Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 33: Painting

The capital of the Xuanyuan king stands eternal, immortal, immortal and immortal.

Xuanyuan Wangdu has a vast and amazing area, and the mountains and rivers running through it make people feel more wonderful.

This capital city is an ancient giant city, divided inside and out.

In the outer city, there are mountains, rivers and rivers running around, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the vitality of the heavens and earth is pure and strong. The inner city is a heavy land, the place where the royal family is located, the center of the entire king's capital, and a large array of lines surrounding the town.

Therefore, the strength and purity of the heaven and earth in the inner city are far better than the outer city, and the gap is huge.

The Inner City King Wuchang has a vast area that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time without appearing crowded. At this moment, more than one thousand Tianjiao gathered here.

In addition, there are many strong men.

The sanctuary powerhouses from the 27 prefectures Kyushu Sandao and Yidu.

The rules of the Dao Tournament changed, and they went directly to the capital of the Xuanyuan King to compete for the final place of the Xuanyuan Congregation, but the method of the competition has not been announced.


Tianjiao and the strong are all waiting.

Time passed slowly, and a solemn and magnificent breath permeated the heavens and the earth, as if emerging from nothingness, shaking all directions and poles.

In the distance, it is also the direction of the Xuanyuan Palace. There is Caixia condensing out of nowhere, turning into a half-sky dome, and emptied.

In that colorful glow, the streamers are changing endlessly, and the mystery is extremely extreme, and each ray of glow is permeating the amazing mystery that suppresses the world and crosses the eternal.

"This kind of breath ..." Chen Zong's heart was greatly shaken, only to feel that the breath was extremely mysterious, far better than those who entered the sacred realm, the pictures in King Taiyuan's memory, those who were shockingly powerful, That's it.

Could this beautiful cloud come from a great holy realm?

The Xuanyuan dynasty was the Xuanyuan Realm, possessing the Great Holy Realm, and the Xuanyuan Holy Society was very important. The Great Holy Realm exudes breath, which is also reasonable.

This can deter Xiao Xiao.

After all, there is also a dark force in the Xuanyuan Dynasty. It is very powerful. Now is the time for Tianjiao to gather. Each Tianjiao is selected from layers and belongs to the elite in Tianjiao.

If there is not enough powerful deterrence, I am afraid that the forces of darkness will take risks and kill some of Tianjiao, causing unnecessary losses.

With the breath of the great holy divine pervader in all directions, it is to deter people who do not know where the dark forces are hiding, so that they dare not act lightly, otherwise, the anger of the grand holy real is not so easy to bear of.

This is also like telling everyone that you can safely participate in the game without worrying about others.

The throne was solemn, rising from the palace, and a tall figure sitting in it looked very luxurious.

"See King!" The powerful men immediately bowed and saluted.


This is the Lord of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty and the Emperor of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty.

"No courtesy." The grand voice seemed to be low, resounding between the heavens and the earth, with an indescribable mystery, as if from an ancient age, and straight into the heart of everyone.

Great step!

The emperor of the Xuanyuan dynasty was a powerful half-step great holy strong, standing high and majestic.

That figure seemed to be shrouded in endless black light, so that people could not see clearly, standing between heaven and earth, it seemed to be the only one in the central world of heaven and earth.

"Xuanyuan Shenghui, once in a hundred years, as in previous sessions, the current number of places in the Xuanyuan Shenghui is 108." The king said, and the sound of majestic sounded again: "This contest will be held in the Xuanyuan treasure. . "

With a wave of his hand, a pair of scrolls flew out of nowhere and drew in midair, and then, slowly, unfolding, the mysterious and mysterious atmosphere filled with it.

Everyone gazed at the scroll, gray, and seemed to contain countless mysteries of light and shadow.

Mountains, flowing water, vegetation, forests ...

That seems to be a world.

Xuan Yuan Bao Vol.

"Space Treasure."

"It turned out to be the secret treasure of space, the mysterious treasure roll!"

The strong men who heard this big name were surprised.

Space Treasure!

This is a rare treasure in its own right, very rare, such as the Ming Daozi's Cotai City, which is a kind of space secret.

However, Cotai City is only a low-level space treasure, and this Xuanyuan treasure volume is a high-level space treasure. The gap between the two is not a star, but a difference between heaven and earth.

You know, Xuan Yuan Bao Juan, its own world, Cotai City is just the size of a small city.

"There are a total of 1080 contestants, each of whom brings one point, and kills others to get one point. If the person killed is higher than one, he will get half of the opponent's points." The sound passed into everyone's ears.

With a little thought, everyone understood what the rule looked like.

One thousand and eighty people, each person has a point on them, they have to kill others to get points.

When you kill others at the beginning, you get one point. After that, some people will have more points. If you kill those who have more points, you will get half of them.

For example, if the opponent has ten points, you can get five points after killing the opponent.

