Sword God

Vol 29 Chapter 30: Control of Miguang Island


The surging force burst forth, like a tide of endlessness, surging and mighty.

That power turned into a storm. It seemed to be able to destroy everything when Chen Zong swept around. Chen Zong had a feeling that after the power was unblocked, it seemed to break the original limit.

The original limit was the ninefold limit for entering the sanctuary.

Breaking through this limit is stepping into the level of a grand step.

As long as Chen Zong is willing, now, he can push the boat to break through the water and become a half-step great sacred power.

However, the violent breath that was about to break through in one instant, then, became stable, stabilized one after another, and restrained into the body.

Jing Qi Shen was completely unsealed, and his strength was completely restored, but there was no breakthrough.

Chen Zong didn't want to break through.

A breakthrough is a good thing, but if the breakthrough is based on a more solid foundation, the increase in strength after the breakthrough will be more amazing.

At the beginning of the Taiyuan Sword Yuan Gong was already the pinnacle of the thirty-first floor, and further, it was the thirty-second floor.

And the thirty-second layer of the early sword Jian Gong is undoubtedly much stronger than the thirty-first layer. Chen Zong is sure to break it in a short time. At that time, it will break through to the half-step grand sacred level, and the increase in strength will be The more obvious it will be.

"Senior Hua Ji, I don't know what is the chance to break through the ninth realm?" After Chen Zong's restrained breath, he asked.

This, I keep thinking about it.

"Hold it." Without a gesture, with the sound of Hua Ji's voice, a light appeared in front of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong held it and turned it into a rectangular black-gold token with the imprint of the sky and the earth on it. Just looking at it, there was a real feeling, as if it were a world of heaven and earth, very real.

"This is it?" Chen Zong was curious, feeling that the token seemed to contain endless mysteries.

"This is the Eternal Heaven and Earth Order. It is a token left by one of the three main warlords of the Eternal War Fortress. You can use this token to enter the Eternal War Fortress as a conscious body. For you, It is a huge opportunity. "Hua Ji said lazily," If one day you can become the so-called great sanctuary of your world, you are eligible to enter the void of the universe. At that time, you can rely on this order to receive Let ’s go to Fort Eternal. ”

Hua Ji didn't explain much, but made Chen Zong's look more dignified.

Eternal Castle!

It sounds very strong.

Subconsciously, Chen Zong thought of a previous adventure and couldn't help but say: "Senior Hua Ji, who is stronger than this eternal battle fortress?"

Chen Zong's words suddenly called Hua Ji's lazy attitude swept away, his eyes flickered with unparalleled brilliance, and when the brilliance came out, the world was bleak.

Chen Zong's body was unconsciously tight, and he felt as though he had been thoroughly penetrated. This feeling was extremely thrilling.


It is too powerful, and the gap between you and yourself, I do not know how much difference, such as the difference between Tianyuan.

From Hua Ji's tone, Chen Zong can hear the other side's contempt for the Great Holy Realm Xeon, that is, the level of the other party may surpass the Great Holy Realm of Lingwu Holy Realm.

This feeling of being completely clear, just flashed by, and Hua Ji returned to a lazy look.

"You actually know the Mind Heaven Palace, it seems that there have indeed been good opportunities." Hua Ji Wei smiled: "In the cosmic void, the Mind Heaven Palace is the topmost existence, and the eternal battlefield is also the topmost existence. However, the eternal battlefield is still a bit inferior to the Xintian Temple. "

For himself, the amount of information is a bit large, and Chen Zong simply dared not think deeply.

That's amazing.

At the same time, an indescribable excitement and excitement pervaded my heart.

It turned out that the world outside was so vast.

It turned out that he still has higher and more pursuits.

The great sanctuary is but the starting point of the cosmic void powerhouse.

Chen Zong also asked some questions about the Eternal War Fortress, but Hua Ji did not say more in detail.

"Now that you have crossed the ninth realm, then my mission is complete. I hope to hear your name in the void of the universe in the future." Hua Ji finished, her body quickly faded, and the sea of ​​flowers around her disappeared.

Everything goes back to chaos.

Immediately after, a message came into Chen Zong's mind.

At this point, Miguang Realm will be completely under the control of Chen Zong, and Miguang Realm is actually the core of Miguang Island, and Miguang Island is the center of Miguang Sea.

This was left by the Lord of Heaven and Earth many years ago, just like a seed. As long as someone crosses the ninth realm, he can get the eternal heaven and earth order, and enter the eternal battle fortress with the body of consciousness.

Chen Zong sank into his heart. Suddenly, chaos pervaded, and a skull-sized gray crystal suspended in front of him.

This is exactly the core of the lost light environment.

Chen Zong's divine thoughts merged into the core, and suddenly spread at an astonishing speed like lightning and lightning.

It's just that it covers the entire Miguang Island, everything, all under monitoring, is extremely clear.

