Sword God

Vol 28 Chapter 98: Battle of Dragon Slaying (3)

The dragon itself is a high-end bloodline and powerful presence.

This red dragon has a huge body and powerful strength. The scales of the dragon are extremely tough and the defense is extremely amazing. Even if it is the frontline of the world, although it can break its defense and cause damage, compared to the large size of the red dragon, this damage It seems a little slight.

His body moved by the wind and turned into a thunderous thunder. Chen Zong seized the opportunity and shot a sword again.

Fenghuo Three Swords!

The first type: wind disease!

Second style: fiery!

Chilong is extremely large, and every sword of Chen Zong can hit it.

The third type: wind and fire hit the sky!

The sword of Xeon erupted into an astonishing mighty power that instantly shattered the void, like a torrent of magma erupting, directly bombarding the wind and fierce attack.

Boom boom!

A series of blasting sounds continued to blast, the dragon scales were blasted, and the tough film was also blasted away. The strength of the wind and the wind and the fierce force of the wind should be combined inside and outside, wantonly destroying the red dragon's body.

However, Chilong's body is extremely strong, even if the power of Fenghuo Three Swords is amazing, and the subsequent destructive power is terrible, it is difficult to cause much damage.

When the power of Fenghuo Three Swords completely erupted to the extreme, Chilong's body suffered several wounds of several meters in size, but the depth was only about one meter, which is insignificant for Chilong with a length of more than two thousand meters. .

Chen Zong's heart sank suddenly.

This body type!

This kind of defense!

how to spell?

Indeed, with all of his current strength outbreaks, it is enough to fight Chilong, but it is only one battle. Chilong's body is huge and amazing, and his defense is terrible. It is simply a model for practicing Qi and practicing body training. Chen Zong finally realized some of his previous opponents' feelings.

After all, in the outside world, your own cultivation is unlimited.

In the face of a powerful opponent such as Chilong, at least, his strength must be above the opponent, and he is expected to defeat it.

At the same level, at best they can only compete.

Is this time to fail again?

If it fails this time, when will it pass?

Judging from this situation, even if Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong breaks through to the 32nd floor and the strength is improved, it is estimated that this Chilong cannot be defeated.

Unless it was the beginning of the 33rd level of Jianyuan Gong, it was too difficult. The more difficult it is, the higher it is, the more difficult it is to practice.

Of course, if you make a breakthrough again and step into the semi-holy level, maybe it will be much easier to create the thirty-second layer, and even the thirty-third layer will not be so difficult, but the problem is, If one's own practice breaks through to the half-step grand sacred level, the strength of this Chilong will also skyrocket.

Chen Zong estimates that, either, Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong was created to the 33rd floor, or the heart sword Taoism broke through to the extreme two, and even added the Taichu Jianyuan Gong to the 32nd floor. Big hope beheaded Red Dragon.

After all, the difference between the power of the polar extreme and the polar extreme is not clear. Chen Zong is not clear and can only estimate it by himself.

not much hope.

Consuming dozens of fog sources, it took several years to fully understand the mystery of the heaven and earth stone carvings. So far, the sword of polar realm is still the first, and the second is far away.

Chen Zong also knows that this is a state of limitation.

Now that he is at the level of entering the sacred realm, he can grasp the meaning of the extreme state. From ancient times to the present, there are extremely few. It is simply impossible to promote the extreme state of consciousness to the second level at the level of entering the sacred state.

It seems that there is no way to break the situation.

After repeated wounds, although the injury was very small, Chilong was furious and his body shook. Suddenly, a fiery red light gushed out from under the dragon scales and turned into a raging red flame. The violent power was as if destroying everything around him.

Chen Zong also had to step back temporarily.


The huge dragon tail swept across the sky, as if it could sweep thousands of mountains and mountains, extremely fierce and extremely powerful.

With a single blow, it collapsed the world, suffocating Chen Zong, and the void around him seemed to be blocked by repression and solidified to the extreme.

The sword fingers were scratched, tearing an invisible mouth, and Chen Zong suddenly turned into a ray of sky wind, and avoided the fierce blow of the dragon tail.

The huge dragon tail swept across fiercely, the wind that rolled up the violent extremes was erratic, and the burning red inflammation burst out an astonishing high temperature that destroyed everything around it.

Chen Zong felt as if he had been raged by the wind and burned by the fire. It seemed to be blown into an oven and burned continuously.

The sky is windless!

Into a gust of wind shuttle.

The sky in the perfect state is phaseless and extraordinary.

It was dangerous to avoid the blow of the dragon's tail, just before the sword was killed. Suddenly, a dragon claw shot down in the air, as if the sky was collapsing, sending out an incomparable terror.

It seems that it is swaying in the ten thousand feet of rapids. The sky wind has no form of body to the extreme, and the moment it is about to shuttle from the gap, the claws of the dragon suddenly change. escape.

Lei Guanghuan!

Suddenly, Chen Zong erupted into an astonishing speed and immediately bypassed him.

