Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 93: Yin Yang Taoism

Lava valleys, thousands of volcanoes, rolling magma permeated with incredible heat and light, constantly erupting, higher than a while, high-pitched dragon yelling through the world, roaring into the sky.

A huge dragon spouted up from the crater, accompanied by endless magma.



The sky and the earth are rendered in full, and the incredible coercion pervades all directions.

A huge figure rose from the volcano to the sky.


The red dragon whose body length reached two or three kilometers, the huge body meandered in the void, and the coercion released by it was shocking and terrifying.

Looking at the huge figure, Chen Zong could not help but take a breath.

Fang Huicai's red dragon fire was so powerful that it reached the level of elite three-star combat power, broke the defense of Liangyi Sword Realm, and made Chen Zong realize the flaws of Liangyi Sword Realm.

The intention of Liangyi Sword Realm is yin and yang, but in the way of yin and yang, one's own understanding is relatively simple. Therefore, the true power of Liangyi Sword Realm has not been brought into play, so it will be broken and cause self-injury. .

However, compared to the previous two visits, it is obviously much better, at least alive, and there is a battle.


The giant red dragon's body meandered and coiled into the air, and the dragon's head descended, and suddenly uttered an explosive roar towards Chen Zong. The roar shook the sky, as if shattering the sky, and a terrifying sound wave suddenly hit, giving Chen Zong a kind of Feeling shattered.

On the 31st floor, Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong was urged to the extreme. A sword was waved out, and the sword light was continuous. Only then did the sound wave cancel out.

Immediately, I saw that the red dragon's giant tail suddenly slammed in the air, as if a mountain to destroy Yue, and then blasted into a fierce wind roaring, destroying and dying, so that Chen Zong's body swayed like the flame of a residual candle.

In the face of this blow, Chen Zong's complexion changed greatly, too strong and too strong, and, as a result of the shocking pressure, his whole body seemed to be bound.

Liangyi sword world!

In danger, Chen Zong once again performed this trick to defend the trick.

Black and white elements, endless loop.


Black and white were in a flash, and then they trembled violently, and cracks appeared, just like where suddenly something went wrong, as if the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an anthill.


Chen Zong was swept upside down all of a sudden, and his blood was not sprayed like money.

Fortunately, the Liangyi Sword Realm also blocked most of the power of the Dragon Tail's powerful strike. Otherwise, if the power of this strike completely fell on the body, it would directly explode, and the bones would not exist.


The red dragon roared again, giving Chen Zong no chance at all, and a blazing flame poured down again.


Chen Zong, who vomited more than he could not resist, could only be submerged and burned by the fire of the red dragon.

The King of the Sea and the Sea stood in the midst of the air outside the altar, his eyes twinkling, his heart a little hopeful and a little nervous.

This time, can Chen Zong break through the eighth realm?

Immediately, the portal opened, Chen Zong walked out, and the hopes of the King of the Sea and Sea could not help but extinguish, no light exploded, indicating that Chen Zong had not crossed the eighth realm.

However, the King of the Sea and the Sea also made several trips to the Eighth Realm, and knew deeply that the red dragon in the territory of the Eighth Realm was so powerful that Chen Zong could not cross it now, and there was nothing strange, but there was always a chance.

Chen Zong didn't say anything, his mind was thinking about the red dragon power that just had.

Showing only the dragon head and the red dragon appearing in the whole body, the strength is obviously different, the latter is more arrogant.

It's not easy to defeat him now.

How did the million star king do it ten thousand years ago?

Chen Zong couldn't help wondering.

Chen Zongke didn't know that thousands of years ago, with extraordinary talent and great perseverance, it took thousands of years to continuously understand the mysteries of the stone carvings of heaven and earth, and he died and smashed and polished himself , And finally barely defeated Chilong to break through the terrible dragon realm.

After returning to Dongfu, Chen Zong said to Shanhaiwang and re-entered the temporary Dongfu retreat.

This time Chen Zong is going to enlighten, not the first stone carving of heaven and earth, but the stone carving of heaven and earth that contains the mystery of yin and yang.

The black and white lines are distinct and round.

The black is yin and the white is yang, which contains the mystery of yin and yang.

In fact, the Tao of Yin and Yang can also achieve Taoism.

Chen Zong's idea is that if he grasps the yin and yang ideology and reaches the extreme, and then urges the two yijian realms, then perhaps the power of the two yijian realms can be fully realized.

It's as if the heaven and earth were motivated by the sword of polar realm.

In this way, the first line of the heavens and the world of Liangyi Sword should belong to different sword skills.

With deliberate understanding, plus the mystery of yin and yang contained in the last eight pictures of the twenty-four dragon and snake pictures, but in just three days, Chen Zong realized the meaning of yin and yang.

As soon as he appeared, this yin and yang Taoism reached an astonishing top class.

Most of the practitioners who begin to understand the Taoism begin with the lower-order Taoism, and then slowly realize it, transforming it into a middle-level or even a high-level, or even the top-level.

Of course, there are very few people who can transform Tao from the lower rank to the highest rank. Each one is either talented, has great chance, or has great determination and perseverance.

A few practitioners can directly reach the intermediate level when they come to the realization of the Tao, and very few can directly reach the higher level.

But once you realize it, it means top-level Taoism. There are very few, or none, in every era.

