Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 16: Swire Swire

The golden light was restrained, and the unbroken feeling disappeared. Chen Zong's skin returned to its original color, and a smile hanged at the corners of his mouth.

Wealth in wealth insurance!

Seize the chance!

I succeeded.

Among the two great beast hegemons, many powerful beasts, and a group of powerful practitioners, with their own abilities and a bit of luck, they successfully captured a Most Holy Golden Body, and with the power of the Most Holy Golden Body , Survived the attack by the two overlords, and successfully escaped.

The benefits are many.

Nanli Que Yugong broke through to a satisfactory level.

Cultivation is promoted to the eighth stage of the mixed heaven.

Gain unbreakable ability.

I also took this opportunity to continuously improve and improve the mixed iron-smelter, becoming a powerful martial arts.

All in all, his strength has been significantly improved, and now the strength of refining, Chen Zong feels that he has exceeded his strength.

Strength is the guarantee and the source of confidence.

With more powerful strength, Chen Zong is more confident in breaking into this wild and secret realm.

Today, in the entire wild and secret territory, except for the two hegemons, too dark, the demon dragon and the bright white sacred tiger, Chen Zong is not afraid. Even if he cannot be defeated, he can guarantee himself to be invincible.

The practitioners who enter here, although strong, are not weak themselves.

With both feet kicking abruptly, the ground collapsed, and the terrible forces exploded, causing the sand and rocks in all directions to turn into powder dust. Chen Zong rushed forward, like a meteor, extremely fast. The potential is overwhelming.


Everything was crushed where the tyrannical body passed.

Suddenly, Chen Zong disappeared into the sky.

Looking for Shards of the Ancients and killing the Bloody Condensate of the Archaic Wild Animals. Although the blood condensate of the Archaic Wild Animals is not as good as before after the cultivation was completed to reach the eighth stage of the mixed heavens, Chen Zong can still feel that his physique is a little bit Enhanced.

The power of the Most Holy Golden Body was not completely refined by Chen Zong, but a small part was lurking in the flesh and bones. With Chen Zong's cultivation, he was being excited a little bit.

"Sword Emperor, a great reputation, but it is useless." A smirk stared at Chen Zong with sneer, his words were sharp like a sword, his expression was cold, and his exuberant breath pervaded in all directions, instantly condensing, a group of terrible power Suddenly it exploded and turned into thousands of light rains, and each light rain seemed to be able to penetrate through nothingness.

The light rain, violent and gorgeous, filled with dreamy colors, dazzling.

Chen Zongzhou's body shook slightly, and the golden veins filled with extremely mysterious breath suddenly emerged from the depths of his body, spreading on the membrane, and spreading all over his body.

The lines are criss-crossed, seemingly chaotic, but they contain immense mystery, like a flaming golden flame, ancient, immortal, incorruptible, and immortal.

Golden body is not broken!

Don't break the golden body!

It stands like a golden **** standing between the heavens and the earth.

Countless light rains with terrible power that penetrated everything, bombarded Chen Zong's body as much as possible, but it seemed to be smashed, but was resisted, burst open, and countless Jinmang splashed in all directions.

In the early days of the mixed heavens, the rehearsal practice of the eighth stage of the mixed heavens, but after the cast does not break the gold body, but can have the early defense of the nine days of the mixed heavens. The level after the early stage of Jingjue is of extraordinary significance.

The overwhelming defense allowed Chen Zong to block the opponent's light rain and kill without any damage.

"What kind of method is this?" Jiuzhong was shocked by this sacred realm. Immediately, a scimitar drew up in the air, emitting an astonishing light from above, as if it turned into a big day, the light shone in all directions , A touch of sharp tyrants breathe the world around the world.


The golden Baizhang sword light struck to the sky. Under the sword, the sky and the earth seemed to be separated. Only that golden sword light was gorgeous.

Chen Zong's expression was astonished, and he pushed the Nanli Que Yu Gong to the extreme, without breaking the golden body, he also urged to the extreme.

Endless power surges from the body to the hands, the golden magma-like light flows, dazzles to the extreme, the astonishing hot air permeates, and the air around the hands is burned and distorted by the high temperature.

Hunyuan Ironsmith!


One crushed the sky.

Suddenly, it collided with the one hundred lords of the sword, sending out an extremely horrifying power, a golden iron and iron symphony sounded like the bell of Taikoo, shaking in all directions, and the terrible power turned into ripples. All the dust was broken into powder dust.

This blow seems to be falling apart.

The full blow of the nine strong men who entered the sacred realm was very powerful and amazing, terrible, even if Chen Zongshi exhibited the unbreakable gold body and the iron-making hand of the mixed Yuan, he was shocked dozens of meters away.

But that knife was also broken apart, turned into countless golden light, extremely gorgeous, like a golden light rain.

Even if repelled, Chen Zong is still intact.

When the void shook, Chen Zong rushed forward, and the mixed iron-making ironman killed it again. A golden light with extreme domineering, as if a volcanic eruption destroyed everything and broke the vacuum bombardment.

