Sword God

Vol 27 Chapter 109: 9 turns

(Tickets, tickets, that's skill, brothers, quickly give the skill to six)


A sword that is more subtle than a serial sword, looks like a sword, but it is composed of many swords. Between the Promise, it displays an unparalleled amazing skill. It instantly cracks the dark light and kills it from all directions to Yong Ye. Lord.

The Lord of the Night Lord is truly stunning, but Chen Zong is not a trivial matter. Under the sword of Wuji, the black light of the incarnation of the Lord of the Night Lord becomes fiery instantly, like a round of dark sunburst. Resisted and crushed.

"Yong Ye!" A low, husky voice suddenly sounded from the dark and scorching sun, containing amazing fluctuations in Tao Yun, sweeping in all directions.

Immediately, the terrible black light burst, covering the earth and wreaking havoc in all directions, as if devouring all light. For a moment, the entire Yongye Temple was plunged into darkness, reaching out with five fingers and seeing nothing.

Not only can't see anything, can't hear anything, can't smell anything.

Just moments later, Chen Zong felt that his five senses were completely blocked, as if blocked.

Not only is the five senses deprived, but the sixth sense is also greatly affected. The perception is biased. The farther it is, the more blurred it is, and it is difficult to make an accurate judgment.

When the previous Taixuan Shengzi challenged the Lord of the Eternal Night, he was defeated by this amazing darkness that deprived the five senses and the sixth sense.

I can't see or hear, even the perception is greatly disturbed, and it becomes very blurred. The whole person seems to be a blind man, with a feeling of being slaughtered by others.

Although Chen Zong was surprised, instead of panic, he closed his eyes.

I can't see from the left and right, but fortunately I close my eyes and feel better.

The realm of the heart is further compressed to the limit, which is ten meters.

Within ten meters, the darkness seemed to fade, even without his eyes, Chen Zong could clearly see it.

The darkness is still, and the night is long, but it is no longer possible to obscure Chen Zong's perception, but it can only slightly affect, and this effect is not great for Chen Zong.

Compressing the two-kilometer heart region to ten meters, the compression ratio is larger and more amazing.

A blurry figure, with a black glow, instantly fell into the range of ten meters, the terrible black light stretched, as if a knife-like tearing the world, beheaded, silent and terrible.

If Chen Zong has no realm of heart, it will be difficult to resist this sword under the night, and I am afraid that if he does not die, he will be harmed.

But now, the Lord of the Eternal Night doesn't know the mystery of Chen Zong's heart.

This is a great opportunity.


At the moment when the dark arc light was extremely sharp, Chen Zong's figure flickered, and he avoided it dangerously. One sword turned out to be the opposite, and it was an infinite sword.

The Lord of the Night Lord really did not know the mystery of Chen Zong's Heart Realm. He was very surprised by Chen Zong's dodge and counterattack, but the Lord of the Night Night was very arrogant and immediately reacted, and the black light was like a blade to the infinite sword.

That dark light was like the birth of a demon, unparalleled.

Obviously it is just a knife, but it is overwhelming, as if flooding one side of the world, defending the infinite sword.

This is the first time that Chen Zong has fought fiercely.

Can such a powerful Night Lord be defeated?

Chen Zong didn't know, and didn't think much. At this moment, Chen Zong only had a conviction and went all out to fight against the Lord of the Night Night and never die.

The power of the Night Lord is superb, and his talent is even more amazing. The black light is like a sword. At the same time, it is very terrifying and very mysterious.

It seems that there are no obvious shortcomings and it is extremely difficult to cope.

If it were not for the realm of the heart, Chen Zong would have been defeated.

The eternal demon master, his eternal night magic skill, is extremely terrible, and he is cultivated to the highest level by him.

When the exercises are practiced to the highest level, the power will be greatly improved.

If Chen Zong practiced Da Xuan Yuan Jue to the 30th floor, he could also master the true meaning of the exercises, and the power would increase greatly, but it is a pity that it is not so easy to practice the exercises to the highest level, especially Holy grade best practice.

The lord of the night can master the best yong night magic skills to the highest level in his youth, showing his amazing talent. In this respect, Chen Zong is indeed difficult to compare first.

Each of the peerless monsters of the same generation has its own advantages. The higher the ranking on the Jade Caifeng Stele, the more amazing it is.

When the highest level of night magic is fully motivated, it creates a night of night, depriving the five senses and obscuring the sixth sense. This is a battle environment that is extremely unfavorable to the enemy, but a battle that is very beneficial to the night demon master himself. surroundings.

However, the night night environment seems to have little effect on this person. This makes the night night Lord feel confused, but the doubt will not affect the strength of the night night Lord. He has endured numerous battles and encountered almost all situations. Too.

When challenging the Tower of the King, it was originally the first. A few years later, the Emperor Lingwu rose. He was defeated by the Emperor Lingwu, and later, he was defeated by the Sword Emperor.

It was precisely because he was defeated by the descendant of the sword emperor that he did not like people who practiced swords very much.

So far, only Emperor Lingwu and Sword Emperor who can ignore themselves forever night have one more.

In any case, we must defeat and kill the younger generation.

