Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 39: Sword Emperor Donglai (9)

The ghostly fire storm was raging and raging in all directions. For a moment, even the violent breath of the fissured sword marks was also scattered.

In the distance, everyone looked startled, and the fighting was unexpectedly fierce.

The three old men of Montenegro looked dignified. The strength of this son seemed unexpectedly strong, and he could even fight to the fierce sword king.

The bursting out of the aftermath caused them all to feel palpitations. If they were affected by it, they would be severely hit if they did not die.

They saw that a small ray of sword light seemed to break from the ground, and passed through the huge ghost fire meteor above, immediately turning sharply in the air when it was shot down.

Fast as a streamer!

Faster than lightning!

Wan Gui Sword King's heart froze, only feeling that his eyebrows seemed to be pierced, a tingling sensation came out, and his look changed greatly.

Without hesitation, Wangui Sword King immediately burst into full force.

Ghosts overlap!

Suddenly, the figure of the million ghost sword kings turned into hundreds, densely packed in all directions, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false, and each statue looked like life.

But under the envelope of Chen Zong's heart, it is already clear where the true body is.

All falsehoods are hard to deceive.

Even though the ghostly figure is displayed, the sense of crisis in the King of Ghost Swords has not been weakened. Seeing that sword light, it tears the sky like a thunderbolt, and contains the incisive sharpness and unavoidable The mystery of the soul, directly to his true body.

Wan Ghost Sword King is sure that his body style cannot confuse the other party.


The amazing power of the ten thousand ghost swords erupted, as if they were going to smash all directions, and a sword was swept out. The dark sword light was burning with the fierce ghost fire, as if the sky would be destroyed.

Jian Guang, both broken, did not wait for the Wangui Sword King to respond, Chen Zong once again wielded a sword, and at the same time urged the realm of heart and Wanliu force field.

The sword cut out by Ping Ping is still infinite. Although the angle is different, the power is not reduced. It directly called the king of ghosts to tremble with a creepy feeling.

In particular, I was shocked by the thousands of powerful rapids. For a moment, my limbs and body seemed to be bound, and I couldn't move at all. I could only watch the mysterious and extremely sharp Jianguang reach.



Extremely Dangerous!

The force burst out as much as possible, but for a short time it was impossible to directly burst the thousands of rapids.

The rapids strengthened by the realm of the heart have multiplied power, are very tough, and are not so easy to collapse.

"This is what you forced me to do." Wangui Sword King's face was squinting, his eyes were fierce, and his body and limbs spewed a spurt of blood even though he couldn't move in an instant.

That blood and blood red, but with a hint of black breath, is the power of the soul.

This mouthpiece containing the essence of soul power is directly sprayed onto the Wangui Sword, as if the ban on the Wangui Sword is unlocked, it seems to awaken the evil ghost king sleeping in the abyss, and the terrifying breath is followed from the Wangui Sword Outbreak.

It's like a Taikoo volcano that has accumulated countless years of power and erupted in an instant. A terrible roar sounded like the roar from the deepest part of hell. When it sounded, everyone in the distance crazed and felt like a soul. To be destroyed like broken.

The impact of Chen Zong was the most direct and strong. It felt like his soul was going to be pulled into Jiuyou Hell, just like being torn apart by all ghosts.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's soul is very powerful, and the soul fire is also very strong. Under the burning, he blocked this terrible ghost ghost's roar, but this is only the beginning, it is only a prelude to the amazing power of Wangui sword. .

The endless black smoke was flowing endlessly, as if breaking the boundaries of **** in an instant and opening a portal.

The monstrous black smoke and ghost fire constantly poured into the body of Wangui Sword King, causing its momentum to skyrocket, multiplying instantly, and directly crushing the thousands of rapids in the Wanliu force field.


The body muscles seemed to swell a large circle, and the whole body was filled with black ghost fire smoke. It looked like the ghost king who came out of the bounds of death from Jiuyou Hell. The power was endless, endless, and everything in all directions was sinking.

With the terrible roar filled with the stress of all ghosts, the void seemed broken, and the right arm of the king of ghost swords suddenly protruded, turning into a huge flame that surrounded the endless black ghost fire, as if everything between heaven and earth All vitality killed Chen Zong.

Five extremely sharp black claws popped out, tearing the void into cracks, as if the cracks would never dissipate, and filled with an astonishingly dark and cold.

Each of the sharp claws tears through the sky as if the sword is sheathed, interpreting the amazing kendo accomplishments of the Manga Sword King.

Compared to everything before, this trick is the real lore, and it is the lore that has to pay a great price. Wangui Sword King has never thought about it, and he will do it here.

Even in an instant, he had flashed many thoughts.

For example, the soul of the person who forced her to pay a heavy price for this trick must be detained forever, tortured with ghost fire for a hundred years, and the ghostly blood sword that asks for kindness to her, even her two A friend will never let go.

