Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 4: Fight Chu Zhongyang again


High winds swept across the world, and countless vitality was surging like the tides, rippling in all directions.

A few kilometers apart, Chu Zhongyang stopped and stood with his hands on his shoulders. A golden-red robe squeaked in the wind. The breath of astonishment rose from the body. It was extremely fierce.

Chen Zong stopped, and his arrogant breath sprang up, cutting out like an invisible giant sword.

Suddenly, the breath of Chu Zhongyang and Chen Zong collided in mid-air, and they kept fighting.

It looks like the rising sun is like a giant sword, the breath is terrifying.

Min Ze just let it aside and looked at Chen Zong and Chu Zhongyang with an interested look.

Both of them were peerless Tianjiao who had just entered the Divine Army, and they both broke the previous record, which is very amazing. Now it looks like it is about to fight.

In the army, the contest between sergeants is common, as long as it does not cause obvious casualties.

Chu Zhongyang took the lead, raised his right hand, and straightened his fingers, there was an astonishing red light bursting out like a rising sun.

Red is extremely fiery, and wind-like violent. The interweaving of wind and fire penetrates the sky in an instant, and one thousandth of an instant is shot and killed over a kilometer.

Chen Zong recognized this finger as the one who defeated and killed himself in the Xuanyuan Jihad that day.

Chen Zong remembers very clearly how weak and helpless he was when facing this finger, and he was completely unable to resist the slightest. All the sword light was broken through and killed with absolute inferiority.

After less than a year, I faced this finger again.

The same finger, but its power is many times more powerful than it was then.

After all, at the time, Chu Zhongyang was only a high-ranking semi-holy level, and the power used was semi-holy power and half-way meaning, but today it is real holy force and real meaning. Its power is more than ever A hundred times.

But myself, too, is the same now.

Xiuwei is the second stage of entering the sanctuary. The half-step meaning has also been transformed into the true meaning. In terms of strength, it is not as many times as before.

However, Chen Zong can also see that Chu Zhongyang ’s cultivation at this time also reached the second stage of the sanctuary. In terms of cultivation, the two sides are at the same level. However, the practice of Chu Zhongyang ’s practice is the Xuanyuan Dynasty. The tradition of Gongxuan, the sacred superb Xuanwang shocking tactics, this sacred method is the top of the sacred superb, better than the relatively mediocre Daxuanyuan tactics.

In addition, Chu Zhongyang also cultivated Xuan Wang's shocking tactics to the seventeenth floor. The purity of his divine power is above the power of Chen Zong's Great Xuanyuan.

In addition, the meaning of the wind grasped by Chu Zhongyang is a mid-level violent wind meaning, and the meaning of the fire is a high-level yang fire meaning. The degree of integration has reached an amazing 60%, and the power is even more terrible. Extremely.

Chen Zong's face was dignified, and at the moment, the 17th floor of the Grand Xuan Yuan Jue was in full swing, and a pure and magnificent Grand Xuan Yuan's holy power slammed out of the Holy Scroll and poured into the Jin Shenyue sword. Sword body.

Chen Zong has not yet selected a satisfactory soldier in the soldier's grave, so at present, there is no holy weapon available, and he can only use the Jin Shenyue sword temporarily.

As for the extinguishing evil sword, to be honest, Chen Zong is very afraid of it, and it is in the Divine Army, and he dare not use it easily.

Killed with a sword, Sen Luo Jian prison!

This move is a move created by the fusion of the heart and sword and the fire. It is also the most powerful move that Chen Zong has mastered so far.

Chu Zhongyang's shot was such a terrible finger. Perhaps he did not do his best, but he absolutely took out most of his strength. He wanted to defeat Chen Zong in one fell swoop and restore his momentum.

Because now, because of the record created by Chen Zong's breakthrough, many voices already believe that Chen Zong is better than Chu Zhongyang, but the true first person of the young generation of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, replacing Chu Zhongyang.

In this regard, Chu Zhongyang naturally felt uneasy.

Although from the bottom of his heart, he did not pay much attention to the title of the first person in the Xuanyuan Dynasty, but he was always very upset if he was so easily captured.

On the other hand, Chu Zhongyang knew the conditions given by the Shen Xuan Army to recruit Chen Zong, and had to beat himself, and felt very unhappy.

The uncomfortable superposition adds up to today's shots.

Defeating Chen Zong proves to the world that he is the strongest and the first day of the Xuanyuan dynasty. It is worthy of his name and cannot be shaken.

That finger collided with Sen Luo Jian He.

Suddenly, there were countless shocks, and the terrible breath broke out, impacting in all directions.

Immediately, Sen Luo Sword Prison was penetrated, and the remaining force of a finger pierced through the sky to shoot.

Chen Zong waved his sword, crushing the force of that finger, Lei Guang's dazzling body method was exerted to the extreme, and he transformed into a thunder, instantly approaching Chu Zhongyang.

As a saint-like figure, you can use sacred power to push the power to the extreme.

And because of the active relationship of breaking through the potential, Lei Guang ’s Distinctive Body Method was practiced by Chen Zong to Dacheng, and the meaning of Thunder was incorporated into it.

As a body of thunder, he rushed away with a single sword, as if body and sword were integrated into one.

