Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 21: Unfathomable (2)

The black palm prints cover the sky, as if the sky and the earth are included in it, covering everything and covering everything, there is nowhere to avoid.

The wind disappeared in an instant, not stopped, but in the palm of the hand.

The power of Da Luozhang urged by the force of ten percent is even more amazing.

Chen Zong's voice also sounded.

Very plain and gentle, like a ray of wind blowing in the nothingness, and a ray of cooking smoke in the setting sun.

But it seemed to be immersed in the void and passed into everyone's ears, which was surprising and stunned.

What is "only those strengths?"

Could it be that the other side still has hidden strength?

In the early days of entering the sacred realm, the cultivation was able to cut and kill the limit of entering the sacred realm, which is already very amazing. How can there be hidden power.

Is it a bluff?

Still relying on it?

do not know!

But soon we can see.

Just moments later, Chen Zong's body cultivation soared in an instant.

In the early stages of entering the sacred realm!

Entering the Holy Land in the middle of Yae!

Entering the Holy Land of Yae!

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

It turned out that this person's cultivation was not the early stage of entering the sacred realm, but more advanced, but he had always suppressed his own cultivation before, and only confronted the enemy with the beginning of the sacred realm.

Is arrogance?

Still ignorant?

Thinking about it a little bit is scary.

In the early days of the Nine Heavens!

Only momentarily, Chen Zong's Xiu made breakthroughs.

Originally, Chen Zong planned to suppress his own cultivation. While reviving Xiuluomen, he also took the opportunity to sharpen himself.

Red dust is like an oven, refining your body and mind!

Practice exists everywhere.

However, the arrival of the two and a half step sage-level strongmen from Daluomen and Fenxinmen disrupted their plans and only revealed their true cultivation.

Entering the middle of the holy realm!

The late stage of the nineth stage of the Holy Land!

Soaring all the way.

Nine-fold limit to the sanctuary!

Chen Zong's practice finally stopped at the Nine Limits of Entering the Holy Land.

It was said that time was later, but it was just the flash of light, flare, and Chen Zong revealed the real state of cultivation.



This is true for all.

Who would have expected that the people who had looked at only the early stage of entering the sanctuary in the eighth stage of the sanctuary had their true cultivation as the ninefold limit of entering the sanctuary.

The minds of the burning heart and Da Luomen were chaotic and difficult to accept for a while.

Da Luozhang still shot, approaching Chen Zong.

Xiu showed up completely, but Chen Zong still did not use the early sword sword power, still borrowing the power of Shura's avatar.

The 31st floor burned Shura Gong.

This kind of power is not much different than the deity's Taichu Jianyuan Gonglai.

Kendo meaning!

Polar world!

Suddenly, Chen Zongyi sword was killed.

The overwhelming divine power and superb Kendo accomplishment made it easier for Chen Zong to grasp the flaws, or weaknesses, in the opponent's martial arts.

Da Luozhang is not perfect.

Everything in the world is perfect after all.

In the final analysis, this half-step great holy-level strongman of the big roman is just a one-star level, and he has never mastered the consciousness of the pole. It belongs to the lowest level among the half-step great holy levels.

However, the land boundary of Tailuo City has fallen for thousands of years, and it has already fallen from a good level to a lower level.


When a sword is killed, the sword light seems endless, and each sword contains amazing changes and amazing skills.

Infinite Promise Sword!

Constantly being perfected and promoted by Chen Zong, a series of swords, is a defense strategy, weakening the power layer by layer.

Infinite One Sword is an attacking and killing method. Wanjian is classified as a one-shot kill, breaking the enemy's offense or defense. The world line can be said to be an extension and strengthening of Infinite One Sword.

As for the Promise sword, it is the evolution of skills. Each skill is a kind of skill. It is best at change, but also best at finding flaws and waiting for opportunities.

If the breaking of the infinite sword is a strong attack, then the breaking of the infinite sword is a search.

Previously, the level of the infinite infinite sword was not high enough, and it was not so obvious, but now, with Chen Zong ’s swordmaking attainment rising and the heart of swordsmanship reaching the extreme, his power is much more powerful.

There are thousands of swords, but they are all illusory. Suddenly there is a solid point on the palm of Da Luo.

Da Luozhang paused for a moment, then collapsed as if it was a dyke.

The strong man of Da Luomen was completely stunned.

how can that be?

It was the sacred palm of the sacred-grade high-grade martial arts that was motivated by his own strength of 10%. He also cultivated it to an extremely high level, which has already been completed.

This palm out, even the half-step big holy class strong man who can burn the heart door can not be so broken.

What a clever swordsmanship is this?


"It's tricky, join hands." The Burning Heart Gates watched. Although the spectator was also shocked, he was more awake. He instantly spoke and immediately awakened the half-step holy-class powerhouse of Da Luomen.


