Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 7: 1 case in 1 sword town (4)

(Little sister-in-law occasionally pretends)

Purple Thunder fingerprints!

The gale bursts!

Suddenly, Chen Zong faced a joint attack by two sacred powers who were in the sacred realm. The power was amazing. Such powers did not dare to resist even during the heyday of the elders.

On the other hand, Chen Zong had the same look, and still looked like a light cloud.

Shen Yejian slowly lifted up, leaning in front of him, wiping his left finger on the ridge of the sword gently, and scorching hot on it, the breath of breath spread away instantly.

Skyfire Taoism!

When the left-hand sword finger was wiped to the tip of the sword, the long sword trembled, and it moved out instantly, and the sharp blade crossed the sky.

The sword gas, like the arc of a lingering moonlight, was razed sharply, tearing everything.

This sword is still not a trick, it is just the power of burning Shura Gong plus the power of Tianhuodao.

In addition to the astonishing evil spirits, the burning of Shura Gong is also incredibly hot. Only with heat can it be burned.

The two blend together, and the power is even stronger.

A sword, at the moment when it came into contact with Purple Thunder's fingerprints and the strong wind burst, it immediately split it, killing Lei Lao Gui and Elder Wind in the air like a bamboo.


One sword, assault two sacred yae powerfuls.

Lei Lao Gui and Elder Wind were inescapable. At the same time, they were slashed and quickly retreated. They only felt the blood surged, and the astonishingly hot and hot gas kept invading the body. It seemed to destroy the internal vitality.


The two realized this person's difficulty.

Without saying a word, Lei Laogui turned directly into a thunderbolt and flew away.

After seeing Lei Laogui leaving immediately, the Elder Feng Feng hesitated a little and then left quickly.

In the face of a very difficult person who is not sure how to deal with it, stay, just to humiliate himself.

In addition, Shuramon, who was on the edge of extinction, suddenly appeared such powerful disciples. It was by no means a trivial matter. He must return to explain this matter and deal with it.

In the blink of an eye, all the wolves and strong enemies of Suramon left, and they did not leave after seizing the wealth of Suramon ’s exercises, but were forced to leave.

This is undoubtedly an extremely exciting thing in the eyes of Shulumen's disciples.

"Okay." The five elders laughed, showing the excitement inside.

While the elder was excited, pulling the injury, he could not help coughing again and again, but his heart was very uplifting.

Lord Solomon was of course very happy.

Fighting back the powerful enemies seemed to inject a new force into the stormy Shuramon congregation, giving them a sense of dependence.

"Mr. Chen Xiu, this is the elder of the door." In addition to excitement, Lord Shulu Men immediately introduced.

"The old man's words are not fair." The elder introduced himself, then coughed again.

"Meet the elders." Chen Zong salutes.

"Dare not dare." The elder flickered away, and did not dare to accept Chen Zongyi. After all, Chen Zong's demonstrated strength was better than himself.

"Mr. Chen Xiu, I have two questions to ask." Master Shu Luomen stared at Chen Zong, his eyes glowed brightly, and Shen Sheng said.

"The host, please." Chen Zongzheng responded.

Everyone was staring, wondering what kind of questions the doorkeeper would ask.

"This time, I relied on my little friend's shot to repel the strong enemy, but this is only temporary. Maybe it won't be long before there will be more strong enemy. By then, it will be more detrimental to the little friend." Lord Shuramon solemnly said: "So, I want to ask my little friend if he is still willing to stay. If he is not willing, he should leave as soon as possible, only to have a chance in the future, and hope to continue the legacy of Shuramon."

"I will leave one day, but definitely not in this way." Chen Zongbuxubuji responded, each word was full of shocking determination, his eyes were brilliant, extremely sharp.

"That being the case, I will ask the second question, your strength?" Lord Shuramon asked again, this is also a question that everyone cares about, and all eyes are on Chen Zong's face.

At least for the time being, Chen Zong is the hope of Shulomon.

"Into the sacred realm, it is difficult to find an adversary." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, but every word he uttered contained an amazing spirit.


This is an amazing determination and conviction.

If there is no corresponding strength, what is said is not only self-confidence, but also false.

Whether a person is lying or arrogant, can actually be seen, especially for those who have rich experience and sharp eyes, they can see more clearly.

Lord Solomon and the elder can conclude that the other party did not lie or boast.

Instead, it is based on a deepest belief in the heart.

The elder and Lord Shulumen secretly rejoiced.

If Chen Xiu has invincible strength in the sanctuary, no, he does not even need to be invincible in the sanctuary, as long as he has the strength to enter the sanctuary limit, then this time, Shuramon should have a greater possibility to preserve it.

Immediately, the door owner and the elder looked at each other, nodded secretly, and seemed to have reached some consensus.

"All the disciples listened well, and now the master is about to announce a major news." Master Shuramon's eyes were full of threats, and he swept slowly, his voice was low and strong, very powerful, and everyone stood upright with a straight look.

