Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 2: Shen Xuan (on)

After nine months, Chen Zong went out.

Immediately after exiting the gate, someone came to pick up Chen Zong. Today, Chen Zong is already a strong man in the sanctuary, and will automatically break away from the identity of Xuanyuan Palace disciple and go to his chosen place.

Xuantian Army!

Divine Army!

The Xuantian Army was the largest and strongest army in the Xuanyuan dynasty. The barracks were not established in the capital of the Xuanyuan dynasty, but were located in a mountain range.

This mountain range, named Xuantian Mountain Range, stretches hundreds of thousands of miles away. The Xuantian Army Camp is located in the mountains and covers an extremely wide area.

When Chen Zong arrived on the Xuanming Flying Dragon and looked down from a high altitude, he could see a large array of colorful waves like water waves. That was the power of the formation, that was a large array, a large array in operation.

"This array, called the Jiuzhuan Xuantian Micro-Dust Formation, is the most powerful formation of our Xuantian Army. It is linked by nine large formations, and each large formation has nine medium formations. There are nine small formations in each of the medium formations, which are closely connected without any flaws. "Min Xuan, the sergeant who led Chen Zong, said to Chen Zong with a smile.

"Nine turns to Xuantian Dust!" Chen Zong thoughtfully.

The name sounds very powerful.

Chen Zong has not studied the way of formation, but he also knows some basics. Strictly speaking, formation can be divided into four sizes: super large, large, medium and small.

The larger the size of the matrix method, it often means that the power of the matrix method is stronger, the more difficult it is to arrange, and the more difficult it is to break.

The Nine-Turn Xuantian Dust Formation is a super-large array, covering a wide area. It is estimated to have 100,000 miles. This super-large array is composed of nine large-scale arrays and eighty-one medium-sized arrays. Closely linked to the 729 small arrays.

"If Jiuzhuan Xuantian Dust Array is fully opened, the energy consumed is amazing, but its intensity is sufficient to resist the attack of the Great Holy Realm in a short time and trap and kill the half-strength Great Holy Power." Min Ze Kankan talked, this is not a secret thing. Since Chen Zong has also become the Xuantian Army and is a member of the Divine Xuan Army, he is entitled to know these: Turn on the tithe to reduce the drain on your strength and be on par with recovery. "

"Even if it has only one-tenth of its power, it can resist the attack of the half-step holy sacred power, and in a short period of time, fully open its power."

It can be said that there is such a large-scale formation that can be defended and trapped. The Xuantian Army is extremely stable and difficult to be attacked unless it is broken from the inside.

In order to enter the Jiuzhuan Xuantian Dust Formation, it is also necessary to verify the identity, which is very strict, to prevent evil forces such as dark forces from mixing in and disrupting the operation of the formation.

Min Ze's identity was verified, and Chen Zong's identity also needed to be verified. Entry was allowed only after the verification was passed. If it was a hard break, it would be bombarded.

"Xuantian Army has a total of nine armies, namely Ming Xuan Army, Wang Xuan Army, Tian Xuan Army, Tai Xuan Army, Long Xuan Army, Zhan Xuan Army, Ao Xuan Army, Hun Xuan Army, and Divine Xuan Army."

"Among them, we have the least number of God Xuan Army, but each is an elite among the elite, and Tian Xuan Army ranks second."

"Although our Divine Xuan Army is the most elite, the other eight armies are not bad compared to our Divine Xuan Army, because they have more people, and among them, there are some outstanding peerless Tianjiao, enough to be with our Divine Xuan Army. Many of them are comparable. "

Min Ze led Chen Zong to the Shenxuan Army Camp while introducing Chen Zong to the composition of the Xuantian Army.

Passed through a tent, and finally stepped into the camp of the God Xuan Army.

A huge black body with black and gold lines and a mysterious and unusual camp is in front of him. Chen Zong felt a hint of unbelievably powerful breath and made himself feel depressed.

There seemed to be a terrible ancient beast sleeping in that camp.

"Come on, the military leader is waiting for you inside." Min Ze said calmly.

Outside this camp, there is a sergeant standing on each side, a long sword on his waist, and a fitted black gold veined armor, which looks like a mysterious feeling. His body is also filled with terrible atmosphere fluctuations. Return to the sheath, and if it comes out of the sheath, you can cut the heavens and the earth.

Late into the Holy Land!

Sevenfold into the sanctuary!

Chen Zong was astonished by the fact that these two men were such strong men.

The seven strongest men who entered the sacred realm served as guards here.

It seems that in this mysterious army, there are countless powerful men.

Taking a deep breath to calm down his mind, Chen Zong stepped forward immediately. As Min Ze walked towards that camp, in an instant, the two sharp eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything, falling on himself, with strong warnings. Meaning.

If they insist on going further, they are likely to cause them to attack.

Min Ze and Chen Zong paused.

"I am a senior sergeant, Min Ze. At the command of the army master, I brought Chen Zong, a new recruit of the Divine Army, to visit the army master." Min Ze said positively.

