Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 66: Sen Luo Sword Prison (1)

The realm of the heart shrouded for ten meters, and each shot of the King Blood Demon was clearly displayed in it, but the trajectory of each shot became so erratic, even if Chen Zong could capture it, he could not fully grasp it for a while.

Every effort is made, the mind is constantly consumed, and countless inspirations burst out under the pressure brought about by the crisis of life and death, as if countless sparks splashed and kept colliding.

The king of blood demons kept on firing, and he was so excited by his overwhelming force.

This humble human race, with such strength, can fight fiercely to this extent with himself, it is very good, his essence and blood must be very delicious.

Do your best!

Chen Zong can feel his own potential, seeping slowly like a spring water, permeating his whole body and mind.

Unconsciously, under the pressure of the life and death crisis brought by the king blood demon, Chen Zong was making progress, a little bit more advanced.

Sword-by-sword swings out, and due to the characteristics of the extinct evil sword, if it hurts the opponent, it is expected to draw on the vitality of the opponent.

But each sword will be blocked by the opponent's claw, and that claw is terrible, it is difficult to break, let alone hurt the opponent.

But with each hit and every collision, Chen Zong will have some insight.

With confidence, Chen Zong has no fear, even if the sword that is waved out will have flaws, even if the flaw will be caught by the opponent and killed fiercely, there is no fear.

In this case, the extreme heart sword style was dismantled by Chen Zong, deducing a deeper mystery.

In my mind, as if a volcano was surging, the amazing magma was rolling endlessly in the volcano, and it seemed to tremble endlessly, gushing out.

The magma is like inspiration, if it comes out, a new trick appears.




The Sword of Perdition continued to slash out, and the power of each sword became more and more amazing, sharp to the extreme, and directly cut open the void, leaving a pale black scratches, shocking.

The elite soldier-level Nether Demon stood by and watched, and looked like he was ready to shoot at any time.

Even if at this moment it seems that the prince has the upper hand and suppresses the human race, he will not relax the slightest vigilance.

"Evil Dragon ... Eighteen!"

Suddenly, the king blood demon was killed again with one claw, seemingly one claw, but the eighteen sharp claws broke.

Although it is only eighteen, not ninety-nine, its power is even more powerful and much stronger, and it brings an unparalleled threat to Chen Zong. This threat makes Chen Zong's heart tremble and it is indescribable. The thrill came from the soul, and it was exciting.

The accumulated inspiration burst out in an instant.

The lava in the volcano in my heart seemed to have been backed up for thousands of years, and it erupted completely in an instant.


It's like a thunderous thunder, a god-opening voice.

Numerous auras of light emerged, causing Chen Zong's body to tremble faintly.

Forty-five-step sword intention and four-and-a-half-step fire intention lingered on the Sword of Extinction in a flash, combined in a wonderful way, and turned into an extremely powerful sword.

It's not a sword sword, but a more powerful sword.


One sword came out, it seemed simple, but it was full of unparalleled explosive power. When it was killed by one sword, it seemed that there was a horrible flame raging and burning in all directions, and it contained an incomparable sharpness and shattered everything.

This sword is as deep as the abyss.

This sword is as scary as hell.

This sword is full of amazing breath of destruction.


A sword came out, as if Sen Luo Jian prison came, directly covering the king blood demon, the terrible power fell on it, it seemed to suppress it, making his body a little meal.

A terrible sword, the eyes of the king blood demon contracted in an instant, the scarlet light radiated like a needle, implying horror.

This sword turned out to smell the breath of death.

break out!

A complete outbreak of unreserved strength, the terrible light exploded from the body, soaring into the sky, as if the flames were fierce, burning frantically, and destroying everything.

The erupting terror power seemed to break the sky, blocking Chen Zong's sword.

But this is only the first sword.

Under the explosion of inspiration, Chen Zong naturally exhibited the second sword, which is also a sword with a half-step sword and a half-step fire.

Sen Luo like prison!

The second sword is more perfect and its power is even more amazing.

Power is not equal to power, but it is also closely related to power. The stronger the power, the stronger the power naturally.

"Evil Sky ... One!"

This is a claw in Xeon, it is a claw that exhausts all its power, and it is astonishing and extremely powerful.

This claw was killed, and the void was torn instantly, spreading out like black lightning.

The breath of astonishing destruction permeated, everything could not resist the slightest, and it would be torn and torn instantly, completely destroyed, and completely extinct.


The realm of hearts trembled violently, as if to be torn.

The third sword!


This is a sword that was cut off from the sky. Sen Luo is like a prison.

The Sword of Extinction carried extreme strength, collided with the claws, and trembled one after another, a terrible shock of constant force, raging in all directions, rippled like a raging surge, and the surrounding void was stirred , There is a touch of black, as if brushed across.

