Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 78: Miguang Island (below)

Fresh, clear and clear!

This is a long-lost feeling, a feeling of nostalgia, a feeling that makes Chen Zong deeply intoxicated.

In the misty sea, the mist is endlessly dazzling, and the sight is greatly disturbed, just like a kind of pollution. It affects itself everywhere at all times. Over time, it will make people feel upset and irritable.

Chen Zong has been in the Miguang Sea for more than two years. He has always been in this environment. He is about to forget what the outside atmosphere is like. Now when he enters this huge island, he feels fresh and clear again. There is an indescribable touch.

It was as if someone who was about to die of thirst in the arid desert suddenly found a clear and sweet spring.

Chen Zong breathed greedily, feeling that in the past two years, he has been constantly moving in the misty sea of ​​fog, it seems that a lot of turbid gas has accumulated in the body. At this moment, with the breathing, the turbid gas is continuously eliminated The body seems to be born and reborn, light enough to almost fly.

Of course, this is an illusion. Even if you stay in the mist of the sea of ​​light for ten years and one hundred years, your body will not be polluted and filled with turbid air.

Just suddenly appearing from a turbid environment in a fresh environment, the strong contrast contrast will make people feel this kind of body and mind.

The heaven and earth vitality here is naturally more refined and richer than that in the Miguang Sea, which can be compared with the outside world.

One side seemed to be intoxicated, but Chen Zong did not really indulge in it, but paid great attention to the surroundings. The power of divine thought spread out, and he suddenly found that the restrictions on the power of divine thought seemed to be relaxed, almost like the outside world. The power of Divine Thought completely covers a range of tens of thousands of meters.

The realm of the heart is also shrouded in a range of two kilometers. In this way, even if a powerful half-step sacred power appears, you can feel it for the first time.

There was a faint glance sweeping across his eyes, but in an instant, Chen Zong looked at everything in front of him clearly.

This is indeed a huge island, and it's not stingy at all.

In front of me is a forest. I don't know how long it is, even if Chen Zong's vision is superman, he can't see through.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Zong immediately flew up at a low altitude and headed forward.

The fighting situation between the owner of the silver sword light and the man in the blood robe was unknown, but the breath erupted by the two was extremely arrogant, far superior to himself. Even if he intervened, it was futile.

The owner who wants to come to the silver knife light dares to take shots, at least not inferior to the man in the blood robe, and there should be no danger.

And the other party reminded himself to enter Miguang Island, it should be this island, the other party will also enter here, and then they will meet, and then thank the other party.

In addition, in fact, Chen Zong also has deep concerns, that is, whether the other party will be against him.

Since more than two years ago, he has been hunted down, and his troubles have caused him to be more vigilant.

At this time, a silver knife light flew from the outside, like a silver lightning-like speed, and immediately chased him in the direction of Chen Zong.

The amazing breath made Chen Zong's look change, and when he looked back, he saw the silver knife light.

With a flash of sword, a gray robe figure appeared in front of Chen Zong's eyes. It was a middle-aged man with tall, strong shoulders and wide shoulders, as if able to carry a mountain, with a Chinese-style face and firm eyes, and behind him was a large silver knife.

The whole person stood in the void, as if there was a feeling of standing upright.

At first glance, Chen Zong felt that this person was not an adulterous.

"I just thanked my predecessors for their rescue." Chen Zong respectfully saluted as a token of gratitude. In any case, it was the other party who saved himself, otherwise it would not end in the blood robe man's hands.

"It's okay, it just happens to happen." The Silver Knife man smiled heartily: "But you're out of luck, and you've encountered Luo Yan."

Chen Zong knew that the name of the man in the blood robe was Luo Yan.

"Senior, what is the mystery of this island?" Chen Zong remembered the name of the man in the blood robe, and planned to ask again later, he was not the kind of person who was oppressed and laughed, just because of the difference in strength, Make yourself unable to end grievances.

However, there will be a day, knowing the other party in advance will help you settle your grievances in the future.

But before that, you need to have a more intuitive understanding of where you are.

"This island is named Miguang Island." Silver Knife middle-aged smiled. "It is the center of the Miguang Sea."

"Center!" Chen Zong stunned slightly.

"Yes, Miguang Island is the center of Miguang Sea." Silver Knife middle-aged said again with certainty.

"Can you leave?" Chen Zong's eyes brightened and he asked quickly, this was the issue that he was most concerned about.

The middle-aged Silver Knife shook his head and said, "I have also entered the Miguang Sea for hundreds of years. I came to Miguang Island more than 60 years ago and have not yet found a way to leave."

Chen Zong heard that, could not help but feel a little disappointed.

"But ..." Silver Knife's middle-aged speech paused and said again: "It is said that as long as it can pass the assessment of Miguang Realm, it is expected to leave, but as far as I know, no one has been able to leave in the past 10,000 years . "

Chen Zong was attracted by the lost light in the middle-aged words of Silver Knife.