There are rank classifications in the Xuantian Army, which are sergeants, generals, and military leaders.

The rank of military rank is the rank of status and the rank of treatment.

Of course, there is no absolute relationship between rank and strength, but there is also a close relationship.

For example, the superior sergeant may not be stronger than the lower sergeant, but in most cases, the superior sergeant must be stronger than the lower sergeant.

After all, upgrading ranks is not that easy. It takes time and you need to work hard to get merits, so that you can upgrade ranks.

Obtaining the meritorious service is not just sitting and waiting. You need to pay for it yourself and go through life and death. In this way, your own strength will be improved and become more powerful.

"Wait." One of the guards said coldly, then turned around and entered the tent, and after a while walked out again, opened the corner of the tent, and said, "The army chief called."

"Go." Min Ze took a deep breath and immediately said to Chen Zong, taking steps.

Chen Zong also seemed to be affected by the atmosphere, taking a deep breath, his face completely calm.

The opening of the camp account seemed to be the entrance to the abyss, which made Chen Zong helpless.

Min Ze stepped into the camp first, his figure disappeared directly in front of Chen Zong's eyes, as if submerged in darkness, Chen Zong stepped in.

In front of you, you can see a light, very dazzling, so that you can not look directly.

But the light disappeared for a brief moment, and Chen Zong saw the inside of the camp.


Very wide.

There is a figure sitting on the subject, tall and unusual, wearing black gold patterns like fire armor, not only mysterious, but also imposing and unforgiving. The whole person sits in the position, exuding a majestic and heavy mountain, like the sky No deep, deep breath.


A very scary strongman!

At the first glance at the other side, Chen Zong had a feeling of being deterred, but then he felt the other side's level faintly.

Great step!

The Lord of the Divine Mysterious Army is a powerful half-step holy man.

The eyes under the main helmet of the God Xuan Army opened, emitting an incomparable light of God. The light of God was like a thunder that had swept across the darkness, and fell directly over Min Ze on Chen Zong, leaving Chen Zong's heart slightly tight. There seems to be a sense of being seen through.

But Chen Zong's look remained unchanged and calm.

Breaking through to the sanctuary is not only a practice and ascension of the realm, but the body and soul are also undergoing transformation. The breath permeated by the whole person originates from the deepest part of the heart, from the deepest part of the soul, and is completely different from before. Completely promoted a big level.

If before the breakthrough, facing the eyes of the **** Xuanjun's gaze, perhaps Chen Zong would feel nervous, but now, with only a slight tightening of his heart, he can calmly face it.

This is the bottom line and the bottom line.

Under his deliberate gaze, he can also calm down and calm, the main look of the God Xuan Army remains the same, but he is a little certain.

On the left and right sides, there are several generals. It is the higher generals among the gods, and their eyes also fall on Chen Zong.

Chen Zong, these two words, the name, like Lei Guaner.

At the time of the breakthrough, the sea of ​​vitality was two hundred and thirty miles, with a compression ratio of twenty-three to one, a breakthrough, and it was repaired soaring directly to the middle of the second stage of entering the sanctuary.

All this makes Chen Zong a legend.

It also caused the Xuantian Army to compete with Zhen Yuanwei, and even nearly fought.

The Divine Army also gave excellent conditions.

Although it is said that the Divine Army is the first of the 9th Army of the Xuantian Army, the overall strength of the other eight armies will not be much different. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Therefore, for Xu Mubai, Chu Zhongyang and Chen Zong, When the record-breaking arrogance breaks the record, naturally it is necessary to focus on the original solicitation and grow up, which will make the **** Xuan army more powerful.

Xu Mubai, Chu Zhongyang, and Chen Zong, the Shenxuan Army all gave very good conditions, and among them, Chen Zong was the best.

After all, Zhen Yuanwei, especially the Zero Guards, had very generous conditions in order to recruit Chen Zong, so the God Xuan Army wanted to attract Chen Zong, and the conditions given were certainly not inferior to the Zero Guards.

Every sharp or domineering gaze was on his own body, but Chen Zong did not feel the pressure, but faced calmly, letting Min Ze on one side secretly marvel.

"Second stage of entering the sanctuary, good."

The mysterious introspection in the main vision of the God Xuanjun nodded secretly, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

At the time of the breakthrough, Chen Zong's cultivation was in the middle of the second stage of the sacred realm, which has not yet reached the peak of the middle of the second stage, but after nine months, it reached the later stage. This speed is actually not very fast for Peerless Tianjiao.

However, one thing that cannot be ignored is that the period of nine months is the period of active potential, and improvement is the weakest link.

If Chen Zong spends nine months practicing, with his talents and potential, he should not only be promoted to the second half of the later period, or at least reach the peak and even the limit.

So now, it's just the second stage, the improvement of Xiuwei is only incidental. The real improvement is more in other aspects.

However, Xiu Wei is also the easiest to see. In other respects, it is difficult to see clearly, or even difficult to feel.

"Chen Zong, talk about your current cultivation and strength." The **** Xuanjun said again, with a flat tone, but implying indescribable momentum. nt

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