Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 13: No sword

The Divine Army, originally ranked first among the nine armies of the Xuantian Army.

The killing department is a more elite part of the Divine Army. Not everyone is eligible to become a member of the killing department.

It can be said that everyone in the killing department has extraordinary ability and strength, even if it is among the same level, it is rarely an enemy.

Because the killing department is difficult to enter, the members of the killing department are often not too many.

Each of the four branches is full of one thousand, and those who exceed one thousand are prepared as killing sections.

Add up the total, it will not exceed Wu Yi.

Of course, these are not among the Wu Yan people, all of them are Tianjiao geniuses.

Originally, Chen Zong would become the preparation for killing the ministry, but because he completed the mission of nine deaths and a lifetime, and let the killer take it seriously, he directly arranged into the blood Ling branch.

The news of personnel changes naturally came out quickly, and everyone else in the killing department would know sooner or later.

In the preparations for the killing of the Ministry, a lot of people were discussing it.

"The third."

"This is the third newcomer to skip our reserve and go directly to the four divisions."

"No way, who makes us not peerless."

"What can you do if you are not convinced? It is said that all three of them were summoned directly by the slain master, and they all completed the mission of nine lives."

"Kill the Lord!"

"Nine deaths!"

Suddenly, one by one sucked air-conditioner.

As the killing reserve, they can also be regarded as official killing members, but they have not been included in the four major divisions, but they also have killing tokens and Shen Xuan killing armor, etc. The difference is only one Just the name.

They also performed the mission to join the killing department.

But they have not been called by the slain master, nor have they fulfilled the task of nine deaths and a lifetime, at most they are half-dead and half-life tasks.

The half-death and half-life tasks are one level away from the nine-death life tasks, but the gap is huge.

If they were asked to perform the task of nine deaths in a lifetime, then they would really die and could not return.

Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied, they can only admit it, unless they are able to perform the task of completing the life of nine dead.

Killing the ministry has always been the best choice.

The 3rd Division of the 7th Brigade of the Xueling Division. Min Ze, the captain of the division, brought Chen Zong and met with the other eight members.

Each team member must choose a title for themselves. These titles are all left by the past sergeants and generals of the Xuantian Army, but they have been killed, leaving only the title and the holy soldier.

The holy soldier was placed inside the holy soldier's grave, and the title remained, waiting for the newcomer to inherit.

These titles are inherited from the first generation, and have a spiritual symbol, a spiritual inheritance.

The titles left by these ancestors have their own titles. The killing department has its own title, and the four major branches also have their own titles. Each team has its own title.

Chen Zong belongs to the 7th Brigade of the Xueling Division, and naturally chose the title left by the 7th Brigade.

Not much, only six.

After all, the seventh brigade has a total of one hundred people, only one hundred titles, and six vacancies. Representatives lacking six people are considered full.

With six titles, there is not much choice for Chen Zong to choose.

Chen Zong didn't hesitate too much, he just finished choosing a few breaths.

No raw sword!

"You have chosen the title of No Sword!" Yan Yan, one of the members of the third detachment of the Seventh Group, was surprised, and everyone else looked a bit abnormal. It seems that this title is not trivial.

Chen Zong practiced swords, and the six titles were the only ones with sword characters. It was only natural to choose them.

"Captain, didn't you tell the newcomer about this title?" Snow Blade looked a little surprised.

"I haven't said it yet," Min Ze said with a smile, and then looked at Chen Zong: "Chen Zong, the title of Wu Shengjian is the same as the other titles, but it is also a little different."

"The same thing is that they are all titles. The difference is that the first person to have the title of a sword without a living sword is the top ten strongest in the Blood Ling Branch of our Divine Army."

In the Xuantian Army, in addition to the rank level, there is a way to directly determine the strength.

That's the seat.

Generally speaking, there are only ten seats.

For example, in the Divine Army, there are ten seats in total, and there are also ten seats in each of the War Department, the Imperial Department, and the Killing Department. The four major divisions in the Killing Department also naturally have the top ten strong seats.

The ten seats of the Xueling Division are located under the Xueling Killer, which can be said to be the strongest ten people under the Xueling Killer.

The first person to have the title of Wusheng Sword was one of the ten seats in the Blood Ling Division, ranking first, but killed in a battle.

From then on, whoever chooses the title of Inanimate Sword often lives shortly, and seems to be cursed. Not only can it not reproduce the glory of this title, but it will soon die, as short as one year and as long as three years. The first time I went out to perform a mission, I died, so much so that this title has not been chosen for many years. I never expected that Chen Zong chose it.

No raw sword!

There is no life!

The symbolism is ominous.

In fact, Min Ze was a bit helpless. This was his negligence. He didn't notice it for a while. He didn't have time to stop Chen Zong and didn't make it clear to Chen Zong.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Zong didn't care. If he was going to die, he would die no matter what the title was. The title was just a symbol.

