Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 58: Sword hidden front

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is more than half a year later.

In a disciple's hall in Xuanyuan Palace, Chen Zong opened his breath and breathed like a sword, sharp and sharp like a sword, pulsating as if piercing the sky.

Feeling the powerful power flowing in his body, Chen Zong smiled.

The 15th floor of Da Xuan Yuan Jue!

After half a year, this sacred-class Need for Gong method made another breakthrough, and it went a step further.

Chen Zong also felt that he had reached the limit in his exercises and wanted to improve again, only to break through to the sanctuary.

Infinite, that's just a theory. Every level and every realm has its limits.

However, these limits vary from person to person. Some practitioners 'limit at the semi-holy level may be the practice of Gongfa to the eleventh and twelfth layers, and some practitioners' limit is the thirteenth layer and tenth. Four floors.

If there is no chance, the fifteenth floor should be the limit of the semi-holy level.

It is very difficult to upgrade from the fourteenth floor to the fifteenth floor. Each upgrade requires a lot of time and energy to sharpen, and it needs sufficient external power.

Like this prefect-level disciple hall.

That's right, for six months, Chen Zong has spent time in practice and performing missions, accumulating Xuanyuan merits, and applied for discipleship promotion when he exceeded 10,000 points.

The disciples of Xuanyuan Palace have different levels, and the level of the disciples can be increased.

When you have a thousand merits, you can apply for promotion to mysterious disciple. When you have 10,000 merits, you can apply for promotion to a prefect-level disciple. Of course, you must have so many merits when you apply. among them.

Xuanyuan Palace's disciple mechanism is very perfect, Chen Zongyi applied, but only waited for two quarters of an hour to pass immediately.

After the application was approved, Chen Zong ’s disciple level was upgraded from Xuan level to prefecture level, and his authority was also improved, but Chen Zong was still unable to live in the prefectural level disciples hall.

Therefore, the number of disciple halls in Xuanyuan Palace is limited. When Chen Zong became a disciple disciple, it happened that the hall of the disciple disciple was vacated. This time the prefectural disciple hall was full, so he could only challenge.

The survival of the fittest is so simple and straightforward.

Chen Zong won the challenge, and naturally won the right to use the residence of the prefect-level disciples. Of course, he also complained with that person.

Cultivate Da Xuan Yuan Jue to the 15th floor, his strength is more powerful and pure, and his strength is also improved.

"The Grand Xuan Yuan Jue reached the fifteenth floor, which is already the limit. In this Xuan Yuan Palace, there is nothing that can let me break through the limit."

The authority of the disciples at the level allows Chen Zong to see some of the permissions of the disciples at the level. One of them is to enter the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda to practice. This makes Chen Zong very hearty, but when Chen Zong saw that the exchange needed When Xuan Yuan's merit, he was dumbfounded.

10,000 points of merit an hour!

That is to say, before you get the training time of ninety-one hours, it is equal to nine hundred and one thousand yuan.

After half a year, Chen Zong knew the difficulty of obtaining this Xuanyuan merit.

10,000 points of merit have to spend their own time for nearly half a year, and nearly half a year of hard work, can only be exchanged for one hour of Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda, really ...

Chen Zong did not use Xuanyuan Meritories to exchange the practice time of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower. For an hour, it was too short, and it was not so obvious to himself now.

After all, I can only reach the seventh floor now, and I am very clear about the effect of the seventh floor.

With this 10,000 points of merit, Chen Zong can be used to exchange the complete Daxuanyuan recipe, but for the time being, the first twenty floors are enough.

"My half-step Leiyi has realized 70%, this Lei Yundan contains Lei Yi Dao Yun, it will have a wonderful effect on half-step Leiyi's enlightenment and can be exchanged." Chen Zong's eyes stared, sweeping Yes, said secretly.

A Lei Yundan needs a thousand Xuanyuan Merits to be exchanged.

His 10,000 yuan worth of honors, but can only be exchanged for only ten, of course, the effect of Lei Yundan Chen Zong is not clear, then, try to exchange three first.

As for the fusion of half-step sword and half-step fire, progress has been slow, but only 40% has been merged.

However, the power after the integration of 40% is obviously better than that of 10%. If Chen Zong's strength is even stronger.

Soon, a halo-shaped white jade bottle was delivered to Chen Zong, which contained three elixir.

The elixir is the size of a thumb, round and round, with a purple halo. There seems to be endless arcs of jumping in the halo, making a faint sound.

Lei Yundan!

After Chen Zong adjusted his interest rate, he threw a grain of Lei Yundan into his mouth and swallowed it, and began to cultivate.

A faint trace of electric rushes emerged from the body and emerged from the body of Chen Zong, wandering around.

Chen Zong's consciousness was completely immersed in enlightenment, and 70% of the steps were condensed into a thunderous light.

Lei Yundan is refined by special means, which contains the flavor of the Taoism of Lei Yundao, which is helpful for the realization of the meaning of Lei Yundao. Of course, there is very little of the meaning of Thunder in Lei Yundan. It is not enough to understand the meaning of Lei Zhi, but it is enough to come to understand Lei Yi half a step.

