Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 14: Surge in strength

The third unit of the Seventh Brigade of the Blood Ling Division of the Shenxuan Killing Department, with ten members, is the highest captain, Tian Zhi Min Ze, who entered the sacred realm in the seventh stage.

Xuedao entered the mid-seventh stage of the sacred realm, while Hanming Gun was in the early stage of the seventh stage of the sanctuary.

Chen Zong's cultivation is the first three times when he entered the sacred realm, but he is the lowest cultivation person. His strength is also the lowest at this stage, which is not as good as other players.

However, the other players did not look down on Chen Zongxiu for being inferior to them, because when it comes to talent, Chen Zong is the highest, and it is only a matter of time to catch up with them.

What's more, no matter whether he completed the mission of the Nine Deads in a lifetime or later performed the performance of Shen Xuan Xing Zhen, Chen Zong showed admirable ability and admired it.

The third unit has the residence of the third unit. The entrance is like a hollow of a hive. The interior is a circular space. There are ten entrances on the surrounding walls. Each entrance corresponds to a room.

The Xuantian War Fortress is very large and extremely wide inside.

It is the residence of the third unit alone. The lobby of the common part has a radius of 1,000 meters, and each person's room has a radius of 100 meters.

In the house, Chen Zong is practicing.

There are still seven capsules of Shenxuan Jingyuan Dan, and the effect is amazing enough to further improve one's cultivation, and cultivation is an important part of strength.

In addition, three tablets of God Xuanwu Mingdan were also delivered to Chen Zong, and the Stone of Fire Tao was also delivered to Chen Zong.

Take out a capsule of Shen Xuan Jing Yuan Dan. After Chen Zong takes it, he will run the Da Xuan Yuan Jue to refine it.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue is just the most common sage-level best practice. In Xuan Tian Army, there are many better exercises than Da Xuan Yuan Jue, but that requires sufficient military skill to be exchanged.

Today, Chen Zong can only practice Daxuanyuanjue.

The 17th layer of the Grand Xuan Yuan Jue is fully operating, continuously refining the power of Shen Xuan Jing Yuan Dan, and the effect of Shen Xuan Jing Yuan Dan is amazing, very pure and majestic. , Promote repair.

The initial cultivation in the triple stage of the Holy Land is steadily improving.

As time goes by, day by day, the cooperation between Chen Zong and the third team members gradually grows familiar from rusty, whether it is two together or three, four, five or even ten together, all grasp.

At the same time, Shen Xuan Jing Yuan Dan was continuously refined by Chen Zong.




Repair for a breakthrough.

Into the sanctuary Mie!

The eighteenth floor of the Grand Xuan Yuan Jue!

The breakthrough of the level of Daxuanyuan's tactics greatly increased the speed of Chen Zonghua's refining of the **** Xuanyuanyuandan.

Twenty days later, the seven tablets of Shenxuan Jingyuan Dan were completely refined by Chen Zong. As a result, Chen Zong's cultivation was also significantly improved.

The triple peak of sanctuary!

Kankan stepped into the triple peak of the sacred realm, and Xiu brought a significant improvement, naturally an enhancement of strength.

In these 20 days, the cooperation between Chen Zong and the other team members of the third team has reached a very skilled level, as if they have cooperated for several years, and everyone is amazed.

"No life, your cultivation has reached the triple peak of entering the sanctuary." Tianji Minze was amazed: "In ten days, we will take the task and use the task to further sharpen our team, you have to be ready."

"It's time to take Xuanming Fruit." Chen Zong secretly said.

As for the three gods, Xuanwu Mingdan, Chen Zong intends to keep them for the time being.

Previously, Chen Xiu took a mysterious fruit, and the effect was amazing. He has mastered the higher-order Taoism and Tiansha Taoism. If today, the Taoism reached two turns, approaching three turns, once it broke through to three turns, Its power will be even more amazing.

Taoism Vientiane, 4 steps and 9 turns, the higher the level, the higher the level, the stronger it is, but the higher the level of Taoism, the more difficult it is to improve the level.

After these 20 days, the injury of Chen Xiu, who is Shura's avatar, was cured, and Xiu became more advanced.

The Xuanming fruit was taken out, and after taking a few glances, Chen Zong took it without hesitation, and the Stone of Fire Tao also appeared in his hand. Just holding it, a trace of the mysterious and extreme fluctuations permeated and lingered. Chen Zong's body is full of charm.

The taste of Xuanming fruit is a bit sour and not good for mouth, but Chen Zong's look remains the same. After chewing directly, he swallows into the belly. A cold power diffuses in the belly, and he quickly rolls around the whole body. Then, like rivers and rivers flowing endlessly, they rushed towards Shenhai.

Into the sea of ​​God, at a moment, Chen Zong's soul trembled, as if he heard the mysterious voice of Xuan Xuan Ming, and if it sounded from nothing, from the darkness, it came intermittently, and it seemed to contain ancient times. Mysterious and archaic charm.

As if the soul came out of it, wandering in the darkness and the void, and in the void, there was infinite silence, but it seemed to have bred countless mysteries.

