Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 53: Xuanyuan Palace

In Xuantian Garden, Chen Zongjingxiu constantly learned about the fusion of half-step sword and half-step fire.

Now 30% can be merged, but the power of 30% fusion is not as good as 10% of the half-step sword intention. It is useless to oneself. His strength broke through the boundaries and went further.

From this point of view, at the semi-holy level, there is still a lot of room for improvement, and I am not in a hurry to break into the holy realm.

This is the founding of the foundation, the more solid the foundation, the more vigorous, the greater the benefit of a breakthrough.

Wherever Tianjiao is, this is the case. It accumulates first and keeps accumulating until it reaches the extreme.

After some enlightenment, the integration of 45% and 45% of the sword and fire intentions is extremely difficult. In a short period of time, it is difficult to do so.

"Stay or leave?" Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

The heaven and earth vitality of Xuantianyuan is very strong. Although his cultivation is to the extreme, such heaven and earth vitality also helps to improve the level of the exercises.

However, Taiyuan Mo Yungong has reached the 14th floor, and it is extremely difficult to upgrade to the 15th floor. Even if there is such a superior environment, it cannot be achieved in a short time.

It is difficult to make progress, and the difficulty of improving the exercises is getting worse. The awareness and integration of half-walking ideas has also become more difficult.

Chen Zong's mind began to move.


Put yourself in some danger, so as to sharpen yourself, stimulate potential, so that strength can be improved better and faster.

Of course, training is dangerous, but if you want to improve yourself faster, some dangers are inevitable.

Then, first understand what is suitable for yourself in this Xuanyuan Dynasty.

To experience, you can't just go out and aim around.

Here, there are very few people familiar with Chen Zong. After all, the people in Xuanming Realm have left, leaving only himself and Xu Mubai.

Therefore, Chen Zong found a strong man who guarded Xuantianyuan to probe the news.

This strong man was in the late stage of entering the sacred realm and was very strong, but when facing Chen Zong, he was not half arrogant, but had a good attitude.

You should know that Chen Zong achieved the eighteenth place in the Jiuyuan Jihad, but his origin is still a briefing, which is even more remarkable.

Such people have great potential and promising future.

"In my Xuanyuan dynasty, there are indeed many places suitable for training." The strong man immediately said, told Chen Zong in great detail, and finally said: "I have a suggestion, I don't know if you listen. "

"Seniors, please." Chen Zong did not refuse, if the other party's proposal is beneficial to himself, he will naturally learn from it.

"I have an army and a guard in the Xuanyuan dynasty." The strong man smiled slightly. "An army named Xuan Tianjun and a guard named Zhen Yuanwei."

"Xuan Tianjun ... Zhen Yuanwei ..." Chen Zong groaned.

"Xuan Tianjun and Zhen Yuanwei each perform their duties."

"Xuantian Army is acting against the Nether Demon."

At this point, Chen Zong's pupils contracted like a needle.

Void Demon!

Xuan Tianjun turned out to be an army against the Void Demon.

"Zhen Yuanwei is guarding the Xuanyuan Dynasty, clearing the dark forces and maintaining the stability of the Dynasty."

Xuan Tianjun and Zhen Yuanwei each performed their duties, which can be described as one outside and one inside.

The outside is to resist the invasion of the void demons, and the inside is to defend the stability of the dynasty against the dark forces.

The combination of Xuan Tianjun and Zhen Yuanwei both inside and outside ensured that the Xuan Yuan Dynasty would be immortal for thousands of years.

"But regardless of Xuan Tianjun or Zhen Yuanwei, at least it is also important to enter the sacred realm." The strong man also said that Chen Zong waited for the other party to continue.

Since Xuan Tianjun and Zhen Yuanwei both required to enter the sacred realm to join, now they are very different, but since the other side said these things, they have their purpose.

"Xuan Tianjun and Zhen Yuanwei jointly created the Xuan Yuan Palace in order to better select talents. Only those who enter the Holy Land can enter."

Listening to the other party's statement, Chen Zong's thoughts suddenly became clear.

Xuanyuan Palace!

Xuan Tianjun and Zhen Yuanwei co-founded to select talents and supplement one army and one guard. After all, no matter whether it is against the Nether Demon or the dark forces, there will be sacrifice. If it is sacrificed, new blood will be added. Weakened until it finally disappeared.

"If ordinary practitioners want to enter Xuanyuan Palace, they need to go through various assessments, but you don't need to."

"Every Tianjiao in the Xuanyuan Jihad can directly join Xuanyuan Palace without being assessed."

"Of course, this is not compulsory and free choice, but in my opinion, Xuanyuan Palace is the best place for you to go for a meditation," said the strong man.

Chen Zong did not answer immediately, but thought about it.

The strong man was not in a hurry, he just gave suggestions. As for how to choose, it was Chen Zong's own problem.

With talents such as Chen Zong, he is now staying in Xuan Tian Yuan. There are relevant regulations. One force cannot touch here and is not allowed. However, if he leaves Xuan Tian Yuan, he will soon face many forces.

