Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 44: Reincarnation

Heart Sword Style!

Chen Zong was a little bit regrettable that he was doing it with all his strength, and was still a sword that seized a moment of opportunity.

After all, I used dozens of swords to paralyze each other before, to pave the way for the final extreme heart sword style.

Strong opponents, such as Li Han, can't perform at all when they start to perform their swordsmanship at first, but they will let the other party see through and be more prepared.

Although this sword did not work, it also made Li Han feel cold and frightened.

Almost, just a little worse, he will be hit by that sword, Rao is his strength, if it is hit, there is only a dead end.

If it is lost in the hands of those who are considered to be strong enemies, Li Han can accept it, but if it is because of his slight contempt and is defeated in the hands of a person who is inferior to himself and cannot accept it, it is a shame.

This feeling made Li Han feel ashamed and angry, his eyes became colder, his face was gloomy, and a trace of murderous lingering, his breath became more horrible, which made Chen Zong feel cold for no reason.

"You succeeded in angering me." Li Han's voice sounded as if the northerly cold wind was blowing, freezing everything, chilling the world.

When Chen Zong's pupils contracted unconsciously, an astonishing chill struck. The cold currents grew from the spine and rushed directly into the brain. A sharp knife light bloomed in front of her eyes.


Too fast!

It was so fast that he was unprepared, and that sword had been killed.

How to make a knife?

I do n’t know, because I ca n’t see it at all, I do n’t even see it.

The knife that came out of anger did its best in the cold, just to kill Chen Zong.


Chen Zong can only explode with the subconsciousness sharpened by countless lives and deaths.

It was dangerous to block a knife, but the terrible cold rushed straight down the sword body, as if the arms were frozen, and Chen Zong's arms were numb, and the reaction was slow for a moment.

Even though the mysterious ancient fire tactics were running quickly, the chill was dispersed, but it was too late.

The second knife has already arrived.

Too fast!

Chen Zong's consciousness was just felt, but his body was slowed a little by the last chill attack, and his eyes suddenly turned black.


Beheaded by the cold.

"Hunting ants!" Li Han closed the knife and gazed at him, staring at the body cut off with a knife in front of his eyes, sneering with a scorn.

At the next breath, Chen Zong appeared on the original 12-petal lotus stage, and his face was filled with a horror residue. After a few breaths, he returned to peace, but it was only calm on the surface, and his heart was still difficult to calm down.


This feeling of death is really uncomfortable.

For a moment, when I fell into darkness, I couldn't hear, see, or feel anything, as if falling into darkness and sinking forever.

Great horror!

The dark horror of death erodes the mind like a virus.

Fortunately, Chen Zong was also a person who had truly died and was reincarnated to the Lingwu Holy Realm. Therefore, he was soon calmed down and replaced by other people. Without such experience, it will inevitably have a period of uneasy mood.

Li Han appeared on another lotus platform, sharp Senhan's eyes stared, as if to penetrate Chen Zong's body, it seemed that he wanted to kill Chen Zong for the second time to relieve his hate.

Chen Zong didn't bother, but calmed down and realized.

Regardless of Li Han's personality, his strength is unquestionable.

That mysterious footwork avoided his dozens of swords, and the last two swords were not only extremely fast, but also extremely powerful.

All of this is worth recollecting.

The next battle continued, but Chen Zong didn't watch, immersed in his own realization.

Mysterious footwork, the ultimate sword, and the darkness of death and the light of rebirth.

An alternate cycle of life and death.

There is great terror between life and death, and there are great opportunities. Whether you can catch it or not depends on the individual.

Chen Zong felt like he could catch it.

In the defeat, Chen Zong did not get any victory points, so he was missed from that first place, but Chen Zong didn't feel sorry. With his current strength, it was really difficult to win the first place.

Then, in the end, I can win the number one place, and do my best, in short, in this cruel duel, I still have hope to continue to improve and go further.

Fighting one after another, some people won and some lost, but Chen Zong didn't watch the game, but was still sinking in the realization.

This battle has brought great benefits to himself. After recollection, Chen Zong felt that the half-step swordsman's intention to walk away seemed to show signs of improvement.

90% to 10%!

This will be a greater improvement, at least 50%, Chen Zong himself secretly estimated.

It is expected that these peerless Tianjiao will be able to understand half of the trail idea to ten percent, but there are not a few, and even some peerless Tianjiao may have mastered more than one half trail idea, the strength will be so powerful.

Otherwise, it is the cultivation of the semi-holy level limit. Although the gap between exercises is not large enough to easily kill the other party.

This can only happen if the gaps in various aspects are combined.

After realizing it to the extreme, the half-step sword is still Jiucheng. It is not so easy to break through, and Chen Zong is not in a hurry.

The life-and-death duel was played one after another. Some won, some lost, and some tied.

