Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 48: Waste city

Abandoned city!

This is an ancient city standing a hundred miles away from the ruins of Tianyuan. Each city wall is mottled in color, leaving traces of ancient times and telling vicissitudes.

The ruins of Tianyuan are left over from the ancient war that shook the entire spiritual and sacred realm. After a long period of evolution, many terrible demons and fierce dangers have spawned, but many treasures have also been bred.

Therefore, there are many who enter the sanctuary from all directions and come into the ruins of Tianyuan to look for opportunities.

Many people once found treasures in the ruins of Tianyuan, repaired them by leaps and bounds, or found opportunities, but the legacy of the ancient times when the strong fell from the strong, and so on. It has the same promising future.

Although the ruins of Tianyuan are very dangerous, there are also many opportunities and treasures, so it has attracted countless people.

Although some practitioners have reached the level of sanctification, they have actually consumed most of their potential. It is difficult to go further in the sanctuary.

Difficult, we must find a way out.

Strength and confidence make anyone who wants to stand still, but whoever has a bit of ambition will not be willing to calm down.

Even if there are many difficulties, even if the crisis is in danger, but as long as there is a chance, no one will let it go.

The road to cultivation was originally adversity.

Good times will not sharpen oneself.

Some practitioners entered the ruins of Tianyuan for the purpose of chance and treasure.

While some practitioners enter the ruins of Tianyuan, chances and treasures are incidental. The main purpose is to use the danger of Tianyuan ruins to sharpen themselves.

The former is often a disciple or a small disciple disciple, or a more general disciple among the majors.

Only the true Tianjiao can treat the ruins of Tianyuan as a place to sharpen itself.

But now, something happened.

Tianyuan Holy Realm and the Nine Realms collectively notified all practitioners in the abandoned city that they would not be able to step into the ruins of Tianyuan again for a month.

As soon as this order came out, the practitioners in the abandoned city were shocked.

Never before.

This is directly the clearing of the field, like the ruins of Tianyuan.

"It's a joke. Until now, the ruins of Tianyuan have never heard of anyone who can conquer it, even if it is a half-step grand saint, it will fall."

"I heard that this time is an important event related to Lingwu Holy Land, the first holy land in Lingwu Holy Realm."

"It turned out to be the Lingwu Holy Land!"

"From ancient times to the present, all those who entered the Lingwu Holy Land, as long as they did not fall down, could at least achieve the top half-step grand saints, ranking among the strongest in the world."

In words, when everyone said about the Lingwu Holy Land, they showed envy.

It would be nice if they were also eligible to enter the Lingwu Holy Land.

Unfortunately, it was the first holy place in the world, and it is said that only ten people can enter. This time, the reason for calling everyone not to enter the Tianyuan ruins is also to allow the peerless Tianjiao of the Nine Realms to enter the Tianyuan ruins to compete for opportunities and places.

Of course, the call is a call, it is not completely forced, or you can ignore it, and you can sneak in during this period, but the consequence is that if you meet the peerless Tianjiao, good luck is nothing, if you are unlucky, you will be beheaded. .

Those peerless Tianjiao strengths are far better than Xiuwei.

If those who entered the sanctuary secretly sneaked in and were found afterwards, they could not escape punishment, and they would even be killed on the spot.

"Fortunately, it's only one month. A little practice will pass."

One month is actually very short for those who have entered the sacred realm. Therefore, some people may find this approach to be overbearing and dissatisfied, but it is not unacceptable.

After all, it's just a month, it's just a month off.

"The peerless Tianjiao of the Nine Realms, such a battle between peerless Tianjiao should be more interesting." Among the crowd, some people said to themselves.

In any case, the Nine Realms Tianjiao gathered here to compete for the place to enter the Lingwu Holy Land.

At the same time, a huge battleship flew from a distance at a high altitude, the mountains and the sea were turbulent, the breathtaking atmosphere of the heavens and the earth was surging, the sky seemed to be an endless ocean, and the vitality was turning into waves. Endlessly.

The roaring sound was astonishing, as if the heavens and earth were moving towards the abandoned city, in all directions.

For a while, the practitioners in the abandoned city changed their faces, staring at the huge battleships approaching one after the other. They felt that their hearts were depressed, as if they were suppressed by the mountains, and it became difficult to breathe.

Such power is unmatched.

Although there are many practitioners in the sanctuary in the sanctuary, most of them are in the early and middle stages of the sanctuary, and a few are in the late stage of the sanctuary. As for the half-step grand saint, there are very few and will not stay here.

Among these sanctuaries, there are few that can be called heavenly pride. Most of them are ordinary sanctuaries. The general potential of talents and the general strength are relatively ordinary. Some people may have one or two skills, but And that's it.

Many people have never seen such power, just heard it.

