Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 84: Heart Like Sword

Sixth state: three penalty!


A red thunder thundered across the dim sky, the endless dark clouds billowed, and quickly gathered from all directions. In the blink of an eye, the sky was completely covered, and the pressure was low, as if collapsing.

Chen Zong tried to struggle, but found himself unable to move at all. The dark clouds were raging like wild waves, suppressing the world, making Chen Zong feel depressed,

Extremely depressed!

Depression made the whole person almost collapse.

This depression is intensifying with the passage of time and hitting the mind.

The lines on the two criminal pillars lit up quickly. Immediately, as if pulled by a mysterious force, they rushed out of the pillars into the sky and turned into swords, knives, axes, guns, hammers, and other weapons.

The sword and axe permeated with amazing sharpness, it seemed to be able to tear the void, and the spear's gun pointed to the extreme, as if nothing between heaven and earth could resist the slightest. The sledgehammer was so powerful and powerful that it seemed to break everything. .

When he died, the sword was shot down in the air, and one sword seemed to split the heaven and the earth, and it was directly cut to Chen Zong. There was no evasion. The sword fell directly on Chen Zong, and his back was cut open. The pain caused Chen Zong's body. Conscious tremor.

The long sword disappeared, the long sword was cut off, as if splitting the mountains and the sea. It was severely chopped on Chen Zong's shoulder, almost the entire shoulder was cut off, and blood spewed out like a spring. It swept through the body with pain, called Chen Zong trembled all over.

After the long knife was cut and disappeared, the giant axe suddenly fell off, as if it were a world-breaking ground, unmatched in power.


With an axe, he split directly into Chen Zong's head, as if to split it.

Chen Zong suddenly felt that his head seemed to be hit by a huge force, and it was trembling. The inexplicable pain seemed to make his soul fly away. The distorted features could not help but tremble. The pain was like a wave of tide followed by a wave of waves. endlessly.

However, Chen Zong is still alive, he is still alive, he did not die.

The giant axe disappeared, leaving a terrible mouth on the head, blood flowing across the face, and the whole face reddened, looking extremely shy.

The spear shot down, like a meteor penetrating through the sky. It stabbed in from the back and stabbed from the abdomen, leaving a round wound, the wound was broken, blood continued to flow, and a section of intestines slid out along the blood Falling and shaking.

However, Chen Zong is still alive, supported by his strong will, and cannot die.

Even though Chen Zong felt extremely painful all over his body, he felt that the strength of his body was constantly being lost, which was the feeling that he was about to step into death.

But can't die.

As soon as you die, it's over. You must hold on anyway. You can't die, you can't die.


The blood was raging like a spring, covering Chen Zong's eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he could only see a **** red, all the others could not see.

The sledgehammer suddenly burst into an overwhelming momentum, and it fell instantly.


The sledgehammer cracked down on everything, it seemed to break the sky and the ground, and smashed into Chen Zong's body without mercy.

Chen Zong's whole body trembled violently, blood spewed out from the wound like a spring, and his strength and vitality also leaked out continuously.


Must be alive!

The first penalty of the three penalty platforms: Sword of the sword!

Chen Zong was deprived of all his power and became an ordinary person. What he possessed was only a mighty will that he tried hard.

The assessment of this situation is the will.

There is a powerful force, but without a strong will, it is not a strong person.

Whenever strong, the will must be extremely strong.

However, the suffering of such a sword by an ordinary person's body cannot be described clearly in words.

It hurts!

Deep pain in the bone marrow!

Deep into the pain of the soul!

This is a kind of pain that can tear people apart. You can feel your blood flowing out constantly, and you can feel your strength is constantly draining. With the loss of blood and strength is vitality.

When life is lost, it dies.

Death here may not be true death, but it is a challenge failure.

Sixth state!

"King Lei Yan also seems to have broken into the sixth realm." Chen Zong came up with a thought, distracted his mind, in order to ease the pain of the body.

"The first sentence has passed, what about the second sentence?" Chen Zong thought again.


The astonishing sound suddenly exploded, shaking the world in all directions, and the entire execution platform was shaking.

The crimson thunder rushed through the dark clouds, as if the thunder dragon was shuttleless.

A trace of electric arc appeared in the air, spreading and spreading. When it touched the two pillars, it was immediately absorbed, quickly condensed along the two pillars, and spread through the two black chains at an amazing speed. To Chen Zong.


The power of lightning spread all over the body, causing Chen Zong's body to tremble uncontrollably. This sense of electric shock, mixed with the injuries caused by the sword, made the pain worse.

