Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 45: Zhan Xingkong

Chen Zongsheng!

Get two wins!

This battle is not that Chen Zong is too strong, but the opponent is not strong enough. If Li Han and other opponents, Chen Zong pays can not defeat him now.

However, in the battle with Zhong Feihong, Chen Zong still gained something. After returning to Liantai, he continued to realize and further perfect himself.

Up to this point in strength, unless there is a breakthrough, otherwise it is not easy to want to further improve itself, every progress is just like going further, it is difficult and requires great effort.

But everything is worth it. The more perfect the foundation is now, the greater the benefits will be after the breakthrough.

The battle continues, endlessly, and one after another is a duel between life and death, and every Tianjiao takes no mercy.

Xu Mubai defeated another opponent, got two win points and accumulated four win points.

However, it can only be regarded as the beginning of the Xuanyuan Jihad, and there are many battles in the follow-up, which can maintain a complete victory to win the first place.

The two battles also basically made it clear who was stronger.

As Chen Zong knows, Yang Quan, Hei Yanze, Ye Yedao, and that Feng Yanyan, these four are really terrible. They easily defeated their opponents and underplayed them. Obviously, they did not show much strength.

In addition, the strength of some people is also terrible.

Such as Chu Zhongyang.

Chen Zong didn't understand, but he could listen and listen to what others said. This Chu Zhongyang was the first day of the royal family and the Chu family was unparalleled, and it was also known as the first person of the younger generation of the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

The first person in the younger generation!

What an amazing title, it is the highest honor, but at the same time, it must bear its weight. Without that ability, claiming to be the first person of the younger generation will not only bring any benefits, but will be affected.

Chu Zhongyang is not only unaffected, but better, because he has enough strength and ability to withstand this title.

Of course, there are many people who are not convinced. For example, those peerless Tianjiao people want to defeat Chu Zhongyang with their own hands and win this title.

Xuanyuan Jihad, a duel of life and death, is an excellent opportunity.

Whether it is the strength of Yangquan or others, or the strength of Chu Zhongyang and other peerless Tianjiao, Chen Zong is afraid of it, very strong, too strong, and now he is not his opponent at all.

Soon, Chen Zong's third battle came.

The opponent is from Mingyuan Road.

This opponent's strength is not weak, but it is not an enemy of Chen Zong. After a fierce battle, Chen Zong's strokes penetrated the body with a heart-shaped sword, blasting half of his body and directly dying.

Chen Zongsheng accumulated four win points.

Game four!

Game five!

Game Six!

In these three games, Chen Zong won two games and lost one game. The one that lost was not Chen Zong weak, but his opponent was too strong, but Zhong Tian's arrogance Zhong Tianlin the second day. No less inferior, and the character is different from the cold, so Chen Zong is not given any chance at all, and he directly kills.

Chen Zong did his best to fight, but was defeated without a few strokes, but he also gained something.


On the twelve-petal lotus stage, Chen Zong's eyes flashed a faint stalk, and he drank a low voice, and that voice could only be heard by himself.

The realm of the heart then permeates, covering an eight-meter square, isolating all of its own breath.

The battle on the 36-petal giant lotus platform became more and more intense, attracting everyone's attention, and no one paid attention to Chen Zong at this moment.

In my mind, countless sword lights are scattered, radiating in all directions, violently sky.

Every sword light is filled with amazing sharpness, as if able to tear the world.

Supreme will condense!

Countless feelings emerged.

Half step sword meaning ... breakthrough!

After many battles of life and death, two cycles of life and death, and battles of explosive potential again and again, finally, the half-step sword intention ushered in a breakthrough.

Ninety to ten percent.

Chen Zong only felt that the half-step sword was continually condensing, becoming sharper and sharper, like a sword embryo opening.

If you compare Jiucheng and Jiucheng's half-step sword meaning to rough embryos, then ten percent and half-step sword meaning is to cast a sword to open the front.

The rough embryo and the sword are completely two levels.

The half-step sword intention broke through to 10%, and countless mysteries emerged, leaving Chen Zong to forget it and completely immerse himself in the enlightenment.

Under the envelope of the realm of the heart, Chen Zong's breakthrough did not reveal any breath. Of course, there are still strong people who notice, but very few.

"This is really unusual."

One of the few strong men who noticed Chen Zong's change nodded secretly.

"Indeed, it has great potential, and it is worth developing."

"If he can come from the capital, I am afraid he will be stronger now."

All these top powerhouses gave Chen Zong great affirmation.

The battle is still going on, and Chen Zong is immersed in the mystery of ten and a half steps.


The increase rate of Banbu Jianyi from 90% to 10% is indeed 50%, but it is not just as simple as 50%.

The increase rate of 50% is only a basic increase. In addition, it has been further improved on the Fengrui, just like the sword embryo opens. The increase under this superposition has exceeded 50%.

In addition, there is a third point. This half-step sword intention is a half-step swordsman intention, which is related to the mind and is closely related.

Ten percent is perfect.


Represents integrity.

More in line with his own mind, without flaws.

