Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 90: Practicing Swords with the Dark Lord

Chen Zong passed the sensation caused by the seventh realm of Miguang Realm, and gradually quieted down with the passage of time. Chen Zong also stayed in a cave house not far from the Mountain and Sea King Cave House, and practiced with the help of the strong vitality here.

Qianlong Baodan is about the size of a thumb and is light golden in color. It can faintly see a dazzling golden dragon film, which is extremely mysterious.

Take it!

When Qianlong Baodan entered the body, the vast and pure power was released, but it was not a direct one-time outbreak, but a slow release. The Baodan was gradually shrinking.

Chen Zong fully operated the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, quickly refining and absorbing the power of Nabaodan, in order to promote cultivation, combining inside and outside, and being more efficient.

Originally, Chen Zong felt that for more than nine years, he wanted to raise the cultivation to the ninefold limit of entering the sacred realm, but now, after taking Qianlong Baodan, he is 100% sure.

Cultivation is to be promoted, so are all other aspects, such as mystery and Taoism.

If possible, it is best to elevate Taoism and enlightenment to the extreme.

Once in the extreme, its power is not comparable to the approaching polar.

The half-step grand saints who are powerful in various combat powers basically have at least one sense of polar realm and corresponding extreme skills as long as the combat power can reach four stars.

Seven-star combatants, such as Shan Haiwang, have more than one kind of extreme realm, and they have more than one unique mastery.

In Chen Zong's closed practice, the mountain and sea king will not be idle, but continue to comprehend the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, even for himself who has reached this level, it is extremely difficult to further improve.

Cultivation is like sailing against the water. If you don't advance, you can retreat. If you can't improve, you can maintain the status quo.

Everyone is working hard, especially after Chen Zong breaks through the seventh realm, it seems that they have injected a powerful force into them, and let them rise again.

A junior into the sacred realm can do it, and there is no reason why these more powerful seniors cannot do it.

Although everyone knows that the difficulty of immersing in the light environment is closely related to their own cultivation, they are therefore inspired and fighting spirit.


For a time, there was a wave of cultivation on the entire island of Miguang.

In Dongfu, he felt that his cultivation was slowly improving, and without having to cultivate by himself, Chen Zong could focus on other aspects.

Qianlong Baodan is a rare encounter for thousands of years. If you take it at the level of sacred territory, its cultivation will gradually improve, and it will continue to increase with the passage of time, until the power of Qianlong Baodan is exhausted.

Chen Zong estimates that Qianlong Baodan's power is exhausted, and his cultivation may reach the ninefold limit of entering the sacred realm, even if it is not the limit, it can reach its peak.

In the beginning of the Taiyuan Sword Yuan Gong, it naturally operated, continuously absorbing the power of Qianlong Baodan, but Chen Zong's idea was immersed in Shenhai.

The sea of ​​gods is vast, as if there is no bounds. A figure sits in it, and the whole body is filled with boundless gray evil spirits. It waves like the sea and covers the side of Shenhai.

On the other side, there are four steles standing there. The stele appears gray and chaotic. It looks small at first glance, but it is inconspicuous at first glance, but at second glance it feels extremely tall, as if standing in the sky.

Heaven and Earth Stone Carvings!

It is four of the nine heaven and earth stone carvings selected by Chen Zong after crossing the seventh floor of Miguang Realm.

This is not the actual stele itself, but its projection, but even the projection also contains all the mysteries of the stone inscription, which you can learn at any time.

Chen Zong selected the first stone inscription, and the other three stone inscriptions seemed to disappear.

The darkness is empty, as if chaotic. Honghong is full, there is no up and down, no east and south, and everything is not clear.

Suddenly, a sharp edge of extreme light shone, as if the blade of a skyblade, the sharp blade of a sword passed across the sky, traversing the sky and tearing the darkness.

The light that was sharp to the extreme seemed golden and silver, and seemed to be changing at any time, extremely mysterious.

Chaos darkness was torn and opened in an instant.

At this moment, up and down, left and right, north and south, at this moment, there seemed to be blurred marks, and then gradually became clear.

As if the heavens and earth were opened up and formed a prototype.


The mystery contained in it is so profound that Chen Zong is completely immersed in it and forgets everything about the outside world.

The mystery contained in the heaven and earth stone inscriptions is the mystery of the heavens and the earth. Of course, there is a distinction and emphasis.

Like this heaven and earth stone inscription that Chen Zong now comprehends, the sharp light that tears the void and chaotic darkness contains an extreme sharp mystery.

These mysteries can be enlightened as a knife path for those who practice knives.

For swordsmen, you can learn about Kendo.

The sword was originally a sharp weapon.

For Chen Zong, it is not only the enlightenment of swordsmanship, but also the sword power of the early Taiyuan.

The archaic fragment found in the wild and secret territory at first, the strength and mystery contained in it, told him to successfully create the Taiyuan Sword Yuan Gong on the basis of the Great Xuan Yuan Jue, and the mystery and this stone carved many Similarities.