Together with Chen Zong, Xu Mubai from Xuanming Realm defeated the opponent and got a second victory.

Chen Zong also knows that he will always fight Xu Mubai, sooner or later.

Soon, one hundred and eight Tianjiao all shot once, which was regarded as the end of the first round.

After the end of the first round, the second round did not start immediately, but gave everyone a quarter of an hour.

In the final analysis, although this Xuanyuan Jihad is for the final ranking, it is also to further stimulate the potential of the crowd and tap the ultimate of the semi-holy level.

Therefore, after a round of life and death duel, it is necessary to give everyone a little time to relax.

After a while, the second round began.

In the eighth game, Chen Zong was selected again, and the opponent, an unknown person, was the king's peerless arrogance.

Many of the 108 arrogances that entered the Xuanyuan Jihad this time are Wangdu people, and almost all belong to the Chu family, Li family, and Zhong family.

The person in front of him was wearing a white jade robe with a white jade pendant on his waist. He looked extraordinary in temperament, with sharp cold rays between his eyes.

"You were defeated by Li Han first, and now you are defeated by my Zhong Feihong. It is really unbearable." The man sighed pretentiously, shook his head, and seemed to be really sorry, but his His eyes were not half sorry, but there was a hint of coldness.

"Don't say it too early." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

This person is a child of Zhong's. Zhong's peerless Tianjiao is indeed capable, but the threat to himself is not as good as that of the cold.

"Don't hesitate, I'll make you sober and sober." Zhong Feihong smiled coldly, fanning out with a slap, hundreds of meters apart, but that slap came like a storm, relentlessly fanning Chen Zong's face .

If you are in the fan, you can be ashamed than you are defeated.

Chen Zong will not be caught in the fan.

His body flickered, and he avoided this slap calmly, and then rushed forward, flying away as fast as light.


Zhong Feihong's eyes flashed brilliantly, and he did not expect himself to slap Chen Zong in the palm of his hand.

With a sway in the right hand, a gorgeous jade white sword light suddenly radiated from the scabbard, the sword gas billowed and fluctuated, and turned into a mass like a cloud, and it was like a meteor bursting forward. Stabbed to Chen Zong without mercy.

This is a life-and-death showdown, whoever shows mercy will die.

Even if you die, you will be born again. It is not a real death, but the experience is the same as real death. Who wants to bear so many deaths and feel the horror of falling into darkness.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment, Jingmang condensed in his eyes, seeing through everything, a sword came out of the sheath, releasing the horrible power, and instantly burst out.

The thirteenth layer of Taiyuan Moyun Gong is not bad, and the power of 90% half step sword is not bad.

The sword lights collided, both shook, and immediately broke apart, but Zhong Feihong's sword was killed along the trajectory. The sword light was like stars, the sword tip trembled and fluctuated. Each sword is sharp so far, it seems to be able to break everything. It shrouds Chen Zonghun everywhere, everywhere.

Field of Hearts!

Chen Zong immediately grasped all the trajectories of the sword light, and saw clearly, moving between the steps, avoiding one sword after another, suddenly the cold eyes narrowed, and a ray of cold mang burst out.

Because in that step, there was a hint of mystery in his own footwork, which seemed specious.

Is it a coincidence?

Or was it just realized in the First World War?

Li Han believes it is the former ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but always feel unhappy.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

With a single sword, the blood was permeated, like a raging tide, like a tidal wave, spreading in all directions, and immediately counterattacked, drowning Zhong Feihong.

Zhong Feihong's sword suddenly burst into an incomparable light, rolling in waves, blooming like flowers, covering all directions, and spreading the blood tide.

Countless jade white sword lights converge into a majestic maggot, which penetrates the sea of ​​blood like sky light, and comes to death by bombing. Its power is unparalleled.

Heart Sword Style!

Suddenly, Chen Zong also exhibited the Xeon sword.

The golden sword light is subtle. Compared with the majestic jade white sword light, it is like a puppy and an elephant, but it is a terrible puppy that can bite a beast.

The golden sword light penetrated the jade white sword light in an instant, killing it like a bamboo.

Zhong Feihong was frightened, and hurried away, a few strands of hair were broken and turned into powder dust, the horrible sword was roaring in his ears, and the whole head seemed to be shot by a giant force, buzzing It sounded a little dizzy.

The momentum of the 150,000-pound giant sword was really terrible, giving people the feeling of dying and rubbing when they touched.

This was a rare opportunity. Chen Zong was killed again with a sword.

Zhong Feihong's strength is obviously not as good as that of the cold, and he is in a dizzy state. Although he instantly reacts soberly, he is slightly slower.

This trace is enough to determine victory or defeat and reverse life and death.


Zhong Feihong's head tried his best to evade the side, but still couldn't completely avoid it. He directly hit half of it, half of it was broken, and the other half was broken by the terrible force. nt

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