Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 18: Wind and thunder

The world of the Void Battlefield is dark and chaotic, as if it had never been opened.

The ten members of the third unit of the Seventh Brigade of the Xueling Division, looked relaxed towards Xuantian War Fort.

Not only did he complete the task intact this time, he also gained a lot of gains. Moreover, he also saw Chen Zong's excellence, which is a good teammate.

Although they all suffered some injuries, for everyone, injuries are nothing, as long as they are not fatal.

On the way home, a squad appeared in front of them and was flying quickly. When they were about to meet, the two sides reduced their speed.

"Isn't this the third member of the Seventh Brigade of the Blood Ling Branch, why does it look a little embarrassed." One of the other ten said with a playful expression, and the others also sneered in cooperation.

"It's not bad to be able to come back intact. Do you still expect their clothes to be neat?" The other person's words were also quite sharp, causing a burst of laughter again, and only one person's look remained unchanged.

Chu Zhongyang!

Chu Zhongyang saw Chen Zong, and Chen Zong also saw Chu Zhongyang. He was brilliant and invisible.

"Do you think that the Void Demon is hospitable and hospitable, and it is so naive to come to the Void Battlefield for so long?" Yan De sneered.

"Heaven, is this person your new team member? It is said that it is very good to complete the task of nine deaths alone. It is just that, without the name of the sword of life, there is no death, no life, soon." Turned around, he fell on Chen Zong's face after sweeping the halberd, and smiled with amusement: "Just so, our team also has a new player, Tianchen Chu Zhongyang."

The third team heard the words, and the pupils contracted.

Chu Zhongyang, they all heard the name, because it was the peerless Tianjiao who completed the task of nine deaths before Chen Zong.

Similarly, he is a peerless Tianjiao from the Xuanyuan royal family and has a very high status.

In addition, the title of Tianhen is also extraordinary. Unlike the original splendor of Wusheng Sword, the title of Tianhen was inconspicuous at the earliest, but then it gradually rose and became famous, becoming the first in the Cangya Division. Chief of the Seven Brigade.

Flowers are never red!

No matter how great, it may fall, after all, the Void Demon is not weak and very fierce.

The title of Tianhen has also been passed down from generation to generation. Everyone who inherits the title of Tianhen can be the chief of the seventh brigade of the Cangya Division, and even the powerful one can be included in Cangya. The first three seats of the branch.

Today, this title has been selected by Chu Zhongyang, and Chu Zhongyang has amazing talents. Everyone is determined that Chu Zhongyang will reappear the glory of Tianchen. It is even expected to become the chief of the seventh brigade of Cangya Division and even Cangya Division chief.

As for the title of Wushengjian, it is just like a cursed title. It has only the first glory. After that, everyone who inherits this title will not live for three years.


This title is like being cursed.

Of course, no one believes that this title has been cursed, except that after things happen many times, people will feel daunted.

Min Ze forgot to remind Chen Zong, also because this title has not been chosen for a long time, so that he himself has forgotten it.

"Heaven, if I were you, I should let the newcomer stay in the Xuantian War Fort, and don't go anywhere. This will break the curse of the sword without living, and live a few more years." Cangya Division Seventh Brigade The captain of the third unit, Ju Wu, spoke again, his voice was cold, and he was still a little bit stingy.

"I will live longer than you." Chen Zongbuxubuji said.

Ju Wu heard that his pupils contracted and stared at him. A fierce burst of blood flew like Chen Zong penetrated. Immediately, a sneer appeared on his face: "Heaven, your newcomer is not sensible, do you want me? Lessons for you. "

"His words are also what I mean." Tianji raised his eyelids, and responded with no stubbornness.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are grievances.

Before joining the Xuantian Legion, Tianji and Juwu were opponents. They fought many times and settled their grievances. After joining the Xuantian Legion, they did not initially enter the Xuan Army but through their own efforts, they became gods. A member of the Xuanjun Killing Department.

The two entered the Xueling branch and the Cangya branch of the killing department. Coincidentally, they each entered the third team of the seventh group. They also happened to be captains at almost the same time.

Originally the opponent, after fighting again and again by coincidence, they became deadly opponents.

The Xuantian Army is very strict in its rules, and it is not allowed to take action against people in the legion, unless it is a traitor. Therefore, each time the two sides will not attack each other, but it is normal to attack and devalue each other with words.

"Live well, you were not defeated thoroughly in the last battle." Chu Zhongyang's eyes swept away like a stun, falling on Chen Zong's face, Xu Xu said.

This sentence fell to everyone's ears and was startled.

Could it be said that Chen Zong was defeated by Chu Zhongyang before?

If so, the momentum will inevitably be weaker.

"Victory or defeat, I will see for myself in the future." Chen Zong did not deny his previous failure, but also expressed his confidence.

In the future, who can win or lose?

Facing the failure calmly, confident future is infinite.

This is the mentality that practitioners should have.

If Chen Zong denies his failure, it will make people look down.

