Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 31: Sword Master Victory (2)

Total Annihilation!

Thousands of troops split easily!

That axe, powerful and terrifying, swept across, unstoppable, destroying everything and breaking everything.

Fire Demon!

Red smoke!

Chen Zong!

The three were irresistible, swept directly by the axe, and the ray of the body film flickered sharply. All three turned into streamers and flew away quickly.

With one axe, even cutting four people, a smile appeared on Ju Wu's face, and the ray on his body flickered, and it turned into a streamer flying away.

Giant spirit is dead!

This is a horrible secret method that Ju Wu encounters in the void battlefield. It is a real secret method of death. If you do n’t use it, you will die. The consequence is that you will die.

Of course, he will die, the price is very high, and his power is very horrible. The halberds that are comparable to his own strength can hardly resist the slightest, and he is directly beheaded, and the remaining forces even kill the three of Chen Zong.

Such a blow, don't say Tianji, even if it is a powerful sacred realm, it will die a little accidentally.

It is cost-effective to look for four lives with one's own life.

In this way, Ju Wu removed one chance of death, but got four more chances of death. The total number reached an astonishing six times, while Chen Zong originally had five, but now has only four.

Among the white fortresses, the four of them faced each other and looked dignified.

Are dead.

Ju Wu's blow killed everyone.

The power is terrible and makes people feel scared.

But at the moment of their death, they saw the giant martial arts turn into a streamer, and they also died.

This is a real move to the end.

"I'm here to stop Ju Wu, the three of you join forces and do your best to kill the other three." Tianji looked completely.

Even if he was killed once, he was not half afraid.

If the distance is far enough, Ju Wu's blow cannot hit Chen Zong and others. Therefore, Tianji intends to lead Ju Wu away from the distance, away from Chen Zong and others.

In addition, more precautions are needed before they can be killed in a split second. It is also because they did not expect that Ju Wu has such desperate moves. Now that I know, I need to pay more attention.

The power of that axe was terrible, and Chen Zong was greatly touched.

As if going through a life and death, suddenly, Zong Zong felt a surge of swordsmanship.

Feng Rui sprang out, becoming more and more intense, making the three halberds stunned, and then rejoiced.

Chen Zong made another breakthrough.

"Breakthrough?" Tianji could not help asking.

Chen Zong nodded.

"Okay." All three halberds rejoiced.

If Chen Zong breaks through, his strength will be strengthened and his victory will be even greater.

Heart Sword meaning ... four turns!

Heart swordsmanship is a higher-order Taoism. Once it reaches four turns, its power should be strengthened.


The four were dispatched again, and quickly left for the lava path.

"Remember, I came to hold them four and killed them with giant spirits, three of you, and broke through the fort." Ju Wu said to Chu Zhongyang and Yan Shan and Chuan Yun.

At the beginning, their strategy was to kill the Celestial Squad, and then the fortress would not break.

But now, the situation is different, and it is very critical. One careless, not only cannot win, but will lose.

Gambling, but they offered to take the initiative. If they lose, they will inevitably be ridiculed and lose 500,000 military achievements. The main thing is that they ca n’t afford to raise their heads in front of Tianji.

In order to win, that's the only thing.

The three Yanshan people also understand this. Although this method is not very glorious, it is better than losing.

The four men attacked again, headed straight for the lava field, and started a new round of decisive battle.

The sky halberd took the lead, and the halberd was shot out of the air very fast.

With the strength of Tianji, only the giant martial arts can resist, and the other three people have no threat at all and can almost be ignored.

This time, Tianji broke out with all his strength, but left and right only used up a chance of death. What is there to fear?

After letting go of his inner fears, Tianji threatened Juwu even more.

Every blow is exhausted, breaking the vacuum.

Kill kill!

For a time, Ju Wu also felt a lot of pressure, but the three of Chen Zong did not rush over, but looked at it from a distance. Even at such a distance, even if he performed the giant spirit death decision, he could only fight to death. Why not three of them.

As for penetrating the cloud, an arrow shot at the sky halberd, the arrow was extremely fast and powerful, but it was easily broken by the sky halberd.

The gap between the seventh stage of entering the sanctuary and the sixth stage of entering the sanctuary is not only a one-step gap, but also a gap between the middle and late stages.

Don't say that one penetrating the cloud means two, three, four, penetrating the cloud, and there is nothing to do with the halberd.

As for Yan Shan and Chu Zhongyang, they could not approach the 100-meter range of the two, so how can they help?

For a time, Ju Wu's face was gloomy and did not conform to the plan.

Wanting to retreat the sky halberd, but the sky halberd quickly attacked.

"Chu Zhongyang, dare to fight." Chen Zongyao gazed at Chu Zhongyang, said without Xu Xuji, the sword was pointed, the sword was sharp, the sword was coming out, leaving the ground apart, Long sword marks.

The corners of Chu Zhongyang's eyes were drawn slightly, his complexion sinking.

So provocative!


"Go." Chu Wu Chuansheng came.

To this day, the plan can't keep up with the change, only so.

The three Yanshan men immediately unfolded and rushed to the three Chen Zongs.

