Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 12: Win (on)

The glow is colorful, unpredictable, and dazzling. It renders one side of the world, and finally turns into a dazzling golden light. If the golden light falls like a wing, it is continuously absorbed by the nine-meter-high golden tree and then transported to the nine roots. Branches, poured into the nine golden light.

The Most Holy Golden Body is constantly drawing the power of the heavens and the earth and forming.

All eyes are gazing, waiting for the moment when the Most Holy Golden Fruit is formed.

The golden light became thinner, and the fruit in it was more solid. The golden glittering doll looked lifelike, full of spirituality, and very attractive.

The beasts began to agitate, and the Most Holy Golden Fruit was naturally attractive to them.

When the last golden light was submerged into the fruit, and the fruit was trembling together, releasing one after another golden halo, the too dark demon dragon and the bright white holy tiger made a shouting roar, as if the sky was falling apart, and the shot was shot instantly .

A black flame spewed out of the mouth of the too dark demon dragon, turned into a torrent, and irresistibly blasted to the bright white holy tiger.

At the same time, a white light stream flickered on Mingguang Baisheng Tiger's body, the mouth of the tiger was slightly stretched, and a white beam of light bombarded with the terror of purifying everything.

The collision of darkness and light.

After each of them struck, they rushed to the top of the mountain at an astonishing speed to seize the Most Holy Golden Fruit.

The powerful wild beasts of their respective camps also moved in unison and immediately released a tyrannical attack, after which they rushed towards the wild mountains.

There are nine sacred golden fruits, and one too dark demon dragon and one bright white sacred tiger each receive one. Of the expected seven remaining ones, they can compete.

Once it can be seized and swallowed immediately, it can change itself. When the power of the Holy Ghost is refined and absorbed, the strength will become stronger.

The holy golden body fruit, such as sacred body, can be taken by anyone, but if it is taken by a strong body, the speed of refining will be faster.

The ancient beast's physique is extremely powerful and terrible. If you take the Holy Golden Fruit, you can refine it and absorb it in a very short time to complete its own transformation.

You can also become a hegemony level when you are in trouble. You can compete with the two hegemons, too dark black dragon and Mingguang White Sacred Tiger. On top of the two overlords, it became the first overlord in the wild wilderness.

Of course, if too dark Demon Dragons and Mingguang White Sacred Tigers also take the refined golden body fruit, it will only be stronger.

But anyway, as long as you can take one of the most holy golden fruit, you will be able to ascend to heaven in one step.

The beasts shot all at once, and the practitioners lurking around also moved.

The Lingtian Sword King resembled a sharp sword into a sheath, turning into a sharp sword light across the sky, carrying the sharp edge that tears everything at an astonishing speed, approaching the top of a wild mountain.

Another powerful man who entered the sanctuary seemed to have fiery red wings behind him, and suddenly shook, like a red streamer, as if travelling through endless time and space.

Ninefolds into the sanctuary!

Enter the Holy Land Yae!

A group of powerful practitioners acted in unison, bursting into an incredible speed in an instant, with determination to win, they rushed to the top of the wild mountain.

Most Holy Golden Fruit!

Everyone is determined to win.

However, as soon as the practitioners appeared, they immediately stunned the wild beast, and also angered the wild beast. They uttered a terrible roar, and the arrogant breath exploded. Storms and hurricanes raged, and a mighty attack madly killed. Out, want to drown a group of practitioners, completely shatter them and destroy them, and disappear into the world.

The strength of these wild beasts is certainly strong, but the practitioners who dare to lurk their hands are not weak.

In order to compete for the Holy Ghost, a fierce battle of life and death begins.

Thousands of wild mountains, just like the nature, everyone wants to ascend the top to pick the Holy Golden Fruit, but for a time, no one can do it except the dark dragon and bright white holy tiger.

As for the two hegemons, Too Dark Demon Dragon and Mingguang White Sacred Tiger, approached the top of the mountain and immediately waved their claws.

It stands to reason, but the nine-meter-tall golden body tree is small compared to them, no matter if it is too dark or a bright white sacred tiger, it has an amazing body shape of more than two hundred meters.

The power they brought out with their claws was terrifying, and they seemed to be able to destroy the mountains, but when the terrible wind hit the golden body tree, it seemed to disappear without a trace, without a trace of waves.

The golden body tree is one with the barren mountains, and the barren mountains are so high that they are integrated into the barren wilderness. Unless you have the power to destroy the barren mountains, you ca n’t shake the barren mountains, you ca n’t shake the barren mountains, and it ’s hard to shake it. That golden body tree.

The dark claws and the bright white holy tiger's claws are huge and amazing. For them, the most holy golden fruit is very small and insignificant. That's the case. The two overlords also showed amazing power to control. A stroke is like a dexterity like searching for things, as delicate as a monkey picking a peach.

Suddenly, each one of the most holy golden fruit flew up and fell into the claws of the too dark demon dragon and the bright white holy tiger.

