Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 50: The dust settles (below)

It's dark!


For a time, it was difficult for Chen Zong to distinguish clearly, a pair of eyes turning light, as if the sun and the moon rise and fall, alternating.

Xu Mubai looked indifferent, and waved one hand, as if the palm print was shot down from the sky, one after another, as if the rain was pouring down.

Chen Zong's sword, the sword light like a thunderous surge, extremely fierce, like a thunderous sky.

Each sword light was broken under Xu Mubai's palm print, and could not bring any threat.

Chen Zong burst into full force, using a mix of dripping sword and extreme heart sword, but Xu Mubai's response seemed not difficult.

Immediately, Chen Zong only saw Xu Mubai's eyes closed and opened. The pupils seemed to turn white in a flash, as if it were white, as if a cloud covered the sky.

Chen Zong's soul was strong, and the impact was very weak.

Immediately, Xu Mubai not only turned the eye pupil into a virtual white, but the original eye white around the eye pupil also became pure black, as if absorbing all the light, making Chen Zong feel uneasy for a while.

This feeling of palpitations, even with the powerful soul of Chen Zong, can not be completely resisted, which is strange.

For a moment, Chen Zong was lost.

For Xu Mubai, this momentary absence was enough.

Even if the time of disappointment is only one percent of the time, it is enough to make a splash.

Void Hand!

A big hand condensed in the air, as if grabbing a moon in the water, and mercilessly grabbed Chen Zong.

One percent interest, Chen Zong reacted, and immediately performed the magic Luo Jiu transformation method to evade, the five figures are difficult to distinguish between true and false, and indistinguishable from reality, but under that void hand, it seems that it can't be avoided.

It's like the space on that side has been shrouded under that big hand and has nothing to hide.

Heart Sword Style!

The Xeon sword was killed, with utter despair and conviction, through the void hand to kill Xu Mubai, it seemed to pierce Xu Mubai, Xu Mubai did not seem to be aware of it, and did not intend to dodge .


When Chen Zong was hit by a hand in the void, he suddenly felt a terrible force, as if the waves were surging and the impact was endless, and each impact fell on his body as if to destroy his body.

I tried to resist, but couldn't resist it completely. The resistance force broke down under this terrible all-pervasive and full of amazing stamina, and the body was broken.



Chen Zong reappeared on the twelve-petal lotus stage, but he was a little bit suspicious.

Feng Yanyan was defeated by herself, but this Xu Mubai defeated herself. Chen Zong could feel that the power gap between him and Xu Mubai was not small.

Then, was it true that Xu Mubai defeated Zhao Xingkong with a slight advantage?

If it is true, it can only show that Xu Mubai's improvement in strength during this period is amazing.

If it is false, then Xu Mubai and Zhao Xingkong actually retained a lot of strength.

But whether true or false, Xu Mubai became the second person to see through Zong Zong.

The first one is Chu Zhongyang, who is known as the first person of the younger generation in the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

"I don't know how Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang fought. What happened?" Chen Zong thought secretly.

To many people, Chu Zhongyang is undoubtedly the strongest. Chen Zong also thought so before, but after the battle with Xu Mubai, he changed his mind.

This Xu Mubai fought against himself, absolutely not exerting all his strength, and there were reservations. As for how much to keep, it was not clear.

Chen Zong had some expectations. What if Xu Mubai had a battle with Chu Zhongyang?

Chen Zong's question was also answered shortly after.

On the huge lotus platform of thirty-six petals, Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang were far away.

Chu Zhongyang stared at Xu Mubai surprisingly, his eyes condensed, Xu Mubai seemed very cautious.

The two kept standing still, standing still, so people couldn't see clearly, so they didn't know what they were doing.

Are they looking at each other and staring at each other?

But some people see some mysteries.

These two people have different eyes.

The eyes of Xu Mubai are that the pupils become virtual white, while the white eyes become black. It looks black and white in contrast, and it is very scary.

Chu Zhongyang's eyes looked like nothingness, like the sea of ​​vast sky, but it also contained the vast sun.

The eyes of the two have their own mysteries.

"If I'm not mistaken, the eyes of this son should be the eyes of the void." The tone of a top sacred powerful man was not so determined.

"It's a vain eye, but it's just fur, and it hasn't fully inspired the potential." Another top nod nodded in affirmation.

"If it is Dacheng's Void Eye, if you open it, you can see through the Void, and you can turn the power of the Void into a powder."

"Although the Void Eyes are powerful, Chu Zhongyang's ancient pupils are not bad either."

"Yes, Chu Zhongyang's digging of the ancient pupil of Tian Cang is above the void god's eyes."

At present, Xu Mubai and Chu Zhongyang looked at each other without any action, as if they were standing still like two statues, but they were actually confronted by the gods of the void and the ancient pupils of the sky.

This is a deep-seated confrontation. It is hard to see clearly and makes it difficult to appreciate the danger.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!

Time passed slowly, making people feel difficult, I don't know how the confrontation between the two people.