Is it true that if you choose the title of No Life Sword, there will be no life?

No, the title of no sword at first was to make the enemy dead or not, not himself.

"Now that you have made your choice, you can't regret it. I sincerely hope that you can reproduce this title of glory without the sword." Tiebi said in a sullen voice.

"Well, the title has been chosen, and there is no change, but as long as we work together, we believe that we can break this curse." Min Ze finally said, his title is Tianji.

Generally speaking, accepting new players takes a process, but Chen Zongnai is a peerless arrogant, and also completed the task of a lifetime of nine deaths, so not only did they not reject, but they quickly accepted them psychologically.

Even the two members of the team, who have relatively cold tempers, such as the sick shadow and the cold underarm gun, also expressed their goodwill to Chen Zong.

"The next month, our third team will not take on any tasks, but will run in with all our strength." Min Ze Zhengshi said, showing the courage of the team leader.

Chen Zong is a newcomer and has just become a member of the third team. He needs to work with other players to better cooperate and give play to the overall strength of the team.

The role of hordes is here. Otherwise, it is not necessary to establish any team, and it is better to fight on their own.

A good team can give full play to their individual advantages, and not only will not weaken others, they will also increase each other and push the limits.

"No birth, the next month, you will do your best to run with us, and practice the mysterious battlefield, do not seek mastery, at least preliminary grasp." Tianji Minze Zhengse said to Chen Zong.

"Yes." Chen Zong also took the stance of being a team member and did not rely on his pride to complete the task of a lifetime of nine deaths. This attitude made everyone more satisfied.

Immediately, Min Ze introduced Chen Xuan to the battlefield.

Xuantian Army, the nine army has its own formation.

The formation of Shen Xuan Army is called the Shen Xuan Formation. According to three parts, it is called the Shen Xuan Battle Formation, the Shen Xuan Imperial Formation, and the Shen Xuan Killing Formation.

These formations are very profound and mysterious.

You can form a team of two, or three, four, five, or even ten.

Of course, the power of Shen Xuan Xia Zhen under the cloth of the two is incomparable with that of Hundred People, but the difficulty of mastering it is also much lower.

After all, the fewer people, the easier it is to exercise and cooperate, and the more people, the harder it is.

Chen Zong got the content of the Shenxuan Killing Formation.

To practice, it is natural to practice the co-operation of the two gods first. This is the foundation. Only after you master the foundation can you further improve.

Soon, Chen Zong grasped the foundation of the God Xuan killing array with his strong understanding and practiced with Min Ze.

Looking at Chen Zong who was familiar with it just after a few drills, the other players couldn't help but be speechless.

"Is this the peerless Tianjiao ability?" Red smoke and red lips slightly opened, his face surprised.

"The average peerless sky is arrogant, but it doesn't have the ability." Snow Blade's chill pervaded the whole body, like snow, with sharp eyes like the blade.

"Xuedao is right. The general Peerless Tianjiao wants to master the basics of the mysterious battlefield, but it takes a day to say less, but the sword without birth is too amazing. It is just three exercises. The first time was very rusty. This fourth pass, however, became familiar, as if other Peerless Tianjiao practiced hundreds of times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Eagle wings rubbed the stubble of his chin, his eyes narrowed slightly, as sharp as eagle eyes.

"The higher the talent of Wusheng Sword, the better it will be for our third team." The disease's voice drifted away, but it directly pointed out the essence.

Now there is no sword in the third team, and they are teammates and colleagues. The better the teammates are, the better they are. They are not good for the team.

"So talented, maybe we can break the curse of Wushengjian and reproduce the glory of the first generation of Wushengjian."

He and Min Ze practiced ten times in a row with the basics of the mysterious battlefield, from rustiness to familiarity and mastery at the beginning, but only ten times. Min Ze was shocked and stressed, but also very happy.

According to this situation, it may not take a month to complete the running-in of the third team.

At that time, you can take the task first, go to actual combat, and deepen the running-in.

The two-man formation exercise was completed, and then the three-man formation exercise was completed.

You must be proficient in the two-to-ten-man array exercises, so that you can truly master the mysterious array, and then you can make the fastest response in various situations and form the array to meet the enemy.

Of course, if you place an order by yourself, it will not use any array, you can only rely on your own strength against the enemy.

However, he has a clone of Shura as the biggest hole card.

Chen Zong thought that if he had already mastered the mysterious battlefield when he went to Mojing Valley before, then his own deity and Shura form the Shenxuan battlefield. The increase in strength is not as simple as one plus one.

During the day, Chen Zong and his team members ran into each other, while practicing Shen Xuan Xia Zhen, they also had to be proficient in other means of cooperation and cultivate a tacit understanding. At night, Chen Zong practiced by himself. nt

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