Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 95: Demon Slayer

The strength of the Zhongpin Fog Source is several times that of the Xipin Fog Source. Not only can it be understood for a longer time, but its effect is more than doubled.

This piece of Chinese source of fog, Chen Zong applied it to the first enlightenment of heaven and earth stone carvings.

Although you have realized the yin and yang meaning and improved to nine turns, you have also learned about the three avenues of fire, fire and thunder, and further improved, but in terms of overall strength, there is actually not much improvement, just to make yourself more comprehensive.

With this, it is impossible to break through the eighth realm.

Those five fog sources can also be used for the first enlightenment of the first heaven and earth stone inscription, but Chen Zong is also very clear. Even so, he can't let himself break through again.

Therefore, it might as well be used to comprehend the mysteries of other stone inscriptions, and improve oneself more comprehensively. In the final analysis, what I have learned is not only for the purpose of exploring the light, but for the avenue.

The road is round!

Either way is very important to you, and you shouldn't make a big mistake.


Then enlighten and erupt.

When the power of the Pin Wuyuan was exhausted, Chen Zong learned a little more about the mystery of the first heaven and earth stone inscription. The 31st floor of the early stage of the sword was more perfect and truly stabilized.

"Based on my current practice, if you want to defeat that red dragon, either, the sword sword power in the early stage was raised to the thirty-second level, or the extreme state broke to the second level." Chen Zong secretly said about his own knowledge It is very clear. This is a summary obtained after many failed challenges, and it is very certain.

After breaking through the 30th level, each level of improvement requires self-creation, which fits with itself, and the higher the level, the stronger and more terrible the power. Therefore, the improvement of the 32nd level is definitely better than the 3rd level. Eleven floors.

Similarly, the thirty-second floor is more difficult to create than the thirty-first floor.

Chen Zongcai understood how amazing Shura's avatar was, but he deduced Burning Shura Gong to the thirty-second floor and mastered it by himself, but the deity had gained all kinds of opportunities to create the thirty-first floor.

This is a kind of innate difference.

No way, who made Chen Xiu cast a lot of pure evil spirits based on the mystery of Little Magician Vientiane Shura, which is called innate evil body, which is a very rare innate way, at least in the heavenly realm. in this way.

Owning the innate Tao is like the darling of heaven and earth. Once you practice the exercises and martial arts related to your own physique, its improvement will make people extremely jealous.

If the deity created the thirty-second layer of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, and his own strength has been significantly enhanced, by then, he should be able to fight the Chilong, or even defeat it and cross the eighth realm.

Or, realize that the extreme is secondary.

Shan Haiwang and Chen Zong have said that the extreme realm is just a collective name, strictly divided into three realms.

The first realm is called the extreme state, that is, the level that Chen Zong has now reached, but Chen Zong has only recently grasped it, and will continue to sharpen it to make it deeper.

The second realm is called the polar awn.

The third realm is called Glorious Glory.

The promotion of each realm is extremely difficult, and its difficulty is much more difficult than the creation of the exercises, but if it is improved, the increase in strength is also extremely amazing.

It is said that if you want to become the great sacred realm, you must first elevate the extreme realm to the third extreme, and then you will be eligible to bloom with endless glory.

For thousands of years, the King of the Sea and the Sea has been extremely poor, but he has only realized the polar world to the second level, and has not yet reached its peak.

Whether it's the 32nd floor of the early Jianyuan Gong or the extreme second, it's too difficult, but Chen Zong is sure, the only difference is time.

The mystery of the first heaven and earth stone inscription can shorten this time.

If there are a large number of fog sources to aid enlightenment, time can be shortened again.

Therefore, the fog source is important.

After all the fog sources are exhausted, Chen Zong still intends to hunt for the fog demon hunter outside Miguang Island. One is for the fog source, and the other can take the opportunity to sharpen himself.

Retreating alone is not enough. Fighting is also an excellent way to stimulate your own potential.

The combination of dynamic and static is the right way.

"That being the case, the old man will take a trip with you." Shan Haiwang said after a little groaning.

"This is too much trouble for seniors." Chen Zong was a little surprised and was immediately grateful.

The King of the Seas and Seas said that in fact, it is to give himself a bit of protection. After all, he is a strong seven-star warrior. In this mysterious sea, even if he encounters a higher-level fog demon, he can fight.

Fog Devil has more lower ranks, less median position, and few higher rank Fog Devil. As for the horrible Fog Demon, Shan Haiwang has been here for thousands of years, but I have only heard of it and never met it.

The King of Mountains and Seas accompanied him, and he could not reveal the avatar of Shura. He could only fight with his deity, but also added a guarantee.

When the decision was made, the two immediately set off for Miguanghai.

Shanhaiwang's Dongfu was originally located on the edge of Miguang Island. Soon it rushed out of Miguang Island and entered the Miguang Sea. It felt like it was falling from the clear water into the muddy water at once, and it felt a little uncomfortable.

Chen Zong quickly spread the divine thoughts, and finally fixed them at a radius of two kilometers.

It used to be a thousand meters, and recovery and consumption barely remained the same. In recent years, while practicing for ascension, the divine thought has also been improved. , But also achieved something.

