Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 47: Sword Ruo Tianwei (Part One)

The sword is magnificent, imposing, and extremely cold.

Killed with a single knife, full of void-like, let Xu Mu white nothing, only the knife.

Xu Mubai appeared on the lotus platform, her eyes flickered extremely dark, and in the darkness, there was a touch of imaginary white, such as water waves.

Xu Mubai at this moment brought a creepy feeling to Chen Zong.

Can't see through.

Grasping it with one hand, the palm was black, as if absorbing all the light, and a little white was diffused in the hand. It seemed that the **** hand had become white.

Void Hand!

Grab it out with one hand, grab the majestic sword light directly, and instantly stand still.

The blade of light was extremely cold and overbearing, and it was extremely cold. It was necessary to smash the Void Big Hand, but the Void Big Hand was extremely tough. The strength of the hand fluctuated endlessly.


There seemed to be a crackling sound of something, and the majestic knife light was broken and shattered under the empty white hand.

Chen Zong was able to capture a faint flash of flash in that cold look.

It never occurred to me that his mighty sword would be broken by the opponent in this way.

The big void hand seemed to transform endlessly between black and white. After crushing the knife light, he ruthlessly slammed into the cold, terrible palm pressure suppressed all directions, the void was oppressed, and amazing pressure raged from all directions. Let Li Han's body stand for a moment, as if he were in a trance, it is difficult to escape.

All the power broke out, and the sword light was as dazzling and magnificent as the sun.

Li Han's strength is undoubtedly very strong. The sword broke out, and its power was extremely horrible. Shengsheng cut off the amazing oppression around him, but it was too late.

Xu Mubai's void hands have already hit.

The void shook and collapsed, and the terror power fluctuated countless times. It directly bombarded Li Han, causing Li Han to vomit blood, and finally he couldn't hold it, his body was torn apart.

This hand suddenly caused many peerless Tianjiao pupils to shrink their eyes, shocking Chen Zong.

Can't carry it!

Xu Mubai's blow was replaced by himself, and he couldn't carry it. This was from the deepest feelings in his heart.

The power of that blow was too overbearing to resist.

Chen Zong's heart sank a little, but his thoughts turned like lightning, and he kept thinking about how to crack.

Li Han's body was broken and died under the hands of Xu Mubai. Xu Mubai gained a second victory point, and so far he has not lost.

This Xuanming boy from Xuanming Realm really has extraordinary ability.

The duel continues, one after another, one round after another.

Chen Zong has already fought in 20 battles. The opponents of these 20 battles are strong and weak. The strong can kill himself. As in the previous severe cold, the weak is not his opponent and he is killed by himself.

In the 20 games of life and death, Chen Zong lost three games and won 17 games and accumulated 35 win points.

In the twenty-first stage, Chen Zong appeared on the huge lotus platform. The person appearing in front of him called Chen Zong's pupil contracted like a needle, but there was a touch of excitement.

Ye Yan said!

The first day of Tianyun Church from Tianyun preached Ye Jian, the king of the sword.

This man had an astonishing record of defeating the saint, and his strength should be terrible.

Moreover, not only is the strength strong, but the opponent also uses a sword, which is undoubtedly an excellent opponent.

Ye Zhedao shot before, and Chen Zong also watched, knowing that this person's strength is very strong and his sword skills are very clever, but he should not have used his full strength before, so he does not know the depth of his strength.

In any case, being able to face the sanctification in the face of the saint, even if it is only the most common initial stage of the sanctification, is very scary.

Not to mention that it was before, now, maybe even stronger.

Ye Yidao's strength is definitely not inferior to that cold.

Ye Yandao's eyes were slightly opened, staring at Chen Zong. The eyes were extremely bright, as if the light was shining, condensed into a sharp and amazing sword light, directly through the sky, as if also through Chen Zong's eyes, let Chen Zongyan pupil contracted unconsciously and seemed to be pierced.




Implied a hint of indescribable coercion.

Chen Zong's heart was secretly stunned, but the alarm bell sounded, but a little bit of warfare breeded, turned into a sharp sword-like shot through the eyes, and faced with that leaf, said with no fear.

His eyes touched and collided in the air like an invisible sword, and there seemed to be invisible energy and sparks flying away.

"Draw a sword." Ye Xuandao was a little surprised, and immediately said that his eyes were introverted and introverted, understated, but there was a hint of confusion in his tone, as if looking at Chen Zong in general, examining whether he was qualified to draw his sword, and to show himself the true Strength.

Chen Zong was not angry and did not feel uncomfortable because of his high attitude.

Jin Jin Shen Yuejian shed her sheath in an instant, a sword across the sky to assassinate.

The sword light is violent, the vastness is overbearing, the power of terror seems to break the sky, and its power is even more amazing.

This sword is powerful and powerful, as if to break Ye Yidao's body.

