looked extremely dignified. The light of the sword seemed to be a sky falling down.

Full strength!

Eighty-five percent step sword intention!

Clouds of smoke and rain!

A sword came out, and the sword light disappeared. Only the smoke cloud was like mist, composed of countless sharp swordless gas. It shot through the sky and appeared to break the sky.

Among them, unpredictable and mysterious.

Countless swords and lights collided, as if the sky and the earth were colliding with each other, bursting out countless mighty powers, swaying all directions and raging endlessly.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment, and what he saw in his eyes was a turbulent flow like sword gas lasing, turning, cutting, and strangling.


With both feet kicking suddenly, the overwhelming power burst out in an instant. The ground was trampled and broken, and the layers of ripples were opened. A powerful recoil force rushed up instantly, pushing Chen Zong's body like a sword. Tearing straight into the sky.

The body is as fast as aurora, yet light and agile, avoiding turbulent cutting and strangling and quickly approaching Fan Lin.

Fan Lin saw a figure approaching with extreme horror, and was shocked, and a sword broke out.

The figure in front of me dissipated under the sword like an illusion, and the terrible wind blew and screamed.


A sword, as if to cut off the connection between heaven and earth.

There is no escape, Fan Lin can only resist with a sword.

Extreme horrors of force erupted, endless, as if the impact of a raging tide, to destroy everything.


Under the outburst of extreme power, Fan Lin fell down in the air and couldn't help spit out blood and was slightly injured.

Condescending, Chen Zong's eyes shot out with superb power, staring at Fan Lin, the huge sword trembled, and instantly issued a horrible power, repelling the shock of the void, making the whole person's speed to the extreme. The air rubbed and erupted instantly.


A sword shot down, as if the sky was falling apart.

Fan Lin was bombarded again with a sword, and the whole person fell again.

Chen Zong seized the opportunity and waved his sword again and again to maximize his strength.

Field of Hearts!

Suddenly, all the flaws of Fan Lin appeared.

Tiansha force field!

The shocking shock directly caused Fan Lin a moment's stun, and a fantasy world of blood, blood and sea appeared in front of his eyes, his mind was impacted, and his strength was also affected.

Cut with one sword, irresistible.

Under this sword, Fan Lin vomited blood and fell wildly.


Under the impact of the realm of the last heart and the Tiansha force field, Fan Lin was unavoidably defeated.

Of course, perhaps Chen Zong borrowed the power of Shura's avatar, but defeating the opponent is defeating, and fact is fact.

"You ..." Fan Lin stared angrily at Chen Zong, wiping the blood off the corner of his mouth.

"The quota belongs to me." Chen Zong said very directly.

"Don't think about it," Fan Lin said angrily, which made many people frown.

Since the theory of success or failure under the sword, if you lose, you have to admit it, but now it seems to be deceiving and extremely shameful.

"I announced that the last place belongs to Chen Zong." But the strong one spoke up, finalizing.

Chen Zong was slightly relieved, but Fan Lin's face became more ugly.

"Wait, I didn't agree to decide the quota in a duel way." Fan Lin immediately defended.

"Since you didn't agree, why do you want to shoot?" The strong man glanced over sharply, and immediately made Fan Lin tremble and speechless.

Immediately, Fan Lin was about to speak again.

"Shut up." Ye Yidao suddenly made a sound, his voice was chilling, like a cold wind blowing in the sky, with a touch of sharpness deep in his indifferent eyes, like an endless might like sky sword, making Fan Lin shuddered.

The threat posed by Ye Yidao seems to be even greater than that of the strongest in the Holy Land.

Immediately, Ye Xuandao's eyes turned and fell on Chen Zong. At that moment, Chen Zong had a creepy feeling, as if the whole person was to be seen through.

The pair of eyes seemed bland, but they were extremely sharp, making people thriller, piercing the heart, and pressing on the soul.

The ordinary semi-holy class stared at it and immediately lost all fighting spirit.

"Is this the peerless heavenly pride that can be defeated and sacred?" Chen Zong's heart secretly looked at him, but he looked at him without fear.

"You ... well." Ye Xuandao nodded slightly, his tone was light, and he retracted his eyes and ignored Chen Zong.

People who don't know thought Ye Yedao praised Chen Zong, but Chen Zong felt a bit of pressure from it.

Fan Lin stared coldly at Chen Zong with a smile, and there was a hint of pity in his eyes.

It seems that being "praised" by Ye Yidao is not a good thing.

Chen Zong is not afraid. At this step, he doesn't know how many people have grudges with him, many of them are stronger than himself, but he still walked step by step, until now standing here, he has to keep going No one can stop himself from moving forward.

"Okay, three of us in Xuanming Realm have been granted quotas." Yigan Xuanming Realm was very happy.