The power of divine thought is still spreading, and getting farther and farther, Chen Zong saw the broken islands, as if the stars were densely scattered on the vast and vast sea, saw countless fog demon and fog demon, saw Many monsters lurking on the bottom of the sea also saw many practitioners lost in the sea of ​​lost light.

A sense of control, spontaneous.

Chen Zong feels that he can transfer any practitioner in Miguanghai to Miguang Island.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong couldn't help trying it.

Suddenly, I just felt that the power of my divine thought was rapidly consuming.

In Miguanghai, a three-star powerhouse is marching cautiously. He has strayed into Miguanghai for almost a hundred years. His luck is not bad, but he is often in danger.

Suddenly, an overwhelming force came and shrouded it, unable to resist, and then, as if traveling through time and space, the next breath appeared on a scenic island, with fresh air, rich and pure vitality.

This is a long-lost feeling for a century.


However, Chen Zong did not bother with the other side, but felt for a moment that his own divine power was consumed by a third.

It seems that even if you control Miguanghai yourself, you can't use this ability wantonly.

After all, the power of divine thought is consumed.

Next, Chen Zong made another attempt to lock in a two-star powerhouse and transferred it to Miguang Island again. This time, he consumed less spiritual energy.

After trying it, Chen Zong discovered that the power of divine thoughts to transfer people from Miguang Sea to Miguang Island is directly related to the strength of the other party and the distance from the Miguang Sea.

But relatively speaking, the distance consumes the power of divine thoughts more subtly.

With all the power of my current thoughts, if you fully explode, you can transfer a five-star powerhouse to Miguang Island. If it is close, it will be easier. If it is far away, it will be a bit reluctant.

Then, transferring people from Miguang Island to Taixuan Realm, etc., also consumes their own divine power.

Hua Ji's predecessors are unpredictable in strength, and the power of his mind is inconceivable, and it can be easily done naturally, but he is still too far apart, or not.

After the power of divine thought was restored, Chen Zong made another attempt. This time, the target was not the practitioner, but the mist demon.

Find a lower fog demon that is not far away from Miguang Island, and instantly transfer it to Miguang Island. The power of devotion is similar to that of a practitioner with the same level of combat power.

As a result ...

Chen Zong's eyes became brighter.

Perhaps, you can use this ability to kill the Mist Demon and even the Sea Beast, so as to obtain the Mist Crystal and the Beast Crystal, which can help you better practice.

Now, let ’s restore the power of divine thought.

When the power of divine thought was fully restored, Chen Zong began to calm down.

In front of them, stone carvings emerged.

Heaven and Earth Stone Carvings!

A total of nine.

Chen Zong already knows that these nine heaven and earth stone carvings were hand-made by the masters of heaven and earth, and the subtleties contained in them have reached the level of the world's great sanctuary.

The feeling of facing the nine carved heaven and earth stone carvings directly differs from the feeling of imprinting in Shenhai.

It seems clearer and more real.

The eight heaven and earth stone carvings disappeared, leaving only the first one in front.

Chen Zong stared at the lines above, calmed down and realized.

This time, in order to perfect the exercises, create the thirty-second layer of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong, and then break through the practice and enter the half-step grand sacred level.

As soon as one step into the grand holy level, there will be significant improvements in all aspects of itself.

The half-step saint, that is, in the heavenly realm, can truly win the word of the strong. As for the great sanctuary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is called the most powerful.

At least in this world.

As soon as he realized it, Chen Zong immediately noticed the difference.

I felt that the engrave of the heaven and earth before enlightenment seemed to be separated by a layer of tulle, but now it is very real and clear. The effect of enlightenment is completely different.

The difference is at least double.

The double enlightenment effect is undoubtedly amazing.

Chen Zong is confident that in a very short period of time, he can create and perfect the thirty-second layer of Taichu Jianyuan Gong, master it, and then break through.

Time passes slowly.

The people on Miguang Island did not know that Chen Zong returned and broke through the ninth realm. Because movement was restricted, Chen Zong did not want to spread out so soon.

Everything, wait until your strength breaks through again, and then deal with it.


Countless mysteries suddenly permeated from the stone carvings of that day, spreading in Chen Zong's mind, combined with Chen Zong's previous accumulation, a little bit turned into inspiration, and the aura of light suddenly appeared.

The mystery about Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong also emerged continuously, like a wave of tide.

The breath on Chen Zong's body is also constantly undulating. A trace of sharpness spreads out like an invisible sword, cutting the void around him, as if tearing it, leaving traces of invisibleness.

This sharp breath has continued to strengthen with the passage of time, becoming more and more amazing.

Suddenly, when the sharp breath reached a height, a slight pause, the next breath, as if breaking through a critical point, surged again, becoming more and more intense and amazing, as if nothing between the heavens and the earth can resist, Terrible and terrifying.


Taichu Jianyuan Gong 32nd floor!

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