"Dare to ask my predecessors, what is the mystery of Miguang?" Chen Zongbu Xu Buji asked.

"Since you have entered Miguang Island, I will talk to you about some things about this Miguang Island." Silver Knife middle-aged laughed, and even introduced Chen Zong carefully.

Miguang Island is the center of the Miguang Sea. This is a statement, but whether it is true or not, is not entirely certain, but everyone thinks so, from ancient times to the present.

Since everyone thinks so, that's fine.

As for whether it is really the center, it is not particularly important, and no one will specifically investigate it.

"Everyone who has just entered Miguang Island is considered a newcomer and has a ten-year protection period." Silver Knife Middle Age said.

Chen Zong is now a newcomer and has a ten-year protection period. In other words, no one else can shoot at Chen Zong within ten years. Otherwise, he will be killed on the spot by the forces of Miguang Island.

It is said that once there was a powerful half-step saint-class strongman who, relying on his own strength, did not take this rule in his eyes and forcibly shot a newcomer. The consequence was that he was crushed into a powder by a terrible lightning in an instant.齑 disappeared completely.

"Luo Yan has been here for a long time. It should be hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years. He was originally a killer. He has been here for a long time. Without the hope of leaving, his mind has become more distorted. He likes to torture others. For fun, although I took a shot this time, he must be following you, and he has a six-star combat ability. "Silver Knife middle-aged said solemnly:" So, you better do your best in this decade To improve your strength, but my suggestion is to find an opportunity to leave here, and if you are willing to leave, I can send you a ride. "

The implication is in fact not optimistic about Chen Zong.

After all, Chen Zong was just an eight-fold cultivation in the sanctuary, but Luo Yan had a six-star combat power, and the gap between the two sides was difficult to calculate.

Silver Knife middle-aged believes that in ten years, Chen Zongneng was able to cultivate to the ninth limit of entering the sacred realm, and this still has an insurmountable gap when compared with the six-star combat word.

Don't say ten years, even one hundred years.

Therefore, finding the opportunity to leave is the best way.

"Senior, let me stay here first." Chen Zong smiled. "Isn't there still a ten-year protection period?"

Chen Zong is very interested in the lost light environment. If you can find a way to leave, naturally you don't want to miss it.

And for ten years, Chen Zong firmly believes that his strength will be greatly improved. By then, he will not be able to defeat that promise, but he will not be incapable of resistance. In addition, in the environment of the lost sea, it is not impossible Possible thing.

Of course, such self-confidence cannot explain to the other side.

"Yeah." Silver Knife nodded, and there were ten years left and right: "If you want to leave in ten years, you can tell me, I can send you a ride."

"Thank you senior." Chen Zongdao said.

"After the ten-year newcomer protection period, if you want to stay in Miguang Island, you must pay the source of fog or animal."

"The so-called fog source is the thing obtained by killing the fog monster, and the so-called beast source is the thing obtained by killing the sea beast."

"According to the grades of Wuyuan and Beast, the length of time you can stay in Miguang Island is different. The minimum is ten years, and the highest is one hundred years.

After the first ten years, it will not be protected by Miguang Island. If you want to stay in it, you must pay the source of fog or animal.

What is the purpose of staying on Miguang Island, one is safe, there is a relatively safe place to cultivate, and the other is to challenge Miguang.

However, it is very dangerous to hunt the mist and sea monsters.

If you encounter a weak mist demon, nothing will happen. If you encounter a powerful mist demon, it may be a dead end.

But if you have been in the mist and glare, you have nowhere to rest, and you have nowhere to rest. This is really more dangerous.

The middle-aged Silver Sword spends much more time in the Miguanghai than the old Tiangong, and the understanding of the Miguanghai is not comparable to the old Tiangong.

From the mouth of Silver Knife Middle Age, Chen Zong learned more.

For example, the name of this middle-aged person: Zhao Mingkong, also has the title of Silver Knife King.

For example, the division of the strength of the fog monsters and sea beasts.

For example, the division of strength by half a step.

For example, how many people and strength are there on this Miguang Island?

According to Zhao Mingkong, the silver sword king, there are currently more than 100 islands on Miguang Island. Some of them will not be able to return after hunting and killing the Fog Demon and Sea Beasts, and some are killed on the island due to some conflicts.

As Zhao Mingkong introduced Chen Zong, he also led Chen Zong to fly forward. The destination was naturally where Zhao Mingkong lived on the silver sword.

This Miguang Island is very large, but there are only a hundred people living here, it can be completely innocent, but the closer to the center of the island, the richer and purer the heaven and earth, and the mysteries of heaven and earth will be relatively clear. Therefore, the more powerful people live closer to the center.

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