Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 51: Xuanyuan Tower

The Xuanyuan dynasty, in charge of Xuanyuan Realm, was one of the nine realms of the Heavenly Realm.

The God Xuan Palace is a treasure of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty, the capital of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty. It will not be opened in normal times, and only major events will occur, such as the Xuan Yuan Holy Church Xuan Yuan Jihad.

The second treasure is the Xuanyuan Tower.

Of course, speaking of the second treasure, it is not that the Xuanyuan Sacred Tower is not as good as the God Xuan Palace, but it is because the God Xuan Palace was brought back by the Xuan Yuan ancestors for a longer time.

The Xuanyuan Sacred Tower is located in the center of the Xuanyuan King Capital. It is a huge tower towering above the earth, pointing directly at the clouds, suppressing the living beings, as if it is the center of the entire Wangdu.

How tall is the tower?

It seems to be a hundred feet, and it seems more than endless, as if endless, straight into the sky.

A glance can make people awed, even the strongest in the holy realm cannot avoid it.

This tower is a treasure, and it seems to stand on the ground without any protection, but in fact, there are often many strong people distributed around it, and the tower itself has amazing power. If the bad guy wants to take it or destroy it, the consequences will be very serious. awful.

This kind of thing happened in the past. A half-step big holy class strong man with dark forces sneaked into this place, approaching the Xuanyuan Sacred Tower, and broke out to try to destroy it.

The half-strength big holy-class powerhouse is really amazing, it just avoided the surveillance of other powerhouses.

But in the end, the half-step big holy class not only failed to destroy the Xuanyuan Holy Tower, but was counterattacked by the power of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower.

According to rumors, at that time, a strong man stepped out of the Xuanyuan Tower, and was covered with golden light, shining in all directions, even more dazzling than the strong sun. With only one move, he took that half-step holy power from the dark forces. The person was crushed, completely wiped out, and the soul also disappeared between the heavens and the earth, and the soul fluttered and died.

Later, the figure emitting a strong golden light re-entered the Xuanyuan Tower and never appeared again.

It is useless to test the strong in the Xuanyuan dynasty. Until one day, the great sacred realm in the Xuanyuan dynasty ordered that he should not disturb the Xuanyuan holy spirit any more.

But I also know that the golden light figure in the Xuanyuan Holy Tower is the Xuanyuan Holy Spirit.

Seems to be the spirit of the Xuanyuan Tower.

It also let everyone know that the Holy Spirit of Xuanyuan possesses the strength of the Great Holy Realm Xeon. In essence, it can be regarded as a Great Holy Realm Xeon. Of course, this Great Holy Realm Xeon is different. If no one For the Xuanyuan Holy Tower, it will not appear and ignore everything.

Mysterious and more curious.

There is even a saying, or legend, who can get the approval of the Xuanyuan Holy Spirit in the Xuanyuan Holy Tower, and the Xuanyuan Holy Spirit will appear, which represents a great opportunity.

But countless years have passed since ancient times, but no one did it. Gradually, this became a true legend, and no one believed it.

However, some people still believe this.

One hundred and eighty days of arrogance has been practiced in the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda, and the harvest is very great.

Chen Zong stepped from the Xuantian Garden, looked up at this seemingly endless tower, and was shocked.



A kind of high mountain feeling permeated my heart.

Since the end of the Xuanyuan Jihad, half a month has passed. For half a month, Chen Zong has been meditating in Xuantian Garden.

Xiuwei has reached the extreme and cannot be improved, but the exercises can be improved.

After half a month's retreat and Xuantianyuan's excellent cultivation environment, Taiyuan Mo Yungong broke through again to reach the 14th floor, and his strength has been further improved.

In addition, 10% and half of the sword intention was finally excavated by Chen Zong to the extreme, and it has reached the point where it cannot be improved. The next step is naturally a breakthrough, and the breakthrough becomes a true heart swordsman intention.

But this step is difficult, even more difficult than the semi-holy breakthrough to the sanctuary.

From half-walk to Taoism, I don't know how many people were stopped.

Chen Zong is not in a hurry. He is only a semi-sacred class at present. It is enough to master the half-step meaning to the fullest. It is not too late until he truly breaks into the sanctuary.

What's more, I still have a mysterious fruit. If I take it, I will better understand.

Now, Chen Zong intends to learn more about the half-walk meaning, at least to master the second.

The more half-walk meanings you have at semi-holy level, the greater your potential.

For example, Zhongyang of Chu has already mastered two half-step meanings of 10%. Whether or not the third one is mastered is unclear. Maybe it is, but it has not been exhibited for various reasons or maybe not.

But the Xuanyuan Sacred Tower is a good opportunity, a rare opportunity.

For half a month, Chen Zong devoted himself to reconciliation and finally converted and absorbed the grind of the Xuanyuan Jihad into his own use.

Now is the time to enter the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda.

Ninety-one hours!

Chen Zong didn't know what the cultivation in Xuanyuan Holy Tower looked like and what it felt like.

Now, here I am.

The door of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower was closed. When Chen Zong approached, the door was still closed, but Chen Zong's body penetrated the door, disappeared, and entered the Xuanyuan Holy Tower.

