Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 8: Ancestor blood

In front of me is the familiar vortex, flowing in all colors, and it is an empty channel.

Before Chen Zong waited for the arrogance of the sky, he went from this void channel to the small void to clear away the sneaking void demons. This time, Chen Zong was going to the void battlefield.

A real void battlefield, not a small void.

In this regard, Chen Zong was full of anticipation, and there was a feeling indescribable in his heart.

Seems excited.

The Void Battlefield was originally a void, but it was better to resist the invasion of the Void Demon. Eventually, the Xeons of the Heavenly Realm pulled the four stars to collide, forming a line of defense for the Spiritual Void Realm. Better resistance outside the Lingwu sacred realm and avoid the recurrence of ancient blood battles.

That **** battle almost caused Lingwu Holy Realm to fall apart.

If you do it again, the spiritual realm of Lingwu may be completely destroyed, the creatures will be ruined, and the losses will be heavy.

Chen Zong naturally did not come alone, but led by Min Ze.

At this time, Min Ze was tantamount to Chen Zong's introduction.

After showing their identities and verifying their identities, Min Ze and Chen Zong stepped into the void channel and went directly to the void battlefield.

In the void passage, there are countless voids flowing endlessly, surging like a tide like raging waves.

After a while, Chen Zong and Min Ze saw the exit, and leaped as if Kun Peng was out of the water. They rushed out of the void channel and appeared outside the channel.




This breath fell directly on Chen Zong, causing Chen Zong's breathing to stagnate, his body trembling unconsciously, only feeling chilling, straight into the soul, as if to freeze his body and soul and quickly run the Holy Power, Dispelling this terrible emptiness of coldness, I was surprised to stare.

The dark sky is chaotic, as if the world is not open. Countless gray and black air streams are raging endlessly. As the water of the long river rushes, take a look. Power can easily tear yourself.

I don't know if the strong man in the late stage of the holy realm can bear it.

Such a chaotic sky, at a glance, seemed endless and marginal, suppressing the general, making Chen Zong's heart heavy.

Take back your eyes, take a deep breath, and exhale the feeling of depression with your breath, and become relaxed again.

Chen Zong looked at the earth.

The earth is undulating, and it looks like it is black, but under the eyes of Chen Zong's incomparable eyes, it can be found that it is not black, but dark red, which is the color formed by countless blood sediments.

On this land, it is unknown how much blood of the strong human races and the void demons were deposited.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

It is this piece of land that has blocked the invasion of the Nether Demon and kept the souls of the Lingwu Holy Realm. Otherwise, the living spirits in the Lingwu Holy Realm will all die.

The Void Demon is more cruel and bloodthirsty than the Demon Clan in the World of Demon Fields.

The two are not at all a hierarchy.

But Chen Zong was not afraid.

At that time, my own strength was far inferior to now, but I also dared to break into the Demon Demon and slay countless Demon Clan, and even kill the Demon Demon and slay the countless Demon Strong. Eventually rushed back to the Earth Demon.

Although, at that time, everything could not be compared with the present, but it formed a tenacious belief.

Min Ze did not disturb Chen Zong. He was very clear that anyone who arrived in the Nether Battlefield for the first time would be shocked and shocked, and the same was true when he first arrived.

After half a quarter of an hour, Chen Zong was awake, his eyes bursting into an extremely amazing man, like a sky sword breaking through, making Min Ze's heart jump unconsciously, only Chen Zong's eyes were too sharp.

"But it's just the cultivation of the double peak in the sacred realm that makes people feel scared." Min Ze couldn't help smiling.

Although he is sevenfold in the sacred realm, his strength is far better than the current Chen Zong, but the sharpness of Chen Zong's eyes seems to penetrate everything, and he is also shocked.

Peerless Tianjiao is truly worthy of Peerless Tianjiao. Although it is not as strong as oneself now, sooner or later, it will catch up and overtake itself.

Although Min Ze smiled bitterly, he was not jealous.

Speaking of which, his talent is not bad. He is a genius, but it is not enough compared to the peerless Tianjiao.

The exit of the Void Channel is located in the rear of the Void Battlefield. It is very wide on a large area. It is also very safe here because it is located in the rear.

Min Ze led the way, Chen Zong followed, and the two crossed the barren land where the bloodstains settled and moved forward at an astonishing speed.

In order to achieve the double peak of entering the sanctuary, after practicing Dacheng's dazzling body of light, Chen Zong's speed is much faster, which is not inferior to the ordinary triple peak of entering the sanctuary.

However, compared with Min Ze, the gap is very large. Therefore, in order to take care of Chen Zong, Min Ze reduced his speed, which is similar to Chen Zong.

Constantly speeding forward, the desolate and desolate breath permeated endlessly, constantly washing Chen Zong's mind and will, as if being baptized.

After about an hour, Chen Zong saw a contour, a huge contour as if standing at the end of this side of the earth.

