Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 20: Evil Sword Perish (2)

Void battlefield, vast land.

Chen Xiu was in a silver-gray robe, his eyes were cold and indifferent, his silver-gray hair fluttered along with his body at high speed, as if the flames were burning.

Sword of annihilation is on his waist and can be sheathed at any time.

Although he has good strength, Chen Xiu is not involved in danger. Instead, he walks on the edge of various dangerous areas, constantly searching for void demons and hunting, using the extinct evil sword to draw vitality and restore strength.

The deity is buried in the Battlefield of Xuantian, while the clone hunts the void demons on the void battlefield, and at the same time keeps acquiring the core, leaving it to the deity to take it for military service.

And constantly killing the void demons, and constantly absorbing the evil spirit, also allowed Chen Xiu's cultivation to be further refined.

Shura's avatar is made from the magical omnipotent Shura. It is not a real body of flesh and blood. It is closer to the so-called Tao in essence. It is unique in its spiritual practice.

Therefore, as long as the environment is appropriate, you can quickly improve yourself.

Jian Guang burst into the air, killing instantly.

After realizing the mastery of Tiansha Taoism, the power of burning Shashu's sword technique was exerted to the extreme.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a month has passed. In the Xuantian War Fortress, Chen Zong has already cultivated the wind and the thunder of the throne to Xiaocheng.

After taking on a lifeless mission, Chen Zong went out again, merged with the avatar, and received a large number of cores of the Nether Demon from the avatar. By the way, he and the avatar jointly completed the mission and returned to Xuantian War Fortress.

With the reward of the mission and the core of the Nether Demons, Chen Zong got more than 30,000 military achievements at once.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately exchanged the fire of the sword and the sword of the sword. Although it is not as powerful as the Red Prison Sword Technique and the extremely heart-shaped swordless sword style created by himself, it is the foundation and more Help yourself to further improve your understanding and mastery.

Another month, the fire of the fire and sword of the sword were all cultivated to Xiaocheng, Chen Zong's understanding of the meaning of the fire and the sword of the heart, deeper understanding.

This is the foundation. Only by casting the foundation extremely firmly can we see the Supreme Avenue and achieve the Supreme Strong.

Besides, I haven't gone to that king tower to get the title yet.

Every entry to the sanctuary is eligible to go to the King of the Towers to obtain the title, and the general requirement is within ten years after breaking into the sanctuary.

After all, for entering the sanctuary, the cultivation time has become longer. Ten years is completely used to lay the foundation for entering the sanctuary.

If it is more than ten years, you will not be able to enter the King of Towers and you will not be able to obtain a title.

Obtaining the title is not just a title, it also represents a deeper recognition of this side of the world, which is more beneficial for future cultivation.

Of course, not everyone is eligible for the title, even if they enter the King of the Tower, their talents are not strong enough and can not be recognized.

However, it is still too early for him to break through the tower.

Generally, it was only when the ten-year deadline was approaching that the King Tower was to be broken, and it has been less than one year since he broke into the sanctuary, and there are still nine years to improve.

The sword of the sword, the fire of the sword, the wind of the sword, the thunder of the sword.

Chen Zong has four kinds of Taoism, one is high-ranking, and the other is low-ranking.



Do your best!

Half a year passed.

After half a year of repairs, Chen Zong's improvement is great.

In order to reach the fourth stage of the sanctuary, Xiu stepped into the middle period of the sanctuary.

The 20th floor of Daxuanyuanjue!

The meaning of fire turns around!

The meaning of the wind turns three times!

Three Ways of Thunder

Heart Sword Taoism is a higher-order Taoism meaning, it is more difficult to improve, so it is a second turn.

The realm of the heart reaches two hundred meters.

The sword of the sword, the fire of the sword, the wind of the sword, and the thunder of the sword are all practiced to Dacheng. The Red Prison Sword is also practiced to Dacheng.

Compared with half a year ago, this strength has improved a lot, and you can easily beat yourself half a year ago.

Quiet thinking!

Chen Zong intends to take another task out.

This time, Chen Zong did not choose a life or death task, but a half life and half death task.

More difficult, but more military achievements.

For this mission, travel three thousand miles east of Xuantian War Fort, where there is a middle-level dangerous place called the Mote Sea, which has changed.

The content of the mission is to investigate the changes, record related images, etc. and bring them back to Xuantian War Fortress.

With a little preparation, Chen Zong set off immediately.

As for the others in the third team, they are still in retreat and are doing their best to improve themselves.

When he first stepped out of Xuantian War Fortress, Chen Zong met the third team of the 7th Brigade of Cangya Division.

"Without a sword, don't stay in the battlefield, be careful not to go back." One of the third team sneered suddenly.

Between the two third teams, it is precisely because of the contradictions and grievances between the captains of each other that they gradually became hostile to each other, so that they became a conflict between the two teams.

Of course, every conflict is a verbal conflict, and there is no real action.

"If I come back alive, you kneel down in person." Chen Zongbu Xu Xuji said, his eyes were indifferent, and the other person's expression was suffocated, but he did not dare to answer.

"Young people shouldn't be too arrogant." The captain of the unit, Ju Wu, said coldly. The momentum in the seventh stage of the sacred realm was astonishing. It seemed to be a direct impact like a storm, and it seemed to make Chen Zong ugly.