The two-kilometer range is exactly where recovery is barely keeping up with the limit of consumption.

In addition to protecting Chen Zong, Shan Haiwang did not intend to intervene. He also hoped that Chen Zong could further improve and fight with the Fog Demon, which is a good method.

Chen Zong did not intend to stay away from Miguang Island at one go, but went deeper gradually.

Anyone who enters Miguang Island is eligible to live in Miguang Island, and will not be lost as soon as he leaves Miguang Island. There is a kind of induction in the mind with Miguang Island. Although this induction will gradually weaken as the distance increases , But always exists.

Therefore, the practitioners dare to leave Miguang Island and enter the Miguang Sea to search for the devil to kill and obtain the source of the fog.

Otherwise, you will not find Miguang Island as soon as you leave.

After a while, Chen Zong's divine thought felt an outrageous and fierce breath, and that was the mist demon.

In the sense of breath, the fog demon is very strong, but it does not bring a strong sense of crisis to himself.

Lower Mist!

A smile appeared on Chen Zong's face, and the speed accelerated, as if a ray of wind was killing the next mist demon.

Shen Yejian emerged from the sheath, and the dark sword light tore the void, killing the lower fog demon directly.

The King of Mountains and Seas was surprised, and Chen Zong even found the Fog Demon earlier than himself, it was incredible.

The battle started, and the mist was extremely fierce and extremely brutal. The sharp claws broke through to kill the mist and glare, and each blow seemed to tear Chen Zong into pieces.

Chen Zong's body is like a wind, with a subtle voice, to avoid the attack of the Mage Devil's claws, Shen Yejian swept out of the air.

Under the meaning of the polar sword, the sharpness of each sword is extremely amazing, and it has the ability to oppress the mind, causing a certain impact on the mist demon.

From time to time, like a thunderstorm, sometimes from the sky, the alternate appearance of the two sub-supernatural powers makes Chen Zong's body more and more elusive.

After some battles, Chen Zong also tried it out. The strength of this fog monster is equivalent to three-star combat power, and it is an ordinary three-star combat power, which is not yet elite.


Can be chopped!

When you are in the seventh realm of light, you are fighting fiercely with the black demon god. This is the case when the body cultivation is imprisoned, and you can only rely on your strength.

Nowadays, the practice of refining the body is still there. Although it is against the enemy with the strength of training, the arrogant physique also brings great benefits to itself.

Even if it bumps into the front of the mist devil's claws and falls in the downwind, there is no obstacle.

The sword air is vertical and horizontal, and the claws are spread in all directions. After a fierce battle, Chen Zong also found that during this period of cultivation, he has improved himself comprehensively, even if the combat power is less than three stars, but he must fight against the ordinary three star power. It is not impossible.

After all, the practice of refining the body is to reach the early stage of the mixed ninth heaven, and there is no breaking the golden body, coupled with the two instrumental sword world urged by the yin and yang Taoism, this defense is amazing, enough to barely resist the attack of the misty demon.

If you are still in the eighth realm, you may have a chance to break through.

"Then, take you to try my new trick." Chen Zongshi exhibited without breaking the gold body and Liangyi sword world, blocking the fierce offensive attack of the magic demon, his eyes burst into the extreme sharpness, and then the whole body diffused out. A violent breath of the sky wind turned into a squall.


For a moment, both Chen Zong's body and Shen Yejian seemed to turn away into a gust of wind.

The sword is like wind!

The first type: wind disease!

The swift sword-like gas instantly hits the misty demon, hitting the misty demon's body at an amazing speed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if an invisible rope, then the misty devil's body is entangled.

The second sword was shot, and the energy suddenly turned into a fierce rage, which was fiery.

Second style: fiery!

The sword gas was extremely hot, and the compressed power seemed to burst out in an instant. It was astonishingly fierce, crushing everything, and directly bombarded the Mist.

And that misty demon, was just entangled with the wind-like sword air for an instant.

It only takes a moment.

A fierce sword, the mighty power is amazing, making the mist monster's body tremble suddenly, volleying back, the body trembling endlessly.

In fact, these two swords did not cause much damage to the Mist, but they were only a prelude, disrupting the rhythm of the Mist, making the Mist's body hard to react at the moment, for the final killing.

The third type: wind and fire hit the sky!

Shen Yejian was instantly put into the scabbard. Chen Zong stood in the void, his figure was low, and the strong wind of the wind and the fire of the sky entangled the whole body. The blue and red were intertwined, and eventually poured into the scabbard. , Condensed on the sword.

An outrageous terror, brewing, condensing, and erupting in a scabbard.

The King of Mountains and Seas not far away stared, his face was a little dignified, he keenly felt that there was a terrible force gathering in Chen Zong's scabbard, just like a volcano accumulating magma. Once it erupts, the power will be amazing .


Chen Zong's left foot suddenly stepped forward, rushing forward, Shen Yejian carrying the power of Wanjun, transformed into a force of the fusion of wind and fire, like the magma erupting from the ancient volcano, from the scabbard instantly They gush.

With a sword, Shi was shocked.

(The shoulders and neck are not comfortable, the condition is not good, the code time is longer than expected, I ’m really sorry, I ’ll bring it first

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