Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 35: Extreme Pole of the Sword (1)

Fengrui soared into the sky, tearing the world.

Half step sword meaning!


Chen Zong emerged from the stone, resisting the impulse of Yangtian Changxiao, his body soaring like a sword, and falling slowly, his eyes opened with unparalleled precision.

Ninety-five percent of Jianyi successfully broke through, and sure enough, it was much more arrogant than eighty-five percent of Jianyi.

The breakthrough of half-step swordsmanship has further enhanced Chen Zong's basic strength. If the sword skills are used, the power will be stronger and the increase in strength will become more obvious.

Chen Zong was not in a hurry to find a strong enemy to kill, but first adapted to the 90% half-step sword intention.

Such a more powerful half-step sword is more and more amazing, and it needs to be thoroughly mastered.

Draw a sword!

Three tricks of dripping sword!

Tricks and clouds!

After trying it, its power really improved a lot, five Chengdu and more.

"Now my strength is compared with Jian Lingxiao, I don't know if there is still a gap?" Chen Zong secretly thought, and immediately thought of another point: "Yanyu Chaoyun was created by the former sixty-and-a-half step Jianyi, and constantly improved With the improvement of the half-step sword intention, only 90% of the half-step sword intention almost reaches the upper limit of the potential of the smoke and rain. "

All martial arts and martial arts have their limits. If you want to further improve, you have to break the limits.

Compared with the martial arts and martial arts inherited by others, the self-made martial arts and martial arts are easier to break the limit and reach a whole new level.

Of course, after breaking the limits, some changes will occur.

The power of Yanyu Chaoyun is good, but the main point is change, and the direct attack and killing power is the second.

Ninety-five-step sword intention is almost the upper limit of this move. If it is ten-half step sword intention, it is exactly the upper limit.

Unless you can break through.

However, Yanyu Chaoyun's move has already exceeded the limit once, and the second breakthrough will be more difficult. At least at present, Chen Zong has no clue.

In addition, Chen Zong also wanted to create a trick that focused on attack and lethality.

In all fairness, Chen Zong's favorite is the ultimate attack, a sword that pierces everything and a sword that tears everything.


Nothing is broken!

Feeling in the heart, the sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zong returned to the original retreat and continued to think.

"The meaning of my Taoism is the Taoism of the Heart Sword, based on the enlightenment of the True Sword of the Heart Sword, and the realm of the heart."

"My sword is based on my heart."

What is the meaning of Tao? This unique skill can be used as the foundation to bring the power of Tao to the extreme and enhance its strength to the extreme.

If it is wrong, it will do more with less.

"Mysterious, uncertain, uncertain, determined ..."

The mind is the most mysterious and unpredictable, and it can change from moment to moment, even every moment is changing.

Uncertain, sometimes, it is not even clear to me what my mind is thinking about.

If you are firm and determined, you will not change, and will not be affected by external influences.

The move of Yanyu Chaoyun is somewhat inconsistent, but it is not yet fully compatible, and it is about 70% to 80%.

A 70% to 80% agreement and a 10% agreement are two concepts and two levels.

But at this point, there is no possibility of improvement for the time being.

"A pure attack should be firm. A sword pierces everything that tears everything apart. It is incomparable and irresistible." Chen Zong secretly thought, his eyes bursting out with incomparable sharpness.

A pure attack, a sword only for killing, should be extreme and extreme.

Chen Zong couldn't help but think of Wu Feng's absolute sword, a pure knife, and pursued extremes.

However, the extreme that Chen Zong wants is different from the extreme without front. The extreme without front will leave short boards and defects, but the extreme that he wants is under the extreme without leaving obvious defects.

"My sword should be the sword of the heart and the sword."

From the heart, the sword is coming.

Gradually, the clues became clearer and clearer.

"My sword, it should be a speed sword."

"My sword is the ultimate sword."

Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes twinkled.

The sword was stabbed with a finger, a sharp sharp cold mang bloomed at the fingertips, seeming to penetrate everything, an indescribable sharp sharp stabbed out in an instant, the air was penetrated, leaving a finger mark.

After a few pauses, Chen Zong's eyes moved endlessly, thinking, and shooting again.

It was another assassination shot with a sword finger, the speed seemed a bit faster.

One finger after another, over and over again, the speed of each finger is faster than the previous one, but when the tenth finger is reached, the speed no longer increases, and it seems to have fallen into a bottleneck, which is difficult to break through.

Chen Zong could not help frowning. He felt in his heart that it seemed he was going to make a breakthrough. He created his own sword, the sword of extreme attack, but it was a little bit worse than the real breakthrough.

"It seems that there still needs to be enough external pressure." Chen Zong secretly said.

Under enough external pressure, it will promote the stimulation of its own potential, and then break through.

This is the approach that many practitioners take. Of course, not every time it works, but it is very practical.

When he got up, Chen Zong's eyes swept away, he chose a direction according to his heart, and quickly unfolded his body.

On the side of Xuanming Realm, a total of three players entered this time.

Xu Mubai!

Jian Lingxiao!

Chen Zong!

