Sword God

Vol 26 Chapter 70: Record breaking (1)

The seventh floor of the Xuanyuan Tower.

Chen Zong holds the wind rhyme stone in his hand, and the whole body is lingering with a trail of half-step wind to express the charm of the road. Between the fluctuations, it is like a breeze blowing around and endlessly.

Sure enough, with the dual assistance of the Fengdao Yunshi and the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda on the seventh floor, Chen Zong spent only two hours and realized half-step style.

If there is no help from the Wind Stone and the Xuanyuan Sacred Tower, or if one of the conditions is missing, then the time required will be at least doubled.

For one million points of merit, he redeemed the training time of a hundred hours of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower. The time is precious and should not be wasted.




The wind and rhyme stone in his hand is filled with a strong wind and rhyme charm, which surrounds Chen Zong's body, making the wind and rhyme charm of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower more than double, which is more conducive to Chen Zong's enlightenment.




Half-step style continued to enlighten and improve at an amazing speed, and was mastered by Chen Zong.

Four percent!

When the half-step style reaches 40%, the speed of enlightenment suddenly drops a lot, but the mysterious Tao charm of the seventh floor of the Taoist Stone of the Wind and the Xuanyuan Holy Tower is still not slow.

In addition to enlightenment, Chen Zong will also fight in a half-step manner to sharpen.

As time passed, thirty hours passed in a blink of an eye. Chen Zong also realized the half-step style with the help of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower and the Wind Stone.

Ten percent half step sword meaning!

10% of the time!

Ten and a half steps astray!

Ten and a half steps!

The half-step sword and half-step fire intentions have reached perfection, while the half-step thunder and half-step style have no, so the next training goal is to promote both types of half-walk meaning to perfect harmony.

Seventy hours!

Chen Zong has full confidence that he can do it.

Uninterrupted cultivation makes Chen Zong forget the passing of time.

Ten and a half steps thunder and perfect!

10% of the style is perfect!

By chance, half of the steps and half of the steps are merged into one, which is a good start.

The cultivation time of the Xuanyuan Holy Tower is finally over.

One hundred hours!

All exhausted.

When Chen Zong left the Xuanyuan Holy Pagoda, the outside world was surging and full of vitality, like a stream of rivers flowing back and forth in one direction. The vitality of that day and earth turned into a stream of air visible to the naked eye.

Chen Zong couldn't help but be slightly surprised. His eyes looked along the direction of the rush of heaven and earth. In the distance, countless heaven and earth energies converged and turned into a large sea of ​​vitality. The turbulence kept on fluctuating and filled with the rays of the vitality, like The sun shines like the divine light rippling on the water waves.

If you feel it carefully, you can feel the amazing vitality fluctuations. The majesty is like the sea, the majestic and boundless, the pure and rich and scary.

As soon as he thought, Chen Zong immediately unfolded himself and quickly flew away in the direction of the sea of ​​vitality.

After a short while, Chen Zong paused, because in addition to himself, many people also came from a distance, and there were many figures in the sky, which were many powerful people who entered the sacred realm.

Below the sea of ​​majestic vitality, there is a tall tower called the Xuankong Tower, which has the magic effect of condensing the vitality of the heavens and the earth. It is usually used to absorb the vitality of the heavens and earth of the capital of the Xuanyuan King. At the critical moment, it is used as the Xuanyuan Palace. Used by a disciple.

In other words, at this moment, someone is making a breakthrough in the Xuankong Tower, from a semi-holy level to entering the holy realm.

I am a disciple of Xuanyuan Palace, but I do n’t know who it is.

At a glance, Chen Zong judged the size of the sea of ​​vitality at this time.

A hundred miles!

When breaking through, the larger the sea of ​​vitality, the more amazing the talent and potential of the person who breaks through. In short, the more genius, the greater the movement of the breakthrough.

However, Chen Zong is not quite sure what level a hundred miles belongs to.

But a hundred miles is not the limit. As a large amount of heaven and earth vitality rushes from all directions, the scope of the sea of ​​vitality is also constantly expanding.

Every time you take a break, it will expand one mile.

One hundred and ten miles!

One hundred and twenty miles!

Chen Zong also found that the expansion of the sea of ​​vitality is slowing down.

From the discussions of others around him, Chen Zong knew who was breaking through at this time.

It is a disciple of Xuanyuan Palace who also knows the size of the sea of ​​vitality when breaking through.

When a normal practitioner breaks through, a sea of ​​vitality of about ten miles will condense.

The higher the talent, the more powerful and the more solid the foundation, the greater the sea of ​​vitality condensed.

The disciples of Xuanyuan Palace, looking at the past and present, have the lowest record, which is a sea of ​​vitality that gathers fifty miles, and the highest record is a sea of ​​vitality, which gathers two hundred miles.

The gap between fifty miles and two hundred miles is very clear.

One hundred and thirty miles!

The sea of ​​vitality finally stayed at one hundred and thirty miles. Such a result was considered very good.

After all, Xuanyuan Palace has historically been able to consolidate two hundred miles of vitality at the time of breakthrough, adding up to less than ten.

One hundred and thirty miles of the sea of ​​vitality slowly turned, just like a huge vitality grinding disc. With the rotation, it continued to condense, remove impurities, and became more pure.

Zoom out!

