Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 12: Blood and Fire (2)


The astonishing roar was endless, the energy of chaos was raging like a raging wave, a silver thunder light rushed out of the dark valley, and after the thunder light, it was an endless wave of power.

Alas, after the figure rushed out of the Magic Valley, he couldn't help spitting out a bloody, startling red.

When he landed, he paused a few steps forward, and couldn't help looking back. Chen Zong looked completely, and there was a drop of blood in the corner of his mouth.

The power of this card is really unexpected.

Covering the range of kilometers, and within the range of kilometers, they were hit with six full blows into the sanctuary. Even the Void Demon of the level of the generals could not bear it. Even if they did not die, they would be severely hit.

Although the power of this secret treasure is very strong, it caused an amazing momentum and killed many void demons, but Chen Zong knew that there would soon be other void demons chasing him up.


Must escape!

As for Shura's avatar, Chen Xiu, during the explosion, he stopped himself and suffered a minor injury.

Now, you can only rely on yourself.

Quickly take some elixir to take, temporarily suppress the injuries caused by the force of that force, agitate one's strength, perform the thunderbolt method, transform into thunderbolt, and quickly go away.

At the same time, a breath of horror came out from the Valley of Magic, as if the volcano erupted, terrifying to the extreme.


Damn it!

Fiercely fierce, even if the water of the sea is exhausted, it can never be washed away.

The terrible breath shocked remotely and approached quickly, putting tremendous pressure on Chen Zong, the pressure of life and death.

The consequence is death.

Under the intense pressure brought about by the crisis of life and death, a ray of thunder was shining, as if condensing from the void, falling on Chen Zong, the speed surged.

Lei Guang's absolute body method ... complete!

Chen Zong's perfect posture made Chen Zong's speed much faster.

Daxuanyuanjue is fully operating, continuously refining the power of the elixir in the body, one restores the injury, and the other restores strength.

In the knowledge of the sea, before the refinement of Shura Chen Xiu tried his best to absorb the mass of evil spirits stored in the holy grave and recover a serious injury.

Nine hundred miles!

The distance between Mojing Valley and Xuantian War Fortress is nine hundred miles. At your own speed, it only takes about three hours to reach Xuantian War Fortress.

adhere to!



No matter how fast!

Extremely fast, fast to tap out all its potential.

The breath is constantly agitated, such as the tidal wave is endless, and the terrible force invading the body is repelled and expelled a little, and its own strength is gradually recovering.

Under the operation of the ancient ancient fire tactics, the purple cloud and black star inflammation were burnt in a row, eliminating all impurities and leaving no side effects.

Suddenly, a tyrannical breath oscillated from Chen Zong's body, suddenly skyrocketing.


Three stages of entering the sanctuary!

Xiu has reached the limit from the double peak of entering the sacred realm, and then broke through to the early stage of the triple. The strength improved and the speed further increased.

The thunder and lightning passed by.

At such a speed, the vanity demons of the generals are difficult to pursue.

However, at this moment, the void demons chasing Chen Zong, there are war generals and sky generals, and the distance between each other is continuously shortening.

"Can only use this last secret." Chen Zong secretly said.

The one-time speed jewel gifted by the owner of Baiyun Mountain Feiyun Tao allows him to burst into and out of the sanctuary at full speed in a short period of time.

The ring on his finger emerged, then shattered and turned into a cloud of white clouds, which quickly permeated Chen Zong's body.

Suddenly, Chen Zong turned into a cloud of light, and the speed suddenly increased more than a few times. At once, he opened his distance from the sky-like Void Demon approaching behind him.

The galloping speed, like the sky and clouds passing by, quickly approached Xuantian Battle Fortress.

At its original speed, it takes three hours to cross nine hundred miles, but after the speed is increased, it can be passed without an hour.

Quickly distanced himself from the vanishing demons behind him and gradually got rid of them.

After a while, the cloud-white light gradually dissipated, and the power of this one-time secret treasure was finally exhausted, and Chen Zong's speed decreased again and returned to the original level.

But a moment's time is enough to get rid of the vanishing demons.

Even so, Chen Zong did not stop and continued to move forward at full speed.

Time passed slowly. Gradually, Chen Zong saw the outline of Xuantian War Fortress and was relieved subconsciously.

At least here, I am safe. Even if the Void Demon pursues it, as long as it is not an army, there is only one end ... being killed.

Then, Chen Zong also saw the patrolling team.

Verify identidy!

This level is necessary, because there were some demons of the Void demons who mixed the Xuantian War Fortress with camouflage and attempted to cause damage. Fortunately, they were discovered in time without much loss.

Xuantian War Fortress is very important. If it is destroyed, Xuantian Army will not be able to resist the invasion of the Nether Demon.

Therefore, no one can be too careful.

Chen Zong has a temporary token, which is the token of the Divine Xuan Army's killing department. After passing some verification, he stepped into the range of Taiji Xuantian Huachen and quickly went to Xuantian War Fort.


"Completed the task?" Min Ze hurriedly asked.

"It's done." There was a hint of tiredness deep in Chen Zong's eyes.

Nine dead a lifetime!

