Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 7: Beginning of Transcendence

Xuantian Army Camp!

Shenxuan Army Training Center.

In this practice, all the kilometers are round, and there are black pillars around it. There are brawns with a thin waist, and every pillar is covered with traces.

There are chop marks left by swords, marks left by fists, finger holes left by fingering, and so on.

These black pillars are the props used by the sergeants to perform martial arts test martial arts power in the training institute. They are made of black demon gold obtained from the void battlefield. They are not only hard but extremely tough.

It stands to reason that such black magic gold should be an excellent material for casting the paladin, but unfortunately, although black magic gold is extremely hard and has amazing toughness, it is also extremely heavy and unable to transmit power.

No matter whether it is a spiritual or holy artifact, it must be able to conduct its own power in order to exert its full strength and power. If it cannot be conducted, what is the use?

Naturally, the black magic gold has become a prop for testing attack power.

Each of the black magic gold can withstand the full attack of the strongest in the sacred peak, the attack power can not reach the level of the ordinary full-strike of the sacred peak, leaving only shallow or deep marks on it.

Chen Zong is standing in the training center. There is no one other than himself.

Meditation and meditation!

Chen Zong's closed eyes opened instantly, and a ray of fiery flames burst out like a red flame. At that moment, the Red Prison Flame Flow Sword emerged from the sheath and turned into a red light. Come out and hit the black demon gold pillar.

There was a sharp voice echoing in the air, the red awns shattered, and the black devil's gold pillar left a little outline of the thickness of the little finger, but it was very light.

"A red light sword, the main speed, the pursuit of the ultimate speed, this sword, only has its shape, but does not have the essence." Chen Zong did not re-sword, but said to himself.

The Red Prison Sword is a five-grade holy weapon. During his lifetime, the master used this sword to kill and kill many void demons. I don't know how much faith was poured on this sword. Over time, he was absorbed by this sword.

In addition, the master of his life deliberately imprinted his own proud swordsmanship into the sword. After the death of the war, the Red Prison Sword possessed the faith and will of the master and the information of his own swordsmanship.

Chen Zong's previous three-screen three-stroke swordsmanship is exactly the same as the one created by the owner of the Red Prison Sword.

Three types of sword moves, the first move is called Blast Flames, the second move is called Chiguang, and the third move is called Embers.

Three types of sword moves, strictly speaking, there is no distinction between high and low, because each has its own characteristics.

Such as the explosion of flames, extremely violent, in a moment will burst into an extremely amazing power.

Such as the red light, the speed is amazing, just like the aurora through the sky, piercing everything.

Like that embers, it is extremely hot and extremely hot, and it burns everything in the heavens and the earth into ashes.

Each of the three types of sword moves is very powerful and perfect. Even if it is based on Chen Zong's accumulation and understanding, he can only marvel when he understands.

After enlightenment, Chen Zong knew that these three types of sword tricks are sword tricks created based on the meaning of fire, and its role is to trigger the power of the meaning of fire to the extreme.

In addition, the people who created these three tricks have ideas and talents, and they have very clever methods. They split the power of the meaning of fire and create their own tricks to maximize their characteristics.

Suddenly another thought came out of Chen Zong. Perhaps that was the correct way and the right way to cultivate and apply Taoism.

Only in this way can one cultivate the Taoism better and exert the power of Taoism to the extreme.

After all, he has talent and understanding, and has enough foundation and accumulation, but after all, he just broke through to the sanctuary. Although there are also memories of King Taiyuan, that memory is only a fragment, which is very limited.

In the remnants of King Taiyuan and Lord Xie Luo, there is very little information about the level of entering the sacred realm.

But anyway, Chen Zong got these three styles of swords, of course, he had to learn a lot.

Although it is important to create your own tricks, you cannot reject the tricks created by others.

Thousands return to the sea!

Ten thousand swords return!

Only by reading all the sword techniques and kendos in the world, can there be no flaws, and the perfect and most perfect kendo can be created.

Furthermore, by practicing more appropriate sword techniques, you can further enrich your own means. The richer the means, the more the combat strain will be, and the more difficult it will be to restrain.

After some practice, Chen Zong initially mastered the three types of sword moves, and felt the esoteric more and more.

The power of the three-style sword move is far better than the dripping sword.

In other words, because the three styles of sword creation were created based on the meaning of fire, the Dripping Sword is not. Chen Zong also found that the Dripping Sword must be motivated with the meaning of the blood to be able to fully power Come on display.

Cultivating these three sword moves is also tantamount to cultivating your own sense of fire, fully tapping its potential and improving its level, you can reach the second turn faster, and even hope to find an opportunity to break through to the middle-level way .

The meaning of fire!

Like the fire of heaven and earth, it has the characteristics and power of fire.

What are the characteristics of fire?

Burning at high temperature!

Blazing Fury!

