Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 36: Heart Extreme Sword Extreme (2)

Jian Lingxiao's eyes flickered past, staring at Chen Zong with a little shock, with an incredible look.

Although Chen Zong was just like him, he won one of the places, entered the Daosai together with Xu Mubai, and entered the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan to compete for the 108 places.

However, Jian Lingxiao always believed that Chen Zong was lucky, and his luck was very large.

Therefore, some people look down on Chen Zong, after all, only for a time by luck, can only live forever.

Moreover, Chen Zong was born in Sanshou, and Jian Lingxiao was the chief disciple of Jinjian Villa, and his identity was even more different.

Originally thinking that one sword was enough to kill Chen Zong, he did not expect that he would not have the upper hand.

In this way, Jian Lingxiao faced Chen Zong a little bit. Perhaps this person can enter the final with him in general, not by luck but by strength.

Golden Light Nine Sword!

The sword Lingxiao no longer keeps his hand, the strongest sword skill is immediately cast, one sword is killed, the golden sword light strokes through the sky, and it kills instantly, the power is amazing.

Chen Zong's heart fluttered, and he immediately exhibited the Blood Sword Technique.

Dripping blood swordsmanship is the top grade, Jinguang Jiujian is the top grade, even if it is incomplete, but its power is very powerful, even more powerful than the top grade.

In addition, Jian Lingxiao has an extraordinary talent in kendo. He has been practicing for many years in Jin Guangjiu ’s sword injury. He has already cultivated to Xiaocheng, and his power is very scary.

The half-step sword meaning he was aware of was called Jin Guang Jian Yi, which coincided with the performance of the alloy Guang Ji Jue Sword, and it even enhanced the power of Jin Guang Jiu Jue.

With each sword on display, the golden sword light pierced the sky, leaving a trail of sword marks in the air, extremely sharp, giving Chen Zong a sense of being penetrated and full of holes.

Chen Zong's heart was stunned, his expression was dignified, and the dripping sword technique was used to the extreme.

The gap in martial arts grades brings about a gap in power.

The Jin Guangjiu Sword of Xiaocheng Realm is close to or even comparable to the blood-swording technique of Dacheng Realm. In this regard, Chen Zong has no advantage.

Only under the confrontation, Chen Zong found that his half-step swordsmanship seemed to be more powerful than the opponent's swordsmanship.

At this point, Jian Lingxiao was also very surprised.

"Golden Lights!"

A sword waved, the golden sword splattered with light, as if pouring in the sky, with the magnificent power, as if to dispel all the evil-like killings, so that Chen Zong's heart was stunned, and there was a feeling of shaking.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mind was firm and firm, and it was difficult to be shaken.

Clouds of smoke and rain!

Create your own unique skills.

Now this move has become the second strongest move of Chen Zong. As for the strongest move, the third move of the blood sword technique is endless.

The terrible sword vibrated and blasted in all directions, as if everything was torn and torn, leaving a shocking sword mark, spreading quickly and spreading in all directions.

Under the sword's qi, whether it is plants or stones, they were all crushed into powder.

The more fighting, the more surprised Jian Lingxiao was. This person did not enter the final by luck, and his strength was really strong.

And Chen Zong was also a bit surprised. Jian Lingxiao's strength is indeed terrible. If half step Jianyi did not break through before Jiucheng, he is definitely not his opponent. Even now, he can only barely support the undefeated and wants to defeat. The other side is almost impossible.

Golden Light Nine Turns!

When Jian Lingxiao was shocked, he finally faced Chen Zong, thinking that Chen Zong was qualified to let himself burst out, and immediately used the lore of lore.

This trick, Chen Zong has seen its power with his own eyes, it is terrible.

The golden sword light was extremely dazzling and burst out instantly, like a round of golden sun, with an incomparable light shining all over the world.

A turn!

Jin Guang is a little bit more dazzling. Its breath is getting more terrifying. It has a sense of extreme domineering. Its sharp edge is extremely amazing, as if it can break everything between heaven and earth.

Second turn!

The breath soared again, making Chen Zong feel pierced and broken, extremely uncomfortable, and his face was extremely dignified.

"Can't let him turn three times!" Chen Zong secretly said, although I don't know where the other party's sword is at its limit, I have only seen the other party kill the peerless Tianjiao with one sword, and I also set myself up for a moment and couldn't resist.

Then, you can only interrupt in advance.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

In an instant, Xiaochengtian Jingba's body was displayed, and the strength increased by several percent. The sea of ​​blood was output endlessly, killing with one sword, the blood was surging like a tide, and it shattered everything like endless. Extremely.

Three turns!

At the same time, the third turn was also formed, exceeding Chen Zong's expectations.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt like he was going to be torn and broken.


This sword must be blocked, because the consequence of being unstoppable is to be killed.

Once killed, all the points you get will be lost.




Faith is strong. It is incomparable. It must be blocked, absolutely blocked.