One of Lei Yundan's strength was exhausted, Chen Zong felt half a step ahead of Lei, and continued to take the second one.

Then I took a third one.

When the third Lei Yundan's power was exhausted, Chen Zong's half-step Lei Yi also ushered in a breakthrough.


Eighty-and-a-half steps thunder, the power is even more powerful.

"Being able to break through to 80%, in addition to Lei Yundan's strength, there is also my own accumulation and understanding." Chen Zong's thinking is very clear.

If they were replaced by others, the three Lei Yun Dan might not be able to break their half-step thunder from 70% to 80%.

Now that Lei Yundan is effective, Chen Zong will continue to exchange the remaining 7,000 Yuan Xuanyuan Merits for seven Lei Yundan Merchants. In the end, there are only hundreds of Xuan Yuan Merits.

Continue taking Lei Yun Dan.

After taking seven Lei Yun Dan, half step Lei Yi broke through again.


After Chen Zong consolidated, he breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't improve quickly anymore, and Xuan Yuan's merit was almost exhausted.

Suddenly, Chen Zong could not help feeling a little headache, and was about to perform the task again.

As far as their current strength is concerned, those tasks are actually not difficult, and difficult tasks, based on their current level, still can not reach.

Relatively speaking, Chen Zong didn't like to perform the task so much, and it didn't have the effect of experience, but he had to go in order to get the Xuanyuan Merit.

Chen Zong opens the task panel and looks up again, looking for tasks that are suitable for him and satisfy him.

I found a circle, but were not very satisfied. In desperation, Chen Zong could only find some unsatisfactory among these unsatisfactory tasks, and took some time to complete them.

When Chen Zong was preparing to choose a task that was not satisfactory, suddenly, a burst of red light flashed quickly on the panel, very violent, as if blood was diffused, with some ominousness.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment, feeling the red light dazzling.

After a few breaths of red light flashing, it did not go silent, but permeated the panel, and soon a piece of text appeared, as if written by blood.

That was a task, a new task that directly attracted Chen Zong's attention.

This is an urgent task. A group of semi-holy masters are called to go to the small void to kill the void demons.

"Void Demon!" Chen Zong's pupils narrowed slightly.

The Xuantian army of the Xuanyuan dynasty was located in the void battlefield to resist the invasion of the void demons, and the small void was attached to one side of the void battlefield and one secret.

Although the Xuantian Army was guarding the void battlefield, there were still accidents. Some weaker void demons would sneak into the small void, and then enter the territory of the Xuanyuan Dynasty through the small void.

Each time a void demon sneaks into the territory of the Xuan Yuan Dynasty, it will cause considerable damage and casualties.

After all, Void Demon and Terran are not a race, but enemies.

Therefore, every time a void demon sneaks into a small void, an alarm will appear, and a powerful group of semi-sacred levels will be dispatched to hunt and clear the sky.

If it is not cleared up, even if only one Void Demon invades the earth of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, it will still cause a lot of casualties.

This mission is marked with blood red fonts, indicating that this mission is very dangerous, even the disciples of Xuanyuan Palace will be in danger of death.

Of course, the rewards for this task are also very generous.

Kill a miscellaneous soldier-level void demon and get a thousand feats. If you kill a elite soldier-level void demon, you can get 10,000 yuan.

Chen Zong was immediately moved.

When I knew that Xuan Tianjun was defending against the Nether Demon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong had done some understanding.

The Xuanyuan dynasty or Tianyuan sanctuary divided the void demons. The miscellaneous soldier level is equivalent to the high-level semi-sacred level. Of course, the void demons themselves are very powerful and often stronger than the semi-sacred level of the same level.

The elite soldier-level Void Demon is to enter the holy realm level, which is equivalent to entering the holy realm.

As for the elite soldier level, it is called the fierce soldier level, which is equivalent to entering the sanctuary.

Above the fierce soldier level, it is called fierce soldier level, which is equivalent to entering the sanctuary triple.

However, under normal circumstances, the vanity demons who sneak into the small void are the elite soldiers.

But the elite Void Demon is terrible, and the ordinary sanctification is not its opponent at all.

"This task is suitable for me." Chen Zong's eyes flashed brilliantly, muttering to himself, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

Not only is the reward of Xuan Yuan's meritorious deeds very rich, but it is also able to fight against the powerful Void Demon in life and death, sharpening himself in life and death.

You can get rich merit, and you can sharpen your own potential for inspiration. You can kill two birds with one stone, why not do it. As for the so-called danger, when you embark on the path of cultivation, you must have awareness of facing various dangers, and sometimes even have to Ask yourself for danger.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong took the task immediately, because this task has a limited number of places.


The quota for this task is one hundred. When Chen Zong watched receiving the task, more than thirty people had already accepted the task, and when Chen Zong accepted the task, the number jumped to one hundred instantly.

All 100 places were accepted.

Immediately, a new text appeared, telling the people who took the task to gather in the main hall of Xuanyuan Palace three days later, and three days, let everyone make a perfect preparation. nt

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