Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 31: Sword Emperor Donglai (1)

Shen Guyuan, together with Xuanyuan Realm and Shangyuan Realm, also separated Xuanyuan Realm and Shangyuan Realm.

East and West!

Xuanyuanjie is located east of Shenguyuan and Shangyuanjie is west of Shenguyuan. Chen Zong came from the east, crossed Shenguyuan, and went west.

Crossing Shenguyuan, although encountered many dangers, they were eventually resolved, and they did not receive any trauma. Even the supernatural power of Tianfeng Wuxiang achieved a breakthrough under the pressure of the final life and death crisis and was promoted to Dacheng. .

At a large rate, Chen Zong's speed increased a lot, thereby avoiding the giant claws falling from the sky, and successfully crossing Shenguyuan, stepping into the upper boundary of the Upper Yuan Realm and into the Wancha Mountain at the border with Shenguyuan.

When Chen Zong's figure crossed Shenguyuan and entered Wanlishan, the giant claw that the volley killed in the sky seemed to be hesitating whether to pursue the cross-border killing, but it seemed to be afraid of anything, and immediately recovered.

Otherwise, if the giant claw is still hunting down, Chen Zong is not very sure.

After all, the mighty power of the giant claws was too arrogant and made him jealous.

Stepping into Wanli Mountain, Chen Zong only felt a light body, the feeling of being pulled by power disappeared immediately, and he could fly again in the air.

The sky is irrelevant, and Chen Zong feels his body as if it were a wind, and he wants to merge into the sky.

Wind ... It has always been colorless, invisible, and phaseless. The supernatural power of the heavenly wind body method is to fully dig out, interpret, and interpret the essence of wind.

Flying over Wanli Mountain, Chen Zong only felt like he was transformed into a gust of wind, passing by quickly, extremely light, extremely agile, and seemingly unrestrained. Between heaven and earth, nothing could hinder himself.


Very wonderful feeling, this is the sky wind without phase to reach the state of Dacheng.

Suddenly, a trace of intense and extreme palpitations fluctuated, and a sense of crisis seemed to emerge from the deepest part of his heart, telling Chen Zong to stop immediately. In front of him, a dark twist like a lightning twisted from top to bottom, as if the void in front of Chen Zong Tearing, but silent.

Space crack!

Chen Zong's expression could not help but change greatly, there was a shock in his eyes.

Although the space cracks appearing so silently, although they look very subtle, like a strand of hair, Chen Zong has no doubt that if he didn't stop in time, but rushed over, it is estimated that the tyrannical physique would also be Hard to resist.

Even if it is not torn directly, it will definitely be traumatized.


According to Chen Zong's knowledge before the departure, this mountain is called Wanli Mountain, and it was not taken casually, but because there may be spatial cracks in this mountain anytime, anywhere.

Space cracks are just the first feature, and the second feature is the crack.

Looking down, Chen Zong can see several huge cracks running across the east, west, south, and north, crisscrossing, as if torn by a huge space crack, exuding an amazing chill.

These mountain cracks were left by the ancient wars. Far away, Chen Zong could feel a slight sharp edge, like a sword like a sword.

These cracks in Foshan were left by the swords of the Kendo Xeon in the ancient times, and there are still amazing sword intentions and sword intentions.

Only the Xeons, the will carried in their attacks, can survive for a long time. From ancient times to the present, they have only weakened but have not disappeared.

Feeling this sharp breath, Chen Zong's heart suddenly moved.

I am a sword repairer. The sharp atmosphere in the cracks in this mountain range may be useful to you and you can learn about it.

Although the purpose of this trip was to travel to the Taixuan Realm to end the grudges of King Shura and repay his inheritance, it did not mean that Chen Zong had to give up everything on the way.

Shen Guyuan, the reason why Chen Zong had to spend it as soon as possible was because there were crises in Shen Guyuan, but there was no good. Even if there were, there were very few, and he could not afford to waste time searching.

The gains and risks may be disproportionate.

But Wanchashan is different. It may be worth staying for a while.

To end the grudges and hatred of King Gusura, it is necessary to have strong strength. Although it is not weak now, but can become more powerful, Chen Zong must seize the corresponding opportunities.

The hairline-like space cracks disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Chen Zong's heartfelt breath disappeared, but Chen Zong did not dare to relax his vigilance.

The realm of the heart is permeated, completely covering the square kilometer, the sky is unfolded, the body is transformed into a wind, and the induction of the breath fluctuation between heaven and earth becomes clearer and stronger.

In this way, we can detect and respond to the cracks in space in time to avoid being injured.

Nevertheless, Chen Zong's falling speed was not slow at all, and after a short time, he fell from a height of several kilometers and crashed into one of the cracks.

The closer to the crack, the stronger the sharp edge.

The crack was about a thousand meters deep, and Chen Zong fell directly to the bottom of the crack and landed on both feet.

This crack has a width of about seven or eight meters, and its length is more than a kilometer. Chen Zong pays for it. It is difficult to split such a crack by himself.