After all, a peerless Tianjiao who can achieve the eighteenth place in the Xuanyuan Jihad, cultivated it well, achieved extraordinary results in the future, and is also a super powerhouse at the pinnacle of sacred realm, whose strength will be much stronger than the usual peak of holiness.

It is not even impossible to achieve a half-step great holy one. As for the great holy realm, it is hard to think.

Even Chu Zhongyang, who was hailed as the first person of the younger generation of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty, was not 100% able to become a great sacred realm.

Chen Zong thought about it, it was about his future.

There are two roads before them.

The first is that continuing to do casual repairs will be more free, but also more bumpy. Everything depends on you to strive for it, and you may not even be able to achieve good results.

Before that, Chen Zong planned to experience the practice of casual cultivation, but it was not forever.

The second is to join a force, rely on their ability, get the value of that force, and rely on their own efforts to obtain resources, is undoubtedly more beneficial to cultivation than casual cultivation, but it is also limited to some extent free.

There are gains and losses, Chen Zong is very clear and will not resist.

The most important thing is to choose a path that is beneficial to you, so that you can move forward better.

Deep down, Chen Zong is more inclined to the second path. After all, it is also a path that he is more familiar with, which will be more beneficial to his cultivation.

In this way, joining the Xuanyuan Palace is the best way. After all, if you want to join a force, Xuanyuan Palace is undoubtedly the most suitable, because it belongs directly to the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

All other forces, even the Lishi and Zhongshi, are inferior.

With Chen Zong's talents and so on, he joined Xuanyuan Palace without going through any assessment and became a member of Xuanyuan Palace directly.

Xuanyuan Palace is not far from Xuantianyuan.

Joining Xuanyuan Palace, Chen Zong got a token that is closely related to himself, which is a symbol of Xuanyuan Palace's discipleship. In addition, because Chen Zongnai is a peerless relationship in the Xuanyuan jihad, he also obtained the original reward.

In fact, every person who successfully joins Xuanyuan Palace will get an initial reward, that is, a Xuanyuan merit and a Xuanyuan level, but there will be differences depending on the difference.

The level of Xuanyuan is the level of disciples of Xuanyuan Palace. It is divided into four levels, from low to high, which are Huang, Xuan, Earth, and Heaven.

The level of Xuanyuan means its status and authority in Xuanyuan Palace.

The backing of the Xuanyuan Palace is the entire Xuanyuan dynasty and the Xuanyuan royal family. The resources are rich and amazing. The higher the power, the more you can exchange for good things.

It is not so easy to improve the level of Xuanyuan.

For every disciple who has just joined Xuanyuan Palace, most of the initial rewards are the same, they are all yellow disciple levels and one hundred Xuanyuan merits.

But Chen Zong is different. The initial rewards received by Chen Zong are Xuan level disciple level and one thousand Xuanyuan merits.

In the Xuanyuan Palace, the palace is located, and Chen Zong is arranged in one of them. This is a palace corresponding to the Xuan-level authority. The cultivation environment is higher than that of the Huang-level authority.

What you need to redeem can be done in the hall.

Chen Zong first looked up to see what treasures Xuanyuan Palace could exchange.

My disciple level is Xuan level, which corresponds to Xuan level authority. Therefore, you can see all yellow level authority, Xuan level authority, and half of the prefecture level authority. As for heaven level authority treasures, with your current disciple level, Can't see at all.

If you want to see the treasures that can be exchanged for Heaven-level authority, you must at least upgrade your disciple level to the prefecture-level.

A cursory look ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong found that treasures with yellow permissions are basically useless to himself.

The treasures that can be exchanged for mysterious permissions are much better than the yellow ones, but they are not very useful to me now.

However, some of the treasures that can be exchanged for half of the prefecture-level permissions made Chen Zong's heart regrettable. Unfortunately, he did not have enough Xuanyuan achievements to exchange.

It is worth mentioning that the treasures with yellow-level permissions require between one hundred and one thousand yuan for merit.

For Xuanyuan treasures, the merit of Xuanyuan is between one thousand and ten thousand.

As for the treasures at the prefecture level, the value of the Xuanyuan Meritorious Exchange has reached more than 10,000.

Looking at his only one thousand merits, he could only exchange for the lowest mysterious treasure, and Chen Zong shook his head.

It was just a cursory look. Now, Chen Zong carefully looks at it. This look immediately made Chen Zong discover something.


Starting from the yellow-level authority, there is actually a practice method, and it is still a holy-class superb method.

Great mystery!

Chen Zong was curious, so he looked carefully.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue has a detailed introduction. It is rumored to be a complete sacred-class superb method created by the ancestors of the Xuan Yuan dynasty. Wait.

Invisibly, the value of this sacred-class Need for Gong method has dropped a lot.

After all, the sage-level best practices inherited from many forces have at least one supporting martial arts or secret method, which can exert more powerful power.

Another point is that the strength cultivated by Da Xuan Yuan Jue is peaceful and peaceful. There is nothing particularly outstanding and there is no weakness.

In this way, even those who have a strong inheritance of the ultimate superb skills are inconspicuous. nt

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