Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 22: The Evil Sword Perishes (4)

The sea of ​​magic vines stretches for thousands of miles, but starts from the outermost area, as if being drawn by something, and continues to wither, like a wind blowing wheat waves, rushing towards the inner center.


Two hundred miles!

Three hundred miles!

Four hundred miles!

Each of the magic vines has grown up to this day, and they all contain amazing vitality. For the sword of silence, like a super delicious meal, it is still full.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu had dignified faces, and the withering waves quickly spread from the periphery, extinction, extinction, and horror.

Usually, it feels normal to kill the Void Demon with a extinguishing evil sword and devour the Void Demon as a whole, but the continuous swallowing in front of it, devouring the vitality of the magic vine within thousands of miles, extinct thousands of miles of vine life A barren ruin, shocking and creepy.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu both became more frightened of the evil sword.



What is the origin of this dying evil sword.

The bud's resistance changed from weak to strong, and gradually turned weak. The void gate inside the bud broke down, and the pure power was absorbed by the extinct evil sword.

Withering and spreading, it gradually moved towards the huge giant vine in the middle, and quickly became dry, as if the wind blows, it will turn into smoke.

In the end, the withering potential spread to the buds, and the black light on the buds fluctuated endlessly, constantly resisting.

But that resistance was just a delay for some time. In the end, it was still difficult to resist the devouring of the Sword of Silence.

The black of the bud gradually faded, became gray and wrinkled, and withered.

In the end, vitality was extinct, leaving an empty shell.

Immediately, a strong silver-gray light flickered from the extinguishing evil sword, erupting, as if the volcano's accumulation of eternal volcanoes had erupted, and an instant of horrific power broke out, which greatly changed the face of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu. .

That silver-gray light is as intense as the sun, and it is amazingly fast.

Suddenly, the two were engulfed in silver-gray rays.

Silver gray!

As you see it, all of them are silver-gray, and a trace of terrible breath permeates all around, filled with silence, silence, all things, and heaven and earth.

Vaguely, both Chen Zong and Chen Xiu saw a shadow, appearing in silver gray.

The figure, a silver-gray, facing the two, was slender and infinitely high, as if standing in the void of the universe, overlooking countless worlds, as small as dust.

In the face of this almost illusory figure, Chen Zong and Chen Xiu felt only small, themselves small, as small as dust.

Immediately, the silver-gray figure turned back and looked at the ancient and modern at a glance. It also seemed to see through Chen Zong and Chen Xiu, so that the two of them trembled unconsciously. There was a thrilling feeling that the soul was disintegrated and extinct.

At that glance, the vitality was infinite and dead and sinking.

As if there were two rays of light bursting through the air, straight through, submerged into the eyes of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu, making them inescapable, only thinking that their eyes were pierced and Shenhai was pierced.

At the same time, the silver-grey figure turned away, carrying his hands, gradually fading, as if blending into the void.

Silver grey also receded.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu were suspended in midair, motionless, as if turning into two sculptures.

That glance was not a killing, but a magical power.

Supernatural powers are known as sub-supernatural powers, small supernatural powers, and great supernatural powers.

For example, Vientiane Shura, who was cast as Shura, and Chen Xiu, is a little magical power.

And the message from the silver-gray figure was a little magical power.

Silent Evil Eye!

A little magical power related to the eye pupil.

There are three levels of supernatural powers, the lowest supernatural powers, exceeding the secret method, reaching the threshold of supernatural powers, and among the supernatural powers, they are also the most common.

Little magical powers are real magical powers, whose power and value are more than ten times that of secondary magical powers.

As for the great magical power, it was rare in the world.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu never expected that such changes would occur after the Sword of Silence had devoured enough vitality.

A little magical power.

You should know that when Shuramon was a small magical master, Vientiane Shura, he was betrayed by a half-step holy friend, with heavy casualties, which shows its attractiveness.

If it is known, Chen Zong now has a small magical power. I don't know what he will be shocked at, and how many bad-hearted people will be attracted, and how many life-and-death crisis will be incurred.

Of course, Chen Zong wouldn't say it. The Shura avatar has always been hidden, and no one but everyone knows it.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu were completely immersed in the mystery of the magical eye of silence, the more shocked they became.

This is a little magical power that is very different from Vientiane Shura.

Vientiane Shura is the cast of Shura's avatar, while Silent Evil Eye is the cultivation of both eyes and pupils.

One glance at the main student!

A glance at the Lord!

Before long, Chen Zong showed a bitter smile, a little helpless.

This is because this wicked evil eye little magical power is amazing, but it can't cultivate by itself.

In other words, to cultivate the sword of silence and extermination, one must pay some price.

If you haven't learned the little magical power of Vientiane Shura, and created Shura as Chen Xiu, perhaps Chen Zong will make some choices and pay some price.

But now there is Chen Xiu here, it's perfect for Chen Xiulai to cultivate this magical eye of dying eyes.

The body created by Vientiane Shura and the massive amount of evil spirits does not need to pay any price to cultivate this wicked evil eye. It is just as good as tailor-made for it.

"Clone, this little magical power will be cultivated by you." Chen Zongdao.