In the last session, only one person finally entered the Xuanyuan Congregation. This time, I don't know how many there will be, but anyway, with so many Tianjiao competitions, I can finally win three places in the state competition. It is not easy and amazing.

It just surprised everyone that one of the three places was Chen Zong.

Xu Mubai and Jian Lingxiao won the place, which will make everyone take it for granted. If they cannot get the place with their strength, others will be even more impossible.

However, they won the place, but the peerless Tianjiao who ranked third to tenth on the bottom of the list did not. Instead, Chen Zong was granted a place.


"Shit!" Sima Li whispered, very upset.

Immediately, it caused a lot of arrogance in the sky of Xuanming Yu.

"You can try your luck if you have the ability," Nan Wukong said coldly.

"Good luck is also a skill. Do you have such a skill?" Zheng Tuo retorted with a cold smile.

Sima Li's face became ugly, but he didn't say anything. He vaguely knew that if he said something bad again, maybe it would cause public anger, it would not be fun.

"Congratulations to the thirty of you who have won places in the state competition and advanced to the road race. Now, we set off immediately and head to Mingyuan Road." Said a Tianyun state strongman.

Immediately, the huge white cloud produced a suction again, sucking up all thirty heavenly pride, and fell on the white cloud.

Baiyun was shocked, and he expelled from the void and flew forward at a rapid speed.

"Hurry up, keep up." The powerful men in Xuanming Realm also drove the Xuanming giant ship to keep up.

Ming Yuan Tao is one of the three ways of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty.

The composition of the Xuanyuan dynasty is the capital of the 27 cities of Kyushu.

Yidu and Sandao are separated from their respective jurisdictions and theoretically belong to the same level. Of course, as the center of the Xuanyuan dynasty, the kings are half a level higher in the subconscious.

And Kyushu belongs to the three direct jurisdictions, each of which has jurisdiction over the three states, the twenty-seven provinces belong to the jurisdiction of Kyushu, and each state directly governs the three governments.

For example, Shanliufu, Hengjiangfu and Tongshanfu are under the direct jurisdiction of Tianyun Prefecture. Therefore, when there is any grand event in the Xuanyuan Dynasty, the three governments will eventually gather in Tianyun Prefecture.

Tianyun Prefecture is under the jurisdiction of Mingyuan Tao, one of the three, and the other two states are Canglang and Wanlin.

The Tianjiao, Canglang and Wanlin states will compete with the Tianjiao of Mingyuan Dao for the place that will eventually participate in the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

This one will be crucial and will far outperform the previous two.

On Baiyun, the thirty Tianjiao people each adjusted their interest rates and greeted the Taoist race of Ming Yuan Tao.

Chen Zong is constantly learning that he fought a battle with Sima Huanyu, with a high-level monster, and a battle with Hei Yanlin. Each battle devoted all his strength and all means, and each battle brought himself a lot of Great enlightenment.

Today, Chen Zong is revisiting to gain insight and improve himself.

A powerful soul with super strong understanding At this moment, the horsepower is fully open.

In my mind, a gleam of sword light suddenly emerged. The sword light was extremely sharp ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seemed like a meteor flying across the sky, running through everything, erupting an unparalleled terrorist power.

From Tianyun to Mingyuan Road, it is not close. With the speed of giant white clouds, it takes at least four or five days to arrive.

In these four or five days, everyone can cultivate their enlightenment, improve themselves as much as possible, and be able to adjust their state to the peak.

One day passed, Chen Zong's enlightenment was completed. Although his strength had not improved, the accumulation was deeper and more vigorous.

"Yanyu Zhaoyun's trick is further improved, but this one is more focused on change, mainly to confuse the other party to interfere with the other party, supplemented by sword gas strangulation." Chen Zong secretly said.

Yanyu Zhaoyun is indeed a very good trick, but it also focuses on obvious changes, and it tends to change. The change like smoke and rain and mist and mist can disturb the judgment of the other party, and the hidden ones are like smoke and mist and rain. Sword air strangulation.

In terms of direct lethality and destructive power, Yanyu Chaoyun is not strong enough. At the beginning of creation, Chen Zong didn't have much sense, but when he fought the battle, especially when fighting with strong enemies, the disadvantages Show up.

Of course, it is somewhat inaccurate to use the word disadvantages, after all, there is no perfect existence.

"If I have a chance, I should create a special attack-based trick." Chen Zong secretly said.

Different emphases have their strengths and weaknesses, depending on how they can be used to maximize their power.

For now, however, Chen Zong has no clue, so he is not in a hurry.

Create your own unique tricks, you must not be forced, you need to have sufficient accumulation, and you need to have the right time.

I created my own unique tricks, but it took many months to finally take shape and gradually improve. nt

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