Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 34: 90%

Outside of Xuanyuanbao's scroll, the name began to change on the huge light curtain.

At the beginning, the one thousand and eighty names displayed on the light curtain had nothing to do with before and after the ranking. They were completely random, but at this moment, some of the names jumped up and were listed at the top. It became two or three.

Changes in rankings and points mean that someone is killed.

The competition has begun.

You can kill without having to stay, which means that the competition will be more direct, cruel and even brutal.

There is no improvement for the time being, and Chen Zong did not waste time, while marching towards the woods, he realized the half-step sword intention.

Now half-step sword means 80%. If you realize 90%, your strength will be further improved a lot.

Although it is impossible to improve immediately after enlightenment, it can accumulate precipitation, and once the opportunity comes, it will naturally make a breakthrough.

At the same time, a figure quickly entered the woods from another direction and met Chen Zong unexpectedly.

"Yes, one point is in hand." The man stared at Chen Zong from a distance, his eyes bursting with a sharp, extremely sharp, and his mouth was a cold smile.

He is the Tianjiao of Wangdu.

It is like Tianjiao in Tianyun Prefecture, when facing Tianjiao in Shanliu, there is a natural sense of superiority.

The Tianjiao of the capital of the king will also have a natural sense of superiority when facing Tianjiao from outside the capital of the king.

This sense of superiority has penetrated into the bones and is difficult to rule out.

This person was extremely fast, passing by like an aurora, approaching quickly, and Chen Zong was locked with a swift breath.


A long knife comes out of the sheath.

The blade of light is bright and cold, as if the sky streamer blooming from the snow-capped mountains, with a trace of astonishing sharpness sweeping to the air, leaving a trace of residue in the air.

You can kill people here without real death, so if you take a shot, you can show your strength without any hesitation.


Chen Zong's eyes reflected the light of the forest cold snow, as if the sky streamer was shot down, and a trace of extreme murderousness made Chen Zong's body cold.

Very good!

It is indeed the Tianjiao who can enter the Daosai.

She Jin Shen Yuejian came out of the sheath and a sword struck out across the air.

The 150,000-pound gilt Shen Yuejian came out instantly, the sword was golden, the sword marks remained, and the sword was also relentless.

Dao Guang was instantly crushed, and a relentless bombardment of swords arrived, causing a sudden change in the opposite side.

"Flying snow is in the sky!" In the low-drinking voice, the knife light rose again, suddenly broken, and turned into countless snowflake-like swordsman, and every snowflake was filled with horrific horrific cold killing, and the temperature between heaven and earth suddenly Drop a lot.

The cold invasion came, and Chen Zong could not help but feel cold. Fortunately, Chen Zong was physically strong and had Ziyun Heixingyan in his body, which greatly resisted the cold invasion and remained unaffected.

Sword of blood!

Blood light radiated through the endless pale snowflakes, and the sword was smashed to the king Du Tianjiao.

Wang Dutian's expression suddenly changed, and was shocked.

This sword is so fast and powerful that it is difficult to resist.

The knife light became more dense, and the snowflakes became more intense. Each piece released an amazing light, as if the sky was reflecting snow, and the intense light would make people dizzy.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

When Chen Zong moved, she immediately tried the third trick of the blood-sword technique at the entry level.

This one is a beginner, but the power is not weak, and the person's strength is not weak, which can be used as a test target.

The sword rises and falls, the blood light bursts, and it turns into a violent surging surging. It instantly completely submerged all the cold snowflakes, and even the body with the other side was swallowed up and disappeared.

In the light of the tide, there are countless **** sword qi breaking through, with the powerful power of a sword flying and a sword bursting blood.

A scream rang out, and when the blood was gone, the king Du Tianjiao was also killed, his body turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

He died, but did not really die, and will be reborn elsewhere in the Xuanyuan Treasure.

After Chen Zong killed the opponent, he felt that he had got one point, and the current point is two.

At the same time, on the outside light curtain, Chen Zong's name also changed, moving forward, the points after the name also changed from one to two.

While running the exercises to absorb some of the power consumed by the restoration of the heaven and earth's vitality, Chen Zong went forward while enlightening.

The two points are nothing at all, because the time is one month. The more people get more points in the future, as soon as they are killed, they can get half of the points of the other party, which may be dozens or even hundreds.

In the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan, the vitality of heaven and earth is very strong and scary in its purity. As soon as the exercise method is operated, a large amount of heaven and earth vitality is absorbed into the body and quickly refined. It is very easy.

Chen Zong can also feel that his cultivation is improving a little bit.

Here, really like a holy place for cultivation, Chen Zong estimates that if he has been practicing here for several months, maybe his cultivation can be promoted to the highest level of the semi-holy level, reaching the upper limit of the semi-holy level.

