Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 46: 10% of the power


Seems like thunder exploded.

Two fingers collided for a moment, and then a terrifying force broke out, and the force shook the octagonal four poles, and the waves rippled away continuously, as if vanishing.

Chen Zong only felt that an almost indescribable power was penetrating his finger strength, trying to destroy his finger.

Fortunately, Chen Zong instantly noticed that he immediately sent out a mighty and overbearing force, resisted it, and quickly pointed his finger, and the sword of his right hand was blown out.

Zhao Xingkong was frightened, as if to be crushed by this sword, and quickly backed away, his body seemed to be submerged into the void, looming and extremely light.

Zhao Xingkong's stature made his fingers to the extreme.

Third form!

One finger pointed out, but saw nothing, but made Chen Zong feel terrified, the terrible power of that finger shuttled in the void.

In the realm of the heart, Chen Zong was shocked to find that he couldn't really capture the track of that finger, which was amazing.

If it is not covered by the realm of the heart, you can grasp the slight vague fluctuations, only fear that you will be hit.

Avoiding Zhao Xingkong's finger, Chen Zong's body shape was unsteady, and the magic Luo Jiu transformation was brought to the extreme.

The four figures are difficult to distinguish between true and false. They approach Zhao Xingkong from four directions, and the four sword lights smash away in a vacuum.

The astonishing sword pressure came, making Zhao Xingkong feel suffocated, his face became more dignified.

There was a hint of cold mang blooms deep in the eyes, and it seemed to swirl like a vortex, sucking everything.

Void refers to ... the fourth form!

This style is the strongest style that Zhao Xingkong currently has.

One finger pointed out, that finger seemed to be unable to bear too much power and trembled a little, if there was any lingering breath, the finger became more transparent and seemed to be truly integrated into the void.

Chen Zong was suddenly terrified, feeling that terrible fingers shot in all directions and shot in the air, as if to penetrate his own body, full of scars.

Perceived by the realm of the heart, there are imaginary finger strengths all over the body. Each finger strength is as sharp as a sword, and as powerful as a large gun. Failure.

In danger, Chen Zong's magical Luo Jiu transformation method broke through again.

Five figures appeared instantly, four of them were pierced and turned into nothingness, the other was Chen Zongzhen, avoiding Zhao Xingkong's finger.

If it wasn't for Magic Luo Jiu's transfiguration breakthrough, this finger of Zhao Xingkong, Chen Zong was afraid that he couldn't avoid it, and he would be badly hit if he didn't die.

Heart Sword Style!

A sword was shot through the air, and the golden sword light was extremely condensed.

This sword uses ninety-five percent of the sword.

Zhao Xingkong had already seen Chen Zong's sword long ago, and at the moment Chen Zong displayed it, he had already cast himself into the void and avoided it, leaving Chen Zong's sword unsuccessful.

"Sculptures of carving insects have already been seen through me." Zhao Xingkong's voice seemed to come from all directions, as if the whole person was integrated into the void, it was difficult to capture.

Between the opening and closing of Chen Zong's eyes, a trace of sharpness was extremely sharp, penetrating through nothingness, staring at Zhao Xingkong and killing again with a sword.

Ten percent half step sword meaning!

This sword is the ultimate sword.

With a half-step sword in mind, regardless of the power, the speed of the sword alone is faster than the previous sword, at least 30% faster.

In addition, Zhao Xingkong found the sword, and he couldn't evade himself.

A sword seemed to penetrate through the void, and Zhao Xingkong burst out with all his strength to resist, but found that all his resistance was penetrated in an instant, looking extremely fragile, like a piece of thin paper.

A big skull was instantly broken by a sword and completely disappeared. The corpse fell and disappeared immediately.

Zhao Xingkong's body reappeared on the twelve-petal lotus platform, his face was iron blue, his eyes were full of astonishment.

I have been killed in previous battles, but it feels different.

Chen Zong was killed just now, and it was a sword that smashed his head. The feeling was so horrible that he almost left a psychological shadow on Zhao Xingkong.

Death is just a result, but there are many processes.

Different processes have different experiences. Of course, the experience leading to death is uncomfortable, but there are also strengths and weaknesses.

Being blasted by the head is definitely a very bad experience. People who are not strong enough will leave a psychological shadow and become a demon.

Although Zhao Xingkong resisted, it would not leave a psychological shadow, but it was also very unpleasant, and gave birth to a trace of murder. At the same time, the deepest heart also gave birth to a hint of fear.

It's just a short period of time. This person's strength has actually been inferior to himself and can now defeat himself. Such strength is stronger than that of Xu Mubai that day.

Of course, Xu Mubai's strength is definitely stronger than before, Rao is so, Xu Mubai can't help but look at Chen Zong a few more times.

Chen Zong ignored any gaze, but immersed himself in Fang Cai's sword.

The extreme heart sword style evoked by ten and a half step sword intentions is really very different from the extremely heart sword style evoked by 90% half step sword intentions.