The overwhelming force slammed Chen Zong and Wang Xue demons one after another and backed up.

The king blood demon stepped suddenly and rushed to Chen Zong again, and Chen Zong made it feel no small threat.

You know, you are a sacred tribe with the blood of a king. By nature, you are a humble tribe. At the same level, the strength is so strong that you can compete with yourself.

Must die!

Moreover, the other person's essence and blood must be very delicious, not only delicious, but also very helpful to himself.

Chen Zong's body became brighter, his eyes became brighter and sharper, as if the sword edge pierced through the sky and stared at the void demons that were approaching by lightning.

As if the flames were diffused and a sword fell off.

Sen Han is like prison.

It is like a purgatory coming down in the air, suppressing all directions.

In a single blow, the terrible force hits all directions, tearing everything apart.

Chen Zong was repelled again, and the King Blood Demon was also repelled.

Evil Claw!

In an instant, the blood behind the demon of the king blood suddenly torn, revealing a blackness, and a huge claw suddenly grabbed it out, as if it were an ancient devil's claw, coming from the void of the universe. Slaughter, extinction.

Chen Zong's face changed greatly, and the sense of crisis was terrified.




Unparalleled danger!

Across the claws, there were cracks in the space, as if every inch was cracking. Countless gray and black flames were burning on the giant claws. It seemed that the battlefield was smoke-smelling, and the strong atmosphere made Chen Zong dizzy.


This claw, even if it bursts into full force, cannot resist it.

Even if the strength of Shura's avatar is borrowed, it is the same, it can't be resisted. This is a feeling that comes from deep inside, and makes Chen Zong startle.

One blow and one claw is enough to kill the sacred realm.

These horrible guys will appear among the demons of the void, and if they are in the future, they will definitely be a disaster.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong used the strongest hole card.

There was a flash of light on the brow's heart, and then it burst out. A figure appeared in front of Chen Zong's deity.

A silver-gray sword robe is on the body, and his face is not as big as that of Chen Zong, but it looks kind of cold and extreme cold, which makes people feel that it will penetrate the bone marrow into the cold of the soul.

In this scene, the king's blood demon and elite soldier-level void demon were suddenly shocked.

How could another person appear out of thin air and look the same.

But whoever killed it, the devil's giant claws were captured in a hurry, and countless flames on the sharp claws burned into the sky.

It seems like a claw!

It seems to be a claw to slaughter people!

In the face of this merciless claw, Chen Zong did not move, everything was handed over to Xiuluo Chen Xiu.

The avatar Chen Xiu, who has been condensed by the magical Vientiane Shura to draw endless purity, is extremely cold, and the whole body exudes the coldness from the bones and from the depths of the soul.

The icy eyes stared at the giant demon's claw without fear, and his expression remained unchanged.

The demonic giant claws are captured in the air, the force of terror, and suppressed in the air, they are directly crushed and crushed by Chen Zong and Chen Xiu.

Suddenly, Chen Xiu issued a sword.

The clear frost and cold evil sword emerged from the sheath, showing the cold ripples like water waves, the waves went away, the water waves are endless, pure to the extreme, and the cause of the king blood demon trembled for no reason ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wonderful feeling.

The sword suddenly disappeared and disappeared, seemingly submerged into the void, a sword breaking the sky.

Burning Thunder!

This is the second most important method of burning Shura sword, and it is displayed under Chen Xiujian. Its power is almost terrifying.

The power is too strong, a sword directly tore the space of the small void, like a void thunder to kill.


The demon's giant claw fell, and it was penetrated instantly. This sword, which was irresistible, penetrated the demon's giant claw and killed the king blood demon.

Too fast!

Too strong!

Too fierce!

There is no way to resist the slightest, the king blood demon is too late to react, the body is penetrated in an instant, the terrible combination of the power of the burnt Shura holy power and the power of the evil spirit, raging and destroying in its body.

At the same time, Chen Zong's body flashed, like a thundering tearing void, appeared on the side of the king blood demon, wielding the sword of silence.

At the same time, the elite soldier-level Void Demon who was watching beside him also shot and punched Chen Zong with a full blow. It seemed to be able to break everything and blow the Void into a scratch. Mercilessly kill Chen Zong.

Chen Xiu wields a sword, Jianguang submerged into the void, and instantly breaks that punch, and penetrates the fist of the elite soldier-level void demon, as if fragile like tofu, and the entire arm is also penetrated at once.

The wicked evil sword pierced into the body of the king blood demon, and the terrible power burst out, madly absorbing the life of the king blood demon.

Through the Sword of Extinction, Chen Zong can clearly feel the huge vitality contained in this Void Demon. This vitality surprised Chen Zong, even more than the elite soldier-level Void Demon. nt

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