Although the line of heaven and earth can split a longer crack, more than a kilometer, but it cannot be so wide or deep, and it can't be called Fengrui breath.

This is the gap.

It's not just a gap in cultivation, it's not just a gap in strength, it's not just a gap in realm.

The Great Sacred Realm and the Great Sacred Reality are like heavens, as if separated from two realms.

After calming down, Chen Zong's careful observation showed that the remaining traces here were as smooth as a mirror, indicating that the sword of ancient times was sharp and swift, as powerful as a bamboo, like a tofu cut with a sharp blade.

Squatting down, Chen Zong's fingers gently brushed a smooth place, a trace of cold chill permeated through his fingertips, with a bit of sharpness, as if a ray of sword gas remained.

Gently twisting, Chen Zong's eyes closed, and the spirit of energy was lifted to the extreme in an instant, feeling carefully.

Faintly, Chen Zong seemed to see a strong man waving his sword, and his sword was cut off in emptiness.

However, the breath was so weak that the picture was so blurry that it disappeared instantly, and Chen Zong had no time to taste what was in it.

It seems that the crack is not big enough. It doesn't seem to be cut out with a sword, but it is formed by the spread of the broken sword gas, resulting in a very weak will.

If it is to be useful to you, it is estimated to be ten times stronger.

However, Chen Zong flew up in the air again, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze swept away. In his eyes, there seemed to be a trace of black mansions swimming like fishes and spirits, with extreme flexibility and charm. .

Under the gaze of these smart and full-fledged eyes, there seemed to be a scent of breath in the originally empty and transparent void, and the breath was winding and agile, sometimes like a dragon out of the abyss, cruising around the sea in all directions, sometimes as spirit The snake came out of the hole, wantonly swimming in the grass.

The colors of those breaths are also different, they are very gorgeous, as if they are brilliant and iridescent, they are extremely graceful, and they are filled with completely different fluctuations, with different rhymes.

That is the breath of the will, the mysterious breath that belongs to heaven and earth.

With the naked eye, it is difficult to see the sense of Taoism, but Chen Zong can now, because Chen Zong has obtained a top ten secret method in the treasure house of the Xuantian Army.

Second magical power: Black pupil of spectacle!

This is a pupil-related secondary magical power related to the soul. There are four realms, and now Chen Zong cultivates to the second.

When training to the first level, the pupil strength will greatly increase. Once urged, you can clearly see the breath in the air, making it invisible to tangible.

Of course, this kind of transformation can only be seen if you have practiced the black pupils of the hallucinations or some deep pupils, which are generally not seen by practitioners.

In this way, you can more intuitively see the strength and direction of the breath, and more clearly distinguish the mysteries.

As for the second weight of the spectacle black pupil, which was previously performed by Chen Zong when he was assassinated by three killers in Shen Guyuan, he directly attacked the opponent's soul. Although he could not break the opponent's soul, it would make the opponent Lost in a moment.

A moment of loss, you will lose perfect control of your own power, which is very unfavorable in the battle of life and death.

That's why the killer was killed by Chen Zong in no time, and there was no resistance.

Gein, Chen Zong's soul is stronger than him.

To withstand the impact of the black pupil of the spectacle, it is either to practice the secret method of defense of the soul consciousness, or the secret treasure of the soul protection, or the soul is much stronger than Chen Zong.

However, although Chen Zong's cultivation is only sevenfold in the sacred realm, his soul is more powerful than ninefold in the sacred realm, and even more powerful than the half-step sacred power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but only limited by Cultivate that the potential of the soul cannot be fully excited.

If one day, Chen Zong can become a half-step holy-level powerhouse, his soul power will be the top half-step holy-level powerhouse.

Under the first spectacle of black pupil staring, Chen Zong carefully discerns where the Taoism is more intense and wants to observe its direction.

Immediately, Chen Zong moved forward quickly.

There is a breath that is most intense.

Following that breath, Chen Zong saw a huge crack.

This crack spreads tens of thousands of meters away, and it is tens of meters wide. Before you step in, you can feel its strong and sharp edge breath, and the breath is like the scream of a sword wind, like a cold blade. bone.

This kind of sword wind power must be fully resisted in order to enter the holy realm, but for Chen Zong, it is nothing, and there is no threat at all.

With a flash of body, Chen Zong was as flexible as a swimming fish, and quickly fell into the huge crack.

The wind of the sword suddenly turned and turned into countless sword spirits, forming a storm that swept through it, as if it were a smash in the sky, and the power became more and more terrible, even if it was an ordinary step into the holy realm, You must fight with all your strength to survive.

This huge crack has a depth of three kilometers. When Chen Zong went straight into the ground of three kilometers, the rich sharpness was astonishing, as if it turned into a ray of swords. Chen Zong was also surprised.

Ordinary triple sanctuary, I am afraid it is difficult to enter here. At least, only ordinary triple sanctuary strength is needed.

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