Now, with my own eyes, the inner vibration is beyond words.

The battleship hangs in the air, and the breath is horrible. It seems that if you want to attack, you can easily break the waste city into ruins.

Immediately, figures flew from the battleship.

The breath fluctuations emanating from the headed figure are extremely shocking.

Great step!

The other ten are the peaks of entering the holy realm, and they are not the general peaks of entering the holy realm.

Immediately, young figures appeared.

Peerless Tianjiao!

"I recognize that it is the Xuanyuan blast ship, those who are all from the Xuanyuan dynasty."

The Tianyuan ruins, strictly speaking, do not belong to the Nine Realms, but are located outside the Nine Realms. Even half of the Tianyuan Ruins are only in the Heavenly Realm, and the other half are not.

Naturally, this derelict city does not belong to the Nine Realms, and the practitioners in the derelict city come from the Xuanyuan Realm and some from the other Eight Realms. Dragons and snakes are mixed.

In this way, the information in the abandoned city is quite circulating, and there is no small knowledge of the nine realms.

There are even some secrets that can be inquired here, of course, at a considerable price.

In the abandoned city, people from the Nine Realms had already come to arrange everything in advance, so everyone arrived and was immediately arranged.

As for the practitioners in the abandoned city, everyone did not care.

Now how do all people care about fighting?

Each Tianjiao has a small courtyard to live in without interference.

Soon, the other eight realms also arrived one after another. For a time, the entire abandoned city was in a solitary atmosphere, making people feel nervous for no reason. It seemed that the air was filled with extraordinary meaning.


Xiao Sha!

Chen Zong did not stay in the small courtyard for retreats. After all, he came here for the first time and walked around. It was normal.

Not only Chen Zong, but also other peerless Tianjiao.

The atmosphere of the abandoned city is different from that of other cities that Chen Zong has stayed before. The air is constantly filled with tension. The people here are not so comfortable.

In addition, it is also because of the proximity to the ruins of Tianyuan. Although the vitality of the heavens and the earth is magnificent, it seems very mixed, filled with countless messy breath.

This is not a place suitable for cultivation, but it is a place suitable for training.

And here, some people are selling so-called treasures, saying that they were found from the ruins of Tianyuan. Of course, the authenticity of them is uncertain.

Chen Zong walked past the booth, his sharp eyes glanced over, and he carefully gazed at the things on the booth.

The stuff on this stall looks very old, and it seems that after a long time, there are many, and Chen Zong can't see why.

However, Chen Zong only swept away and didn't care if he didn't feel that something would attract him.

There are many stalls, one row in the past, at least hundreds of them.

Chen Zong wasn't in a hurry, but You Xun walked slowly, right to look at it casually, just like a distraction.

Cultivation, pay attention to relaxation, can not be blindly tense, proper relaxation and rest is necessary.

Sometimes I have been tense for a long time, but it ’s not good for me. It ’s difficult to make progress in practice, but when I relax properly, I can make a breakthrough.

At the nineteenth booth, Chen Zong stopped, his eyes glanced, and finally he stared at something.

It was a dark, somewhat mottled rhizome, about the size of a palm, like a weird-looking sweet potato.

Such a thing is no different from breaking a stone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ basically no one will pay attention to it.

Originally Chen Zong also glanced at it, but I don't know why, but there was a feeling in his heart. This thing may be useful to himself.

This is a whimper.

Chen Zong has always believed in this feeling that originated from his soul.

Now that you find it useful for you, buy it.

Those who can set up stalls in a mixed place of dragons and snakes such as Abandoned City are all savvy. They have a strong ability to observe and observe colors. The stall owner immediately grasped a little thought of Chen Zong and immediately showed a eager smile.

"Sir, look at this, right, but this is the elixir of rhizome that I have worked hard to find from the ruins of Tianyuan." The stall owner pointed at the dark mottled rhizome that Chen Zong stared at and said immediately: "To get it, But nine lives. "

For these routines, Chen Zong is very clear, instead of refuting the other party, he smiles slightly: "Not much to say, you and I know what the price is and I will buy it."

The stall owner paused for a moment, and Chen Zong's response was a little different from what he imagined. It was very direct and seemed to be very expert.

However, the stall owner's response was also very rapid. His thoughts turned in an instant. As a strong man in the middle of entering the sacred realm, his thinking speed was naturally very fast, and within a short period of time, many thoughts had flashed.

Although the black root was brought out from the ruins of Tianyuan, it was not himself, but someone else. He bought it from others at a low price.

That rhetoric is naturally intended to set off the hard to obtain, even more extraordinary, the purpose is to sell for a high price.

As for what this thing is, it is hard to say, but it is impossible to say that it is the root of the magic drug, otherwise it will not be sold here.

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