However, although this momentum is very strong, it cannot shake Chen Zong.

"I'm crazy, how about you?" Chen Zong replied without fear.

"Very good and very personality, but I tell you, those with personality often die faster." Ju Wu sneered, and his eyes burst into an astonishing sharpness, as if piercing the sky: "Go back and tell Tian Ji, I Go apply for a bet and see if he has the courage to fight. "

After speaking, Ju Wu took the team members away. Before Chu Zhongyang turned around, he gave Chen Zong a cold look.

"Gamble!" Chen Zong groaned slightly.

The Xuantian Army has military regulations and is not allowed to operate in private. However, if there are contradictions, you can apply for a bet. After the two parties agree, you can start a war.

This battle is not a battle of life and death, but a battle waged on military merit.

Winners will receive bets on military merits, and losers will have to pay corresponding military merits. If the military merits are insufficient, they will be temporarily owed, and they must get enough military merits to the other party within the prescribed time, otherwise they will be punished.

The severe punishment is to reduce rank and so on.

Chen Zong estimates that if Ju Wu applies for a gambling war, he will probably agree with Captain Tianji's temperament.

However, gambling is gambling, so what's the problem?

It's not necessarily who wins or loses, but if you refuse the opponent's gambling, the momentum will be much weaker. If you meet again in the future, you will certainly be ridiculed, hard to refute, and guilty.

The idea turned, and for the time being, Chen Zong did not return to Xuantian War Fort immediately because the captain is still retreating.

It is better to perform the task yourself.

With his body cast, the thunderbolt in the realm of perfection is complete. In the meaning of three turns of thunder, Chen Zonghua broke into a thunderbolt, and the speed was amazing, extremely fast, and the fivefold in the holy realm can't be compared.

For three thousand miles, Chen Zong does not need a long time.

Gradually, Chen Zong sensed the existence of Shura's avatar, indicating that the distance between the deity and the avatar was getting closer.

Shura's avatar naturally felt the deity, so he turned his direction and came to the deity to merge with the deity.

To perform this task, it would be better to have an additional Shura clone.

It didn't take long for the deity and the avatar to meet and smile at each other.

Chen Zongben can feel the improvement of the avatar is higher.

Into the Holy Quadruple Late!

The speed of such practice is above the deity.

The higher the strength of the avatar, the more powerful it is for Chen Zong.

"Go." Chen Zongdao said, the deity and the avatar immediately unfolded, and hurried forward.

The sea of ​​magic vines!

Intermediate dangerous place, at a glance, immediately made Chen Zong feel scalp tingling.

The dark black vines linger on the ground, permeating endlessly. Those vines, small like human thighs, are thicker than twice as thick as a human waist, and they look like dark stripes. Like pythons hovering on the ground, crisscrossing endlessly.

This is a magic vine, a kind of void magic plant, and a void magic plant like the black devil tree, all brought by the void demons.

The magic vine will bloom and also bear fruit. The condensed fruit is called magic vine spiny fruit, but the magic vine spiny fruit is not a holy medicine, but an offensive weapon, similar to a one-time secret treasure.

According to Chen Zong's understanding, the magic vine thorn fruit cannot be touched, or even close to it within 100 meters, otherwise it will detonate and radiate a powerful spike, which can easily penetrate the defense of the early stage of the Holy Land and shoot it. kill.

Even if the strong man falls into the magic vine fruit in the middle of the sacred state, it is very dangerous, and one will be shot accidentally. After all, the magic vine fruit is not one or two ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ten or even hundreds.

Even in such a harsh environment, even the Void Demon is unwilling to stay.

After all, no matter if you are a Terran or a Void Demon, as long as you enter a certain range, you will be attacked, shot and killed, regardless of life and death.

The magic vine came to the void to take root. Although it was said to be the seed brought by the void demons, it was also for better fighting. Now, it has become difficult to remove the ocean of magic vines. This is not only a dangerous place for the human race, but also for the void. As far as demons are concerned, it is also dangerous.

But now something has happened, which attracted the attention of Xuantian War Fortress, and it was only included in the task to let people investigate.

Due to the danger of the sea of ​​magic cane, this task is classified as half-life and half-death.

Standing on the edge of the sea of ​​magic vines, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu gathered their eyes and carefully scanned to find if there was anything unusual, but nothing was found.

The sea of ​​magic vines is large and very wide, and it is impossible to tour around the edge, which will take a lot of time.

Thinking for a moment, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu immediately unfolded themselves and headed towards the inside of the magic rattan sea.

The two of them are fast and light and flexible. They pass through the dense crisscross of magic vines, and the eyes of the two are very sharp. They immediately see everything around them.

Chen Zong also saw the so-called magic vine spiny fruit.

The devil's thorn fruit is dark, about the size of a fist, round, and the surface is covered with spikes. The tip of the spikes is faintly green, which seems to contain amazing toxicity.

Indeed, the spikes of the devil's vine fruit bear toxins. This toxin will not be directly fatal, but it will gradually paralyze the limbs, make the body numb, reduce the reaction, delay the power operation, and eventually lead to a decline in power and be killed. . nt

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