Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 60: Evil Sword (Part 1)

Although the small virtual realm belongs to the space between the heavenly realm and the virtual battlefield, it can also be regarded as an independent space, which is very vast and has heaven and earth.

The land in the small void was dark, and it seemed a bit soft to step on it, as if the foot would sink into it at any time, but it would not sink into it. Walking, Chen Zong's steps had just fallen, and his feet had just touched the ground. Suddenly, there was a pause.

I saw a small vortex appearing in the black earth under the soles of the feet. It seemed to **** everything in between.

Through the soles of his feet, Chen Zong can feel the suction produced by that vortex, but this suction is not strong for himself.

The soles of the feet fell into a surge of energy, instantly breaking the small vortex of the void.

Compared with the Xuanyuan dynasty, the space of this small void was more unstable, making Chen Zong feel lighter.

Above is the sky, which is not as clear and clear as the sky of the Xuanyuan dynasty. Only a lot of gray breath is constantly permeating, such as the wind flowing and changing like a mist, and it seems to contain an amazing danger.

Chen Zong didn't act with other people, which would certainly be safer, but the peerless Tianjiao who came here, in addition to performing tasks, also have the intention to sharpen their lives between life and death, and each one has the potential for talent. High, it is inevitable to have arrogance, so except for a few people, most choose to walk alone.

The dark earth, the chaotic grey sky, and the air are filled with numerous mixed breath fluctuations. The vitality of the heavens and the earth is very chaotic and unfavorable for absorption and refining. In such a place, if you want to restore strength, you must take elixir.

Chen Zong, while carefully observing the environment of the small void, was looking for the void demons.

Relatively speaking, in this place, the Nether Demon would be more advantageous.

Void demons have many races, but in essence, they are all brutal and bloodthirsty killing races. After entering the small void, they are constantly looking for ways and ways to sneak into the Xuanyuan dynasty, and they will not deliberately hide their whereabouts. So it didn't take long for Chen Zong to discover a void demon.

The Void Demon also found Chen Zong, and the triangular eyes burst out with scarlet icy murderousness, which was extremely cold.


The immense body of the Void Demon moved in an instant, erupting with an astonishing fierce power, like a meteorite bombardment, like a blast in the sun, a sinking moon like a moon, and an astonishing shock, which made the void vibrate. Countless ripples rippled away, and there were faint strands of black scratches like hair.

This is a miscellaneous vanity demon, but even if it is a miscellaneous soldier, its strength is much more powerful than the ordinary high-grade semi-holy level. At least it can be more powerful than the genius high-grade semi-holy level. Higher than the semi-holy level of the peerless Tianjiao class.

Faced with this powerful zombie-level void demons charge, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, and there was a touch of fineness in his eyes.

Immediately when the opponent approached, Jin Jin Yueyuejian emerged instantly.


The golden sword light traversed the sky and was extremely strong, and suddenly cut away the void, leaving a touch of black scratches, shocking.

Sword light simmers and cuts off vitality.


A sword was killed. Suddenly, the body of the Nether Demon that rushed in was a little meal in midair, and was split open by Chen Zongyi sword.


Immediately, Chen Zong took the core of the Void Demon and took it into the ring.

The strength of this void demon is indeed very strong, but for Chen Zong now, it is nothing, and one sword is enough to kill.

Suddenly, a strong heart palpitation struck, there was no reason, and it grew directly in my heart, spreading quickly, overflowing my heart, making Chen Zong surprised.

Why does it feel so unexpected?

As if something terrible is coming.


In Xuanming City, there is an area named Xuanming District, with 108 courtyards named Xuanmingyuan.

In one of the mysterious courtyards, a young man is playing with the long sword in his hand. This sword looks gray and white, there is no highlight, and there is no strong or special breath fluctuation. To put it simply, it is just a very ordinary sword. That's it.

But the young man frowned and stared, seeming to find the mystery of the sword.

This person, who is the new concealer of the Ming Dynasty, lived in this Xuan Ming Yuan and found the sword placed in this Xuan Ming Yuan.

And he also knew who lived in the Xuanmingyuan before.

Chen Zong!

A Sanxiu Tianjiao has now become famous in the Xuanming Realm and has become a legendary existence. Xuanming Palace's Xu Mubai is also called Xuanming Double Pride.

The thought of this sword is likely to be left by Chen Zong, this person is naturally excited.

It's just a pity that I can't see the mystery of this sword. The only thing that can be sure is that this sword cannot be destroyed.

But if it can't just destroy this feature, it doesn't seem to be of any use, it can only be reduced to collectibles.

"Is this sword just the collection of Chen Zong?" The Tianjiao couldn't help wondering, and then guessed again: "Or that this sword has nothing to do with Chen Zong, it is a collection left by earlier people, because it is useless, Chen Zongcai just ignored it? "

Suddenly, the gray-white sword trembled gently, and a ray of gray light waved the body of the sword, attracting all the attention and concentration of this moment of pride.

