Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 57: Jian Dang Qian Kun (Part 2)

At night, the night is quiet, and all the lights are dim.

The night was deep, but it could not stop the practitioner's restless heart.

In the flower room and flower room, Min Gongzi in a white robe was drinking with a charming woman in a half-dress.

Suddenly, Min Gongzi struck out like lightning, and the woman fell to the ground softly, completely stunned.

"Have you been with this boy for so long, if you are tired, you might as well have a drink." Min Gong took the wine glass near his lips, but paused, as if talking to the air.

As if coming out of the darkness and coming out of nothingness, appeared in the flower room, sitting in front of Min Gongzi.

It is Chen Zong.

"It's Xiongtai, don't know what to look for?" Min Gongzi stared at Chen Zong, and suddenly realized that he raised his glass to signal and asked at the same time.

"I'm calling you Min Gongzi, or are you changing blood slaughter?" Chen Zong didn't move, but Xu Xuji said, the simple words were stabbed out as if the sword had gone in the direction.

"What's Xiongtai talking about?" Min Gongzi's face was surprised, as if he didn't understand the meaning of Chen Zong's words, but at the moment, the wine glass in his hand contained terrible power, which shot out enough to hit the mountains. Broken.

The wine glass rotates sharply, and the wine in it is turned into blood red instantly, which is filled with amazing killings.

Immediately afterwards, Min Gongzi's right hand turned into blood red, filled with a strong **** smell, as if the blood-colored flying swallow swept across the sky, and the speed was astonishing like lightning. Its trajectory was not straight, but flew from the side However, it seems that the speed is faster than the straight line, and there is a **** glow on the fingertips, like a blade-like cutting.


Amazingly fast!

This one alone surprised Chen Zong. The ordinary high-end semi-holy level could not be avoided, and he would be killed instantly.

Chen Zong alone can also judge that this person's strength will definitely not be inferior to some peerless Tianjiao in the Xuanyuan Jihad, no wonder there are so many people killed by him.

Of course, this is not to say that this person's talents can be compared with the peerless Tianjiao of Xuanyuan Jihad, but because this person has a longer cultivation time and a longer sedimentation in the semi-holy level, plus some good talents and good ones. Opportunity, just to create such strength.

In fact, many old semi-holy levels, although not talented enough to break into the holy realm, but also because they have settled in the semi-holy level for a long time, so they have good strength and means, those Tianjiao In contrast, it was normal to be killed accidentally.

I have to say that this man not only shot quickly, but also very decisively and mercilessly.

A trace of strong **** smell also hit at the same time, straight through the lungs and straight into the brain. This stench of **** blood can make people dizzy, distracts their minds in an instant, and can't respond as quickly as possible. kill.

In this way, this person has killed many people.

This time, one more person will be killed.

However, Chen Zong was not only prepared for it, he was also extremely perceptive. The glass and the other hand that the opponent killed were all under Chen Zong's grasp, and the trajectory was extremely clear.

One stroke of the sword, half-step sword intention condensed in it, and the wine glass was directly cut open. The blood red wine inside did not splash out half a minute, but was cut like a solid, and shot backward at a faster rate. With a sharp and direct sword.

The sword finger didn't stop, and the trajectory turned around, toward the scarlet Feiyan hand, the sword edge was overwhelming.

Min Gongzi's expression was cold, his eyes twinkled with terrible killing, and he was a little surprised.

So fast!

This person's response was really too fast.


Without hesitation, Min Gongzi turned into a touch of light and shadow, pulled back and withdrew at an amazing speed, faintly like an electric light gliding across the sky. This speed surprised Chen Zong, and his body style was even more mysterious.

As soon as he moved, Chen Zong also followed, and the streamer flying shadow practice practiced to the full realm merged with 45% of the steps. The lightning speed flew out at an instant, and the speed became increasingly amazing and approached instantly.

Immediately, Jin Jinyue sword came out of the sheath, and turned into a touch of golden sword light to tear through the sky and kill him.

Not only fast, but also unmatched.

"Blood slaughtering!" A scream of stern sound suddenly sounded, Min Gongzi's body seemed to explode, and the endless **** light hit all directions, rendering the surroundings quickly, the ground, walls and roof were instantly turned into blood, a thick approximation In dark red blood.

Suddenly, the blood was soaked in all directions, like a blood-colored prisoner, with an extremely thick **** smell, which was very pungent and nauseating. The breath and color here make people feel depressed and dull and extremely uncomfortable.

Especially the dark red of up, down, left and right, it is more like a thick layer of plasma flowing continuously, more and more amazing.

Under normal circumstances, here, they will be suppressed, indirectly weakening their own strength.

If before, Chen Zong was only Jiucheng affirming the identity of the other party, then now, there is a tenth certainty that he is sure that the other party is a hundred **** slaughter.

As soon as the blood-slaying method was performed, a robe of Variety Blood-slaying was also rendered with a layer of dark red halo, as if the plasma was flowing slowly, looking very horrible, and fused with the surrounding plasma. Let the breath of blood change more profound.