Fire is like electricity!

Since ancient times, since the birth of human beings, I have gradually discovered the mystery of fire. Using fire to heat and make food, high temperature and burning are certain, but the fiery raging, the flames are burning. It is really violent and amazing. Burning flames release fire.

The speed of light is extremely fast, and fire is also a kind of light.

Of course, the characteristics of fire may be more than these three, but these three are the most common and the easiest to find and master.

The previous owner of the Red Prison Flame Stream Sword created three types of swords based on these three characteristics of fire. Not only can he better explore the potential of the meaning of fire, better practice, but also the fire. The power of the Taoism has been excavated to the extreme, enhancing its own strength.

It can be described as killing two birds with one stone. In this way, it is equivalent to broadening Chen Zong's thinking and understanding the direction of future cultivation.

It turned out that compared to the tricks he created when he was in the semi-holy level, it seemed so rough and shallow.

But Chen Zong was also not discouraged. At the semi-holy level, he only mastered half-walk meaning, limited power, and did not know how much potential to tap.

Only by stepping into the sacred realm and half-walking will become the Tao, can we understand the real mystery.

Chen Zong has a feeling that entering the sacred realm seems to be the starting point of true cultivation and the beginning of transcendence.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong waved a sword again.

When the sword was lifted up, a red sword mang burst out like a streamer of flames. In an instant, it penetrated the sky, hitting the black devil's golden pillar, leaving a sword mark on it.

The speed of this sword is one point faster than before.

But it's not enough. Chen Zong can clearly feel that he doesn't really master the sword and needs more cultivation.

As for the other two swords, for now, there is no extra time and energy to cultivate.

In the training institute, every time Chen Zong wields a sword, he pauses for more than ten minutes, quietly realizes and thinks quietly, and then swings the sword again.

Time passed slowly, as if Chen Zong never knew tiredness, he kept practicing and waving his sword, and he realized that one day passed, and the sword that he uttered made the sword speed much faster. Two days later, the sword speed became faster again. Some, three days later, the sword speed is faster.

On the fourth day, the sword speed seemed to reach the extreme, and it was no longer possible to improve.

"Get started," Chen Zong secretly said.

Chiguang's sword finally reached the entry level, which can initially show its power. However, reaching the entry level has also reached a bottleneck. Breakthrough is not easy.

Chen Zong put down for a while and practiced the second sword: explosion!

This sword, the fury of the main fire, exploded its terrifying power in an instant to the extreme, destroying everything and smashing everything.


The flames blazed out like a stream of fire and blasted across the sky. Like a stream of flames, it was extremely fierce. Directly hit the black devil's gold pillars and exploded instantly. The terrible fire light waves filled the black demon gold pillars. The sound of explosions was constantly agitated.

When the fire was gone, there was a large pothole and many small potholes on the golden pillar of the black devil.

Chen Zong frowned slightly.

The power is too scattered and needs to be cultivated.

It was another three days, and the explosive flame blasted out, hitting the black devil's golden pillar and exploding. When the fire was gone, a hole was left on it.

getting Started!

Then, Chen Zong began to cultivate the third sword: Ember.


Afterglow Ashes!

When the fire burns, only a layer of ash remains, that is ashes.

Although there is no high or low level of the three types of sword moves, but the emphasis is different, to be fair, Chen Zong feels that the embers move is the most terrible.

Facts have proved that Chen Zong's idea is not wrong. Three days of cultivation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the embers are still not mastered.

It wasn't until the sixth day that a sword of embers was a starting point. Its difficulty in cultivation was much harder than that of Chiguang and Bingyan.

At this point, the three types of swords have reached the entry point, and they can initially exert their power.

In contrast, Chen Zong found that it was better and more practical than his own Sen Luo Sword Prison. After all, the Sen Luo Sword Prison was created at the semi-holy level and was based on a half-walk intention.

"Self-made tricks are just a way to explore the road." Chen Zong said secretly.

Investigating its essence, what is cultivation?




No, neither.

At the beginning of cultivation, it was to master powerful forces and survive better in danger. When they could survive, they began to pursue other things, such as longer life.

When I can live long, I don't stop there. I hope that I can transcend myself.

The higher you stand, the farther you can see.

The means of fighting is just to serve the cultivation, so that you can go further and stand higher, and finally get rid of everything.

After all, there are too many dangers on the road to cultivation. In the face of these dangers, without sufficient means and capabilities, we cannot resist them.

The sudden emergence of Ming Wu shocked Chen Zong's soul, and it seemed as if a storm had rolled up in his soul. Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to understand something and felt like he was seeing a mystery.

However, the realm is too low to really touch.

But vaguely, Chen Zong can feel that his realm seems to be elevated, and his mind also seems to have been sublimated. Invisiblely, his own benefits are hidden, consolidating his foundation and enhancing his potential. nt

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