If it wasn't for the **** old lady who wanted to pay back the humanity herself, she wouldn't use it to face the person and pay such a heavy price.

But all this, after this man was beheaded.

In the face of this attack, it seemed as if the five ghost swordsmen killed from Jiuyou Hell were shocking, and Chen Zong was creepy.


Great threat!

Such threats even surpass the previous Lingtian Sword King.

If you can't stop it, you may be killed.

Unexpectedly, this person would erupt such an attack, which is enough to threaten his life.

Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong ... Fully run!

The power of spiritual martial arts ... erupted!

To be on the safe side, Chen Zong even urged the power of not breaking the golden body, and the golden flame pattern instantly rendered the whole body, permeating a layer of golden halo, as if a god.

Shen Yejian raised high, and throughout his body, countless sword qi, sword light, and sword awn appeared, each of which contained terrible power, as if it could tear the world.

Heaven and earth ... front line!

The Xeon sword was cast in an instant, and endless power poured into Shen Yejian as if the sea was flowing across the river. One sword was beheaded and killed. The endless sword energy, sword light, and sword awns all poured into Shen Yejian. Inside, it turned into a silk-like Jianmang silently tearing the void and killed.

This is a sword condensing all the strength of Chen Zong, a sword of Xeon, a sword with no death, no advance, no return.

With a sword, the light around him became dimmer.

Its sharpness makes everything between heaven and earth irresistible.

Only in an instant, the five terrible ghost claws that seemed to be breaking the sky and the sky were in contact with the sword light on the line of heaven and earth. There was no explosion or movement. It was just like cutting tofu. Cut the ghost's claw, and kept going forward.

Whether it is the pioneering sharpness of the sword in the early days, the sharpness of the extreme concentration of the world, or the tearing mystery obtained by Chen Zong from the understanding of Wanyi Sword from here, it has made the sword powerful. Reach amazing extreme.

Wanqi Sword King's heavy blow was certainly overbearing, but compared with Chen Zong who exploded all power, there was still a big gap.

In the face of this seemingly inexhaustible sword-like ray of light, the Sword King of Ghosts was horrified.

Can't resist!

Even if such a powerful force erupts at a heavy price, it cannot be resisted.

Cut the ghost claws like a bamboo, and at the same time, cut through the lingering black ghost fire smoke from the King of Ghost Sword, penetrated and killed from the other side, disappeared into the void, leaving only a slight scratch, slow Slow healing.

One sword!

With this single sword, he broke the million ghost sword king XQM strike, and even cut his body, and the terrible sword spirit raged and destroyed the vitality.

"Who ... who are you ...?" Feeling that his vitality is passing at an alarming rate, Wangui Sword King knew that he could not survive, but before he died, he still wanted to know who the other party was. Has such terrible strength.

"My name ... Chen Zong!" Chen Zong fulfilled the last wish of King Wangui Sword King before his death. His voice dropped, his body flashed, and he turned into an invisible and colorless wind. It was light and swift, and went quickly to the old man in Montenegro. The three flew in the direction they were in.

All of them are still immersed in the fierce battle, immersed in the shock of being killed by the ghost king.

Until Chen Zongfei passed by, he was not sober.

"not good."

"Run away!"

After all, the three old men of Montenegro are not weak Kendo strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ quickly recovered awake, seeing that Chen Zongshi's body approaching quickly, immediately knew that the other party was going to kill.

His face changed drastically, and he flew back quickly, and at the same time, the old man from Montenegro and Fu Liujian Zun launched a ghost blood sword together.

The ghost blood sword was stunned.

Originally, she also planned to flee, but because she lost more than half of her blood, she hadn't replenished it, so her response was a little slower than that of the old man in Montenegro and Fusui.

Not even thinking that these two people who were friends were overshadowed by themselves at the critical moment of life and death.

This push is to push yourself to the abyss of death.

Slower, when the ghost blood sword reacted, it broke out at full speed immediately, and wanted to escape from here.

However, the delay, coupled with the explosive speed of Chen Zong, was extremely high.



A sharp sword light tore through the sky, as if killing to the aurora.

After being pitted with a ghostly blood sword that fell sharply, it was impossible to resist Chen Zong's sword spirit, and it was instantly penetrated.

Immediately, Chen Zong split two swords again, and the two terrible sword lights stretched to the lingering moon, tearing the sky, mercilessly killing the fleeing Heishan old man and Fu Liujian.

They were fast, but Chen Zong's sword was faster, killing them instantly, hitting both of them.

But the two of them also mastered the life-saving card and cast it out in an instant. They saw a black mountain shadow covering the old man of Montenegro, blocking the attack of that sword, the speed surged, and they quickly went away.

Fu Liu Jian Zun was swept by a group of blue light, and it broke out several times at a speed.

(Liu Dao wrote a chapter about Chu Mu's story on the earth. I found it unsatisfactory, deleted it, and rethought)

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