This improvement is no longer straightforward with a simple 50% increase.

Chen Zong is looking forward to the coming of the next battle and the opponents of the next battle are strong enough so that he can verify that his sword power is ten and a half steps.

This is a perfect half-step sword.

The battle of his own has not yet arrived, Chen Zong is not in a hurry, and continues to watch the war. Imagine that he and the two peerless Tianjiao on the huge lotus platform have become opponents and are fighting fiercely. In this way, they will sharpen themselves and sharpen half of their swords. Applications.

With battle after battle, Chen Zong's turn finally came.

The opponent this time surprised Chen Zong a little.

Zhao Xingkong!

Zhao Xingkong was the second-day pride of Shanliufu. He once fought with Xu Mubai, but was defeated by Xu Mubai with a weak trend. His strength is undoubtedly very strong.

On the same day, when he arrived in Shanliu, Chen Zong saw Zhao Xingkong and felt a lot of pressure. He knew that he was not Zhao Xingkong's opponent, but with repeated tests, his strength was unknowingly improved. Compared with when he first arrived in Shanliufu, his current strength has improved a lot.

Facing Zhao Xingkong, Chen Zong did not have the slightest fear, because at this moment, he may not be the opponent of the other party.

"It was your misfortune to meet me." Zhao Xingkong was slightly surprised, and then sneered.

The people of Xuanming Realm went to Shanliufu to participate in the tournament and seized the place that originally belonged to Shanliufu. This made Zhao Xingkong very unhappy, and some of them had defeated their own Xu Mubai, and the discomfort worsened.

At the time of the government match, he threatened to let the people of Xuanming Realm get no more than three places, but he was beaten.

After the state competition, Chen Zong also won a place.

In a word, the superposition of one thing after another made Zhao Xingkong even more unhappy. Now, when he confronted Chen Zong, his unhappy heart broke out immediately.

"Maybe it's your misfortune." Chen Zongwei smiled.

"Then look." Zhao Xingkong smiled coldly, his eyes grew colder, and his shoulders flickered a little, as if walking through the void, seemingly slow, but in fact extremely fast, over hundreds of meters in an instant, approaching silently Chen Zong.

A finger popped, piercing the air like Chen Zong's brows.

As soon as he shot, Zong felt the extraordinaryness of Zhao Xingkong. This was different from the feeling of watching the war. Even if he simulated it himself, he couldn't fully simulate it.

This finger is very mysterious and silent, it seems to pierce through the gap of the void, has the lightness and sharpness like a sword, and the fierce and domineering like a large gun, unique and mysterious.

If it was Chen Zong before, it may be difficult to deal with it, but now, Chen Zong grasps its trajectory and a hint of mystery instantly.

Dodge and fight back!

The power erupted by Jin Jin and Shen Yuejian was unmatched, making Zhao Xing's hollow head tremble unconsciously, and there was a feeling of being smashed.

It's terrible!

"Void refers to ... the first!" Zhao Xingkong's figure flickered, while avoiding Chen Zongyi sword, his expression was cold, drinking low, his voice was heavy, echoing in the void, and immediately, his finger was full of nothingness. The light shines out.

This finger runs through the void and seems to be integrated into the void, silent and silent, and even the breath fluctuations are completely restrained, making it difficult for Chen Zong to detect and capture its trajectory.

Field of Hearts!

The release of the eight-meter heart realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shrouded the octagonal four poles, and immediately let Chen Zong capture the trajectory of the other finger.

It was just that trajectory.

The Void Fingers cultivated by Zhao Xingkong are an incomplete holy martial art, which is very unpredictable.

This finger is also the first form of the Void Finger.

"Taiyuan Moyun points!" Chen Zong did not issue a sword this time, but raised his left hand and pointed out.

Taiyuan Moyun points!

This is the martial arts, which is matched with Taiyuan Mo Yungong, and is of the highest grade. Chen Zong also spent some time and energy on it, but not a major.

However, because of the memory of King Taiyuan, the practice difficulty of Taiyuan Moyun's finger is not very high, at least, it is much easier than the sword of dripping blood.

The breakthrough of half-step swordsmanship has only improved in all aspects. This Taiyuan Moyun Finger has also broken through, approaching Dacheng, and strengthening its power even more.

"Using fingering!" Zhao Xingkong sank, with a feeling of humiliation.

Chen Zong practiced swords. This is fully visible without any doubt.

But at this moment, I use **** to deal with myself, obviously not to put myself in my eyes, how to not be angry.

Under the anger, Zhao Xingkong changed directly, turning the Void Finger into the first form into the second form. Instantly, the trajectory became erratic, as if he had escaped from the capture of Chen Zong. Pointing to the side, it became more terrifying.

Chen Zong looked dignified, with one finger still pointed out. Under that finger, there seemed to be a sea of ​​clouds, the vortices flooded, the wind moved, the momentum was fierce, and the power of Taiyuan Moyun's finger was triggered to the extreme.

This finger, as if from the sky, with the majesty of the vastness of the sky, is extremely powerful and unreserved.


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