Oneself, but the master of the epoch, even the Emperor Lingwu just surpassed him a little bit, how can the younger generation be mad in front of their eyes.

After fierce fighting, Chen Zongcai noticed that the weapon of the Lord of the Night was a knife, a long black knife, and the barb of the knife covered with barbed teeth, which was terrible and exaggerated the killing intention.

Each blade seems to be doing its utmost to cooperate with the magic of Yong Ye, and the power is terrifying.

Each knife is extremely mysterious, as if everything has changed, and it has not changed, which makes Chen Zong feel tired.

Its demon Taoism is a rare Taoism, reaching the top-level tyrannical Taoism.

Ever Night Sword!

Suddenly, the blade of light fell, as if the dark waterfall crashed and shattered everything.

Without the outbreak of the power of spiritual martial arts, Chen Zong gradually fell into the downwind. Although the practice of the Lord of the Night Lord is the same as himself, he is in the seventh stage of the sanctuary. Grasp the true meaning.

In addition, its top-level Taoism Taoism has reached nine revolutions. Relatively speaking, its own Great Xuanyuan tactics are not as powerful as Yongye magical powers, and they only practice to the 28th floor. The meaning of Kendo is just eight rounds.

In this way, there is no small gap.

Fortunately, he has a realm of heart, and his accomplishments are not low, and the infinite and infinite serial sword is so wonderful that he can resist the nightmare master's sword.

But if this continues, it is estimated that he must erupt the power of spiritual force.

However, Chen Zong didn't want to break out of the martial arts force.

Over the past few years, my own cultivation and Taoism have been greatly improved. However, there are too many aspects to be promoted. Therefore, the mental sword Taoism has been upgraded from seven to eight.

However, the other ground fire Taoism, Tianfeng Taoism and Leiguang Taoism have all been greatly improved, all of them have reached the eight-turn level.

This time, Chen Zong intends to use the pressure of the Lord of the Night to suppress his potential and let him break through again.

This is very dangerous, but Chen Zong is not doing it for the first time.

With the help of external pressure to oppress itself, which has stimulated the potential, Baizhang took it one step further, and Chen Zong is familiar with light traffic.

The Lord of the Night Night also realized that the other party seemed to be treating him as a swordstone, which made him have bad memories. At that time, the junior of the sword emperor was like that. He broke through with his sword and defeated himself in turn. .

Suddenly, a dark look appeared on the face of the Lord of Eternal Night, and the darkness in his eyes became deeper, filled with pupils, filled with everything, terrible and abnormal, like the advent of the demon.

Chen Zong also noticed that a trace of black magic lines appeared on the face of the Lord of the Night Lord, which was even more terrifying.

The pressure is increasing again.

The infinite endless serial sword is exerted to the extreme, and the intention of the sword of the heart is urged to the extreme.

Three years ago, Xinjiandaoyi broke through from seven to eight. Now in the past three years, with the talent of Chen Zong, accumulation has been enough. It is not far away to break through to nine. Chen Zong has full confidence. Within one year, he successfully broke through his heart and sword to nine revolutions.

Now, it is necessary to rely on the pressure of the Lord of the Eternal Night, but to do so in advance.

"Yong Ye ... the abyss!" The Lord of the Night Ye broke out with all his strength, splitting with a single blade, the black blade of light spread over the sky, merged with the meaning of Yong Ye, and fell off instantly.

That knife light is clearly split from the front, but it is integrated into all directions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as there is black, the knife light is there, everywhere, as if it has become a world.

This mystery is so profound.

This knife made Chen Zong unable to evade at all, even if there is a consciousness in the realm of the heart, because the realm of the heart cannot isolate the darkness of eternal night, it can only perceive it.


With offense and defense, surpassing the limit to come out of the sword, his potential was forced out in an instant, and erupted instantly.

By the time he had reached the ultimate breakthrough in mind and sword, reaching nine revolutions, the terrible sharpness seemed to explode from the depths of Chen Zong's heart, gushing out, like an eternal volcano with numerous sword energies buried in it. .

With the breakthrough of the Heart Sword Taoism to the Ninth Revolution, the power has also been greatly enhanced, and the power of the infinite Promise serial sword has also increased a lot. In cooperation with the realm of the heart, Chen Zong blocked the water from all directions, as if pouring water from all directions. The omnipresent night blade.

The dark blade of light seemed to sink Chen Zong into the dark abyss.

"Yong Ye ... sink!" The more horrifying sword was killed again, and its power was even more terrifying than the small magical power that the Tai Xuan Shengzi had cast before, which was called Chen Zong's thriller.

The power of magic ... detonated!

Suddenly, Chen Zong's Xiu surged in strength, and the infinite sword was quickly killed.

This sword, because the heart sword Taoism broke through to the nine revolutions, became extremely terrible and arrogant, far better than the previous battle with Taixuan Shengzi.

This sword seems to cut through the sinking hell, and it is invincible, destroying the true meaning of Yong Ye Mo Gong and killing the Lord of Yong Ye.

This sword can never be resisted.

When Jianguang disappeared, the true darkness of Yongye also disappeared, and it seemed that he had completely retreated with the previous darkness.

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