Ye Xundao didn't move, it seemed that there wasn't any consciousness. He didn't move until the moment when the sword slammed. There was no dodge, just one finger pointed out, but the finger seemed to pierce the sky with a sword, carrying a certain This inexplicable power, as if from the sky.

With a mighty sword, the situation followed, Tian Weisi spread, straight into the mind, so that Chen Zong's heart shook slightly.

However, Chen Zong's mind was extremely strong. This slight impact could not affect the slightest. The sword still blasted out, as if to break Ye Yidao's body.

This is a sword that blends into half of the sword's intention.

Ye Jiandao is very strong, but he can't ignore this sword. As a sword repair, most of his strength is on the sword. Although referring to the sword is powerful, it also needs to distinguish who the opponent is.

The sword came out of the sheath, and a beam of sword light came as if it had been killed from the sky, and came with the magnificent sky power.

There is no escape!

It is like a sword in the head, like the wrath of heaven, the ruling of heaven is general, the overbearing coercion is directed at the mind, and it is ten times more powerful than before. It seems that it will crush Chen Zong's mind and will.

Chen Zong faintly seemed to see an ancient majestic giant standing in the sky, with an unparalleled majestic coercion all over his body.

The giant seems to be like a giant in the sky, and the sword seems to be a finger that the giant in the sky randomly points out.

Suddenly, Jian Guang shattered, and a terrible blow came as if the sky was falling apart. The suppression of Chen Zong was general, the light and shadow shone, and the light shone in all directions, so that Chen Zong's body was bound, and he felt a sense of being crushed and broken.

Burst of blood!

A tyrannical sword blasted out, and the bloodlight exploded.

There is still a feeling of being suppressed, but Chen Zong's soul is arrogant and his spirit is strong. He can withstand the other party's sword like a mighty will, and completely resists this sword.

Ye Yandao's eyes twinkled, and a little surprised.

His sword skills have already reached a very high level, and each sword will be accompanied by a mighty spiritual will, which is enough to make it difficult for the other party to parry.

The opponents who were beheaded by themselves before were unable to completely resist the mighty impact of their swords, which caused their minds to be restrained, and their strength was discounted slightly before they were killed by themselves.

And the experience of sacrifice in the past is also inseparable from this.

However, I did not expect that the other party ’s spiritual will was so strong and amazing, completely blocking the impact of Tianwei ’s will in his sword skills, which was incredible.

It seems that he has to give it all.

Ye Yidao was also a little excited.

Twenty battles so far, he has not encountered a powerful enemy that is enough to erupt himself. In fact, he is very eager to fight against the powerful enemy, erupting his full strength, a heartfelt battle, so that he can better inspire Own potential.

It was originally thought that the opponents in front of them would be defeated by their own moves like those of the previous opponents, but it was unexpected.

The Tianyun religion has a town teaching treasure. One of the swordsmanships is holy grade, or complete. Ye Jiandao is practicing that swordsmanship.

Its name is Tianyun Hao Mingjian.

Naturally, with Ye Qiandao's current ability, it is impossible to cultivate this holy superb Tianyun Hao Mingjian to the full, not even Dacheng, but it is barely considered to reach the level of Xiaocheng, but its power is already very amazing.

The sword just before was the starting style, or basic style, of Tianyun Hao's sword.

Today, this sword is the real Tianyun Hao Ming Sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A sword is killed, Tian Yun is mighty, there are countless mysteries permeating in the deep, and the amazing Tianwei will again Advent.

That sky giant once again appeared, more solid than before, but it was difficult for others to see, only Chen Zong could see clearly.

The giant's gaze stared down, a pair of eyes wide, as if the sea of ​​clouds fluctuated endlessly, it seemed that Chen Zong would be absorbed, and the unspeakable breath permeated with it.

Tianwei is mighty!

Tianwei endless!

The sword stabbed by Ye Xuandao, like a giant pointing at it, is no longer just a random act, but a deliberate act, and its power is much stronger than before.

"Tianyun Hao's dark sword is really good." A top powerman secretly nodded.

Tianyun religion is the main gate of Tianyun state, placed in the entire Xuanyuan dynasty, and is not the weak gate. On that day, Yunhao Mingjian was a holy class, but all the complete holy class is amazing.

You know, even the most powerful king surnamed Chu, the highest martial arts, is also a holy class.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

Chen Zong exerted his full strength, and the blood sea under the intention of 10% half step sword was endless, and his power was even stronger.

The blood was permeating, like a tide that swept across all directions and stirred the world.

As if a sea of ​​blood was surging endlessly, it was more amazing than ever before, permeating and flooding in all directions, and also engulfing the body of that martyrdom.

The nine magic changes!

Suddenly, the five figures changed and dispersed, surrounding Ye Xidao from five directions.

Heart Sword Style!

A sword broke out and assassinated. The speed of the sword was extremely fast and beyond description.

The golden sword light is condensed to the extreme, running through the waves of blood and sea, ruthlessly piercing the heart of Ye Yidao, wanting a sword to penetrate the heart. nt

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