I saw that the sword was getting brighter, but it was not dazzling at all. Instead, it made him feel creepy. It seemed to contain a great murderous horror, and it would exterminate all vitality.

"Good sword ... Treasure ..." Suddenly, this newly-born Mingbang was so excited that he forgot everything else, and it was the only sword in the center of his eyes.

To release such a terrifying atmosphere, and before making yourself unaware of it, is absolutely the treasure. Now, the treasure will be his own.

With this treasure, maybe he will become the second Chen Zong, a legend of Xuanming Realm, which is comparable to Xuanming Shuangjiao.

As soon as I reached out my hand, I grabbed the sword handle suddenly on that day, but was bounced off by a terrible force, as if being directly hit by an invisible ancient beast. He vomited more blood than I felt, and my muscles seemed to be scattered. , Can only watch the sword that emits a dazzling gray light gently swipe, open the void, disappeared instantly.

Everything, as if dreamy, if not the pain in my body reminds me all the time.


When Chen Zongzheng displayed his three swords to kill a powerful miscellaneous vanity demon, suddenly, the void in front of him suddenly torn, as if the open mouth of an unknown monster seemed to devour everything.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong stepped back immediately, very fast, like a thunderbolt, which is the holy top-level body law and thunderbolt, which has already been cultivated to Xiaocheng.

Xiaocheng's lightning speed is faster than the perfect streamer flying shadow, and with the blessing of 90% and a half steps, his speed is increased a lot again.

After all, this thunderbolt body method contains a hint of thunder, which fits half-step thunder, and is more suitable than streamer flying shadow.

But at the moment when Chen Zongfei retreated, a gray sharpness to the extreme light radiated from the dark void crack.


Fast as Aurora!

Faster than lightning!

He was blasted to the front in an instant, so that Chen Zong gave birth to a thrilling sense of permeation. At his own speed, it was difficult to avoid.

Chen Zongzheng was about to blast out his sword. He suddenly loosened the hilt of the sword and reached forward, grabbing the gray light, and the gray light also disappeared to reveal his true body.


Off-white sword!

Silent Sword!

Chen Zong couldn't help but be stunned and scalp.

Did n’t the Sword of Perdition stay in the Xuanming area of ​​Xuanming City, which is far away from the Xuanyuan dynasty, and should be farther away from this small void, why does it appear? it's here.

Moreover, Chen Zong also thought that he was not dazzled or mistaken. The way this silent sword appeared was to break through the space directly.

Chen Zong felt that it was not difficult to break the space of a small void, and he could do it with his own efforts, but he could only do so.

Moreover, this dying evil sword broke through the space in Xuanming City, which is hard to imagine.

For a time, Chen Zong was shocked to the extreme. He stared at the extinct evil sword in his hand, and his inner fear became more and more obvious.

This sword was originally not owned by him, but its evil differences, Chen Zong has seen, and also used this sword against the enemy, that is, to kill the void demons in the demon forbidden area.

This sword can absorb the vitality of the Nether Demon and seems to be recovering itself.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong's mind suddenly emerged a guess ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Is this sword related to the Nether Demon? Chen Zong felt that this speculation was really very bold.

Otherwise, the Sword of Extinction has been kept in the Xuanming District of Xuanming District of Xuanming City. It has not been taken, nor is it intended to be taken back. Whoever wants to take it.

After that, the Sword of Extinction did not appear, but when he entered the small void and began to kill the void demons, it came to nothing.

Is this a coincidence?

Or is it inevitable?

All things considered, Chen Zong feels that the latter is more likely.

Silent Sword!

Void Demon!

Does this sword belong to the cosmic void?

Chen Zong felt that his speculation seemed to be close to the truth of the facts. For a while, he could not help but express a very strong curiosity, and at the same time a very strong fear.

The cosmic void is, for himself, a forbidden land, an inaccessible forbidden land.

Maybe in the future, I hope to step into the void of the universe, but it is not now, nor do I know when.

After all, it is still unknown whether a strong person who can enter the holy realm can enter the void of the universe. If not, then a half-step holy one?

Or is it that the Great Holy Realm Xeon is able to step into the void of the universe?

Chen Zong retracted his thoughts and felt that he was thinking a little too far. At present, this is still the sword of silence, which makes him feel fearful.

"Silent evil sword, since you can find it by yourself, you must have spirit, please show up." Chen Zong stared at the sword in his hand and said Shen Sheng.

Some things need to be resolved sooner or later. Now that they have been encountered and faced, they must be resolved, otherwise the longer the delay, the worse it will be.

However, Chen Zong's words did not play any role, and the silent sword did not respond at all. nt

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