Sword God

Vol 6 Chapter 23: Enemies are narrow

Changfeng Restaurant is a famous restaurant in Zhenwu's main city. It is well-equipped with facilities in all aspects, including practice rooms and the like.

The practice room is divided into three grades: middle and lower grades. The lower grades practice room provides all iron piles. The medium grades practice room provides refined iron piles. The upper grades practice room provides precious iron piles.

After leaving the Yiwu Hall and returning to the restaurant, Chen Zong rented a high-quality practice room directly, which cost 100,000 white jade a day.

"It's really earth and gold." Chen Zong secretly smiled bitterly.

Buying a rare iron sword cost 300,000, buying a local top grade Sanshou martial arts, costing 1.7 million, buying 10 tablets of Zhongpin Lianjin Wan, and then spending another one million, ten tablets of Chinese products rejuvenating Pills cost another million.

Eight million white jade money went to four million in one go.

Lianjin Wan and Huijin Wan are both Danjin of Jingjinjing. They are divided into top grade and top grade. It is said that there is also a superb. Under normal circumstances, Shipin Jinlian and Huijin Wan are suitable for martial arts in the early stages of strength training. After all, Physical fitness will have a tolerance, taking Dan Wan will bring an invisible load.

For example, if most martial arts athletes take Zhongpin Lianjin Wan or Huijin Wan at the beginning of the exercise, it will not only be useless, but also increase the burden on the body and cause damage.

Different from Chen Zong, the forged body was triple-trained, and under the copper skin and steel bars, it made a body far better than the same-level martial arts. Even if it is compared to the middle-term martial arts, it is not weak and has sufficient bearing capacity. In addition, when the qi and blood environment reaches great consummation, the qi and blood pure yang achieves no leakage, which is another great advantage.

"I'm going to try the effect of Zhonglian Lianjin Wan first." In a secret voice, Chen Zong took out a Zhonglian Lianjin Wan. If it is in the real sword school, this Zhonglian Lianjin Wan must cost twenty. Jianxun was able to redeem it.

One swallowed into the belly, turned into a heat flow and spread, and with the running of the Dazhengyuan line, it was quickly transformed by refining, and strengthened.

After more than a year of practice, especially after the Dayuan Yuanjin broke through to the fourth level, the practice is to directly approach the peak of the second turn of the training energy.

The arrogant primitive inner strength is pulsating in the body, impacting left and right, trying to break the restraints of the muscles and bones. At this time, the test is the strength and tolerance of the body.

Under the strength of Chen Zongqiang's body, his powerful medicine left and right, but he was unable to break free of the restraint, and was only obediently absorbed by the stunner.

An hour later, the strength of this Zhonglian Lianjin Pill was completely absorbed.

A breath of white breath exhaled, as if the arrows were lasing.

"Xiu Wei has finally reached the peak of the second round of strength training. The next step is to accumulate strength and impact the third turn of strength training."

Once Xiu has achieved three rounds of strength training, his strength will definitely increase significantly again.

"The effect of Zhongpin Lianjin Wan is indeed much higher than that of Xipin Lianjin Wan, at least doubled."

"The remaining nine Zhongpin Lianjin Wan may be enough to make my practice a breakthrough."

Switching to other early martial arts martial artists may not be able to do it. One is that their physical strength is limited and they cannot afford the strength of Chinese products. The other is that their physical absorption efficiency is limited, which is not as good as Chen Zong ’s leak-free body. Similarly, the power of Dan pills can be absorbed to the greatest extent, and impurities are completely eliminated.

After getting up, after practicing some swordsmanship, Chen Zong took out the prefecture-level top-quality martial arts he bought.

Big Thunderbolt!

I chose this martial arts because its name and introduction have the meaning of using Thunderbolt. Chen Zong thought of his Sword of Lightning Thunder Sword to see if he could use Sword of Lightning Thunder to build his foundation. It is an attempt to better understand the Big Thunderbolt.

Da Lili has only three moves. The first one is the basic one. It's called Peri Jingxian. You can practice the second one only if you practice it to the level of Dacheng.

Opening the cheats, Chen Zong first read it quickly, so that he had a preliminary understanding of the big thunderbolt, and then he persuaded word by word and sentence by sentence, combined with the mystery of the Sword of Thunderbolt.

"It worked."

After a while, Chen Zong appeared happy.

After a while of enlightenment, the left hand was raised, and one hand was waved out, as if the palm and the knife were as casual as possible, passing in the air, leaving a residual image, hitting the iron pile.

With a thump, the Baotie pile shook endlessly, and the place where it was attacked was sunken by three points.

Putting down the cheats, Chen Zong opened his bow from side to side, both hands practiced, and the enthusiasm raged.

Over and over again, when it came out with a single palm, the speed was faster, and there seemed to be a popping sound, and it hit the iron pile again, this time the depression was doubled.

Xiaocheng Realm!

Unconsciously, even after a long time, all the energy in the body was exhausted, and after the recovery of the cultivation force, it became more stable.

Back to the room, the children of the restaurant were asked to bring hot water for bathing, and put on a clean shirt. Outside was a white sword robe.

Murong Xiaobai came here.