On the face of Variety Blood Slay, the original Junxiu had disappeared long ago. A face was covered with cracks, and the cracks were blood red. They looked like evil spirits, and caused Chen Zong's eyes to shrink slightly.

"Tianjiao, who died under my blood-slaying method, will have one more of you." The sound of Variety's Blood-slay was completely changed, cold and hoarse, killing Ying Ye.

"I'm afraid you can't do what you want." Chen Zong smiled slightly, the atmosphere here was really terrifying, making himself feel depressed and dull, but Chen Zong's heart was extremely firm, external evils were difficult to invade, enough to resist completely, without any influence.

With the sword in hand and half-step sword instability, one sword was killed.

Sword of blood!

Blood flashes through the line as fast as lightning.

In an instant, the body of Variety Blood Slaughter was hit, and there was no time to dodge.

There is also a mysterious glow on the face of Variety Blood Slay, and it seems difficult to believe that he was stabbed by the other side with a sword.

Immediately, a strange chilling smile appeared on the face of Variety Blood Slay.

I saw the rapid flow of plasma around him, rushing, the sword hole on his body was healing quickly.

Can't kill?

Chen Zong frowned slightly, then smiled coldly, the second sword shot.

This time, the ever-changing blood slaughter responded faster, turned into a splatter of blood-colored electric light and flew out, avoiding Chen Zong's sword, and the sky's blood claws slaughtered from all sides, every shot was sharp and torn everything.

Chen Zong's eyes stared, and he could only see the countless scarlet claws, which were densely packed in all directions, as if to tear himself completely.

With a sword in hand, all blood claws were all resisted, and the sword body contained a force of anti-shock, which shattered the blood light one after another.

Immediately, I saw a huge scarlet sword cut off in the air, as if to be able to split the mountains.

This is a sword of Xeon, and it is a sword that must be killed. The **** claws of the sky are just a means. Of course, although it is only a means of hiding, it is also very powerful. If it can kill the enemy, it is very good, if not , Will also cover this knife.

One cut is as if splitting the sky and the earth, and Chen Zong is split directly into two halves.

Chen Zong stared at the slashed **** sword light. This knife was very powerful, only to be compared with the peerless Tianjiao who ranked thirty in the Xuanyuan Jihad.

But for myself, it is not strong enough.

Killed with a sword.

Heart Sword Style!

Chen Zong didn't even need to cast the Sky Crystal Overlord.

A sword was shot through the sky.

Once the Scarlet Knife lighted up, it was immediately penetrated, killed mercilessly, and penetrated the body that could not be avoided by the Blood Slayer.

The power of this sword became more and more terrible.

A sword directly broke the neck of Variety Bloodslay, and his head suddenly fell to the ground.

Countless plasma accelerated from all directions, and Chen Zong slashed between the swords. Then he picked up and packed the head of Variety Bloodslay directly, and it was included in the ring. This is the proof of the task. .

The blood color faded, everything returned to its original state, the room was still the original room, but it was broken everywhere, but the charming Hualou woman had already died.

After Chen Zong provoked the Blood Ring's appetite, a little spark popped on his headless body, and it was immediately burned to ashes.

go away!

After the mission was completed, Chen Zong would return to the capital of the Xuanyuan Palace, turn in the mission, and get the Xuanyuan merit as soon as possible.

While returning to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong also inspected the appetite for Variety Blood Slay.

There are a lot of Yuandan and Renyuandan, and Tianyuandan has several. The wealth is very good, and in addition, it is some other elixir.

Rejuvenating elixir and healing elixir.

For Chen Zong, these are not very useful. Chen Zong himself has a lot of such elixir.

What deserves Chen Zong's attention is the three books of martial arts.

One is the blood-slaying method. It is the blood-slaying method that was previously performed by the Variety Blood Slaughter. It has another path. It is quite mysterious. Once it is displayed, you can use the power of the blood-slaying method to recover your injuries in a very short time. Immortal.

Of course, it's not really immortal, otherwise how can Chen Zong kill the ever-changing blood slaughter.

Even so, it is very extraordinary, but unfortunately, its cultivation method is very brutal and bloody, that is, to **** blood and absorb fresh blood, not a little, but a lot, and Chen Zong directly ruled it out.

The second one is the Transformable Form, which is another method that Pride Blood Slayer takes pride in, and it is with this method that the Pride Blood Slayer can change its appearance and so on, avoiding hunting. .

But unfortunately, the practice of this hundred transformations is also as cruel, that is, killing and skinning, and then practicing himself, Chen Zong can't help but be sorry. This method, Chen Zong does not like it, since he does n’t like it, then Not going to practice.

The third book is the body-building method performed by Variety Blood Slaughter. It is a holy class body-building method and is called Leiguang Dust.

Of the three books, only this one is useful for yourself. The other two can be discarded, but Chen Zong did not really discard it. Instead, he took it first and planned to take it back to Xuanyuan Palace. See if you can redeem some of the merits of Xuan Yuan, if it does n’t work, it ’s not too late to destroy it. nt

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