And if the person who is killed has a score of one, after the kill, the opponent gets a point, but he still has a point, and it will not become zero.

That point is the root of everyone.

What surprised Chen Zong was ... killing!

In other words, in that mysterious treasure roll, being killed will not truly die.

It is indeed an amazing treasure.

The competition lasted one month.

Everyone will stay in the Xuan Yuan Treasure Roll for a month. Within this month, they will fight and kill each other to compete for points. The 108 points with the highest points will truly enter the Xuan Yuan Shenghui.

The treasure scroll is fully unfolded, and the landscape is forested, and the mystery is omnipresent.

Suddenly, an invisible force permeated and fell below, and one hundred and eighty Tianjiao from one city and three roads were absorbed into them.

There was no resistance, and everyone had no intention of resisting, and let the suction **** themselves into the Xuan Yuan Bao Juan.

When all the 1,880 Tianjiao were sucked into the Xuan Yuan Treasure Scroll, a light curtain immediately appeared, and there were also 1,880 names listed on the light curtain, which corresponded to the 1,000 that entered the Xuan Yuan Treasure Scroll Eighty Tianjiao.

After each name, a number is displayed, which refers to a point.


The body appeared out of thin air, Chen Zong had already gathered his strength, his eyes twinkled with extremely sharp brilliance, staring in all directions, he could see all around instantly.

The whole body is empty, except for himself and a few boulder.

Further afield, there is a dense forest.

Behind, there was a sound of water, a stream flowing by.

Immediately inspected himself, Na Jie was blocked again by a force and could not be used.

"The period of time was one month. One hundred and eighty people participated, only one hundred and eight people were taken ..." Chen Zong did not rush, but thought, while maintaining high vigilance and paying attention to the movement around him.

"My strength is not strong among more than a thousand people, but it is not the weakest. It should be medium."

Chen Zong secretly pondered.

This time, the luck component is relatively weak, and strength occupies the most important part.

Without enough strength, there is no hope at all to win this time and get one of 108 places.

"Today, I still find a place to cultivate first, and try my best to improve my strength." Chen Zong made a decision.

Tianjing Batai ’s eight-class secret method has been cultivated to Xiaocheng, but it ’s not so easy to cultivate to Dacheng. Even if there is a solid foundation laid by Tianjing warfare, Chen Zong estimates that it will take one or two months to cultivate. Dacheng, by that time, the Xuanyuan Congregation is all over.

Tianjing Ba body cannot cultivate to Dacheng, but it can cultivate endless blood sea.

This trick Chen Zong has realized the mystery, what is lacking is the real sword practice.

A sword waved out, and suddenly, the blood glow spread out, as if a **** wave was rolling, endless and endless, it swept away in an instant, spreading in all directions.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

This sword is extremely powerful, and it is better than a sword bursting blood.

Of course, the endless blood sea exhibited by Chen Zong with his own ability can still not be compared with that exhibited by the dripping blood sword seal. After all, the endless blood sea mastered by himself is just a bare-bones entry, not a level of complete entry.

The endless blood sea of ​​the sword of dripping blood, but the level is complete.

Introductory, small success, large success, complete.

The gap between the four realms is not small.

But there was a time when Chen Zong's sea of ​​blood was endless and he could reach perfection or even surpass it.



With one stroke, the blood is surging ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not Shanghai, at most it is a pond, but it has already begun to show its power.

Boom boom!

With each sword on display, the sea of ​​blood is endlessly surging, and its power is amazing. The countless blood lightsaber gas is violently endless, and it is destroyed in all directions.

The boulder shattered away, and a gully appeared on the ground, shocking.

As if Chen Zong did not know how to train from sword to sword, but in fact it was not that he would not get tired, but that Chen Zong had a good grasp of power consumption.

After all, Nubuat is blocked, and it is impossible to take the elixir for taking. Once your strength is consumed, it takes time to recover.

If you are unlucky, you might be met by Tianjiao, and there will be no battle at that time.

Therefore, even if he is practicing the sword of the endless blood sea, Chen Zong only uses a small semi-holy level to motivate him. He is only practicing, not against the enemy, and does not need to consume too much power.

After each sword was unfolded, Chen Zong would stand still and think a little, sum up and complete it, and re-send the sword again, more and more perfect.

getting Started!

After dozens of swords, the endless blood trick really got started, and the power was even stronger.

Increased power is on the one hand, while reducing vulnerability on the other.

The fewer trick flaws, the harder it is to break.

"The endless blood sea has been introduced." Chen Zong took the sword into his sheath, while adjusting his breath to recover some of the power he consumed, he secretly thought: "However, it is not so easy to cultivate it into a small one. It is estimated that it is impossible in a short time Do it. "

Chen Zong pondered whether he could improve in other ways.

Just, unexpected.

Create a very aggressive offensive trick?

I think so, but I do n’t have the right time.

The trick is not to be as simple as eating and drinking. It needs precipitation and opportunities. nt

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