"Brother Chen, I have been asked about the Xu family. It will take some time." Murong Xiao smiled.

"Brother Laureu Rong." Chen Zong nodded.

"You and I are the same as before, so don't say such words in the future." Murong Xiaobai shook his head and immediately changed the topic: "Brother Chen is the first time to visit Zhenwu main city. As the host, I will take you around . "

"OK." Chen Zong did not refuse.

You don't need to pack anything, just take your sword and walk out of Changfeng Restaurant.

Murong Xiaobai's so-called walk around is actually taking Chen Zong to high-end places for consumption.


This is known as the most prosperous place in the main city of Zhenwu, and it is also the largest cave for sale. It is a place where many family children and so on have fun.

But from the outside, the characteristics of Dongxiaolou are large, and in addition, it looks very simple, but as soon as he enters, Chen Zong is stunned.

What is called golden brilliant.

What is luxury and wealth.

A chandelier made of crystal surrounds the surroundings, looks beautiful, dark red wooden embellishment in all directions, and the ground is paved with white jade. It is very comfortable to step on, giving people a feeling of stepping on clouds.

The light decoration alone makes Chen Zong feel overwhelmed.

From his childhood in Xiaohu Town, even when he entered Fengwu City all the way, he also devoted his time and energy to cultivation. When did he see such a scene?

"Brother Chen, haven't watched." Murong Xiao smiled, and it was the same when he first came.

At this time, a scent of incense came to the face, which would not look strong, make people sniff, or appear faint, difficult to smell, but if there is no sound, it smells good, like Orchids are like narcissus. All in all, they seem to change all the time, with thousands of flavors.

"Master Murong." Jiao Didi's voice sounded, making Chen Zong feel agitated and charming.

"Hua Niang, this is Chen Zong, my good friend, arrange a good one for him." Murong Xiaobai knew that she was an old hand and often came here.

"It turned out to be Chen Shao. For the first time, please take care of it." The flower lady with a color separation gauze laughed softly, and Yingying stunned: "I will arrange a few for Chen Shao. You can stay. "

"No need." Chen Zong said quickly, he could understand what it meant.

Although he would not feel embarrassed in such a place, Chen Zong was really not used to it.

"Hua Niang, since Brother Chen is not willing, then it is not necessary." Murong Xiaobai smiled. After several days of contact with Chen Zong, he could see that Chen Zong was a very determined person.

"Well, I don't know what Master Murong and Chen Shao want to play?" Hua Niang smiled again and again.

"Martial arts." Murong Xiao smiled, and then looked at Chen Zong: "Brother Chen, martial arts is a major feature of Dongxiaolou. It's not bad to take a look."

"Brother Murong is just fine." Chen Zongdao said that he had never entered such a place, and he knew where to play.

The guest is at his disposal.

Martial arts has an independent hall. After entering, Chen Zong heard the sound of fist and foot collisions spreading. At first glance, he also saw in the middle of the hall that there were two beautifully dressed beautiful women fighting fiercely, one of them Wear blue cutout uniforms, one in red cutout uniforms, covering only the important parts.

The middle is recessed downwards, raised around, separated by dark red copper hollow screens, forming individual small rooms without interference.

There are a total of ten small rooms, seven of which have people, and the remaining three are empty.

Suddenly, a sharp eye fell on Chen Zong's face. Chen Zong also looked at it, and it turned out to be the young man who had threatened himself in the Yiwu Hall before.

When this person saw Chen Zong, a sneer hung from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were sharp, and he immediately said something to a Chinese young man sitting next to him.

The lazy eyes suddenly became sharp, as if a long knife came out of the sheath to cut and cut Chen Zong, Chen Zong's eyes were sharp, and he looked at him without fear.

"Brother Chen, do you have a conflict with Shen Ling?" Murong Xiaobai saw this and asked.

"Never seen him, but the man next to him, not long ago in the Yiwu Hall ..." Chen Zong was not stubborn, and explained the story in a concise way.

"So it is." Murong Xiaobai sneered at the corner of her mouth, let alone stand on the other side, even if they were on the other side.

The two sat down directly in the empty private room, which was exactly opposite Shen Ling's private room.

At this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The middle martial arts battle ended, and the red hollow martial arts beauty won.

"Murong Xiaobai, dare not play a game with Ben." Shen Ling's eyes became lazy again, his tone was also lazy and weak, but Chen Zong was not confused, this Shen Ling looks less than twenty years old However, it is a martial arts practitioner who not only practices one turn of strength, but three turns.

Like Murong Xiaobai, his cultivation is also a three-turn exercise.

None of these family children from the main city of Zhenwu can be taken lightly.

"You Shen Ling came down and Ben Shao continued." Murong Xiaobai was domineering despite having a baby face.

"Okay, it's Master Murong. It's refreshing." Shen Ling clapping hands again and again: "So, let's bet on the outcome of the next battle, let's play five million."

At this time, two more beautiful martial arts warriors in hollow military uniforms walked into the middle of the martial arts platform, a few meters apart. The martial arts had not yet begun because no bets had been placed.

(Recently, it has been raining a lot, and it is inconvenient to get in. People are almost moldy and lack vitality.)

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