The yin and yang way itself is very unpredictable, and the chance that Chen Zong got is amazing, and his own understanding is extremely high. Under the combination of various conditions, he has created a very profound idea.

The top order of Yin and Yang!

Even if it's just a turn, it's amazing.


Keep enlightening!

Chen Zong learned that the twenty-four dragon and snake plans laid a solid foundation for himself.

Three days of enlightenment revealed the top yin and yang meaning, a turn.

In the past five days, the yin and yang meaning rose to two turns.

Ten days later, the Yin-Yang Taoism rose to three turns.

Three to four turns is also a big improvement. It takes a little longer, but it is only one month and four turns.

Five turns!

Six turns!

Seeing the mystery of the yin and yang on the stone carvings of that day, it continues to improve like a bamboo, as if there is no bottleneck.

Seven turns!

Eight turns!

Nine turns!

After a year and a half, Chen Zong came to the realization of yin and yang from the beginning to the ninth turn.

Above the nine turns, it is for the extreme.

But for the time being, his knowledge of the yin and yang road is only enough to quickly ascend to nine revolutions. As for the extreme environment, I don't know how much time it will take.

At present, there are five kinds of thoughts that I have mastered.

Top-level Taoism: Heart sword Taoism, Yin Yang Taoism.

High-level Taoism: Tianlei Taoism, Tianhuo Taoism, Tianfeng Taoism.

This kind of thought is amazing.

Among them, Heart Sword Taoism reaches the extreme, and the other four Taoism ideas are all nine turns.

It is not so easy to change from nine to the extreme, even if it is full of opportunities and superb understanding, it is not to achieve success.

Heart swordsmanship can reach the extreme, in addition to chance and understanding, Chen Zong himself has also paid a lot of effort and energy.

It is not easy for other Taoism to reach the extreme, especially the higher the Taoism, the more difficult it is.

Therefore, Chen Zong did not know when the yin-yang Taoism would reach the extreme.

Attempting to use the yin and yang ideology to urge the display of liangyi sword world to replace the heart jiandao ideology, Chen Zong only felt that there was a change in liangyi sword world.

It seems that it is less sharp and sharp, but it is more natural.

This change made Chen Zong's sword very comfortable, as if it should have been the case.

Chen Zong knew that he was right. Sure enough, it was the most correct way to use the yin and yang ideology to perform the two sword worlds. Although it was a skill in swordsmanship, the yin and yang ideology was more suitable than the heart and sword ideology.

It feels that the two yijian realms motivated by the nine-turn yin and yang Taoism have some gaps in direct defense, compared with the two yijian realms motivated by the extreme realm, but there are no gaps and changes. Being truly harmonious means that you can continue to improve.

One day, if the yin and yang Taoism also reaches the extreme state, the power of the two yijian sword worlds must surpass the level inspired by the extreme state sword intentions.

Presumably, with that power, you can really resist the burning of the Red Dragon's fire.

Chen Zong could not help but yearn for it.

Five years!

Before and after, I stepped into the island of Miguang. It has been five years since then, and my strength has been significantly improved and strengthened.

In the past five years, Shura has been practicing and has made great progress.

Not only did Xiu reach the ninth limit of entering the sacred realm, he burned Shura Gong a step further, creating the thirty-second floor, and his strength became more and more powerful.

"Regardless of the avatar, no matter what, my devotion to practice Qi is more than refining. I should let the practice of refining also improve, and be equal to the practice of Qi. The spiritual force so condensed will be stronger." Chen Zong secretly said.

After retreating for a year and a half, Chen Zong did not immediately enlighten others, but went out first.

The promotion of Taoism is important, but cultivation cannot fall.

My future is not limited to Miguang Island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although the Miguang Realm is very good.

"The source of Wuyuan is the mystery of Shenwu Tiandi, and the source of beast is the auxiliary body of refining." Chen Zong suddenly thought, "If I can get the source of Wuyuan, can I use this to assist the stone carving of Shenwu Tiandi?"

"Obtaining beast sources, can you use it to refine your body?"

If you can, you will undoubtedly save yourself more time and improve more efficiency.

Before, Chen Zong didn't have this idea because his strength was not enough.

After all, the fog source comes from the fog monster, and the strength of the lower fog monster has reached at least three-star combat power, even four-star.

Now, the strength of the deity and the avatar has been significantly improved. Under the joint effort, Chen Zong has the confidence to confront and even kill the three-star Mist.

Even if it encounters the four-star power of the fog monster, there is still a guarantee of life.

In the Sea of ​​Miguang, the Miguang Island of Miguang Island is undoubtedly a great opportunity, but the Fog Devil and so on are actually a kind of opportunity.

However, this kind of opportunity is different from Miguang Realm, and it is dangerous. It will die a little carelessly. Therefore, in most cases, few people will deliberately hunt and kill the Fog Monster.

Chen Zong's idea is not bold.

This point, of course, it is better to inform Shanhaiwang first.

"What!" The mountain and sea king suddenly startled, and immediately looked solemnly: "Little friend, I can't interfere with your decision, but at this stage, I suggest that you still don't go out and hunt the Mist. Fog source and beast source, I still have some inventory here for you. "

(The first one is offered first. Thank you for your support and concern. Let the Six Roads be updated in a hurry, take a good rest, and be full of love. Then compare the two that caused the six Roads to erupt, and say this Doesn't your conscience hurt?

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