Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 65: Break through

(Bringing my wife and children back to my hometown to celebrate the Chinese New Year, I wish all the teachers and sisters a happy New Year and pay attention to their health)

Chen Xiu's face was pale, and the lonely evil eye that had just been fully urged, almost exhausted one's strength, there was a feeling that the body was overdrawn and emptied.

This is why Chen Xiu is unwilling to use the evil eye so quickly. Every time this little magical power is cast, it is too power-consuming. Of course, you can also control the output of the power. However, if the power is not enough, the evil eye will disappear. The power is not enough, it is difficult to defeat the half-step big holy class strong.

It is not a half-step holy sacred powerhouse, nor does it need to cast the evil eye of annihilation at all, and Chen Xiu's strength is enough to defeat the kill.

Chen Zong glanced at the direction where Tian Mingzi left, and suddenly turned and flew away in the direction of Taixuanjie.

The most worrying thing happened after all, but since it happened, there is no need to regret it.

Only Chen Zong knew that he might face more powerful enemies in the future.

It is a pity that the sword did not kill Tian Mingzi, otherwise there would be no future trouble.

But it also shows that the half-step big holy strong is powerful.

"Strength!" Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes were like cold electricity. "The most important thing is strength. As long as I have enough strength, all threats are no longer threats."

"Although this battle was dangerous and almost embarrassing, it also inspired my potential."

Immediately, Chen Zong descended quickly and fell into the mountains, looking for a remote place to open a temporary cave and drill into it, intending to break through.

It is not easy to improve the practice of physical training, because lacking sufficient resources, it is relatively easy to practice qi.

Take out a large amount of Tianyuan Dan to absorb into the body, like a whale sucking water, a lot of pure power pounding like the sea, flowing endlessly in the body, boundless.

The thirtieth layer of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong was in full swing and quickly refined and absorbed.

As if the torrents are thousands of waves, the heavy one keeps on endlessly, constantly impacting and breaking the barriers.


Entering the Holy Land in the middle of Yae!

Suddenly, Chen Zong's breath became stronger.

Sure enough, life and death battles with strong enemies can better stimulate their potential under the pressure of life and death crisis, so that Xiu can make a better and faster breakthrough.

After practicing qi and practicing as a breakthrough, Chen Zong slowly adjusted his interest rate and stabilized the practice that had just broken. He did not end the practice until the cultivation was completely stabilized.

Immediately, a red mass appeared in Chen Zong's hand.

It was a flame that was banned, and it was burning. It was the heavenly fire that was mastered by Tian Lingzi, which was now obtained by Chen Zong.

Chen Zong intends to devour this group of heavenly fires for refining and devour, and to increase the power of the fire in Zihuan.

The fire in the Zihuan Burning Market has been slowly promoted. Over the past few years, it has only been upgraded from fourth to fifth. Although its power is strong enough to threaten and even kill the ordinary sixfold of the Holy Land, but for Chen , But some could not keep up.

The improvement of such strange powers as Heaven's Strange Fire, or gradually evolved over a long period of time. If you want to ascend quickly, you can only devour other Heaven and Earth forces.

Chen Zong felt it carefully, and it was not clear which kind of heavenly fire of the heavenly son was because the strange fire of this day contained two distinct breath fluctuations, apparently the fusion of the two heavenly fires. Made.

One of the characteristics of the strange fire on this day is that the temperature is extremely high and very high enough to burn everything and melt it. The other characteristic is purification, which is similar to one of the characteristics of the Zihuan burning fire.

After all, this is the flame that Tian Lingzi uses to cast, these two characteristics are just right.

In addition, Chen Zong can also feel the grade of the strange fire of this day, reaching seven grades.

The Qi Pin fusion of the heavenly fire, its power is enough to threaten the ordinary sanctuary Yae.

If it was swallowed and burned by the Zihuan Burning Ruins, it could definitely be upgraded to the seventh grade, and even expected to be upgraded to eight grades.

Under normal circumstances, the fire at the Zihuan Burning Ruins of Wupin could not be fused with each other, and would even be swallowed by it in turn, but there was the strength of Chen Zong and the ancient ancient fire tactics, and it would not be a problem.


Mysterious ancient fire-making tactics are in full swing, and the power of the fire in Zihuan is burned to the extreme, and the strange fire of that day is wrapped in an instant.

Suddenly, the crimson fire of the heavens burst into an astonishing mighty power, attempting to tear the fire at Zihuan Burning Ruin, and swallow it in turn, but was directly suppressed by Chen Zong's power.

Chen Zong's power broke through to the middle of the eighth stage of the sacred realm. Because of the exercises, he was even more arrogant than the ordinary sacred state of the sacred realm. It is not difficult to suppress the heavenly fire at the seventh level.

Under the suppression of the strange fire that day, it was difficult to move. It could only be eaten a little by the fire of Zihuan Burning Market, making the fire of Zihuan Burning Market gradually strong.


The atmosphere of the Zihuan Burning Market fire soared suddenly, reaching the level of the sixth grade, becoming the strange fire of the sixth grade, and devouring the strange fire of the red sky faster.

As time goes by, the magical fire of the crimson sky is getting weaker and weaker, and the breath of the fire at Zihuan is getting stronger and stronger.

