Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 4: 1 Sword Town (1)

The icing on the cake!

Difficult to send charcoal in the snow!

Today's Shuramon is swayed by the wind and rain, on the brink of disintegration. It's good that others don't step on it. Where else will come to join Shuramon to endure this disaster together.

This Chen Xiu has inherited the predecessors of ancient Salomon, and knows that the current situation of Salomon can be ignored and has a better future.

After all, Shuramon and ancient Shuramon belong to the same source, but to a certain extent, they are not the same.

But the other party still came.

This was a kind of gratitude that made the door owner and the five elders grateful. They immediately called everyone who was still in the door to gather outside the hall.

This is to let Chen Zong know everyone, and also to let everyone know Chen Zong. Another point is to let the disciples in the door know. Now, there are still people who have joined Shuramon, indicating that there is hope for Shuramon.

Even if it is only a false hope of self-deception.

Soon, two disciples, including guarding the mountain gate, were also called over.

Dozens of figures in front of him, not many, Chen Zong glanced at it, the total number was only 30 or so, including the door owner and the five elders, less than forty.

Think about the time when King Gusura was there. Gusuramon was extremely strong. All the people up and down added up to more than 10,000. Where is it now? Just two or three kittens.

Not only is it far from being in quantity in comparison with the period when the ancient Shuramen was strong, it is also far worse than repairing.

If the cultivation is the highest, it is naturally the gatekeeper, who is sevenfold into the sanctuary, followed by five elders and six into the sanctuary. Then there are five elders, and of course there are elders, two elders, three elders, and four elders.

However, the elder was not seriously injured and was being retired. The two elders, three elders and four elders died. Only one elder was left at the elder level.

Below the elders, there are deacons. At present, there are three left, and they are revised to the triple and quadruple levels of the Holy Land.

All the rest are disciples.

Among these disciples, the highest one is the one who enters the sacred realm, and the lowest one is the extraordinary one.

This is all the disciples and strengths of Shuramon now.

Sure enough, it was desolate, and it was completely like a run-down to the small martial arts.

When I heard that this extraordinary young man in a white robe turned out to be a new disciple of Shu Luomen, all but the doorkeeper and the five elders were all stunned, one after another showing an incredible look, shocked .

It's almost like encountering something eternally strange, incredible.

As the people of Shuramon, they were very clear about what happened to Shuramon. Without leaving, they had already had a deep feeling for Shuramon. How could anyone join.

With them, I don't know if I can stick to the last moment, and where to talk about joining Shuramon, it's like dreaming.

But this young man in white robes looks nothing like a man with a broken brain.

Does the other party have other plans?

Perhaps this is the only reason, but there is still something else for Shuramon worthy of others to plot.

The strength is not to be taken seriously, and the weak is not afraid.

"I once had the inheritance of the predecessor of ancient Salomon, and it has a connection with that." It's just not that detailed.

Upon hearing Chen Zong's words, the disciples suddenly felt relieved and thought about it, with some admiration.

Of course, they didn't believe it at all.

Everything, leave it to time.

After all, if the other party really has any intentions, the elders and the doormen need to take action. They are disciples who are attentive but weak.

Chen Zong seemed aware, and looked up, not long.

"Everyone is here, but it saves me a bit of effort." A sound of jokes suddenly sounded. Immediately, two arrogant breaths drove towards the sky, and two figures rushed directly into the sky above the hall, standing high. Looking down.

These two are one old and one young.

The old goatee has a thin cheek, bright eyes, and a smile on his face. There is a tinge of cold and cold air around him, which melts into the wind, making the already cold wind even more cloudy. Cold, passing by.

The young man was a young man with a gray-black robe, his hands shrunk within the wide robe sleeves, and his face also looked like a non-smiling expression, similar to that of the goatee. His eyes were dark and implied. Mang, the whole body is also permeated with a trace of cold and cold breath.

Chen Zong saw the cultivation of the two at a glance.

The cultivation of the old man and the goatee was to enter the sanctuary in sevenfolds, just like the Lord of Solomon.

And the young man ’s cultivation was tripled into the sanctuary.

At this age, the triple cultivation practice of entering the sacred realm is considered to be quite outstanding, and it can be included in the ranks of geniuses. Of course, there is still a big gap with the peerless Tianjiao.

"He Baiming, what are you doing here again?" The five elders suddenly angered, the robes agitated in the wind, a pervasive breath permeated, the anger was rolling, and the other side locked the other side.

But the elder goatee didn't care. His cultivation was sevenfold in the sanctuary, and the five elders were only sixfold in the sanctuary. It wasn't a arrogant person who could leapfrog and challenge him. It had no effect on him.

One of the real threats is the elder of Shuramon, who has been hit hard today, and all the martial arts of Tailo Mountain know it.

