Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 58: Tianling Mountain

Tianjian Mountain, like a giant sword standing on the ground, points directly to the sky, and endless sword energy lingers in it, eternal, the swords are scattered, endless and everywhere.

When the wind blows, it is instantly rendered by countless sword qi, becoming sharp, as if the sword wind is passing by.

"Tianjian ..." The sound of Tianjian Mountain sounded majestic, full of majesty, and it seemed that there was a mighty breath, and the endless sword gas quickly gathered from all directions to the top of the mountain, as if sweeping across.

The sky sword stands up in the air, with its hair flying upwards, as if it contains the extreme fluctuations of the sword air. It seems to pierce the void. Behind it, there is an imaginary giant sword condensing and becoming more and more clear.

The concentration of that giant sword has surpassed that of the previous battle with Chen Zong, and the breath diffused is astonishing, as if to suppress all the surrounding space.

"Cut!" The last word fell, as if the thunder roared through the heavens and the earth, and the giant sword suddenly flew up. When the sky was cut, the amazing power burst out instantly, and the sky was split open, leaving a hundred meters. The long crack was shocking, as if to devour the void.

Xiaotian Jian stared with a shocked expression on his face, his heart was extremely excited.

So strong!

Is this the power of the complete sky sword?

Tian Jianzi was secretly excited. His attack was just the application of the first part of Tian Jiandao. The power was more than 50% stronger than before. Sure enough, the complete first part of Tian Jiandao was amazing.

After three months of retreat, Tian Jianzi completed the first part of Tian Jiandao and completed the foundation of Tian Jiandao. Although he has not yet started to practice the next part, the power of Tian Jian condensed in the first part has greatly increased.

At this moment, an extremely strong sword suddenly erupted from the mountains, straight through the sky, and the astonishing power seemed to pierce the sky into a huge cave.

This kind of sharpness suddenly called Tian Jianzi and Xiao Tianjian shocked.

They suddenly remembered that, in addition to them, there were others retreating in the mountains. It was the sword emperor. Now, it is time to go out.

This sword qi gave them a more arrogant and more amazing feeling, as if there was nothing to stop and resist between heaven and earth.

In the face of this sudden spurt of Jianqi, Tian Jianzi suddenly felt that his sword was nothing.


Very shocked inside!

The sword emperor is the sword emperor.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Jianzi shook his head with a bitter smile and immediately looked at his disciples with some worries. He was okay. He had already put an end to the struggle with the sword emperor, but his disciples were still very young. Do n’t So being hit leaves a psychological shadow.

Xiaotian Jianxi's gaze into the sky, as if there were some mysteries in it, but his heart was undulating.

He is very young. For practitioners, compared with Chen Zongyi, there is a huge and unimaginable gap.

Exhaling a breath, it seems to be unwilling to breathe out, Xiao Tianjian's look restored, his eyes became flexible.

At this time, a sword light rushed straight from below, the speed was extremely amazing, but in an instant, it stood in the sky with Tian Jianzi, leaving Tian Jianzi a little surprised, this speed ...

"This time the retreat, Daoyou's improvement is obvious." Chen Zong smiled.

"A little gain, still can't be compared with the sword emperor." Tian Jianzi also laughed.

Chen Zong was not humble.

In the past three months of retreat, my gains were indeed great and amazing.

Xiuwei is still in the early stage of the sacred realm and the middle stage of the mixed sacred realm, but his strength is improved a lot, and the fighting means are more. It can be said that let the current one-on-two deal with yourself three months ago. It can be done.

"Thank you very much!" Chen Zong thanked Tian Jianzi. Not only did he enter the ancient Tian Jian tomb or stay at the retreat in Tian Jianshan, he had made great achievements.

"The old man also wants to thank the sword emperor. Without the sword emperor's help, the old man would not be able to get the full inheritance of Tianjian." Tian Jianzi laughed.

It is not harmful to make good friends like Chen Zong.

"Do Tao friends know, who are the foundry masters in the Upper Yuan?" Chen Zong asked.

"Grandmaster of casting." Tian Jianzi groaned and pondered, and then said immediately: "In the upper world, there is a person who can be called the word" guru ", but his name is Tiangong elderly, but his whereabouts are almost indeterminate People know where he is and it's too hard to find it. "

"In addition to the elderly Tiangong, there is another person, barely regarded as a master, named Tian Lingzi, where this person is very clear, but this person's temperament is different from ordinary people, you must agree to him if you want to ask for a shot Conditions are not easy. "Tian Jianzi said slowly.

"But I don't know where the spiritual son was that day?" Chen Zong asked, although the elderly Tiangong seemed to be more capable, but the erratic whereabouts is a problem. Even if I do n’t know how much time it will take, I may not be able to Find.

Rather than look for Lingzi that day, if the conditions are not too difficult, it is not a problem.

"Tian Lingzi is located in Tian Ling Mountain." Tian Jianzi said.

Tianling Mountain is also a fairly famous mountain in the Upper Yuan Realm, belonging to the famous mountain.