To their huge claws, the Holy Golden Fruit is as fine as a small grain of sand.

However, after receiving one of the most holy golden fruits, the too dark demon dragon and Mingguang white holy tiger did not intend to stop, but shot again, intending to take away all the remaining holy golden fruits.

Although each person and each beast can only take one of the most holy golden fruit, neither the dark dragon nor the bright white holy tiger want to see other hegemonic beasts and fight against themselves.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to take the remaining Holy Golden Fruit into your hand, even if you can no longer take it, and do not let other wild animals get it.

This approach is the simplest, most direct, and the most rude.

Other beasts seem to realize this, and they are furious.

Although these two overlords are extremely powerful, which is not what they can compete with, it is important. At this moment, all the beasts are rioting, rushing to the barren mountains, releasing the arrogant attacks, and killing the too dark monster Dragon and bright white holy tiger.

In the face of this temptation, all the obstacles must be removed.

The attacks released by hundreds of powerful wild beasts were extremely horrible. The dark dragons and bright white sacred tigers did not dare to underestimate and could only resist.

A scuffle began.

Dozens of powerful practitioners also burst out with amazing strength and speed, approaching quickly.

There are still seven Holy Golden Bodies, one to be captured.

Chen Zong also acted.

Turned into a thunderbolt, quickly approached the wild mountain, and rushed to the top of the mountain.

A terrible spirit blasted from the front, making Chen Zong's eyelids unable to jump, his scalp tingling, his body turning, and avoiding dangerously, that was not a blow directed at himself, but The aftermath of the melee is so terrible.

If you are hit, you can't completely resist it because of your arrogant body, and injuries are inevitable.

The aftermath of more energy swept across, Chen Zong avoided one by one, his eyelids trembled.

make a prompt decision.

Either retreat and abandon the fight, or risk it.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong chose the latter.

Big opportunities often accompany life and death.

Lei Ta Nine days ... Ninth step!

Lei Guang was flying across the sky with an extremely fast speed, and the ordinary entering the sanctuary was not comparable to Chen Zong.


Close at hand!

But countless tyrannical forces raged endlessly, raging in all directions, and the power was terrible, making the distance as close as possible into the horizon.

Stepping forward, it seemed as if it was thousands of miles long.

Chen Zong's eyes were cold, and the bright mang flickered endlessly, but his look was as cold as the deep-sea cold iron. He could not afford the slightest fluctuation, and his heart was calm and cold, and there was no trace of waves.

The more dangerous it is, the more calm you are.

Opportunity for danger!

Suddenly, a sharp beam of sword light passed like everything above it. The beam of sword light was extremely dazzling and earth-shattering, shining on the top of a wild mountain. For a moment, time and space seemed to be stagnant. Swipe across with incomparable sharpness, cutting off the root of a Holy Golden Fruit.

The sharp and sharp sword light originally seemed to be tempered into a coil of soft fingers, wrapped around that one of the most holy gold fruit, returned quickly, and fell into the hands of King Lingtian.

At the moment when the sacred gold body succeeded, Lingtian Sword King did not hesitate, turning it into a swift sword light and flying away at a distance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ its speed is extremely amazing.

Unexpectedly, it was only a moment when King Lingtian captured one of the most holy golden fruits, and he was very decisive and gave up the other of the most holy golden fruits. Although its value is extremely amazing, if it is taken out and sold, it can definitely be exchanged for huge Amount of wealth.

But I have already got one. If I want to get the second one, the consequences will be very bad. Maybe even the first one will be lost, and even my own life will be left behind.

I have to say that Ling Tianjian's approach is very accurate. Rao is so, it still caused the hostility and anger of the wild beasts.

The two overlords, too dark, the demon dragon and the bright white sacred tiger, were extremely furious, and the ants were dare to capture the treasure under their eyelids.

Suddenly, too dark demon dragons and bright white holy tigers attacked.

A black and a white light blasted out instantly, as if the void was blasted into a powder-like, Shi Baotian was shocked and mercilessly bombarded to Ling Tianjian King.

Life and death crisis!

The Lingtian Sword King did not panic, a flash of sharp light flashed deep in his eyes. Immediately, the sword light erupted in an instant, shining to the extreme, as if a blast of sword-like airborne explosion exploded. The astonishing power hit all directions. .

However, although the Jianguang Lieyang mighty power was very strong, it could not stop the horrible blow of the too dark demon dragon and the bright white sacred tiger, and it was defeated without even dying.

Ling Tianjian King, however, seized the moment, and broke out at a faster speed.

But if too dark Demon Dragon and Mingguang White Sacred Tiger are going to chase him, he will not be able to escape at all, but there are only six of the Most Holy Golden Fruits left, and too dark Demon Dragon and Mingguang White Sacred Tiger will not give up because of this. Pursuing King Lingtian Sword, that's what Shapen did.

Ling Tianjian King was also able to save his life.

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