It's a town!

A huge city.

Do not!

When Chen Zong got closer, it was discovered that it was not a city, but a fortress, a huge fortress towering above the earth.

The fortress is dark and extremely thick, and it is covered with countless golden lines. These lines seem to form a flame, burning, releasing amazing heat, covering thousands of miles.

Under the cover of that enthusiasm, the atmosphere within a thousand miles became smooth and warm, and there was no need to run the exercises all the time to resist the bitter emptiness of the void from the void battlefield.

"This fort was built by our predecessors of the Xuantian Army." Min Ze's eyes stared at the huge fortress in front of him, his voice filled with wonder: "The construction of this fort was originally to allow the Xuantian Army to have a place to stay, It can better resist the invasion of the Nether Demon. This fortress was built by our Xuantian Army and is the fortress of hope of our Xuanyuan dynasty. "

Xuantian War Fortress!

A very direct name, because it was built by the strong army of the Xuantian Legion.

While moving forward, approaching Xuantian War Fortress, Min Ze also introduced Xuantian War Fort to Chen Zong.

From the appearance point of view, Xuantian War Fortress stands like a huge hive on the ground of the Void Battlefield. Its unique structure and amazing defense force, not to mention, its surface is full of formations. Those The small formations are interlocked to protect the entire Xuantian War Fortress.

Countless small formations eventually constitute a super-large formation, and its power must be above the nine-turn Xuantian dust formation of the Xuantian Army base camp.

This array is called Taixuanxuantianhuachen!

Normally, this array will not be fully opened, only one-tenth of its power will be turned on. This is enough, and it is enough to withstand the blow of the Great Holy Realm without breaking.

Of course, one-tenth of the power can not withstand the second strike of the Great Holy Realm Xeon, but the Taixuan Xuantian Dust Formation will be fully opened in an instant.

The completely opened Taixuanxuantian Dust Array can completely resist the attack of the Great Holy Realm Xeon, and trap and kill the Great Holy Realm Xeon.

"In the past, there was a Void Demon Lord who died in the shocking power of the Taixuantianhuachen array." Min Ze said proudly.

The Lord of the Void Demon is equivalent to the most powerful human holy sacred state, and even, it will be stronger as a whole.

Chen Zong heard that he was shocked.

How amazing the Great Holiness fell.

At the same time, with a heart in mind, even if it is as powerful as a great sanctuary, it will fall.

According to Min Ze, the dense honeycomb structure of Xuantian War Fortress has dense passageways, entrances and exits, and it is very complicated. Without the guidance of Xuantian Army, it would only be lost in it.

There was a battle in which the Void Demon paid the price of a saint Lord, breaking the Void Demon Array, and allowing the Void Demon Army to invade the Xuantian War Fortress. Open the Void Channel and invade the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Unfortunately, the Void Demons did not know that there were many channels in Xuantian War Fort, which were extremely complicated, such as a honeycomb like an ant's nest. The Void Demons were completely unfamiliar, and entered into it, completely stunned, even if there was a tyrannical power. As many as were killed by the soldiers of the Xuantian Army.

In that battle, it was said that as many as 200,000 invading void demons ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ every volts, none of them escaped. Among them, there were half a step of Lord Void demons.

The loss of the Xuantian Army was small, but thousands of people died.

At the cost of thousands of people, the death of 200,000 Nether Demon is very cost-effective no matter how you look at it.

If you are fighting outside, if you want to kill 200,000 Nether Demon, I do n’t know how much it will cost.

And that battle also caused great losses to the Nether Demon, and won nearly 100 years of peace for the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Only after that, the Void Demon had no intention to invade Xuantian War Fortress, of course, the mini-wars continued.

Not long after, Chen Zong and Min Ze saw the patrolling Xuantian Corps sergeant. A team of ten sergeants was wearing black armor with black background and silver lines, which looked like flames.

This is the armor of the Celestial Army.

These ten people are from Tianxuan Army.

Ten powerful breaths fell on Chen Zong and Min Ze instantly.

However, when seeing Min Ze's dress, the ten breaths were also recovered at the same time, because Min Ze wore a black gold-patterned armor, which is the armor of the Divine Xuan Army, and there is a mark of blood sword on it, which shows the other The identity is the person who killed the deities.

Although Chen Zong wasn't wearing armor, since he was led by a person who killed the Ministry of the Xuan Army, and he didn't have any strange breath on his body, there was no need to intercept it.

If the Void Demon is to invade, the forces of the Xuantian War Fortress will distinguish it, and then suppress and kill.

Min Ze crossed the eyes of the ten-man team in Tianxuanjing, nodded slightly, and after greeting him, he took Chen Zong forward.

Constantly approaching Xuantian Battle Fortress, and constantly encountered patrolling teams, until finally stepped inside the Battle Fortress. nt

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