Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 3: Shen Xuan (below)

Shen Xuan's camp is huge, it seems that there is heaven and earth.

The **** Xuanjun master and a cadre set their eyes on Chen Zong, staring at Chen Zong.

Min Ze also stared at Chen Zong to see what Chen Zong said.

A breakthrough, nine months of retreat, what level did Chen Zong reach?

"Returning to the army master, I practiced the Grand Xuan Yuan Jue, the 17th floor, and entered the sacred realm twice later." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue, everyone is familiar with it, but it is a common holy level of superb practice, and Tianjiao who practice this practice is not a minority.

And when you break through the sanctuary, you can practice it to the 17th floor, which is absolutely trivial, which means that the other party has at least 14th and 15th floors before the breakthrough. After the breakthrough, the potential is active, Breaking through two levels in one fell swoop is normal.

It is not so easy to break through the level of exercises again.

However, the degree of purity of the Great Xuan Yuan Holy Power cultivated by the 17th-level Great Xuan Yuan Jue is extremely amazing.

Compared with Chen Xiu, who is a clone of Shura, it is a pity that Chen Xi ’s breakthrough environment was very ordinary that day. If there is an environment similar to Xuankong Tower to break through, it will definitely be more amazing.

Of course, even if Chen Xiu made a breakthrough in the Xuankong Tower, the effect is not as good as the deity, because it is composed of evil spirits, and the cultivation of burnt Shura Gong requires not only heaven and earth vitality, but also more. .

Where does the evil spirit come from?

Killing is one of the sources of evil spirits. In addition, there are some special circumstances.

It is precisely because of lack of sufficient perseverance that Chen Xiu's Xiu Wei waited until he ascended slowly.

Today, the practice of the deity has surpassed the avatar Chen Xiu.

"The high-order sword is turned, the low-level fire is turned, and the low-level thunder is turned." Chen Zong continued.

As for the meaning of the wind, Chen Zong chose to hide. Although he had to show himself and attracted enough attention, he couldn't fully expose it.

The crowd was even more surprised to hear Chen Zong's self-report.

All three doctrines are one turn, and one of them reaches high level, which is really good.

"The fusion of sword and fire is 50%." Chen Zong said again.

Before, 50% of the half-step sword and the half-step fire had merged into 50%. After breaking through into the true Taoism, the power increased greatly. However, because of the basis of the fusion of the half-step Taoism, Chen Zongbian Re-integrate it to 50%.

I heard Chen Zong said that everyone nodded secretly. For a peerless Tianjiao who has just passed the breakthrough period, it is really amazing to have such a result.



"After that, you can go to the holy army grave and choose one of the holy army." Said the Lord of the Xuan Army, this is one of the conditions that was given to Chen Zong in the first place.

The holy soldier's grave is the place where countless holy artifacts are collected, and some of the holy instruments are new, while others are left over by seniors.

Not everyone is eligible to enter the holy graves to select holy soldiers.

"Ten tablets of God Xuan Jing Yuan Dan will be delivered to you soon."

Shenxuan Jingyuan Dan is a kind of cultivation elixir inside the Shenxuan Army. It contains extremely pure and powerful elemental power. It can be refined and absorbed as soon as it is used to improve cultivation.

It is said that the refining of the **** Xuanjing Yuandan is mainly only available in the empty battlefield, and is of precious value. Usually, only the general level is eligible to obtain it. As for the sergeant level, there is no reward unless you make great achievements.

Chen Zong, a newcomer who has just joined the God Xuan Army, can get ten capsules at a time. It is really amazing. Min Ze was envious. He once received a God Xuan Jing Yuan Dan. The sixfold limit of the Holy Land broke into the seventhfold of the Holy Land.

Of course, I can break through because I have accumulated a long time in the six limits of entering the sacred realm and got the help of the pure and pure elemental power of the **** Xuan Jingyuan Dan before breaking the limit and achieving a breakthrough.

Although it is not all the effect of Shenxuan Jingyuandan, at least half of it has an amazing effect.

"Three tablets of God Xuan Wu Ming Dan are still being refined, and they will be given to you after a while." God Xuan Jun said again.

Divine enlightenment is a kind of treasure that helps to improve understanding and enhance enlightenment in a short period of time. The effect is extraordinary and precious. The materials required for refining are also rare. Among them, the three flavors are only available in the empty battlefield .

Therefore, the value of the **** Xuan Wu Ming Dan is extremely high, far superior to the **** Xuan Jing Yuan Dan. Most of the **** Xuan army for decades or even hundreds of years may not be able to get one, Chen Zong can get three Grain, the conditions have to be said to be very rich and amazing.

Min Ze was jealous.

You know, he has been in the Divine Army for decades. He has n’t seen what Divine Enlightenment looks like, let alone own it.

Chen Zong, however, could have three capsules at once, although not immediately, it was also very amazing.

Chen Zong didn't know much about Shen Xuan Wu Ming Dan. It was not enough to clearly explain his conditions at that time. It also moved Chen Zong to attract Chen Zong.

A holy soldier inside the holy army grave!

Ten capsules of mysterious essence!

Three gods and mysteries!

On that day, there were various conditions for the solicitation given by the **** Xuan Army of the Xuantian Army.