The other is Lord Suramon, but it is also the seventh place to enter the sanctuary. It is not easy for the other party to deal with himself.

Besides, the martial art behind him is much stronger than that of Shulman.

Listening to the words of the five elders, it seems that this person is not the first time to come, and look at it, it is not good intentions.

"Of course, when this elder comes, there are important things to discuss." He Baiming smiled with a yin smile: "This is my disciple Chang Wei. This time, this is my disciple who intends to borrow your monk's Dasha Shugong. , Of course, not borrowing for nothing. "

He Baiming's words immediately made everyone glared.

Dasha Shugong!

That ’s what, it ’s the current practice of Shuzong ’s Zhenzong, and it ’s the only holy-grade top-notch training in Shuramon.

Borrowing Dasha Shugong, this is the root of Shuramen.

At that time, all the mysteries of Dasha Shugong will be known, spread and become undefended. At that time, when people who practice Dasha Shugong practice with others, they will often be targeted, and their strength is afraid of It ’s hard to make it out.

"Dasha Shura Gong is the Zonggong method of this town, and is not borrowed." Shen Luomen said in a loud voice.

"I'm going to fix this exercise." Chang Wei smiled coldly, his eyes filled with dim light, and a breathtaking coldness rose instantly. He wanted to borrow the exercise, but it was true, because he was going to draw Xiuluomen. The essence of Dasha Shugong blends into itself and further improves itself.

As soon as the words came out, the sword was tense.

Disciples of Shuramon glared, but felt powerless.

"This is what happened, isn't the elder too late?" Suddenly, another voice sounded, and a figure flew in the air.

According to normal circumstances, to go to the main hall of a sect gate, usually walk up from the mountain gate to show respect.

Of course, if it is a powerful half-step great holy level strong person or great holy realm supreme strength, when it will come directly, others will have no opinion.

But now that this apprentice and those who are appearing are all in the level of the sacred realm, they are coming directly into the sky, and they do not put Shuramon in their eyes at all.

I have to say that this is a sadness.

The overbearing breath was filled with an astonishing blazing heat, as if the invisible flames were burning. The astonishing enthusiasm swept through the sky and covered the sky, pouring down from the sky, it was amazing.

Enter the Holy Land Yae!

This is a strong man who has entered the sacred realm. He who has practiced the fire attributes has a breathtaking breath, which makes all the people in Shuramon look dignified. It is even harder for a disciple to support.

Lord Solomon and the five elders released their breath to cover the crowd, only to greatly reduce the pressure on them and not to fall to the ground on the spot.

Lord Solomon's face was dignified.

The eight-fold cultivation for entering the sacred realm is similar to that of the elder of Solomon, but the elder suffered severe damage.

"Elder Gale, visit this door, what is the so-called thing?" Lord Shulomen said in a deep voice.

"Of course there is something, or do you think that the elders will run to your place where the bird doesn't **** in a hurry." The elder of the gale said lightly, but the words were not polite, he directly devalued the blow and shook his hands. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then a piece of animal skin paper appeared: "This is your credentials that Shuramon owed me to Paramount, a total of 1,000 Tianyuandan."

"Waffle!" The five elders suddenly yelled.

"When did Shuramon borrow a thousand days of Yuandan from Bailiemen?" The master of Shuramon sank, his eyes burst into a strong and sturdy air, and his arrogant breath swept out to lock the elder wind.

"According to the doorkeeper, did you intend to settle the bill?" The elder Feng Lie had a smile on his face, and then sank, full of anger, as if Shuramon had actually settled his bill.

"I guess the current Shuramon, I'm afraid I can't take out the one thousand days of Yuandan." He Baiming suddenly smiled: "In this way, I'm a middleman, looking at my He Baiming's face, Bailiemen for the time being a grace period Time, however, Dasha Shura Gong lent it to my disciples for half a month. "

Lord Solomon, the five elders, and his disciples shook with anger.

The actions of both were robbers.

One is Zhenzong Gongshu of Xiuluomen, and the other is created out of nothing, and one thousand Tianyuandans are to be taken from Xiuluomen.

They are all wolves, tigers and leopards.

These people are powerful themselves, and the martial arts behind them are even more incomparable than those of Shuramon today.

Chen Zong has not spoken, but observed silently.

You have to work for Shuramon, and you also need to see if it is worth your effort. Now Shuramon is turbulent, but if you do n’t have even a little aspiration, it ’s like you do n’t have a spine. stand up.

This kind of martial arts, even if it is no matter how much effort it is, it is just doing useless work. In the end, after leaving, it will also fall down, and it will also be suppressed constantly. In the end, it is inevitable to understand the fate of dispersal.

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