Not long after, Chen Zong saw Jian Lingxiao, and he was fighting fiercely with a peerless Tianjiao from Xuangudao.

Sword Lingxiao comes from the Golden Sword Villa, born with a good talent for kendo, fast sword training, amazing strength.

I saw his golden sword in hand, rolled up the golden sword light, each beam of golden sword light is extremely sharp, runs through the sky, crushes everything and kills the other side.

Chen Zong's eyelids suddenly jumped, and the breath permeated by the golden sword light can be felt far away. It is extremely amazing and seems to tear everything through everything.

Jinjianzhuang's swordsmanship, called Jinguang Jiujian Sword, is an incomplete holy sword, which is extremely powerful and terrible.

Jian Lingxiao's opponents are also very strong, but it can be seen that with the sword Lingxiao's swordsmanship to the extreme, the opponent is gradually suppressed.

Chen Zong paused to observe, the sword Ling Xiao's swordsmanship, each sword power is very amazing, not only has an amazing sword speed, but also terrible power, the combination of the two makes the lethality to a terrible level, and also No obvious flaws.

The swords were connected, and Jin Guang burst into all directions.

Every beam of sword light runs through the sky, destroying everything and breaking everything.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, and in his mind, there seemed to be a row of sword lights, which was a hint of inspiration.

This sword Ling Xiao's Jin Guangjiu's absolute sword immediately brought Chen Zong a lot of feelings, which helped his accumulation of swordsmanship.

"Jinguang Jiuzhuan!" With a low drink, the momentum was agitated, and Jian Guang became more intense and dazzling.

Killed with a single sword, the glare of the golden sword is magnificent, as if the golden sun is coming across the sky, it turns instantly, and each time it turns, its breath will increase by several percent.

Second turn!

Third turn!

After the third turn, the power of the sword multiplied, becoming more and more terrible.

The power of Jinguang Jiuzhuan's move is extremely arrogant. With the ability of Jian Lingxiao today, he can only perform the third revolution.

With each additional turn, its power will increase by a few percent, and the further the increase, the more terrible it will be.

Because the increase of several percent per revolution is based on the previous one.

For example, its basic power is ten. If the increase rate is 30%, then the power of the first revolution is 13 and the increase of 30% in the second revolution is based on the 13th power of the first revolution. The increase is even stronger.

The sword turned on the third turn seemed to break through the void and kill the peerless Tianjiao of Xuangudao.

Chen Zong set himself up to simulate, and found that in the face of this sword, he could not avoid it at all, but could only resist it.

But its power is very strong and very amazing.

Perhaps it is the strongest sword of Jian Lingxiao.

After Jinguang passed, the void was pierced, and there was a emptiness. The peerless Tianjiao from Xuangudao shuddered and burst into pieces, disappearing into the air and disappearing into the air.

After the sword killed the opponent, Jian Lingxiao's eyes turned, Jin Guang was extremely sharp, and fell across Chen Zong's face across the sky. It surprised Chen Zong slightly, and there was a feeling of piercing.

The half-strength swept up and down the whole body, half step sword condensed, his eyes became sharper.

鎏 Jin Shen Yuejian trembled slightly within the scabbard and wanted to come out of the scabbard.

Immediately, the spirit in Jian Lingxiao's eyes burst out like a cold electricity, and his body flickered into a golden streamer with an indescribable sharpness. He approached Chen Zong in an instant, a sword raised, and the sword disappeared into the air Among them, there is only one extremely sharp Jianguang tearing the sky and the general shooting to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fast!

Amazingly fast!


Unparalleled sharpness!

This piece is like a burst of aurora, this sharp edge will penetrate all things in the world.

Chen Zong's eyes could not help but tremble, his pupils shrunk like a needle, reflecting the tiny golden light bursting into the air, and the indescribable sharpness seemed to penetrate both his body and his spiritual will.

It seems that under this sword, it is impossible to dodge and resist.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's spirit was condensed, and he got rid of the influence brought by this sword. The golden Shen Yue sword came out of the sheath, bringing out the terrible power, like a volcanic blast.

Chen Zong didn't evade, and he wanted to try out the power of Jian Lingxiao's shot.

I think I can compare with Jian Lingxiao, that's just my own thoughts. Whether I can really compete with it, I still need to fight it to know.

Just happened to meet Jian Lingxiao. If you want to fight, then fight.

It doesn't matter if they come from Xuanming Realm. In the final analysis, they only have the title of Tianjiao from Xuanming Realm. It has nothing to do with each other, and never even said a word.

So, of course, I will not stay.

How important is the place of the Xuanyuan Church.


Points high and low!

Earn points on the opponent.

To this day, whether Chen Zong or Jian Lingxiao have enough points.

Fight for the skies!

Sword intent!

Speaking later, soon, when the two swords collided, Chen Zong immediately felt an indescribable sharp edge approaching through the sword body, and seemed to pierce his arm and puncture his body wear.

Jian Lingxiao's complexion changed slightly, and what he felt was an overwhelming force rushing towards him, as if to break his arm. nt

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