This task is really worthy of the name. If there is no Shura clone as a hole card, I am afraid that this task will not be completed.

Min Ze was shocked.

Nine dead mission!

Intermediate Dangerous Magic Valley!

Chen Zong was able to complete the task, it was really amazing.

However, it seems that the situation is not very good.

This is indeed the case. In order to complete this nine-death mission, Chen Zongben was not badly affected. Even under the crisis of life and death, he was repaired to improve his strength, but the injury was still not healed. Long, I'm afraid it will become stubborn, leaving behind sequelae.

In addition, Chen Xiu's avatar Chen Xiu suffered more serious injuries. If Chen Xiu was a real flesh and blood body, he might be dead.

The two mysteries that reached the sixfold of the sanctuary were also used for this.

I have to say that in order to complete this task, Chen Zong paid a great price.

Still, it's done.

Under the leadership of Min Ze, Chen Zong once again came to the killing department of the God Xuan Army to meet the killer.

Killing the Lord is still so mysterious, can't see through the depths, can't see through everything.

"From now on, you are a member of the Mysterious Army's killing department and included in the blood Ling." The metal sound of the killer sounded, the rhythm is very unique: "Go on."

Min Ze brought Chen Zong to leave.

"Congratulations, we will be real colleagues in the future." Min Ze smiled and patted Chen Zong's shoulder: "Let's go, I will take you to receive the equipment of the God Xuan Army Killing Department."

The so-called equipment is actually very simple.

Chen Zong has just become a member of the Killing Army of the Xuan Army. His rank is only a lower rank sergeant. In addition to the information of Chen Zong, the order of the Xuan Army is the internal terrain of the Xuantian War Fortress.

In terms of military achievements, it was a blank.

As for the **** Xuan killing armor, naturally belongs to the equipment of the God Xuan army killing department.

There are four levels of Divine Mystery, Yellow, Xuan, Earth and Heaven.

The yellow level is the lowest and the sky level is the highest.

The mysterious armors obtained by Chen Zong belong to the yellow class.

However, even if it is a yellow-level sacred mysterious armor, it has also reached the level of Sanpin.

The Xuan-class **** Xuan killing armor is a sixth-grade holy weapon.

The prefecture-level **** Xuan kills armor, but is a holy holy weapon.

As for the day-level **** Xuan killing armor, it is already above the holy weapon.

"Our God Xuanjun killing department is relatively free, but we also need to practice the killing team and cooperate with each other. I'll take you to see Xue Ling killing the adults first." Min Ze laughed.

The killing department is collectively referred to as division.

Xue Ling is part of it.

The **** Xuanjun kills four major divisions, Cangya, Xueling, Batian, and Fengfeng. Each division has a killer who will rule, and the four killers will be returned to the killer, who will directly control the killer. .

In fact, Chen Zong would be brought directly to kill the master, which meant killing the master. According to previous rules, or when Min Ze himself joined the killing department, he was not eligible to meet the killer.

This is the gap between the general Tianjiao and the top peerless Tianjiao.

Of course, it is said that only those who join the killing department can be directly interviewed by the killing master.

It is also explained from the side that killing the Lord values ​​Chen Zong very much. Perhaps for this reason, Chen Zong was issued a task of nine deaths and a lifetime, and he was allowed to perform it.

Blood Ling Division!

The blood slain will be a ground-level **** mysterious armor, and it will be filled with an extremely breathtaking breath. Its killing is shocking, and between the opening and closing of the eyes, there is a faint glow of blood coming out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As if it is Shura purgatory , Sen Han terrible, terrifying.

However, Chen Zong felt that the blood slaying could not be compared with that mysterious killer.

The killing intention of killing the master is restrained, which makes it difficult to feel. Although the killing intention of Xue Ling killing is also restrained as much as possible, it cannot be compared with the killing of the master.

This is the gap in the realm.

The blood lingering will be filled with a horrible killing intention, his eyes faintly fluttered past, staring at Chen Zong, it seems that Chen Zong should be seen through.

From the eyes of Xue Ling's killing generals, Chen Zong faintly saw the blood flow into the corpse of the river.

"The seventh team needs to add new blood, and Chen Zong belongs to the seventh team." Xue Lingshou will think a little, and then said directly.

Min Ze suddenly smiled.

He belongs to the seventh team.

There are ten teams in the Xueling branch. Each team is equipped with one hundred people as standard and divided into ten teams.

"Master, I am missing a member of the third team and let Chen Zong join the third team." Min Ze applied.

"Just." Xue Ling killed.

Min Ze was even more pleased.

He was called to pick up Chen Zong, which does not mean that Chen Zong must join his team as a team member later.

However, with Chen Zong's extraordinary talents and potential, he can still complete the task of nine deaths and become a member of his own team. It is definitely a good thing. Although he is not high enough now, he can grow and grow. .

The more powerful players are, the better the team will be.

Chen Zong didn't have any opinions when he joined Min Ze's team. On the contrary, Min Ze picked himself up, and after some contact, his senses were pretty good.

"Let's go, Chen Zong, I'll take you to meet the other members of our third team." Min Ze bowed down and took Chen Zong away quickly. nt

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