"Chen Xiu's ancestors have inherited from his predecessors and have a connection with this gate, but this gate is swayed by storms. He could have stayed away from the situation, but sent charcoal in the snow, bringing hope." Shuluomen's condensed voice Xu Xu said: "Chen Xiu's young friends are powerful , Is better than the master, if it is a disciple, it is not appropriate. "

"Therefore, after the master agreed with the elders and the five elders, Chen Xiu was appointed as the second elder of the door, and the five elders were referred to as the three elders." Lord Shulumen solemnly announced.

Chen Zong stunned slightly, but did not object.

Indeed, it is not appropriate to be a disciple of Shuramon with his own strength.

As for the eldership, it may be just right.

No one has any objections to this.

"See the second elder." The three deacons and a disciple saluted Chen Zong, and Chen Zong accepted it frankly.

As an elder, it would be more convenient to revive Salomon. After all, the elders' powers are not comparable to those of their disciples.

Since Chen Zong stayed, and became the second elder of Shuramon, he was making progress together with Shuramon, and the strength was so great that it made everyone happy.

The three deacons and a disciple left with excitement and a hint of hope.

Chen Zong entered the hall with Lord Xiuluomen, the elder, and the three elders, and successively took their seats.

"The two elders, the only ones, were from Yinhemen, Bailiemen, and Lei's house," said the doorkeeper directly. "They are all elders of their respective forces who are first-rate and powerful, but they are not the enemies of the two elders. "

"How powerful are these three forces?" Chen Zong asked.

"In the territories of Tailo City, these three forces belong to the medium, and the strongest in the gate are the nine limits to enter the sanctuary." The five elders ... No, it should be said that the three elders said.

Immediately, we will explain the levels of the various forces in Tailo City.

In general, each power can be divided into four levels: inferior, intermediate, superior and top.

For example, Shuramon now belongs to the lower class, and in the lower class, it is weaker. After all, before Chen Zong's arrival, it was already the edge of disintegration.

At the middle level, at least one strong man who has entered the ninth limit of the sanctuary must sit in the town.

As for the first-class forces, there must be a half-step sacred power, no matter how many stars.

As for the top forces, it is even more amazing. The half-step big holy class powerhouse in the town must have at least four-star combat power.

The ancient Solomon was once the top force and the strongest force in the territory of Tailo City, and it was also a powerful force ranked in the Taixuan Realm.

Today, its position within the boundaries of Tailo City has been completely replaced.

The top power that replaced the ancient Solomon's status, named Tianluozong, is also the only top power in the territory of Tailo City.

With the decline of the ancient Solomon, the overall strength of the terroir is also declining. Now, it is not as good as thousands of years ago.

There are three first-class forces below the top forces, one of which is located in the city of Tailo, for the Dragons.

The other two top forces are located in Tailuo Mountain, namely the Burning Heart Gate and the Daluomen.

"Burning the heart door." Chen Zong heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the elder who was coughing, his face became paler.

"The elder was injured by the one who burned the door." The three elders exasperated.

"What is the strength of the strongest inside this burning heart?" Chen Zong asked.

"The heart-burning gate is a superior force. There are two half-step holy sage-level strong men sitting in the town, one with one-star combat power and one with two-star combat power." The doorkeeper Shen said.

No matter whether it is one-star or two-star ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is not comparable to the current Shuramon.

Just entering the ninth limit of the sanctuary is enough to crush the previous Shuramon.

However, if the two elders are really hard to find rivals at the level of entering the sacred realm, then to some extent, Shuramon can also be included in the middle power.

Chen Zong did find a lot of news from Tianyinglou, but it was directly related to Xiuluomen. As for the others, he didn't know much.

Take this opportunity to get a good understanding. At least you must first understand everything to be able to revive Salomon more systematically.

When the host and the three elders told all the information about the territories of the Tero City, He Baiming, Lei Guigui, and Elder Feng Feng successively left and returned to their respective martial forces as quickly as possible.

Inside Yinhemen, the master of Yinhemen listened to He Baiming's words, his eyes suddenly burst into a dark light.

"You mean, a young disciple left behind by Shuramon has the power to beat you?" The doorkeeper's tone was full of doubt.

"Master, let me tell you the truth." He Baiming said quickly, to be honest, he can also understand the doubts of the master, after all, there are only a few masters of Shuramon. One is still seriously injured, but now a master suddenly emerges Still a younger generation, or left behind and now returning.

It sounds unreliable no matter how you listen.

The master of the Yinhemen groaned immediately. He felt that He Baiming would not lie, either it was a fact or there was something hidden in it.

But no matter which one, the owner of Yinhemen thinks that this is not ordinary, maybe it will be a change.

Then, wait and see what happens.

If there are any masters, then other forces, especially the Heartburn Gate, will not sit idly by.

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