A crimson thunder, like an evil dragon out of the abyss, was shot down in the volley, and it continued to make sharp breakthroughs like a sword, tearing the void, and bombarded Chen Zong without mercy.

Unable to dodge, even Chen Zong himself didn't have any hunch, and was immediately hit by the sword-like red thunder.

The sudden pain made Chen Zong almost faint. If he hadn't been strong enough, he would have passed out.

But when he was awake, Chen Zong felt more intense pain. The intense power of thunder and lightning was raging on his body, and it seemed to tear all his muscles, bones, and internal organs into powder dust. With the raging Thunder, its pain has increased several times.


Extreme pain!

This is a pain several times more severe than the first penalty.

Chen Zong clenched his teeth, and blood continued to seep from the teeth, resisting this extreme pain.

Indescribable, this pain is like tearing the whole person apart with the most violent force.

Immediately, the second red thunder shot down, about one half larger than the first, and the power it contained was much stronger.

When this thunder hit Chen Zong, Chen Zong's body shivered even more, and the pain was added again.

Then, the third thunder shot down again.

This thunder, Chen Zong did not feel the pain, it seems to exceed the limit.

But then, the pain was like a volcanic eruption that drowned Chen Zong.

Hold on!

In any case, it is the same.

Chen Zong has further felt that the assessment in this situation will not die anyway, because there is a mysterious force protecting it, but if it is unconscious, it means that the assessment has failed.

There are a total of three penalties on the three penalty platform. Now that I have carried the first one, I am resisting the second one. I must resist anyway, and I must not comatose.

My heart is like a sword!


This is an assessment and a kind of sharpening of one's own mind and will.

Second sentence: Sky Thunder!

There were three thunder bombers in total.

Generally speaking, most of the people who break into the sixth stage can only resist the first penalty, and will be unconscious in the second penalty. A few will pass the second penalty and enter the third penalty. The coma failed.

Third sentence: Skyfire!

The empty red thunder disappeared in an instant, Chen Zong had no time to breathe, and Wu Yun was rendered red immediately, spreading quickly, and the amazing hot breath also spread.

Fire fire fire!

Flames spread from the red clouds, burning wildly, as if everything was going to be burned to ashes.

In the blink of an eye, the flames continued to spread, becoming extremely fierce, with immense power, and heaven and earth were under cover.


Burning crazy!

It seemed to be too fierce and vigorous, and then a group of flames continued to fall from above, falling around the three penalty towers, and the fire was burning.

However, within a short period of time, flames were burning in the sky and the earth, and the temperature rose sharply. Chen Zong felt that he was going to be burned.

Under the sword, Chen Zong's body was broken and his wounds were everywhere. Under the thunder, Chen Zong's wound no longer had blood flowing out, because he was scorched by electric shock, and his body was covered with scary cracks. It shattered, like broken porcelain.

But Chen Zong's eyes grew brighter.



Under these two sentences, not only was not defeated, but, on the contrary, more tenacious.

Third sentence, come on.

Chen Zong is fearless.

This is sharpening!

Unable to defeat himself.

The sky fire spread, turned into a ball when shot down, fierce like a meteor fire and rain.

Boom boom!

A cloud of sky fire fell on Chen Zong, and it quickly spread and burned.

More skyfires fell, turning Chen Zong into a fireman ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ unable to struggle and unable to move, the pain was more than doubled.

The pain, even the extreme pain, continued to invade, making Chen Zong almost crazy.

At the same time, Chen Zong continued to support, his eyes became calmer and deeper, and between the vaguely, there seemed to be a ray of cold light condensing in the depth of his eyes. Fengrui.

The mind is constantly being sharpened, like a sword opening its head, gradually releasing an amazing sharpness.

Swordsman plus me!

Lightning strikes my body!

The fire burns my body!

Neither can shake his own will. Under this kind of punishment and pain, Chen Zong's spiritual will is more and more condensed, and gradually a change occurs.

Qualitative change!


The spiritual will is changing, and it is changing to a higher level.

There are also high and low levels of spiritual will. However, it is difficult to cultivate, and it is closely related to the individual's various behavioral experiences in daily life.

Suffering from pain is also a way to sharpen one's spiritual will, but who usually puts himself in extreme pain in peacetime?

No one will do that.

Only under the last resort, as now, to break through the sixth realm of this mysterious light, we must bear such pain and torture.

The sky fire kept falling, spreading rapidly from all directions, completely encased Chen Zong and burned wantonly, it seemed that Chen Zong would not be completely burned to ashes.

Fire fire fire!



Chen Zong seemed to have lost everything he felt, bearing it, silent.

It is not that Chen Zong really lost consciousness, but that his spiritual will became stronger and stronger.

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