Unconsciously, under the belief of Xeon, Chen Zong tried to block the sword, but felt a terrible force to kill him crazy, and seemed to penetrate his body, his own spirit, and his soul.

Fortunately, it was eventually blocked.

Backing down, Chen Zong only felt that his arm seemed unconscious.




Even with the use of Tianjing Ba body, they can only barely block the sword of the opponent.

However, the sword Ling Xiao did not immediately pursue it, and it seemed that there was a lot of burden on the sword.

"Go!" Chen Zong did not hesitate, immediately began the streamer flying shadow figure, quickly away.

At present, his strength is not enough to defeat the sword Ling Xiao, and he can only compete with it.

In this case, it is better to retreat first.

Jian Lingxiao did not pursue, but stared at Chen Zongyuan's figure, and immediately adjusted his breath.

The two battles can consume a lot of power. If it is not restored in time, in case of other peerless Tianjiao, I am afraid that there will be danger of being killed.


"My sword, I don't need that much change, I don't need that much rotation."

"One sword!"

"With just one sword, pour the strongest power without having to change so much."

"Where the heart is, where the sword is, one sword will kill the enemy, and the sword will never come back."

Chen Zongyuan thought away as he went away.

Jian Lingxiao's strength is very strong, even stronger than himself now, of course, mainly due to the sword Lingxiao's golden light nine-turn relationship, if it is not the sword, Jian Lingxiao's strength will not be stronger than himself, at a level.

An overbearing trick is enough to reverse the victory and reverse life and death.

The most urgent task is to create a unique and extremely powerful offensive skill. It is necessary and top priority. Chen Zong realized it more.

After all, the Tianjiao who entered the world of Xuan Yuan Bao Juan this time will not be inferior to Jian Lingxiao, not one or two, but there are many, even some of them are above Jian Lingxiao.

Like that whitewash!

Like that Zhao Xingkong!

Like the fierce Phoenix King!

Like that Yangquan!

Like that black Yan Ze!

Ruan Ye said!

These are all what I know, not clear, only more.

If you meet these people, you are not your opponent. Sometimes it is not easy to get away. You can only be killed, you lose half of your points, and your ranking drops greatly.

So strength matters.

Nowadays, the way to improve one's strength, either half-step sword intention breakthrough to 10%, will be significantly enhanced by then, or it is to create a unique style of attacking power.

Of course, borrowing the power of Shura's avatar is also a way.

However, after all, that's not their own strength. As a last resort, Chen Zong didn't want to borrow it.

In addition, Chen Zong also has a feeling that in this mysterious world, the power to enter the sacred realm will be suppressed to the extreme. I am afraid that the power of Shura ’s avatar will not help him so much, and he may Exposed.

In the final analysis, its own strength is the most important. Others are foreign things and external forces, which sometimes cannot come in handy.

Chen Zong paused, constantly remembering the golden light swordsmanship of Jian Lingxiao in his mind. Each sword was so sharp and powerful, especially the last nine turns of golden light. Although it was only three turns, its power was terrible.

That sword gave Chen Zong his direction in creating his own offensive strategy, but Chen Zong didn't need nine turns or three turns. As long as one sword poured all his strength into the battle, one sword killed the enemy.

One Sword Lore!

The twinkling of his eyes was endless, and the aura of light emerged, more and more, gradually, that one-style trick became clearer, but still lacked something.


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Fight fight!

Kill kill!

For a few days, there were six more Tianjiao who died under Chen Zongjian, but Chen Zong was almost killed again. At that time, he had to borrow the power of Shura to escape.

However, Chen Zong also found that the power of Shura's avatar here is indeed more limited, it consumes more load, and has a shorter duration.

After several battles in life and death, Chen Zong's points reached more than 300 points, and his ranking has also improved a lot, reaching more than 300, but there is still a big gap from the top 108.

Similarly, the effect of sharpening under the crisis of life and death is becoming increasingly apparent.

Countless inspirations permeated my mind, like lightning and sword light, as if all swords were flying.

"This sword, when it is an extremely fast sword, when it is an extremely powerful sword, is the ultimate combination of speed and strength, and it is the abandonment of all flashiness."

"This sword, when I thought of it, the sword came out of the sheath and pierced through the heavens and the earth."

"This sword, when it comes from the heart, ends with the sword."

"The extreme of the heart, the extreme of the sword ..."

Inspiration became clearer. Between the opening and closing of the eyes, an unparalleled cold mang burst out from the heart and soul, piercing the sky.

Immediately, Chen Zong swiped straight with his finger, and stabbed straight out. The sword light was extremely fast, better than the sky-like piercing through the sky. The fingertips were a bit cold, sharp to the extreme, and penetrated the world. Can withstand.

As soon as the sword came out, it seemed to penetrate time and space, and the distance like the horizon was narrowed within a short distance.

When the sword was broken, Chen Zong's strength, together with the 90% half-step sword intention, came out in a very wonderful way like a lightning thunder and thunder. nt

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