Suddenly, as if a scent of breath was born from nothingness, slowly converging and rotating, like a wind like a water current, a mysterious trajectory, and a stream of all kinds.

Immediately afterwards, an astonishing sharp-edged breath from the heart to the heart also emerged, it seems that the sword of nothingness can tear through everything.

That sharp sharp gradually gazed, appearing looming in the dark void, seemingly still, but constantly changing, everything at will, containing the astonishing extreme sharp, can easily tear everything through.

Then, a silver arc jumped out of the void like a hair, and between the windings, it gradually became thicker, turning into a silver electric snake to shake the body and wandering in the dark void.

There seemed to be a whistling wind, and a scent of breath permeated, converging into a gust of wind, blowing in the dark void, eternal and immortal.

In the end, a dazzling red light seemed to burst out of nothingness, and gradually burned, and a breath of breath came out from all directions, and gradually poured into the red light.

The red light gradually swelled, and increased a little bit, and turned into a flame burning, the flame gradually grew from the size of the original fist to the size of the palm.

Vortex-like vortices, if there are no sharp edges, dancing silver electric snakes, the endless wind that moves in all directions, the burning red light that is immortal, are distributed around the dark void.

Chen Zong's consciousness can feel that each kind is changing and seems to be increasing.

However, the red light has the fastest enhancement speed, as if getting any help.

In addition, traces of mystery, like countless streams converge, trickle down into a river, poured into their consciousness, and gradually felt and grasped by themselves.

Xuanming fruit is a holy medicine. It is a rare holy drug that originated from ancient times. It has amazing value and amazing results. The better the understanding, the greater the benefit of taking Xuanming fruit.

Chen Zong's perception is very high and strong, and the effect of Xuanming fruit will naturally be excavated more thoroughly.

Chen Zong is actually not clear. In ancient times, Xuanming fruit was also of great value to those powerful people. The Xuanming fruit tree in Xuanming small world was the original owner of Xuanming small world. For the price.

Xuanxuanming, dark and empty, no night and day, no rising and falling moon, no flowers blooming and thanking, no seasons cycle, can not feel the passage of time at all.

Everything is gradually changing, a kind of transformation, from the transformation of darkness and emptiness.

"Where is the sword without it, is it the third day?" Yan De frowned, questioning: "He shouldn't think that after running with us, he won't need to drill."

"Shouldn't." Eagle Wing's eyes were extremely sharp and he said nothing.

"No." Tianji said in a firm tone.

Although the contact time is not very long, Min Ze pays that he will not see the wrong person. Chen Zong, who has no sword, is not the kind of self-righteous person.

Perhaps because of cultivation.

After all, sometimes it ’s normal for a long time to find a breakthrough.

As they talked, the door of Chen Zong's room opened, and a figure came out.

All eyes fell on Chen Zong as if to see Chen Zong through, but there was a feeling that it was difficult to see through.

"No birth, you broke through again?" Tiebi asked in a sigh of breath.

"By chance, there is a breakthrough." Chen Zongqian said modestly.

In fact, it's not a fluke or a breakthrough, but a big breakthrough, a breakthrough that has made rapid progress. Its strength is more than doubled than it was three days ago.

Cultivate for the triple limit of sanctuary!

Grand Xuan Yuan Jue on the 19th floor!

High-level Taoist intentions Kendo second intention!

Low-level Tao Yi Lei's Tao means two turns!

The lower-order Taoism wind and the Taoism will change twice!

The lower-order Taoist Fire and Taoist Taoism turns three times!

If you do n’t make a breakthrough, it ’s already a breakthrough at www.wuxiaspot.com.

With these breakthroughs, Chen Zong has not fully mastered it and turned it into strength, but he has 100% confidence and has more than doubled his strength.

If it is completely transformed into strength, the enhancement is more than doubled.



Greater strength brings greater confidence.

Now that we know that Chen Zong did not show up in three days, it was because of the breakthrough in retreat and stronger strength. Not only did everyone not feel dissatisfied, they were all happy for Chen Zong.

At present, Chen Zong's strength is the weakest among all the people. Although the cloth can be used to show more powerful strength, it is still the weakest, becoming the weakest link in the entire team.

Normally nothing, if it is in real danger, it may become a shortcoming and affect others.

Therefore, Chen Zong's cultivation needs to be improved and his strength also needs to be enhanced.

"There are still seven days, we will take the task, face the void demons, and use the void demons to further strengthen the break-in between us." The captain Tianji glanced and said positively: "Now, continue the exercise to strengthen each other The tacit understanding is not the deepest, only the deeper, maybe it will save one's life at a critical moment, and you must not neglect. "

Everyone knows this truth, but every time, the captain Tianji will repeat it again, reminding everyone to strengthen the concept of everyone.



That's groups, not alone.

Since it is a team, we must have a team consciousness and cannot be alone.

Chen Zong has always been alone, but now, he has made some changes, but Chen Zong has not resisted.

Everything, just to pursue stronger. nt

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