The Xuanyuan Sacred Tower is the highest treasure with rich Taoyun, the highest treasure for understanding the Taoism, and it is different from the God Xuan Palace.

Although Chen Zong has not practiced in the Xuanyuan Tower before, he still has some understanding.

Break the tower!

Break into the first floor, practice on the first floor.

The time to climb the tower is naturally counted as the practice time.

On the first floor of the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda, Chen Zong felt an invisible power coming down and instantly enveloped himself. All of his power was imprisoned, and even the Shura avatar in the sea could not feel the slightest.

Chen Zong perceives that the only force that can be perceived is the half-step sword.

"Xuanyuan Holy Tower breaks into the tower by virtue of Taoism, and half-walking Taoism is also included in it." Chen Zong said secretly, and the darkness gradually brightened.

A trace of rhyme drifted away, permeating in all directions, and then a figure appeared.

It was a figure with a sword, a green robe and a body, and the breeze followed.

That's the idea of ​​half a step.

As soon as this figure appeared, he didn't hesitate to shoot immediately. A sword swept across the sky, accompanied by the speed of the wind and the sharpness to kill Zong Zong.

There are no other power fluctuations, only the scent of the senses permeates.

In this case, Chen Zong was also killed with one sword, using a half-step sword.

Suddenly, a sword cut through the sky and killed the opponent directly.

The other half of the trail is only 70%.

It is also clear from another point that if the people who enter here have less than 70% of their intentions, they have no hope of breaking through, even if they are 70%, they are not 100% able to break through.

However, Chen Zong ’s half-step sword intention has reached 10%, and reached the limit of 10%. Such an opponent is not enough to look at.

In an instant, Chen Zong entered the second floor of the Xuanyuan Tower.

The opponent on the second floor is also one, but its half-walk idea has reached 80%, and the same one is killed, but Chen Zong is defeated and killed.

On the third floor, half of the trail means Jiucheng, which was also defeated and killed by Chen Zongyi sword.

On the fourth floor, half of the trail has reached 10%, and the power is obviously much stronger.


On the fifth floor, half of the trail is still ten percent, but it is more intensive than the tenth floor.

On the sixth floor, half-walk means 10%, reaching the extreme.

This time Chen Zong could not easily kill his opponent, but seized an opportunity after a fierce battle before he successfully killed his opponent.

The seventh layer is still half-walking, but this half-walking is filled with an invincible taste.

Chen Zong was not his opponent under fierce battle, he was beheaded and killed, and the last step was on the sixth floor.

"My half-step sword intention, could it not have reached the real limit?" In the sixth floor, Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

There seems to be another level above this, the level of perfection.

From the first to the seventh layer, the time spent before and after the defeat, but about two quarters of an hour, this is nothing to Chen Zong who has 91 hours of cultivation time.

On the sixth floor, Chen Zong began to enlighten.

The sixth-layered Taoism is much richer than the first, and it is easy to feel that Chen Zong sat cross-legged to get rid of all the distractions and carefully perceive.

What enlightened this time was the meaning of the sword.

The meaning of swordsmanship is the whole, and heart swordsmanship belongs to one of them, which is advanced.

To understand, naturally start from the foundation and gradually extend.

Time passed slowly. Chen Zong set aside other Tao Yun and focused only on the Tao Yun of the sword, starting to understand from the basics.

It is based on the ten and a half step sword that reaches the extreme. The efficiency of enlightenment is extremely amazing, and it soon reaches the limit. Combined, let Chen Zong find the breakthrough point ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In a flash, Chen Zong I felt a little more mellow in my half-step sword.

This roundness is the roundness of rotation after reaching the limit, as if it will not be weakened in any way.

On power, it may not have been enhanced, but there is no trace of weakness left.

From the deepest part of the heart, from the deepest part of the soul, Chen Zong raised a sense of satisfaction, and it seems that nothing is left out.

At this point, the half-step Kendo Italianism has only reached the true extreme and the perfect extreme.

In fact, Chen Zong didn't know that this step was not reached by everyone. The previous extreme was enough. Many people just reached that level.

Whether it has reached the ultimate level of harmony is also very important, and it is related to the difficulty of increasing in the future.

Now that the half-step sword intention has reached the ultimate perfection, then the next step is to understand the second half-step intention, but before that, it is necessary to play the seventh layer.


A battle was launched again.

This battle lasted for a short time, before Chen Zongfang struggled to win and defeated the opponent. Then, Chen Zong tried the eighth layer.

The opponent on the eighth floor uses not half-way meaning, but real meaning. Even if it is only the lowest one, the power is not comparable to half-way meaning.

one strike!

In a single blow, Chen Zong was killed and he could only practice on the seventh floor.

However, it is enough on the seventh floor. The richness of the Tao Yun is better than the sixth floor.

"The easiest thing for me to understand is the meaning of fire." Chen Zong secretly said.

No matter it is Ziyun Heixingyan, Xuangu's tactics of refining fire, or refining the meaning of fire through three calamities, Chen Zong has provided a lot of convenience to participate in the idea of ​​realizing fire.

In this case, of course, Chen Zong must first enlighten the Tao of Fire. nt

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