This is why Chen Zong did not hesitate to choose the first heaven and earth stone carving.

There is no doubt that he could not enlighten the four stone carvings at the same time. He could only choose one of them, and Chen Zong chose this one without hesitation.

The extreme sharpness, tearing everything apart.

Chen Zongping always pays great attention to the building of foundations and accumulation of foundations. Therefore, his foundations are extremely solid and his foundations are even more amazing. Even strong men like Shan Haiwang are not as good as Chen Zong in foundations and foundations.

With such a deep and majestic background, he can directly appreciate the precious treasures of the heavens and the earth, such as the stone carvings of the heavens and the earth.

This improvement is directly reflected in the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong and Kendo.

I do n’t know how long it has been in the past. When Chen Zong awoke from the enlightenment for a while, when his eyes opened, the light of the sword emerged through the sky, penetrating directly through the cave wall, leaving two straight sword holes, It is astonishing several meters, as if it is directly sending out sword air.

The dreadful sharp sword spirit moved around and seemed to cut everything apart.

Within the body, a force of perseverance fluctuated, making Chen Zong secretly pleased.

In the early days of the Nine Heavens!

Before the retreat, his cultivation was the peak of the eighth entrance to the sanctuary, which has not reached the limit. Today, it is the early stage of the ninth entrance to the sanctuary. The improvement is not significant.

Taking out the little treasures of watching time, Chen Zong found himself in retreat for a year.

In one year, it rose from the peak of entering the sanctuary to the early stage of entering the ninth stage of the sanctuary. This speed is really amazing. It also shows from the side that the preciousness of Qianlong Baodan is not known. I am afraid that those great forces in the world are madly fighting for it.

This time out of customs, just a little rest.

Soon, Chen Zong continued to retreat. This time, Chen Zong decided to completely create and master the 31st layer of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong.

Another year passed, and Chen Zong did not go out.

In the past six months, Chen Zong's eyes opened, and the Shenguang was sharp and intense. The whole body was filled with extremely amazing breath fluctuations. Each breath was cut like an invisible sword, and the void around it was torn apart. The shreds were shredded, and numerous sword marks appeared on the ground and in the cave walls, each of which was long and straight, and filled with amazing sharp edges.


The agitating force in the body became more powerful, as if the excalibur opened up, and it was indestructible.

Cultivation for the Nineth Stage of the Holy Land!

Taichu Jianyuan Gong 31st floor!


At this moment, Chen Zong feels his strength is very amazing.

When the exercises reach the 30th floor, they belong to the holy class, but as soon as they break through the 31st floor, they break the boundaries of the holy class and enter the ranks of superb products.

The gap between the best and the best is better than the gap between the best and the best.

It is totally two levels.

In short, those more powerful half-step saint-class powerhouses have broken through their original skills, while the more general half-step saint-level powerhouses may not be able to do so.

On the level of cultivation, the half-step grand sacred level did not actually exceed the ninefold limit of entering the sacred realm, but the power was more pure, but if the exercises broke the limit and advanced to a higher level, everything would be completely different.


Chen Zong can clearly feel that the power of the Holy Spirit in his body has at least doubled.

On the thirtieth layer of the Taichu Sword Yuan Gong and the eighth peak of entering the sanctuary, detonate the power of the magical force, and add the blood thunder blast secret method, you can display a one-star half-step grand holy level of violent sword.

Well, now the thirty-first layer of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong and the entry into the sanctuary of the ninth stage of the cultivation, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com if the detonation of the power of the spirit and blood thunder, the power of the world and the front line, what can be achieved level?

For a time, Chen Zong felt agitated and wanted to find an opponent to fight with all his strength for the last time.

Into the lost light?

The difficulty of the Miguang Realm is increased with the cultivation, and the difficulty of self-cultivation will increase a lot, and the difficulty of the Miguang Realm will also increase a lot. In addition to the self-cultivation, the promotion is also the beginning of the sword. The realm of Kendo has also been significantly improved, and it is stronger under the comprehensive strength.

Well, once again into the light.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong went out of the customs, and after speaking to Shan Haiwang, he immediately rushed to Miguang Realm.

Step into the light.

"Challenger Chen Zong, you have already crossed the seventh realm, you are free to choose the first realm to challenge." The voice of Mi Guangjing resounded.

"Seventh state!" Chen Zong responded directly.

His purpose is to test his strength at this time, and use this to sharpen himself. The black demon in the seventh realm is undoubtedly very suitable.

It was still a huge empty palace, and the figure of the dark demon appeared, got up, and walked forward.

The body shape of this black demon is still the same as before, but the breath fluctuations emitted from his body are more intensive, so Chen Zong affirmed that he has reached the level of one-star and half-step saint.

Chen Zong knew in the last battle that this was not the strongest stance of the black devil, nor was it the strongest.

Then ... fight!


The black demon obviously didn't remember Chen Zong. He strode forward, his breath was breathtaking and violent. This time it was not a high jump, but a low figure, like an ancient tiger coming straight. The punch blasted and crushed the void.

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