Of course, some mountains are famous in themselves, but others are famous because of people, and Tianling Mountain belongs to the latter.

The direction of Tianling Mountain is exactly the direction to Taixuanjie, so there is less trouble to detour.

In this way, Chen Zong also resigned and quickly left Tianjian Mountain.

Tian Jianzi and Xiao Tianjian master and apprentice watched Chen Zong's back, leaving for a long time without words.

This time I saw Chen Zong's ability and ability, and witnessed the rise of a future future strong man, but his heart was filled with an inexplicable complex emotion.

Sword Emperor!

This is the style of the sword emperor.

Chen Zong's flight in the air is much faster than before. From the ancient tomb of the ancient sword, among the many inheritances that Chen Zong obtained, a few are inheritances of the physical method. He draws the essence of them and immediately puts himself in the physical method. The development is more advanced, although the Tianfeng Wuxiang body method is still a great realm, it is deeper and more convenient to apply.

The reason why Chen Zong asked Tian Jianzi's founding master was that he planned to make the same soldier for himself.

The first part of the Royal God's Law is the basic part, which specializes in training the solid foundation of God's thoughts. The second part is the application skills of God's thoughts. In addition, in the last part of the next part, it is the casting of the Lord's forces.

The so-called royal soldiers are the weapons of the gods who are most in line with the royal gods' dharma, so they are simply called the magic soldiers.

Although Chen Zong had some forging skills, that was learned very early in the year and has not been refined since then, so it can only be considered as a general level. The forging skills of the Royal God Soldier are too high, and Chen Zong cannot do it. Come.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Zong to spend time studying forging, which is not his own pursuit.

If you can successfully complete the casting of the Royal God soldiers, and then cooperate with the Royal God to cast, it will be very powerful.

Tianling Mountain is not high, it is more than one thousand and less than two kilometers high, but it is very famous, and there are a lot of people who visit often.

When Chen Zong arrived at Tianling Mountain, he saw a lot of people gathered at the foot of Tianling Mountain. There were about dozens of them. Some looked older, some looked younger, male and female, regardless of gender. Age is still how it looks, all of them are filled with amazing breath fluctuations.

Obviously, all are strong men who have entered the sanctuary, and at least they are strong men who have entered the sanctuary.

Before coming, Tian Jianzi also told Chen Zong's rules about the spirit of this day. He wanted to visit him and ask him to forge the weapon of God's soldiers, and he should obey his rules.

This rule is that you must not fly to the Tianling Mountain, you must climb from the foot of the mountain to the top.

As far as the weapon of the magic weapon is concerned, it is not a saying, it is not a magic weapon of the weapon of the gods, but a relatively powerful holy weapon.

Most of the holy artifacts that are usually purchased are ordinary ones, even if it is a high-quality holy object, it is not as good as a holy object that is tailor-made for yourself, that will fit more with yourself and give full play to your advantages.

Since he came to look for Tian Lingzi, then Chen Zong must abide by his rules. Even if he is a half-step grand saint, he will not give face.

Of course, if it is the Great Holy Realm, the Heavenly Son must be respectful. Of course, the magic weapon used by the Great Holy Realm is not something that the Holy Spirit can forge, even if it is a true master. Tiangong can't do it.

In most cases, the Great Holy Realm Xeon will not come to look for Tian Lingzi.

Dozens of strong men who were at least in the middle of the sacred realm were intercepted down the mountain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can't go up the mountain, but they were intercepted by a young man who didn't seem to be too old. There was a piece of pockmarked on it, which looked very ordinary, but it was even taller and even prouder.

Its breath fluctuation is not strong, but it is only a semi-holy level, this person is the Tianlingzi Tianlingshan Mountain Guardian boy.

It is precisely because it is the guardian boy of Tianling Mountain that this boy knows that those who come to Tianling Mountain are to ask Tian Lingzi to take a shot, and the attitude will be lowered.

At the beginning, the boy in the mountain guard was somewhat sincere and horrified. The people who came to visit were all powerful men in the sacred realm, and then a powerful existence that would kill him with a finger.

But over time, he would not be afraid.

"The lord of the mountain is resting now, you wait for a while." Shoushan boy waved his hands, his attitude of arrogance, it seems that he is the master of the tianling mountain.

"Little brother, but I don't know when Tian Lingzi will wake up?" The old man who entered the sacred place with a smile, took out ten land yuandan, and handed it to the Shoushan boy.

The Shoushan boy took away the ten Diyuandan with his makeup, but he looked a bit indifferent, and did not seem to like the ten Diyuandan.

"Wait a minute, wait for me to ask." Then, the guardian boy slowly took out something to contact the others on the mountain.

"Wait a minute, the Lord of the Mountain is still resting." The guardian boy said again, then glanced away and closed again.

The old man's expression changed slightly, and he was angry, but he could only forcibly resist it, because the anger was simple, but he would lose the opportunity to ask Tian Lingzi to make a magic weapon for himself.

Let's bear it for a while, and see that Tian Lingzi is the first.

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