Seven products!

Qipin limit!

The power of the magical fire of the crimson sky is only one last point.




Eight products!

After the fire in Zihuan burned the market completely devoured the fusion of the red and red heavenly fire, it finally broke through again and reached eight grades. Although the breakthrough has not been stable enough, as long as Chen Zong continues to operate the ancient fire tactics, it will be over time. Slowly the temperature came down.

And the fire of the Zihuan Burning Market, which is a fusion of the red and red heaven's strange fire, has further strengthened its power, and it is enough to threaten the ordinary sacred Nine Strong, and even kill them unexpectedly.

In this way, the fire at the Zihuan Burn Market can once again become Chen Zong's real help and enhance his power.

The strength has been further enhanced. If Tianmingzi is intercepted with his current strength, even if he cannot be killed, it will inevitably cause more serious trauma.

However, by cutting off one of his arms and the erosion of the power of the wicked evil eye, the other party will not be able to come to his own trouble for a while.

The only thing to pay attention to is whether the other party will deal with themselves through the Wanling Pavilion.

However, although he is a powerful elder of Wanling Pavilion, Wanling Pavilion, as a chamber of commerce, has always been neutral and will not easily mobilize to deal with it. Find Chen Zong.

Xiu Wei made breakthroughs in both heaven and fire, and it was difficult to improve in other areas for a while. Chen Zong went out of the customs, displayed his skills, and quickly moved towards the direction of Taixuan Realm.

While exhibiting the Heavenly Wind without Phases, quietly comprehend the mysteries and strive for early success.

Dacheng and completeness seem to be one level apart, but there is a great difference. Dacheng represents proficiency and mastery, while completeness means thorough mastery and complete mastery without defects.

If the sky wind has no perfect way, Chen Zong can also avoid it by physical means, without hard resistance.

However, it is not easy for Shipin Secret Mastery to reach a state of perfection, even for many half-step great sages.

In the realm of martial arts, Chen Zong has actually surpassed many half-step great saints.

As a breakthrough, Chen Zong's body-building speed is much faster, just like a ray of sky wind passing through the sky, and it disappears into the distance in an instant.

Tian Mingzi fled in a hurry, full speed without reservation, and constantly took the elixir into his mouth.

The power of the wicked evil eye in the body raged, one arm was cut off, and the sword gas attacked. It was extremely uncomfortable to be wounded inside and outside.

Tian Mingzi looked pale and cold.

He would have been hit so hard, and his inner killings erupted like a volcano.

It is not easy to cut off an arm and grow it again. It has to pay a huge price.

And if the arm does not recover, the lack of an arm will have a great impact on his strength, which is enough to make him fall from the weak half-step grand sacred level to the more general half-step grand sacred level.

Damn it!

That sword emperor deserved to be damned, not only the hatred of Tian Lingzi, but also his own broken arm.

"Even if I can't deal with you personally, don't worry about it." Tian Mingzi said harshly.

He must first stabilize the injury, dispel the amount of evil and violent violence raging in his body, and then return to Wanling Pavilion to spread the news.

I believe that all strong players will be interested in the Secret Secret Method or Secret Secret.

He can deal with a half-step holy saint, can he still deal with two?

According to Wanlingge's news channel, this news can be spread throughout the Upper Yuan Realm and even to the surrounding realms in a very short period of time. Naturally, there will be many strong men dispatched to find the Chen Zong.

Even if it can't be killed, it can't survive.

There is a deep bone gap between Xuan Yuan Jie and Shang Yuan Jie ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and the heavens between Shang Yuan Jie and Tai Xuan Jie are a vast ocean and a dangerous ocean.


The Miguang Sea was also left over by the ancient wars. It was broken by tyrannical forces to form an ocean. It was filled with endless fog and light, which made people dizzy and easily lost in it. No way out.

Moreover, the range of Miguanghai is very large, which contains more weird power, which will cause people to unknowingly deviate in the direction of flight. Eventually, they may continue to wander around the Miguanghai, and it takes a lot of time to escape.

Even if a half-step sage-level powerhouse enters it, if there is no guidance, it will be lost for a long time, and a lot of time will be wasted.

And there are also dangerous things such as sea beasts hidden in Miguang Hai. It can be said that if there is no suitable means, it is difficult to survive unless it is a top half-step Great Holy Power or a Great Holy Realm.

Although Chen Zong pays that he is hard to find adversaries in the level of entering the sacred realm, he does not dare to cross the Miguang Sea. After all, compared with heaven and earth, man is too small.

Chen Zong is waiting.

Someone specially built the Miguang Henghai ship, which is a large treasure, a kind of treasure ship specially used to cross the Miguang Sea, but the precious materials and the difficulty of construction are quite large, so only one ship was built in total. .

This Miguang Henghai ship has been to and fro between the Upper Yuan Realm and the Tai Xuan Realm. Each round trip takes a lot of time, ranging from a few months to as long as three months. Sometimes if you take a break, The interval will be longer

Therefore, if Chen Zong wanted to go to the Taixuan Realm, he still had to wait in the town on the coast of Miguang until the Miguang Henghai ship arrived.

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