It's not just the speed of the sword, it's not just the power. Among them, it's more perfect, it's less flawed, it's more perfect, and it's more mellow.

Chen Zong became even more intoxicated with the feeling of being close to the sword.

The mystery of 10% of the sword's intention is deeper than I thought, and it is worth digging.

Suddenly, Chen Zong came up with an idea. It seemed that half-walking way to reach 10% was the real beginning, or to get started. On the basis of 10%, he could further dig deeper and tap more potential.

Now, in the half-step sword intention, I have only reached it initially, and I have not yet reached the limit. Only when I reach the limit can I break through and become the true intention of the sword. By that time, it will be a transformation, a difference between heaven and earth.

The battle continued, but Chen Zong was immersed in his own enlightenment. After three consecutive battles, the enlightenment ended before he could watch the other people's battles.

Each battle is a sharpening, making the sword sharper.

Some battles were fought fiercely because the strengths of the belligerent parties were close, but some battles ended quickly because the differences between the belligerent forces were obvious.

This battle was Xu Mubai's battle, and Xu Mubai's opponent was the severe cold that defeated Chen Zong before.

Chen Zong's eyes were brilliant and brilliant.

Xu Mubai's strength is in the end, Chen Zong's heart is not complete, after all, Xu Mubai shot before, did not do his best.

And Li Han was his own opponent. He defeated himself and was very strong.

The strength of these two people is terrible. If they are in a war, maybe they can see their full strength.

Xu Mubai, he has not yet met with it, but it is a matter of time, and knowing his full strength can better cope.

As for that Li Han has already fought and lost himself, but watching his shot and watching his pace can also gain something.

The magical nine changes can break through in danger, and it has something to do with the cold and mysterious footwork.

Xu Mubai is a strong enemy, and Li Han has no contempt for his heart.

Dao Guang didn't know where to start. The forest was cold and cold, and the knife seemed to be slashing away like a sky. The speed of the knife was astonishing.

That knife made Xu Mu's eyes narrow slightly.

Immediately, I saw that Xu Mubai was still in shape, but her shoulders seemed to flicker slightly. A pure black palm print had been blown out. The palm print was magnificent, but it was a bit ethereal and light. The touch of Mori Han's extreme sword light blasted towards the cold, which was deceiving.

This grip caused the chilling pupils to contract, only to feel that the space around them was being squeezed by traction, as if to restrain themselves.


The long knife slashed, the knife light was peerless, and immediately split the black palm print, which stirred the sky like a cold electricity, like a nine-day ice thunder shot down.

Xu Mubai's body was split open with a knife, but it was just an afterimage. I do n’t know when it was left as lifelike as the real afterimage. The real body had already appeared on the other side, as if it appeared from the void. These applications are even more brilliant than Zhao Xingkong, making Zhao Xingkong's pupils shrink like needles.


Zhao Xingkong found out that he had a feeling of seeing through Xu Mubai. There seemed to be a voice at the bottom of his heart telling himself that he was defeated by Xu Mubai with a weak trend that day. He thought that his strength would be more powerful. Qian Sha defeated Xu Mubai. I didn't expect this Xu Mubai to be more inscrutable.

Zhao Xingkong has no confidence to defeat Xu Mubai, even though they haven't played yet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong's pupils have shrunk slightly, Xu Mubai seems to walk through the void, so that he cannot see through himself.

If you cannot see through, it will be difficult to target, and sooner or later you will be defeated.

Xu Mubai's method is indeed extraordinary, but a rival.

Even if his half-step sword intended to realize 10%, he was not sure that he could defeat him.

However, the final outcome will not be known until the first battle.

Now, watch the battle with all your heart, look at the depth of Xu Mubai as much as possible, and you will be more confident when you are fighting with one of them.

Xu Mubai is like walking in the void. Compared with Zhao Xingkong, there is less smoke and firework. It seems more ethereal and erratic, erratic and elusive, leaving the cold cold in his hand, but it is difficult to grasp.

The cold knife in Li Han's hand was smitten by the extremely cold sword, and the sword was shocking. It seemed that the space was cut open between each pass, leaving a faint knife mark.

If you don't see the gesture, it is a slash, the slashing light is like a thunderbolt of cold electricity, tearing the sky, and splitting Xu Mubai into two, but that is a ghost.

One knife after another, the chill looks cold, the eyes are astonishingly cold, as if the knife light penetrates everything, the countless knife light radiates in all directions, and looks far away, like a blooming icy flower, the petals, are It is countless Mori cold knife light.

Suddenly, countless knife lights gathered inwardly as if the petals were closed, condensing into a stunning dagger and chopped down.

With this knife, everything is nothing, the amazing knife pressure oppresses in all directions, the entire lotus platform space is oppressed, so that Xu Mubai can no longer pass through the void of the void and is forced to appear.

As soon as he appeared, the majestic horror sword light was cut off, and everything seemed to be a coincidence. nt

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