After a verbal confrontation, the third units of the two different divisions were staggered, one returned to Xuantian Battlefield, and the other went out to perform the task.

Returning to the Xuantian War Fortress, the captain took over the task, and everyone returned to rest.

It didn't take long for Captain Tianji to return with a smile on his face.

Under the support of the crowd, Chen Zong made all his efforts and finally got thirty-eight magic snake bones and thirty-five black magic tree fruits.

And each demon snake bone and each black demon tree fruit can get a thousand military achievements, which adds up to 73,000 military achievements. As for the core of those void demons, there are strong and weak, and the military achievements they exchanged are not Similarly, in the end, there were more than 5,000 military achievements.

In this way, the military achievements gained this time have reached more than 78,000.

This time, everyone has made a shot and made a lot of contributions.

Everyone got more than 7,800 military achievements.

According to the military regulations, the people of the Divine Army only need to complete the mission once a year. In other words, in the next year, everyone does not need to accept the mission. Whether they want to stay in the Xuantian War Fort to practice or return to Xuanyuan. The dynasty is fine.

"My military merits are enough to be exchanged. Next time, I plan to retreat well and strive for strength." Yan Mo said, taking military merits to exchange.

"I also want to exchange a piece of God Xuan Jing Yuan Dan, break through repairs." Yingyi Road.

"That being the case, then I announce that in the next year, we will not perform any tasks." The captain Tianji said immediately glanced: "As for whether an individual wants to perform a task, it is all by will, but keep in mind that capacity Don't act recklessly. "

"Relax, Captain, I feel that our team has a bright future." Manglong glanced at Chen Zong and laughed.

Everyone also understood the meaning of Manglong's remarks. It was nothing more than optimistic about Chen Zong, and they all smiled and agreed.

They said goodbye to each other, ready to practice in the next year, and strive to further improve their strength.

Chen Zong also intends to use these 7,800 military skills to see if he can exchange them for something useful to himself.

With more than 7,800 military achievements, Chen Zong has no concept yet.

"The top priority is to exchange for things or martial arts that can further tap the potential of wind and the potential of thunder." Chen Zong secretly thought.

The exchange here is very convenient, just as convenient as Xuanyuan Palace.

Chen Zong was shocked when he looked at it.

There are Taoist stones in Xuantian Army that can be exchanged, but the military skill required to exchange Taoist stones is amazing.


Each Taoist stone needs 100,000 military skills to be exchanged.

Chen Zong also saw some special Taoist stones. The Taoist meaning contained in it is a middle-order Taoist meaning. Its exchange value is higher, reaching millions of merits.

Even Chen Zong also saw the crystallization of Taoism.

Taoist crystals are more sophisticated treasures than Taoist stones, and exchange of them requires millions of military merits.

Chen Zong couldn't help laughing, his military strength of more than 7,800, compared with one, was really too little too little.

In addition, upgrading ranks is not easy. It takes 10,000 military power to upgrade ranks from lower sergeants to intermediate sergeants.

Of course, after the rank rank is raised, the treatment will also be improved.

For example, now that Chen Zong is a junior sergeant, then every year you can get one Xuantian Ningyuan Dan and one Xuantian Xiaohuan Dan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is the basic practice of Xuantian Army. One main treatment for injury is naturally not comparable to Shen Xuan Jing Yuan Dan, but it also has a good effect.

If you are an intermediate sergeant, you can get two Xuantian Ningyuan Dan and two Xuantian Xiaohuan Dan each year.

If you are a senior sergeant, you can get four Xuantian Ningyuan Dan and four Xuantian Xiaohuan Dan each year.

In exchange, each Xuan Tian Ning Yuan Dan and Xuan Tian Xiao Huan Dan needed a thousand military skills to redeem.

As for the value of Shenxuan Jingyuan Dan, it takes 30,000 military skills to exchange it for one.

Chen Zong remembered that before he got ten pills, it was equal to 300,000 military achievements.

If you look at the **** Xuan Wu Ming Dan, the value is even higher.

Half a million!

Each capsule of God ’s mystery is about 500,000 military merit, and he has three capsules, which is equivalent to 1.5 million military merit.

Chen Zong looked at other martial arts.

The martial arts of the meaning of the wind and the martial arts of the meaning of thunder are different.

Takeshi of the Wind!

Lei Zhiwu!

The name is very simple. Looking at the introduction, it is a kind of martial arts created based on the meaning of the wind and the meaning of the thunder. Power, which belongs to basic Taoist martial arts, is not as good as the red jail swordsmanship obtained by Chen Zong.

In addition to wind and thunder, there are also other, such as water and fire.

Even though it's basic, it's not cheap, each requires 3,000 military skills to be exchanged.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong spent 6,000 military achievements to exchange the wind of the wind and the thunder of the thunder.

Feng Zhiwu and Lei Zhiwu arrived, but Chen Zong did not immediately retreat and enlighten, because Chen Zong had a plan, or a plan. nt

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