However, the purpose of coming here is not for cultivation, but to compete for the place of the Xuanyuan Holy Church.

It took Chen Zong three days before and after the endless cultivation of the Sea of ​​Blood to get started. The first person on the light curtain was named Chu Zhongyang, and his points suddenly reached thirty-eight. The second person's points were three. thirteen.

The lower the points, the fewer points. Chen Zong has two points and the names are listed after a few hundred.

However, it is only a short while now, and there is still time to accumulate points to improve the ranking.

One hundred and eighty Tianjiao, each of them has stood out through heavy selection, and each of them has a strong and powerful means.

Three days passed by time, Chen Zong encountered more than a dozen Tianjiao, some were from the capital of Wang Duo, and some came from three.

More than a dozen Tianjiao battled with Chen Zong, killed him in life and death, and eventually all died under Chen Zongjian. The points were earned by Chen Zong.

twenty two!

This is Chen Zong's current number of points, and his ranking has also improved by dozens, but there is still a big gap between the top 108.

And the success of fighting against other Tianjiao to Chen Zong is not only as simple as increasing the points, it is even more amazing.

The object of each battle was Tianjiao. Even if he finally fell under his sword, it also brought pressure and threat to Chen Zong.

Such a battle is a sharpening, an excellent sharpening. Under this kind of sharpening, Chen Zong's foundation is more solid and the accumulation is deeper and more vigorous.

More than a dozen battles made Chen Zong feel as if he had been enlightenment alone for months.

"Perhaps here, I can raise the half-step sword to 90%." Chen Zong secretly said.

If the half-step sword intention reaches 90%, the basic strength will be stronger, and everything based on the basic strength will also be greatly improved and become more amazing.

Now that his own strength, referring to the Xuan Ming Yu Ming Bang, it should be higher than Sima Huanyu in the ninth place, and even not inferior to the eighth place of Hulieshan.

As far as being able to rank in the bottom of the rankings, Chen Zong is also unclear, because he has not played against, but Chen Zong is confident and should not be inferior to the fifth of the bottom rankings.

And if the half-step sword intention can be improved to 90%, then his strength will definitely be stronger, and it will not be impossible to be included in the top three of the Ming Dynasty.

Not even worse than the sword Lingxiao.

As for Xu Mubai, Chen Zong felt a little deep and unpredictable.

Chatting, it should not be difficult to win 108 places with the strength of Xu Mubai.

As long as one hundred and eighty places have been won, they can participate in the real Xuanyuan Shenghui, and no matter what position they eventually win in the Xuanyuan Shenghui, they can be rewarded and become famous all over the world.

Can be described as both fame and fortune.

If you haven't entered the Xuanyuan Holy Communion, everything is just experience. Although it is also very good, but that's all.

Whenever Tianjiao wants to participate in the selection process, he is determined to get better benefits.

If a metaphysical congregation cannot get any benefit, no one is willing to participate, and it is a waste of time.

The way of cultivation is originally the way of fighting, fighting with others, fighting with heaven and earth, and fighting with itself.

Fight for a way out, fight for a future, fight for a bright avenue.

"That being the case, I first find a place to retreat and enlighten, and strive to improve the half-step sword to 90% in a short time." Chen Zong said secretly, his eyes twinkled brightly.

80% to 90%, originally it took at least months or even longer to hope for improvement, but now after one battle after another, it is continuously accumulated and deepened and polished. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is expected to break through in a short time .

Chen Zong also plans to try it out to see if he can improve in a short period of time. If he can improve, he will be stronger and earn more points.

Fang is right to cut the firewood.

Chen Zong was unshakable, and immediately found a place to retreat and enlighten.

As a bunker, Shan Shi's breath is also restrained, and it is difficult to notice.

The incomparable solid foundation and repeated grinding made Chen Zong's mind emerge in an endless stream of countless kendo feelings.

Time slowly passed, and in the world of Xuan Yuan Bao, a team of Tianjiao kept looking for other Tianjiao to kill and seize the points on each other.

Of course, there are also a few Tianjiao who choose to dodge temporarily to improve themselves, then wait until their strength is further, and then just kill others, then they can plunder more points at once.

The choice of this method is often a gain, self-confidence can be improved in a short period of time.

As for other people, it is difficult to improve, so they chose to find people to kill and earn points.

Blink, one day passes, two days pass, and three days pass.

Chen Zong continued to enlighten, and was not disturbed in the slightest during the period, because no one found Chen Zong, even if someone passed by, it was only a sweep, not very detailed, and Chen Zong had his own uniqueness in hiding the breath.

In a flash, five days passed.

Suddenly, a strong incisive force penetrated through the covered rocks, but the nothingness of force could tear through all existence, and split the huge stone directly from it, divided into two, and the fracture was extremely smooth. , That amazing power seemed to pierce Jiuxiao.


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