The sea of ​​vitality is shrinking.

Soon, the sea of ​​vitality, which originally had a range of one hundred and thirty miles, condensed to one hundred miles, and it continued to shrink.

The process of shrinking is the process of removing the impurities, so that the vitality is transformed to the vitality.

Ninety miles!

Eighty miles!

Seventy miles!

The sea of ​​vitality keeps shrinking, and a gleam of crystalline light spreads like waves.

Fifty miles!

Forty miles!

Thirty miles!

The compression of the sea of ​​vitality will also reflect how one's talent is.

Generally speaking, the compression ratio is ten to one.

The sea of ​​vitality of a hundred miles will condense into the sea of ​​vitality of ten miles.

Ten miles!

In the end, the sea of ​​vitality of one hundred and thirty miles was compressed and condensed into a sea of ​​ten miles, and the glimmer of Yuanli was permeated, rendering a layer of dazzling and charming halo.

Then, the sea of ​​ten miles of Yuanli is turning faster and faster, and the light at its center is getting brighter and more dazzling, turning into a bright and bright light of Yuanli, like a glorious radiance. Shoot straight down.

The speed of the Yuanli's light is astonishing, as if it penetrates everything. It seems to break through the mysterious tower. In an instant, the Yuanli's light hits the tower's tip, and the tower's tip is filled with amazing light. Countless lines are also lit.

Those textures are not for the sake of beauty, but for better absorption of the elemental power, helping people in the Xuankong Tower to break through.

About half an hour later, the sea of ​​ten-yuan Yuanli turned into the light of Yuanli, entered into the mysterious tower and was absorbed, and a tyrannical breath burst out from the mysterious tower.

The first stage of the Holy Land!

But that breath is growing.

Entering the holy realm in the middle and heavy!

The first stage of the Holy Land!

Generally, when a cultivator breaks into the sanctuary, it is often the initial practice of entering the sacred realm, but when the accumulation of vigorous people breaks through, they can go beyond the initial stage of the sacred realm and reach the middle and even later stages.

One hundred and thirty miles of vitality!

The Sea of ​​Ten Miles!

The ratio is thirteen to one. This talent is very high, the accumulation is very vigorous, the foundation is very solid, and a breakthrough will naturally enhance more.

In the end, the breath stopped in the late stage of the sacred realm, and was completely stabilized. In the future, if you practice in the future, you can directly hit the peak of the sacred realm.

The breakthrough was over, and everyone left, and Chen Zong also left.

Today, half-step sword, half-fire, and half-step thunder and half-step style are all realized in the perfect harmony, there is no improvement.

The fusion of half-step sword and half-step fire will reach 40%, and the fusion of half-step style and half-step thunder will reach 10%.

"Cultivate the five-element ring secret method first." Chen Zong secretly began to cultivate.

The heaven and earth vigor of the disciples of the heavenly class is more intense and pure, which is very conducive to the practice of the fivefold elementary circle secret method.

Time is like water. Ten days later, Chen Zong made a single-handed stroke. His five fingers were linked by a mysterious trajectory, with his semi-holy power as the root. The silver-white halo ring, about the size of an adult's palm, looks very delicate, just like a work of art.

"Go!" With one wave of Chen Zong, the ring flew out in an instant, and the speed was as fast as a stream of light. It instantly passed over 100 meters, landed on the dummy's arm, and instantly contracted.

This dummy is forged from mysterious gold, and can withstand the full blow of the low-order semi-holy level without breaking, and the intermediate-level semi-holy level of attack.

But under that ring contraction, the arm was cut off immediately.

The power of this blow should be better than the ordinary low-level semi-holy level.

The ring spread, and Chen Zong shook his head.

Not enough, this level of power is not enough ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although the five-element ring secret method is not an attack secret method, but a restricted secret method, but this strength is obviously not enough and will be broken away.


Continue to practice!

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and each day, the five-member ring was improving.

In two breaths, Chen Zong condensed a ring, and the ring's light gradually became restrained and more tenacious.

Instantly, the ring was wrapped around his left arm and began to shrink, Chen Zong felt more accurately by himself.

As the ring sleeve continued to shrink on the left arm, Chen Zong could feel the pressure on the left arm and seemed to break his left arm, and the semi-holy force on the left arm was also affected. Points, not so smooth.

Chen Zong continued to increase the strength of the semi-holy force. When the high-grade semi-holy level was reached, the limiting force of the circle was resisted.

Under the confrontation, but within ten short breaths of time, the power of the ring disappeared.

Chen Zong couldn't help shaking his head. With this level of five-layered secrets, it was obviously not enough to help him, but he only practiced for more than ten days.

The cultivation of these nine classes of secret methods was not easy at first.

What's more, limiting the difficulty of mystical practice is originally higher than attacking, defensive, and increasing mystic.

After retreating for more than ten days, Chen Zong got some news again.

If Xu Mubai broke through, a breakthrough, the sea of ​​vitality two hundred and ten miles, directly broke the historical record of Xuanyuan Palace, causing great shock.

In addition, the sea of ​​vitality, which is finally compressed and condensed, is ten miles, with a ratio of twenty-one to one.

These foundations and talents are shocking.

"Two hundred and ten miles." Chen Zong also secretly surprised, Xu Mubai, it really was amazing. nt

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