The showdown between Chu Zhongyang and Chen Zong began again.


Explosive inflammation!


For a moment, Chen Zong exhibited three swords in succession, and the swords were strong.

The ground burned!

The ground was burning, burning everything, forcing Chu Zhongyang back.

Chu Zhongyang displayed the power of Xuan King to increase his strength and resist Chen Zong's sword. However, he still felt bound in the face of the flames of the ground. The power of that sword was very strong, especially in the lava field, filled with endless energy of fire. It is even more powerful.

Heart Sword Style!

The speed of the extreme heart sword style exhibited with the intention of the four-turned heart sword is once again raised to a level that is astonishingly fast, and its penetrability is extremely scary.

Chu Zhongyang was frightened, and tried his best to barely avoid the sword, and a strand of hair was broken and flew up.



Chen Zong's strength seems to be stronger again.

Jixin sword-style single power, can not be compared with the ground fire, but its characteristics are extremely fast sword speed, and amazing penetration.

No raw sword style!

A tragic breath permeated, killing the sky, killing with one sword, as if cutting off all vitality, making Chu Zhongyang look horrified.


Only Xuanwang's shock can only be performed again.

One shot blasted.

The ground burned!

Chen Zong was also killed with one sword, and the fire spread, collided, and the power of terror erupted, devouring everything around him.

Heart Sword Style!

No raw sword style!

The two arrogant sword moves were performed alternately, blocking the aftermath of Xuan Wang's shock.

Xuan Wang's shock was blocked again, and Chu Zhongyang's face became more gloomy.

"Double elementary ring!" Instantly, Chen Zong condensed two elementary rings and flew towards Chu Zhongyang.

Chu Zhongyang smashed one, but did not avoid the second, and his arm was trapped again.

Although he collapsed in an instant, Chen Zong has seized that chance to kill with a sword.


One move missed the opportunity, and under Chen Zong's Red Prison Flame Flow Sword, it was no longer possible to regain the disadvantage.


In the end, Chu Zhongyang couldn't hold Chen Zong's sword and was killed again.

the third time!

Chu Zhongyang died for the third time and was exhausted and was directly eliminated.

"It's over." Ju Wu, Yan Shan and Chuan Yun saw this scene, and their hearts sank immediately.

When Chu Zhongyang died, no one dragged Chen Zong.

Soon, Yanshan and Chuanyun will repeat the same mistakes.

At that time, even if you are alone to kill Tianji?

Chen Zongke ignored these and took a deep breath, killing Yanshan with a sword.

Even if Yanshan is unwilling, it will not help.


Next, Chuan Yun was also beheaded.

This is Yanshan's third death and elimination.

Chuanyun had another chance of death.

In the fortress, Chuan Yun did not leave, but stayed at the fortress and was ready to guard.

Chen Zong!

Fire Demon!

Red smoke!

The three rushed forward without hesitation, quickly crossing the lava ground, and approaching each other's black fortress.

Seeing the three figures approaching at a rapid speed, the piercing clouds were extremely dignified, and they opened their bows and arrows and locked them away.

Ju Wu gave up his resistance and was killed by Heaven's Halberd. He instantly disappeared into the distance, returned to the fortress in this way, and then rushed out to kill Chen Zong.

Celestial rushed away at once.

Facing Ju Wu, Chen Zong's three are not their opponents, and it is difficult to get away.




The three were killed by Ju Wu.

"I'm here, I'm not going to break it." Ju Wu roared, rushing to thunder, swaying all directions, the giant axe turned empty, and one man would not open.

"See how I can break you." Tianji smiled coldly.

Another person died and appeared in the fortress. When the situation was not right, he immediately guarded the fortress.

"What about Yanshan and Tianchen?"

"Is eliminated." Chuanyun shook his head.


"what happened?"

Others were shocked.

How could Yanshan and Tianhen be eliminated, which is different from the plan.

"In short, the situation is not good for us now, stay behind the fortress." Chuan Yun Road.

There are eight members of the Juwu team, staying behind the fortress.

Heaven halberd kills!

Snow Sword Kills!

Hanming shot to!

The three Chen Zongs who were killed also arrived again.

Each of the four pillars outside the fortress has amazing defense and attack power, and will kill a light with a fixed frequency.

The light was black, and its power suddenly reached the level of the seventh stage of the sanctuary.

In other words, without the sevenfold strength to enter the sacred realm, it is impossible to resist.

Although two members of the Juwu team were eliminated, they are now defensive and cooperate with four pillars. It is very difficult to break through.

Ten halberds gathered together, but there was no rush to attack, but kilometers apart.

Kilometers is the attack range of those four pillars.

"When you kill the battlefield, the black beam of light will emit black dead light at a frequency of ten breaths. The black dead light will be resisted by me and Xuedao and Hanming." Tianji said: "You fight for it and break the black beam.

"Jiu Wu was also dragged by me. Remember, Ju Wu has a trick to fight to death, but if we keep fighting, we are expected to resist." Tian Ji also said.

I have to say that Ju Wu's desperate move is too terrible. If it is within close range, once it is cast, the entire Tianji team will die.

But it would be different if it was a ten-man battle. nt

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