If it is shot, even if it is fierce, at least one can see why.

Whether it is evenly matched, or who has the upper hand and who falls behind, has an intuition.

But now this kind of eye-to-eye confrontation, in addition to the parties, even a half-step big holy class strong is difficult to see why.

A quarter of an hour passed, and I could only see that the expressions of the two men became more dignified. It seemed that this confrontation was not easy and laborious.

Suddenly, Xu Mubai's complexion changed slightly, and her body snorted slightly, her eyes closed unconsciously, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of her eyes, slowly flowing down.

Chu Zhongyang seemed to have no fate, but his complexion turned white in an instant, and it seemed to consume a lot.

"You won." Xu Mubai said with closed eyes.

This time the confrontation ended with a defeat and defeat, but it seemed that Chu Zhongyang did not win easily.

This battle is not the last one, but a very intense and compelling one.

Chen Zong fought again with that Chu Tianlou.

In the world of Xuan Yuan Bao, Chu Tianlou was crushed by Chen Zong's ear, and she had a grudge. Her heart was already there, but there was a slight chance that she would revenge.

Now is a great opportunity.

But unfortunately, in the world of Xuan Yuan Bao, Chu Tianlou almost suppressed Chen Zong, but now Chen Zong's strength is much stronger than at that time. Chu Tianlou did his best, but he was not Chen Zong's opponent.

In the end, Chu Tianlou not only failed to retaliate, but was suppressed by Chen Zong, and then beheaded and killed, and he was extremely humiliated.

As the battle progressed, it was nearing completion.

Chen Zong won the next game.

This is the last round.

The end of this Xuanyuan jihad makes people feel deliberately endless and wants to continue fighting, but it also makes people feel relieved.

After all, each round only rested for a quarter of an hour. At the beginning, it was okay. The later it felt short, not enough, and the fighting intensity was too great.

When fighting, you must do your best. When you are not fighting, you must concentrate on other people ’s fighting. The whole person is always in a state of tension, even if it is a moment of rest, there is no real rest.

It was a high-intensity, overloaded battle.

Chen Zong knew his own ranking in this battle and could not be included in the top ten.

After all, there were as many as seventeen people defeating themselves in multiple battles.

Of course, this does not mean that there are seventeen stronger than themselves, such as the cold, that was their first opponent, Chen Zong's strength at that time was certainly not as strong as now, and at that time, half-step swordsmanship was still nine It is not 10% as it is now.

If we fight the cold again now, who wins or loses is not necessarily.

Chu Zhongyang is worthy of the first place, worthy of being called the first generation of the younger generation of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, worthy of the name.

As for the second place, it was Xu Mubai, which no one had thought of, which was completely unexpected.

The third name is Li Qianyu, which is the first day of Wangdu Li's pride.

The fourth place was Zhongyun Yan, the first day of Wang Zhongzhong's arrogance.



The rankings went down one by one and appeared on a huge light curtain, clearly visible.

Chen Zong found his name.

Eighteenth place!

Not included in the top ten, Chen Zong did not feel surprised or frustrated, which was to be expected.

Anyway, the benefits of this fierce battle have been great, and the half-step sword-like enlightenment is almost to the extreme.

It only takes a period of meditation to reach the real extreme ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 18th place. According to the rules, Chen Zong will get 91 hours of cultivation time for the Xuanyuan Holy Tower.

Next, everyone can live in the Xuantian Garden of Wangdu. As for when to go to the Xuantian Holy Pagoda, it depends on personal arrangements, but it is also clearly stipulated that the cultivation time must be used within one year, if it is more than one year No matter how much time is left, all are void.

However, even the first one hundred and eighty hours is less than ten days when converted into days. It seems that it is not difficult to run out in one year.

Even Tianjiao feel that these hours are not enough.

Xuantianyuan, still the original small palace, was sitting in the meditative retreat.

The battle of the Jiuyuan Jihad one after another, some of them are very strong, and some of them are very strong, but even their opponents are not as good as their own, they also have their own advantages, and they are worth learning from.

At the moment, the elders of Xuanming Palace and the strong men of Xuanming Palace gathered in Xiumubai Palace.

This is Supreme Glory.

It is the glory that belongs to Xuanming Palace of Xuanming Realm.

"Go back, I stay here," Xu Mu said lightly.

"Okay, okay, you're good at cultivation." The elder of Xuanming Palace did not feel dissatisfied with the light attitude of Xu Mubai, but insisted that he was annoyed.

Xu Mubai didn't speak any more, but waved his hand to signal them to leave, and he wanted to cultivate.

Xu Mubai was proud on the first day of Xuanming Palace, and is considered the next master of Xuanming Palace. Now he has not only entered the Xuanyuan Holy Congregation, but also won an unprecedented second place. Compared with the previous day, he was not proud. Knowing how many times better, they are the treasures of Xuanming Palace, and their future achievements are limitless. Of course, they will treat each other well. nt

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