However, this dragon claw seems to be as distant as the mountains and rivers. Even if Chen Zong's speed erupts, he can't see the end. It seems like the sky is falling down and suppressing.


Wrap around!

Finally he got rid of the dragon's claw, but oncoming was a fiery blast of flames, the extremely high temperature, as if the world was incinerated.

One blow from the dragon tail, one blow from the dragon claws, and one blow from the fire of the Red Dragon.


A sword is killed, and the world is at the front. The astonishing sharp sharply splits the fire of the red dragon, and rushes against the fire of the red dragon.


The old technique was repeated, and Chen Zong broke through the sword again, stabbing Chilong's left eye like a meteor month by month.

Only this time, the Red Dragon seemed to be on guard. The huge dragon's head suddenly slammed and brought a strong storm. The dragon's whisker slammed like a whip, sending out an astonishing force, and blasted to Chen Zong.

The dragon must have a length of more than ten meters, and the power of the moment was astonishing. It seemed to be able to break the hill.

This blow was really unexpected by Chen Zong.

It seems that every place on and off the red dragon's body can become a sharp weapon to attack.

Increasingly difficult.

Chen Zong finds Red Dragon difficult to entangle, Chen Long also finds Chen Zong difficult to entangle, his body is fast, very flexible, and his sword is sharp and sharp, which can hurt himself, and it is difficult to kill him.

The red dragon danced in the sky, a subtle figure became uncertain, and rushed to kill with a sword.

Endless fighting.

The red dragon wants to kill Chen Zong, and Chen Zong wants to kill the dragon with a sword.

This is a battle of life and death.

Chen Zong was very dignified.

In this battle, you must repeatedly erupt the power of Lingwu to truly counteract the Chilong. However, the power of Lingwu is not endless. After all, you have not cultivated Lingwu to perfection. After the outbreak, you will consume it and have no time to recover.

Furthermore, even if you give yourself time to recover, you cannot recover because of the relationship between cultivation and imprisonment.

Once the power of Lingwu is exhausted, he cannot compete with this red dragon.

In this way, you can only take a risk.

When the decision was made, Chen Zong no longer hesitated.

The body skills alternated and appeared again at the dragon's head. Jian Feng pointed directly at the left eye of Chilong. His sharpness surpassed the limit under the belief and mind of Xeon.

This seems to be a sword in a boat.

Chilong only felt that his left eye seemed to be pierced, and that sharp edge made it feel threatened.


Heaven and earth line!

This sword was cut and killed, but after being cut down, it was changed to thorn.

A stab in the volley, incorporating all the power of the heavens and the earth into it.

In the past, Chen Zongshi's frontiers were slashed with one sword. Rarely as now, a sword was assassinated. The sword awn turned into a bit of cold star that was more subtle than rice grains.

A sword stabbed directly at Chilong's left eye.

But Chilong already felt threatened when it was impossible to be assassinated.

However, this sword is just a false move, and although it has good power, it is still to confuse Chilong and open the way for subsequent moves.

Magical Power!

Blood thunder species of perfection level ... explosive!

In the past few years, Chen Zong has cultivated to a complete state in the past, and the blood thunder species condensed are overbearing. Once detonated, he will explode with an incredible power immediately, increasing his own attack power.

Shen Yejian became blood red under the infusion of the power of the explosion of blood thunder, faintly like a blood-like lightning bursting through the sky, and the world was under this sword, eclipsed.


To the extreme ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Furious to the extreme, in that sword, the power of terrible destruction is condensed.

The mystery of the world and the earth, the power after the explosion of the blood thunder species, erupted to the extreme at this instant.

After all, the blood thunder species was condensed out by himself, and when it detonated, it had some impact on himself and was uncomfortable, but Chen Zong resisted this discomfort and blasted out the Xeon sword.

This sword, its power directly across three stars, reaching the level of ordinary four stars.

This sword refers to the right eye of Chilong.

The first sword to attack the left eye is extremely strong, which confuses the red dragon, and then the second sword is stronger to attack the right eye.

The eyes are considered to be the weak point of Chilong, which is weaker than the dragon's body and is more likely to be injured.

This sword was completely beyond the expectations of Chilong, and it was extremely fast, so fast that it couldn't be avoided.

It was just the subconscious eyelids falling, but although the eyelids were tough, they could not stop the sharp and violent sword.

Like a broken bamboo, the eyelids penetrated in an instant, and under the force of extreme violentness, the long sword stabbed into the right eye of Chilong.

Compared with Longan, this sword looks very subtle, but its power is very terrible. It not only directly destroys the eyeballs, but also continuously assassinates them. It seems to completely pierce the head of Chilong.

It hurts!

As if the severe pain of the torn soul caused the Red Dragon to be violent, making an indescribable roar.

Suddenly, there was a dragon's mouth, and an astonishing suction broke out, and Chen Zong was irresistibly pulled.

As the long sword was pulled out from the right eye of the red dragon, a burst of blood spewed up, and the blood spilled into the sky. Chen Zong's entire body was completely unresisted and followed that amazing suction, quickly falling into the open dragon mouth Among them, it disappeared as if falling into a black hole.

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