In addition to these three conditions, Chen Zong can also choose a Taoist stone and get a place in the ancient and mysterious realm.

The so-called Taoist Stone is actually an upgrade of Taoist Stone.

In other words, Tao Yunshi is only low-level, while Taoist stone is high-level. The Tao Yunshi contained in it is rich in flavor to the point where it is directly transformed into Taoist meaning. Use it to understand Taoist meaning, and its effect is ten times that of Tao Yunshi. .

Therefore, the value of a Taoist stone is far better than that of Taoyun stone. It is not as simple as ten times, but a value gap of one hundred times.

As for the final places in the ancient and mysterious realm, according to the introduction, they are very precious. Entering them, they will be expected to obtain great benefits. It can be said that they have the highest value among all conditions.

It's just that the ancient and mysterious realm has not been opened yet, so it will not be used for a short time.

However, the **** Xuanjing Yuandan is enough for Chen Zong to cultivate himself in a short period of time and reach a higher level without leaving any sequelae.

Later, the **** Xuanwu Mingdan can enhance Chen Zong's understanding in a short time.

Chen Zong's experience has been realized several times and it is very clear how effective his perception is.

The effect of Divine Enlightenment Ming Dan will be better and stronger than those treasures that temporarily enhance understanding.

Chen Zong is also looking forward to that holy grave, but now that he has entered the holy realm level, the Jin Jin Yueyuejian can no longer exert his strength and needs to replace the holy sword weapon.

In the holy graves, you may find a satisfactory sword.

As for the Taoist stone, Chen Zong had to consider it.

Nowadays, he has the rhyme of wind and Taoism. Although it is not as good as Taoism, it is still helpful for him to understand the meaning of wind.

Well, that Taoist stone should be chosen from three directions: sword, fire, and thunder.

And my own heart sword Taoism belongs to the higher order Taoism, and it is still the heart sword, the heart and the sword, and the simple sword Taoism stone will have a more average effect on the heart sword Taoism.

In addition, he still has three calamities, and he has not practiced after two calamities.

Then the meaning stone chooses between fire and thunder.

Without much hesitation, Chen Zong decided.

Fire Stone Meaning Stone!

Because for the moment, one's heart sword Taoism and fire Taoism are merged into 50%. Fire Taoism Stone can help oneself to understand the Taoism of Fire, and even hope to promote the Taoism of Fire to intermediate level. After that, the power of Taoism will be stronger and enhance their own strength.

"Chen Zong, although you have great talents, our God Xuan Army has always been fair, but to give you more preferential treatment and what you want, go for it yourself," said the Lord Xuan Army.

Those superior conditions were naturally to compete for Chen Zong, but now, Chen Zong is already a member of the God Xuan Army, and everything is in accordance with the rules of the God Xuan Army.

Chen Zong expressed understanding.

Otherwise, if there are no clear rules, the Shen Xuan Army will not be able to survive forever, and it will already be civil unrest and fall apart.

Today, Chen Zong is a newcomer to the Divine Army, a sergeant of a lower rank, and his experience in the army is blank and has no military merits.

A pure Xinding.

"I am the mysterious army. There are three divisions, namely the war department, the royal department, and the killing department. The three departments usually perform their respective duties." Shen Xuan Army ’s chief Xu Buji said: “The war department became the main attack of the army, and the Imperial Ministry Cheng Jun's main defense and containment, killing the master to kill, which one do you choose? "

"Master, let me know before I make a decision." Chen Zong responded after turning his thoughts.

"Yun." God ’s mysterious army said: "You go to the holy grave to select the holy soldier first, give you a month, after a month, as a recruit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you will enter the void battlefield to complete an enlistment task."

Min Ze took Chen Zong out of the camp.

After leaving the camp, Chen Zong naturally asked Min Ze.

Min Ze also knew everything.

The so-called enlistment task is actually a ritual, a baptism.

Although Chen Zong's talents and potentials surpassed many people and can be regarded as the most contemporary, in the final analysis, it is not talents and potentials, but strengths, that are used to fight against the void demons.

Talent and potential need time to turn into strength.

In addition, some people have high talents and deep potentials, but they are not good at fighting.

Moreover, the recruitment of Chen Zong with rich conditions has actually caused many people in the army to be dissatisfied. After all, they were all killed from countless lives and deaths.

Therefore, the initiation ceremony is necessary. Only when the initiation ceremony is completed can it be truly integrated into the Divine Army and be recognized by others in the Divine Army.

Listening to Min Ze's words, Chen Zong nodded, and there was nothing to resist.

Next, Chen Zong naturally went to the holy army grave to select a holy army suitable for him.

However, one person walked in front of me, step by step, but the wind and the clouds followed, and with the steps, the momentum continued to condense, becoming more and more magnificent.

Vaguely, there seemed to be an endless stream of tides, and a terrible horrendous situation followed, rushing directly to Chen Zong, as if to suppress Chen Zong.

Chu Zhongyang!

The person who ushered in was truly Chu Zhongyang.

It seems that he is waiting here for Chen Zong.

The divine light in Chu Zhongyang's eyes is no longer empty and empty, but with incomparable sharpness, approaching through the sky, staring at Chen Zong, it seems that Chen Zong should be pierced. nt

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