This hit was too fast, too fierce, and too fierce.

The entrance to the sacred realm was a little stunned, the reaction was too late, and it was impossible to avoid it. It could only be blown out with one punch. The golden light gathered, as if a group of strong sun broke through.

Suddenly, the golden sun was broken open by Chen Zong, and it was killed like a bamboo. He struck his chest directly, making an astonishing sound like a sky drum, roaring into the air.

The ripples of the void burst out from the strike, shaking in all directions, as if shattering everything.

one strike!

Jiuzhong, who had entered the sanctuary, was repelled hundreds of meters, his chest collapsed slightly, and he couldn't help spitting blood into the sky.

He looked pale, looked at Chen Zong fiercely, backed up without hesitation, and quickly walked away.

In a fight, he already knew that he was afraid that he was not the opponent of the opponent, and he could only retreat. Although it was a pity to give up the ancient fragments, if he insisted on fighting, he might be killed by the opponent.

Opportunity is important, but it also requires a small life to enjoy.

To defeat the opponent, Chen Zong did not pursue, because this battle was to fight for an ancient fragment.

As soon as the other party was gone, Chen Zong gave up the pursuit and rushed to the Archaean fragment immediately. This was the most important thing.

The previous Shards of the Ancients transformed the meaning of the Earth's Fire into the meaning of the Fire of the Heavens, but I don't know what kind of improvement the Swire's Ancients can bring to themselves.

Suddenly, Chen Zong entered the archaic fragments, as if the sleeping beast was awakened, bursting out with an incredible strength, a trace of gray breath suddenly turned, covering Chen Zong's body as much as possible.


As if the world were exploding, Chen Zong felt that everything in front of him had changed greatly.

It seems to be a chaos, there is no world, all directions and no poles.

It's like a world that was opened but not opened.

Chen Zong's soul and consciousness are all immersed in it.

Suddenly, a ray of light seemed to emerge from nothingness, like a peerless sword light across the chaotic void, bursting out with unparalleled light and brilliance, tearing the chaos with a groundbreaking primal charm.


Chaos oscillated, as if the heavens and the earth were split, terrible forces raged away, crushing all directions and destroying everything.

That sword light seems to be endless in general, constantly killing, constantly tearing, eternal and immortal, the diffused breath is mysterious and infinite.

Chen Zong didn't know what it was. The soul and consciousness were completely immersed in it, and he couldn't feel the passage of time.

That peerless sword light kept killing, as if a sword **** was wielding a sword, and it seemed to be simple and straightforward, but it turned back to the true and the simple way of the world.

Each sword brings an indescribable touch to Chen Zong.

The sounds of Ruowuwu seemed to sound in the chaos of nothingness, like the mysterious and true voice of the avenue charm, intermittently introduced into Chen Zong's ears, making Chen Zong more immersed.

Outside, time has passed, and it is already three days. Chen Zong is standing in the archaic shard, his body is standing still, and his entire body is filled with gray brilliance, which seems to be chaotic, as if it contains endless mystery.

Under normal circumstances, the power of Archean fragments can be maintained for three days, but if the Archean fragments that have not been found when the Wilderness Secret was opened last time, their power will continue to accumulate.

The side of the archaic fragment found by Chen Zong has accumulated its power several times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ not only for three days.

If it is only three days, it is not enough for Chen Zong to comprehend the mysteries contained in it, it is a more mysterious power than the ancient fragments of the previous party.

This power seems to contain countless mysteries and countless possibilities.

That light, from the perspective of Dao Xiu, is a sword light that opens up the world, and Chen Zong practicing sword is naturally a sword light.

Four days!

Five days!

Six days!

In Chen Zong's body, Da Xuan Yuan Jue naturally operated, and its trajectory gradually changed, becoming more mysterious, but more concise.

As if turning complexity into simplicity, the avenue comes true.

Da Xuan Yuan Jue first ... second ... third ... fourth ...

Starting from the first priority, the Grand Xuan Yuan Jue gradually changed and became more and more mysterious. The Great Xuan Yuan's Holy Power gradually came out with a trace of amazing sharpness. The sharpness seemed to be derived from chaos. Like, there was an indescribable early light.

Too early!

The beginning of everything, the beginning of the opening of the world, there are endless mysteries permeating.

The seventh day!

Chen Zong continued to enlighten, and the Great Xuan Yuan Jue continued to change, and the sanctity in the body also changed accordingly, becoming more and more powerful and amazing.

The eighth day!

Chen Zong's entire body is filled with amazing breath fluctuations, as if there is a ground-breaking edge, and the original Tao rhyme of all things also diffuses.

ninth day!

Chen Zong shook slightly, and a large amount of power transformed, becoming stronger and stronger, as if he could split everything between heaven and earth, nothing can be blocked and unbreakable.

Nine days!

The strength of this ancient fragment was only gradually weakened and dissipated.

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