Chu Zhongyang's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he was shocked secretly. The speed of this sword was too fast, and he seemed to split himself.

And, very strong!

However, Chu Zhongyang was very strong and did not fear. He shot again in a flash, trembling with his fingers, breaking his fingers, hitting the blade, and his arrogant power suddenly won the Jin Shen Yuejian. Another shot came with a finger.

After holding fingers, Chu Zhongyang's body rose up and a round of scorching sun appeared, emitting endless rays of light and heat, as if it were all on the earth, terrifyingly high temperature, and everything else was burned to ashes.

The light was extremely dazzling. Through that light, Chen Zong faintly saw Chu Zhongyang catch a round of scorching sun in his hands, and savagely killed him.

Extremely hot!

Extreme violent!

When the human-headed scorching sun has not completely been killed, the astonishing blazing will turn into a violent wind, so that Chen Zong has the feeling of being burned on the fire, and his mouth is dry and dry. Seems to be burnt.

Heart Sword Style!

Although this sword is not as powerful as Sen Luo Sword Prison in terms of power, it has a faster sword speed and purity.

A turn of heart Kendo intentions incorporated into it as much as possible, a sword was killed, penetrated the sky, and hit the strong sun in the hands of Chu Zhongyang.

The sword drew a little, the next breath, the unstable tremor of the fierce sun, the explosion went off, and the terrible force hit in all directions, as if the earth and the sky were falling apart. The innumerable ripples were sweeping like a raging stream, endless and amazing. The heat made the ground dark, and there were cracks as if split by invisible sword gas.

The terrible force was like the rush of fire waves, and Chen Zong could not help but retreat again and again, a broken voice sounded.

In this collision, Chu Zhongyang also backed away a few steps to avoid, and at the same time fired a series of fingers, running through countless air currents, and killed Chen Zong again with amazing power.

Suddenly Chen Zong found that in the collision Shen Jinjian in his hand could not bear a crack, which was the source of Fang Cai's voice.

Faced with the arrogant fingers from Chu Zhongyang, Chen Zong could only protect Ji Jin Shen Yue Jian with the great power of the Xuan Yuan and wield the sword again.

The sea of ​​blood is endless!

Blood swelled, turbulent, and tyrannical power lingered in it, blocking those terrible fingers.

The endless blood sea is a one-stroke attack sword, but it is used by Chen Zong for defense.

Chu Zhongyang was standing still, with one hand and palms facing up, each holding up a round of scorching sun. The blooming breath became more and more terrifying.

Immediately, his hands trembled, and the two fist-sized suns released endless light and heat, which bombarded them at an alarming rate, making Chen Zong creepy.

Thunder is absolutely dusty!

The nine magic changes!

Dodge and fight back.

A sword fell to the sky, and Sen Luo Jian prison came.

"Xuan Wang ..." a low drinking sound rang from Chu Zhongyang's mouth, and the breath of astonishment suddenly burst from Chu Zhongyang, roaring, and the vitality in all directions seemed to proclaim that he would meet the king, obeying the orders. Around Chu Zhongyang's body, he compressed and condensed instantly.

Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly.

Sky Crystal Overlord!

This eight-class secret method has already been cultivated by Chen Zong to achieve great success. Even now, it can still increase the effect.

Dacheng's Tianjing domineering can already increase the strength of several dozens of Chen Zong in the second stage of the sacred realm.

Killed with a sword, Sen Luo Jian prison.

The power of this sword is even stronger.

However, Chu Zhongyang's blow seemed even more terrible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A stunning invisible force bound all directions, affecting Chen Zong's Sen Luo sword prison power.

It seemed that all forces around him obeyed the orders of Chu Zhongyang.

There is no king of the earth!

Lead the earth's shores to the Prince!

It is this feeling.

"Xuan Wang's shocking power is too powerful." Min Ze sighed secretly.

Compared with Da Xuan Yuan Jue, the difference is obvious.

"... stunning ..."

With the sound of these two words, the fluctuations of the vitality of the heavens and the earth became fiercer and frightening, and it seemed to be brewing something, just as the ancient beasts would wake up from their deep sleep. As soon as they woke up, they would destroy the world.

Chen Zong couldn't help but change his face.

I feel that in front of Chu Zhongyang, the vitality of heaven and earth is completely out of control, and is completely mastered by the other party, so that his power of shot is directly affected.

In addition to their own strength, those who enter the sacred realm can harness the power of heaven and earth, integrate into martial arts, and enhance the power of martial arts.

It can be said that, for a truly powerful sanctuary, the power of each strike is composed of its own sacred power and will and the power of heaven and earth. Without one of them, it becomes incomplete and the power naturally becomes limited.

Now, Chen Zong is facing this situation. The power of heaven and earth is out of control. It seems to be mastered by Chu Zhongyang, resulting in a significant decrease in his own shot power.

For a moment, I was at a disadvantage, how can I compete.

Even the realm of the mind has been significantly affected, and mighty power is worse than before.

"... hit!" The last word came out of Chu Zhongyang's mouth. At this moment, Chu Zhongyang was already in the air, his eyes shot out with an incredible light, his face was cold, high, as if changing in an instant. A person looks like a king, overlooking the heavens and the earth. nt

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