The violent blazing atmosphere and the horrific atmosphere of the net exploded together, and the two immediately shot one after the other, killing Chen Zong from front to back.

The strong man who burned the heart gathered a crimson to extremely dazzling red mane with one finger, and slightly trembled with his fingertips. Then, a finger broke through the sky, and his finger penetrated the void of heaven and earth, like the opening of heaven and earth by the thunder. Shot towards Chen Zong.

A hot and irritable breath spread in all directions, and everyone in the distance raised an unspeakable feeling, as if the heart was very uncomfortable, irritable, and unable to keep calm.

For practitioners, the loss of calmness means that they cannot better control their own power, and it also means that they lose all judgments around them, which is very deadly in battle.

Burning the Heart Gate's Gongfa martial arts is so mysterious, unless it is a person with a strong mental will, otherwise it will be affected more or less and reduce the exertion of its own strength.

However, this kind of hotness straight to the soul has no influence on Chen Zong in the slightest.

The tenacity of Chen Zong's mind and will is completely beyond imagination.

The big Roman King's strong one blasted again. This hand is no longer the Big Luo palm, but the Big Luo collapse sky palm. It is the holy martial art of Da Luomen.

The explosion of one palm not only suppresses the void, but also contains an extremely powerful force of terror, as if it can collapse and destroy the sky.

At this point, he no longer has the idea of ​​catching the other person alive, and he wants to kill it.

Alternatively, it is better to break it into a severe injury and then disable it. It is better to capture it, as long as it is still alive, you can force a secret.

Especially now, it is possible to play half a step of the holy level with the cultivation of entering the sacred realm, and I don't feel any secret treasure.

In addition to the extraordinary talent, there must be other secrets.

For example, his practice of Gongfa swords and so on, etc., to get these, but they are all great resources and details.

Burning heart bones!

Big Luo Bengtian palm!

These are all holy martial arts with amazing power.

Facing these two styles of killings, Chen Zong's expression did not change half, and still seemed calm.

Similarly, Chen Zong also suppressed his strength at a certain level.

One-star and half-step great holy combat power!

In this way, one enemy and two are used to contend with the two men and use them to sharpen their swordsmanship.

With a sword in hand and virtue of superb swordsmanship, Chen Zong was able to resist the attack of the two with one enemy and two.

A series of swords emerged, with layers of swords spreading out, like mountains and mountains, and swirling like Jiuqu flowing water, weakening all attacks and eventually offsetting them.

Or, under the sword of Wuji, he immediately found the flaws in the opponent's martial arts and broke one by one.

"Close!" Da Luomen shouted suddenly, half a step, and the sacred figure suddenly flickered, with an amazing power, and quickly approached Chen Zong.

The half-step sage-level strongman who burned the heart door was swaying in shape, flashing three times, and approaching Zong.

Go for melee!

They didn't know that close combat was what Chen Zong was best at.

Chen Zong also allowed them to get near.

The ten-fingered hands of the heart-burning strongmen pierced through the void with their ten fingers, each finger condensing the horrible manic atmosphere that made the heart burn, and the fierce rage that seemed to be able to crush and melt a bone.

Instantly, Chen Zong was covered by dozens of blood-red finger guns.

The big Roman player shot, and his palms fainted with dark awns. The black awns pierced the void like countless fine spikes, and blasted Chen Zong from all directions.

They are also good at melee combat.

Good at good, who is better?

All eyes widened.

Close combat is even more dangerous, because an oversight will be hit, immediately wounded or even killed.

Facing two one-star half-step sage-level powerful men ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong suppresses his own strength and uses this pressure to sharpen himself.

Mind Body Sword!

With a sword in hand, it starts from the heart, moves from the intention, passes through the arms of the body, and finally comes out with the sword.

How difficult it is to integrate the four stages.

Even a kendo master like Chen Zong, who just touched the threshold, could not really get started. Most of the practitioners had not even realized this, let alone took the initiative to sharpen it.

The two strong men who burned the heart and Da Luomen became more and more frightened as they fought. Each of them was very powerful and contained skills, but they had been tempered for thousands of years. Even a simple blow is equally subtle.

But in this way, they were completely resisted by the opponent with one sword.

Even as they battled, they gradually discovered that not only were their offensives resisted, but also a feeling of being dragged by the other side.

It is as if the opponent sees through his attack intention and can respond in advance, and the opponent's counterattack often hits the weakness in his attack.

Chen Zongyi sword waved, the sword light passed around like an arc, directly crushed the attack of the two, and immediately picked, a lightly described sword, but the strong man who burned the heart door had to avoid to the left .

But a touch of Jianguang did not know when the assassination came, as if waiting for him there.



Everyone in the distance was stunned and shocked.

How could it be so!

How can there be such people in this world.

It is impossible to imagine, directly subverting their knowledge and cognition for hundreds or even thousands of years.

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