"Good." Chen Xiu nodded.

Of course, it ’s okay for Chen Zong to want to cultivate. The key is that he must abolish his eyes first, and then use this little magical power to draw a large amount of pure evil spirits, and turn it into a force of silence to recast the eyes. During this time, it will take several years. For a long time, I endured the pain and torture of every moment, until my eyes turned into the eyes of silence, so that I could truly cultivate.

This is only the first price.

The price afterwards is that the body will gradually change and change with its strength following the cultivation of the wicked evil eye.

This requires finding a place with a strong spirit and a pure place to retreat for several years.

There is one last point, the evil eye of silence is very unique. Each generation can only be cultivated by one person. As long as someone cultivates, others cannot.

Then between the deity and the avatar, an optimal choice should be made.

Now, with Chen Xiu, you can practice without paying any price, so good.

In the final analysis, he is called Chen Zong, and his clone is called Chen Xiu, but in fact, the clone can also be called Chen Zong, both of which are the same soul.


The pursuit of the deity is Kendo.

Separation, you can make full use of your own advantages.

As a small magical power, the mysterious and mysterious is abnormal. Although Chen Xiu is very suitable for cultivation, it cannot be practiced in a short time.

Putting down the evil eye for a while, they looked at each other, and were immediately stunned.

Thousands of miles of magic cane sea at this moment, has turned into countless gray smoke, covered the earth, a thick layer.

I can't see the place where the sea of ​​magic vines used to be, but like the ruins burned by the fire, there is a deep silence, filled with a strong sense of evil.


Melting slowly into the air.

Chen Xiu was shaken, and the burning of Shura Gong was spurred to the extreme, like a whale sucking water. In an instant, he was absorbing the massive amount of evil spirits in all directions.

The evil spirit was rolling like a tidal wave, rushing from all directions, surging and turning into a huge deep-sea whirlpool, enclosing Chen Xiu into it and pouring into his body.

The evil spirit is very vigorous. For a time, it is difficult for Chen Xiu to refining by burning Shashura Gong, but it can be absorbed and stored for the time being, and then slowly refined.

What's more, the cultivation of the evil eye requires a lot of evil spirits. Although Chen Xiu is an evil spirit body and can be cultivated without transformation, if there is a large amount of evil spirit supplementation, there is no need to consume his own strength.

Not long after, these thousands of miles of vigor were absorbed into the body by Chen Xiu.

A silver-gray long sword hovered in front of Chen Xiu.

Compared to Chen Zong, Chen Xiu is obviously more suitable for the silenced evil sword.

Reaching for a hand, Chen Xiu grabbed the Sword of Extinction. Suddenly, a burst of light burst and wrapped the sword with Chen Xiu.

This is the exchange between the Silent Sword and Chen Xiu, which Chen Zong cannot feel.

After about a moment, the light dissipated, the Sword of Extinction returned to its sheath, and was carried around Chen Xiu's waist. Through the connection of the soul, Chen Zong also knew what had happened.

The Sword of Perdition devoured the vitality of many void demons, and devoured the vitality of thousands of miles of magical sea, and finally recovered a small part of its strength, only a small part, not all.

Restoring a small part of the power of the wicked evil sword, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. Com came out with a small magical power of wicked evil eyes.

With this little magical power to determine the true ownership of the extinct evil sword.

If Chen Zong's deity wants to cultivate this little magical power, then the evil sword of extinction truly recognizes Chen Zong as the master.

But now it is Chen Xiu who wants to cultivate. Naturally, Chen Xiu is the main one.

The deity is separated, the soul is in common, but the body is divided into two parts.

After confessing the Lord, the Sword of Extinction naturally revealed its origin.

Coming from the cosmic void, the previous master was respected as the sword master by the universe.

Lord of Extinction Swords!

The Lord of Sword of Extinction is supreme power, and its strength is many times more terrifying than the Great Holy Realm such as Lingwu Holy Realm. It can destroy a world with one sword and cut the stars with one sword. Terrorist.

The Sword of Doom is the saber of such a horrifying strongman. Its predecessor is the cosmic divine power. It was finally condensed by the forces in the universe after countless years, and was obtained by the original owner of the Doom Sword. Sacrifice into a sword.

However, there was a battle that shook the earth, shocked Huanyu, the Lord of Doom Sword fell, and the Blade of Doom was severely wounded, drifting in the void, and finally fell into the blue world, and was obtained again. The strength of sacrificial vitality increased greatly. For mischief, after being killed, the Silent Evil Sword was also suppressed. Eventually, due to the destruction of the ancestral gate, Yi Qianqiu acquired the sword and slaughtered the demons.

Yi Qianqiu sacrificed himself for life, in exchange for strength, and eventually died, and the evil sword of silence fell into the hands of Chen Zong.

But Chen Zong did not sacrifice his own vitality, but was more jealous of the Silent Sword. By chance, he stepped into the Demon Eater's Forbidden Land and discovered that this sword could swallow the vitality of the Nether Demon. To this day, the Silent Sword finally restored some strength , Can communicate, but also tell his origins.

Universe Void!

Lord of Extinction Swords!

The universe is amazing! nt

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